“I will,” said Hugo, the VP, and he came over from the staircase.
“Will anyone stand for the accused?” Danny said, and he waited. Many shuffled their feet, but no one moved. “No one? No patch holder will stand? Jay, doesn’t there need to be at least one to stand with him?”
Angel stepped forward. “Only to serve the purpose of the tribunal, I’ll stand with him.”
Danny nodded. “Then it’s as you say, and do what you can.”
“Yes sir,” Angel said, though obviously not happy about the request.
“Danny, I saw him!” Crash pleaded. “So did Yvette. Tell them, Yvette!”
Bev looked for Yvette, who was standing more or less alone behind the gathering crowd with her fists pressed to her mouth as she bawled. Bev got up from the stool and went to her. She was in so much pain, she couldn’t ignore her, not with this going on.
Yvette was shaking her head violently from side to side and pressing her fists so hard into her teeth when Bev got there that she was afraid the woman might draw blood.
Danny’s eyes met Bev’s as she put an arm around Yvette and held her. Was that a look of warning? Of anger? She didn’t know, and at this moment, she didn’t care. Yvette did have someone to stand for her, and Bev wasn’t leaving her side.
“Crash,” Danny said. “You fail to understand so many things. They are right in front of you and you fail to see them. All you see is your hate. You have no sense of brotherhood at all.”
Then Leo lifted his voice so that everyone could clearly hear him. “I know exactly what you saw, Crash. The middle of the day, the possible bag of coke. Nomar on the other side of the motorcycle. I will address this once. Only once, and I will hear no more of it! Not only do I know about it, I was there! So was Hugo! We watched our plan to gather information. Leo did what he did because I told him to do it.”
Danny sighed. “As it happened, the plan was a failure, and I have apologized to Leo several times for putting him through that with nothing to show for it except opening the wound he carries — like all of us — for Woody and Emma.
“But for you, Crash, that wasn’t even a possibility. No. All you saw was a chance to hurt your brother. All you saw was a way to cause more pain and more strife. So I will hear nothing about what you saw, from anybody, ever again. That is my shame, not Leo’s. And if any of you hold Woody and Emma’s memory dear, then you will not speak of this to anyone, not even amongst ourselves, for fear or loosing another chance at reprisal.”
Nods and voiced promises came from around the room.
“Good. Now, Angel, I believe it is your turn,” Danny said, and stepped back.
Angel stepped forward, his face a mask of concentration, and Bev could see his fingers were shaking slightly. From the look in his eyes, they were probably shaking with rage.
When his voice came though, it was clear, and even passionate. And Bev realized that he really was going to give his position his best shot.
“Crash has spoken out in the past. Yes. Normally when he’s emotionally charged. He has said some hurtful things at these times — but who hasn’t? Who, in this room, while enraged, or in pain, or hurt the way only love can hurt, has not lashed out and said something they knew they shouldn’t have?”
Crash eyed the room, and he boldly looked at the trio. “No one? Not a single man or woman in this room has done exactly what we are bringing to Crash’s door?”
Angel paused, and took a breath. “Because the truth is, Crash has broken no code. The truth is, he is an asshole, and since coming out of prison, he’s been a serious asshole, but never has he broken a single code. Not once! I defy anyone to name a code that Crash has broken!”
Again he searched the room and boldly met the tribunal’s eyes. “Again? No one? This man, our brother, is being held like an animal, and he’s broken no code, and though an asshole, who probably needs some serious help, has done nothing more than anyone else in this room has admittedly done.”
Angel finished, and then he turned away from everyone and walked out into the night, and he stood there in the cold air.
“Hang on, baby,” Bev said, squeezing Yvette a little with her arm.
Yvette shook her head. “It’s not over,” she whimpered.
Danny nodded his head and stepped forward again. With a further nod he said, “No, Crash never mentioned any names. So, he never actually broke the word of the code. He said, ‘My partner in this crime is tall, with brown hair, green eyes, a stupid spider tat on the side of his neck, rides a blue Lowrider, and he hangs out in a club bar, in rural Lakeside.’ But, no, he used no name.”
Chuckles and laugher broke out throughout the room.
“When he was told that his lawyer was there to sit with him during questioning, he said, ‘Makes a better fence.’ Result? Jay faced possible disbarment for nine months during an investigation which tore his life apart for that whole period of time. But Crash did not mention his name.
“Crash did not mention the name of this club bar, but they didn’t seem to need to know the name. They came here, and for almost a year, they harassed, prodded, and searched everything they could. I personally was investigated by the alcohol bureau commission. My liquor license was nearly lost, which would have been a cost to the club of more than the million invested in that one piece of paper. But, Crash broke no word of code.”
Danny took a few pacing steps, and then said, “Angel asked very good questions, and did a fine job for Crash. When Angel looked me in the eye and asked me his questions, I felt doubt. I really did. I began to wonder at the trueness of this tribunal, and at the trueness of my own motivations over the last few years to push Leo to have it.”
