As hard as it was to leave him, I had no idea how much time I had left. I knew I wouldn’t be able to tell anything discernible about my sister’s condition even if I did try to peek in on her, so I choose to focus on my mother next. Please show me my mother, Anne Everett.
As soon as the thought entered my mind the image pulled back and raced at blurring speed across town, coming to rest inside some sort of medical facility. My mother was sleeping, lying in a hospital bed with her left leg elevated in a cast. She had a butterfly bandage above her left eye and a large scrape on her cheek like she’d hit her head against the ground, or maybe the windshield. The end table next to her bed was overflowing with flowers and cards. She looked a little gaunt, but that could just have been from being laid up in the hospital with their god-awful food. Even without any idea what had happened to her, I was convinced I was somehow at fault. She’d been crying while driving and ran a red light. Or she’d failed to pay attention on a hike she was leading because her mind was on me and had fallen off a cliff. Only one thing was for sure, watching her sleep wasn’t going to reveal much of anything about how she was doing. At least she wasn’t in a mental institution. I guess I had to count my blessings.
Hopefully if I wrapped up early the Priestesses could still check in on their families this month, even if only for a few seconds. It was the least I could do given what they’d all done for me. I’m finished. Thank you. The image dissolved in an instant, leaving behind nothing but a clear pane of glass.
When I opened the door, Deannie was waiting with her arms stretched out, ready to comfort me. I stepped into her embrace, and let the tears I’d been holding back gush out in heart-sobbing waves. “I need to tell him to let me go. He’s going to waste his whole life looking for me.”
“He’s still in denial. Throwing himself into his research, as futile as even he realizes it is, keeps him from feeling helpless. He’ll come to terms with his grief in time. Your mother is already encouraging him to attend counseling sessions with her. And you weren’t at fault for her accident. She saved a twelve-year-old girl from getting hit three days ago by darting out into traffic after her without any regard for her own wellbeing. The apple didn’t fall far from the tree, it appears.”
I couldn’t help but laugh at that. That was so her. When I was fourteen she’d found an almost full grown ewe—a female Bighorn Sheep—with a broken leg just before dusk. Fearing it wouldn’t survive until morning, the earliest animal rescue would even consider helping, she carried the un-tranquilized, hundred pound animal on her back over a mile out to her truck, along one of the most perilous trails in the entire park. The vet and my dad thought she was insane. I’d never been more proud of her. “She’s something. You saw all of that through the looking glass?”
Deannie waved her hand in front of my face, instantly drying my tears and restoring my makeup to flawless perfection. Realizing she could’ve just done that in the first place made it even more special that she’d taken the time to prepare me to take my vows without resorting to magic. “When I was granted permission to allow you to check in on your loved ones I was briefed on their condition, as we wanted to ensure this would be a cathartic experience for you. The Moirai are keeping a close eye on all three of your families. None of your parents were destined to lose their children at such a young age. If the rift in fate that was caused by the Syreni taking you without your consent were to threaten to alter their destinies any further—say, one of them were to decide to take their own life, for example—the gods would intervene in some fashion. I hope that gives you some comfort.”
I wasn’t sure how they’d prevent such a thing from happening, but I no longer felt the need to question such things. Her assurance was enough for me to have complete faith that Neptune and Poseidon would look after them. “It does. Will the Priestesses still get to see their families? I hope I didn’t hog all of their time.”
She took hold of one of my curls and glided it between her fingers as she smiled at me. “I barely recognize the selfless, spiritual woman standing before me. They will. Almost a full minute each. I’d let you tell them in person, but Poseidon and Neptune are awaiting your arrival. Now that you understand what it means to be a servant to the gods, it’s time to commit yourself to serving them for eternity.”
Life renewed
* * *
I blinked my eyes several times, trying to get a hold on reality again. Having my soul returned to my Syreni body was almost as disorienting as the ethereal journey to Mt. Olympus had been. All the strange things I’d grown accustomed to, like processing multiple streams of input from my goddess sight, seemed new again. A quick glance around revealed that I was in the former nursery I’d claimed as my bedroom, resting atop a thick pile of furs wearing nothing but my chastity belt. The gentle current of the temperate water flowed unencumbered over my bald scalp. I couldn’t resist running my hand across the baby-smooth skin.
Welcome back, my beautiful queen. Aristos swam through the open doorway into my room, his muscular chest and sleek emerald tail looking as inviting as ever in his loose red robes. He hadn’t bothered to tie the front, leaving his impressive arousal in full view. Someone had missed me. Just the part I could see emerging from the thick patch of pubic hair had to be fourteen inches. That both turned me on and scared me a little. Hopefully my Syreni body was shaped to accommodate him.
His shimmering storm-grey hair was separated into seven elaborate fishbone braids, one for each of the deities we worshipped, I assumed. But his dark chocolate eyes were what captured my attention. He’d had them lined in black, and shaded in progressively lighter hues of emerald from his lashes all the way to his brows, just as I’d imagined—and apparently broadcast to the world—the last time we’d been together. I could feel my heart rate jump as I took in his stunning image. He’d permanently altered his body to please me.