He stopped his pacing and looked around. “Yes, I too have bad days, and yes, I too have said things in anger, or in pain, or in emotional turmoil, that have hurt and even maimed my brothers and sisters in this club. But afterward, when I recognized what I did, I said I was sorry, and I sought to make amends. Whether those amends were a beer at the bar and a few moments of time to assure my brother or sister than I really did not mean to harm them, or to be there when that brother faced a dark mile so I could ride with him, I did my best to earn back his respect.
“What I did not do,” Danny said, turning back to face Crash, “is to go home and devise new ways to continue the pain, increase the mayhem, and bring my brothers down even further.
“Hugo gave me a sheet not long ago which listed the financial damages done to members of this club as a direct result of Crash’s actions. The total is over one million. The damages he saw were mostly time taken to deal with audits and investigations, lawyer bills, and loss of income due to loss of business.
“Crash is not unaware of these damages, but no one on that list has been offered any type of amends or apology.”
Danny took in his breath and let it out. “So, as a member of this tribunal, I say no, I do not see a brother before me.”
It took a moment, and it obviously caused Hugo some pain, but he said, “Nor I.”
Jay was quicker but just as distressed when he said, “Nor I.”
“Oh god, no,” whimpered Yvette, and Bev held her tight, both of them in tears.
Danny nodded, and he looked at the men holding Crash. “So be it. I feel that simple banishment is enough. Remove his patch and get him on his bike. Crash, you have thirty days to move out of our territory since your apartment is in downtown Lakeside. The consequences will be harsh if you fail in this or if you return. Get him out of here.”
They dragged Crash out of the door, and only the choked wails of Yvette followed him.
Danny turned his attention on her. “Yvette?”
She looked at him like a doe looks into the headlights of an oncoming truck.
Danny didn’t wait for a verbal response; it was obvious he had her attention. “If you leave with him now, it is too symbolic. I’m sorry; you’ll be banished with him. But I like you, and I can’t think of a single member who doesn’t. So, I’m asking
: Let him leave alone. Anyone in this room will let you ride behind them to follow him home as soon as he hits the road, but please, let him leave alone.”
The sound of hits and angered pain came from outside through the glass as three men took Crash’s colors, leaving him on the blacktop in the process. Then they hauled him to his feet and got him on his bike. Crash’s bike started after another kidney shot to urge him on. He seemed to wait, though, even with the punches urging him to take off.
Yvette wailed and ran for the door, and then stopped and ran back to Beverly’s arms. “Why am I staying?” she screamed, “He can’t come back here!”
Then Crash’s bike roared to life and shot out of the parking lot and onto the road.
“Tell him that we held you back,” Beverly whispered. “Tell him we said he had to leave alone. Now, come on. I’ll ride you home.”
She held Yvette close all the way outside as sobs wracked her body. Two other sisters came to her, telling her to call them, that they would come get her any time. They told her they could also help with the move if she wanted. They were honestly concerned.
Yvette got on the back of the Lowrider, and she held Bev tight as she started the engine and left the club.
Chapter Eleven
“Even after all of that,” Danny said, slightly amazed and after the door to his office was closed, “I almost couldn’t do it.”
Hugo looked over at him as he leaned against the wall near Danny’s desk. “I know what you mean. It had to be done, but I know exactly what you mean.”
“That was the problem,” Danny replied. He showed his age as he slowly sat down in his chair. “It wasn’t called because Leo here wanted it called. It wasn’t pure. Crash stumbled into our plans, and because of his own personality, he had to be removed. The tribunal was a sham, really. Crash had to be discredited and put down so hard that no one would give what he said a second thought.” Danny nodded to himself and looked at Hugo. “That’s why it feels so wrong.”
Hugo grunted agreement and looked to Leo. “So, what now?”
Leo got more comfortable in the chair and said, “I’m back in there on Thursday. I’ll have more freedom of movement than I have had. I’ll spend more nights at home, at least, and a few days. But really, it will be more of the same.”
“What do you see in Crash’s future, shaman?” Danny asked Leo.
“I don’t know. We just took the last shreds of restraint from him. It had to be done, I agree, because of the public level of his actions. However, while we have controlled the fold, we have unleashed the wolf. The rumor will not spread, but Crash has even more grist for his mill.”
“What can he do?” Hugo said has he spat.
Danny looked at him. “He can go to Nomar Vasquez and tell him the story. He can name Leo as our man, and Leo’s life will be violently and very painfully ended.”
Hugo was aghast by this possibility. “But, no, but how could he? Oh shit.” He looked at Leo. “How can you safeguard against this?”
“I don’t know if I can, but I am certainly in too far to stop now. They know where I live, who I see — I have to show up Thursday. There is no question about that, or all is lost anyway.”
“Who you see … yes,” Danny emphasized, with a sad smile. “Perhaps not the best timing there.”
“In my experience, it has never been good timing,” Leo countered.
“In your experience, were cartel death squads involved?” Danny pressed.
“No, not so far. And I am praying I’ll be able to say that two weeks from now,” Leo admitted. “How goes the short list of men for the drop?” Leo asked, changing the subject.
“So far, it consists of Hugo, Preston, Jonny Vargas, and Angel. That’s five. I need five more, if what you suggested was true.”
“Then you definitely need five more,” Leo assured him.
“Should we, like, I don’t know, keep an eye on Crash? Or something? Realizing what he is capable of now really has me nervous about this whole thing,” Hugo said. He looked at Leo. “I mean, hell, you and I have never been close, and you rub me the wrong way more often than not, but … shit. I wouldn’t wish this on Crash, for crying out loud.”
Leo rubbed his temple with his right hand, “There’s no way we can have men watching Crash’s movements without adding credence to his claim and starting up what we just finished putting down. Besides, he could just call. He doesn’t have to go over.”
“There’s got to be something we can do. This is too fucking important,” Hugo said, crossing his thick arms and looking even more brutish than usual.
“There is,” Leo assured him. “There is, and we’ll come up with it. Probably not tonight, since not one of us is thinking as clearly as we should, but soon.”
“What is your biggest threat right now with the Vasquez situation, setting aside the possible workings of Crash?” Danny asked.
“A man named Ernesto Morales. He’s an enforcer who by blood is very close to Nomar. A cousin, if I read things right, by his mother’s sister. Ernesto doesn’t like me. I scare him. He didn’t like my tricks of observation. I not only set him on edge. It gave him the unshakable belief that I was there to do harm to Nomar and the cartel. Nothing, not even Nomar ordering him to stop, has deterred him from digging further and further into my life.” Leo added, “I may require a sanction on him.”
Danny drummed his fingers. “A sanction to break the guidelines and kill him, you are saying.”
“Yes,” Leo told him calmly.
“Perhaps a red herring will work? Give him a scent to follow, and let him run until his heart bursts?” Danny asked.
“Possibly,” Leo agreed. “He was in Lakeside on Saturday morning, searching for me. As luck had it, he found me as well, at the farmers' market.”
“Wow, that’s some bad luck, bro.” Hugo laughed softly in amazement.
“Extremely tenacious, then,” Danny mused.
“Extremely, with rather low intelligence. Dogged and literal. A dangerous combination to go up against with red herrings.”
Danny met his eyes and sighed. “I see your point, yes. It is difficult to tantalize the imagination of a man who has no imagination.”
“Yvette,” Leo suddenly sighed with a small smile.
“Yes? What about her?”
“She’s close with Bev. In fact, I’m sure she gave Bev the heads up about tonight just before I got over there. Bev told me that Yvette caught her up on the Woody and Emma story, and going over the short conversation, I believe she was attempting to reconcile me with the idea that I was working for Don Vasquez.”
“Really? And she came riding in here with you anyway?” Hugo asked, duly impressed.
“Yes.” Leo smiled at him. “Apparently I passed the test, whatever it was. More importantly, I think Yvette will keep Bev informed with what Crash is up to. Bev told me they talk every day on the phone, sometimes more.”
“That sounds promising. Yes,” Danny agreed. “At least we won’t be completely in the dark.”
“So,” Hugo started hesitantly, “you’re thinking about bringing Bev in a little on this? I mean, so far, how often has she relayed to you what she and Yvette and have girl-talked about?”
“Not at all, except for what I believe was a feeler earlier tonight. Bev — well, I don’t think she’s the type to mix friend streams much, unless the friends in question do it as well. She’s not a gossip at all, I’m afraid.”
“But when she was given something like the Vasquez matter,” Danny said, “she talked to you about it. Yes, indirectly, and while keeping the faith with Yvette, but she did come to you. I think if she were told that Crash was going to harm you or the club with actions Yvette witnessed, Bev would tell you. On her own.”
“If it is the club, she may come directly to you. After all, I’m just her boyfriend; you’re her president,” Leo pointed out.
Danny explored that idea with a warm smile. “Did you see her? With Yvette while the tribunal was going on? I tried
to give her a warning shot, a glare, to encourage her to distance herself from Yvette. She gave me one right back.” He chuckled. “She might as well have shouted at me that Yvette did have someone to stand by her, and that someone had a knife.”
Hugo joined him with the humor. “She did look fierce, I’ll give her that.”
“I think there’s more than looks there, and Leo, I would give serious thought before cheating on her.” Danny laughed. “Very serious thought. Not saying anything, just pointing out some bloody obvious facts.”
“Thanks for the advice, but I’ve already been warned, more or less, by her.” Leo grinned.
“Have you noticed how she wears her knife?” Hugo asked, more subdued.
“On the left, yes,” Danny agreed.
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