When he offered a hand I took it, and let him help guide me out from underneath the padded rope webbing of my bed. He didn’t let go even after I’d been freed. For some reason, the simple, relatively platonic act of holding hands had never felt so sensual. Having his callused, battle-hardened fingers laced through mine made me yearn to join the rest of our bodies just as closely together. The sexual tension that had been building between us before I’d left had blossomed into a ticking time bomb in my absence. I could sense that even the tiniest of sparks—a single kiss—would ignite our passion like a punctured tank of kerosene being tossed atop a bonfire. I’d wanted to wait until after we were bonded to consummate our relationship, but that clearly wasn’t going to be an option. The carnal desire coursing through my veins made me feel like a dog in heat. There’s no way I’d be able to focus on anything else in my current state of mind. We either needed to mate or completely avoid each other, which wasn’t exactly practical since we lived together. It was time to give myself to him.
Thank you, my handsome prince. It feels good to be home. He took my alluring smile for the invitation that it was, and quickly closed the small space that separated us. His glossy emerald lips felt wonderful as they laid claim to my mouth, his electrically-charged tongue exchanging powerful sparks with my own. In a matter of seconds the passionate embrace aroused my soulcras. They expanded on their own accord, but they no longer felt alien to me. Their sentient presence resonated inside my body as they sought guidance from my soul. Connect me with him, I ordered experimentally. Let my soon-to-be compar feel how horny he makes me.
Per our usual routine, Aristos started to pull away the moment my soulcras reached for him. His eyes widened in surprise when I halted their advance, showing that I was now in complete control. It didn’t take long for him to recover. I reissued the commands to my tentacles as his hands captured my face and our kiss deepened, commands Aristos obviously couldn’t hear. The first strands slid beneath his robes and wrapped around his waist, drawing his tail up tight against my own at just the right angle for the tip of his arousal to be rubbing oh-so
-nicely against my opening. Shorter tentacles a thousand times more sensitive than my fingertips quickly encircled the base along with his scrotum, constricting just enough to make him groan. Every subtle flick along his shaft sent a wave of stimulation into my body more intense than having Austin’s skilled tongue lap at my clit at the height of my climax. Hungry for more, the rest of my soulcras climbed higher, attaching themselves to his naval, his nipples and the braids of his hair. The moment the last strand wove itself into his braid all of my tentacles fused with his tissue—literally becoming part of him—and began to glow so bright it was blinding.
Now that we were physically connected I had full access to his mind. The pulsing sensations inside his throbbing erection aroused me just as much as the feel of him pressing against me, as if it was my own penis slipping between my folds. Every sensation he felt—including the electrical current I was pumping into him like a torrent river through my glowing leads—echoed back to me tenfold. Even if I’d wanted to hit the brakes now—which I didn’t—we were clearly past the point of no return. I’d barely finished the thought when Aristos buried himself inside me, taking my Syreni virginity with a single, triumphant thrust.
He effortlessly guided me back inside the bed I’d just escaped and positioned me on top of him without ever breaking his rhythm. His mouth left behind a trail of wickedly sinful kisses, nips and what were sure to blossom into hickey-like bruises as he worked his way across my jewel-covered breasts, adding to the pleasure of his deep, forceful thrusts. At some point he’d flipped us over so I could hold onto the netting above my head. His pace never slowed. After a while our tails began to fan apart in opposite directions to drive us together at just the right moments, forcing him even deeper into me, as if we’d been making love for years. Beneath our skin, both of us were glowing as bright as the sun. We’d become a single being, merged together in multiple places through my soulcras. Seeing how complete our union was only added to my pleasure. His tongue danced around my own probing thrusts like a skilled matador as our mouths pressed hungrily against each other, making me shiver in delight with each electric spark we exchanged.
Just before he emptied himself inside me he let loose a lightning-sized bolt of energy that fried what was left of my cognitive ability and sent me tumbling into oblivion. I experienced the full sensation of both of our orgasms in a reverb kind of loop, extending my heart-stopping climax for almost fifteen minutes. By the time my soulcras detached I felt like I was slipping into a coma.
The overpowering scent of wet pine needles and clover washed over my fatigued body, infusing itself into my scales like a layer of water-seal applied to steaming hot deck boards in the heat of summer. Acting on pure instinct alone, I began to execute some kind of strange aquatic routine, shifting back and forth through the hazy, cloud-like mist that surrounded us until my entire body was coated.
A series of high pitched chirps nearing dog whistle range freed my mind from whatever biological force had commandeered it. Seeing the six-year-old-kid-on-Christmas-morning grin on Aristos’s face was enough to confirm that whatever had just happened meant something big. What the hell was that?
Your body emitted its distinct bonding scent and mine responded. The beautiful pine scent you smell is your own. We are scent-bonded now, Camithia. That means our souls desire to be joined together. Did I say how happy I am to have you home? Aristos’s playful chirps were contagious. I laughed along with him as I rested my head against his chest. His strong arm curled possessively around my shoulders like he didn’t plan to ever let me go.
You might have mentioned it. Not that I can remember much of anything from before my twenty minute orgasm. Please tell me the sex will always be that good.
He kissed me on the top of the head as his fingers lazily outlined each of my new tattoos. If my cue-ball appearance bothered him, he was certainly concealing it well. You’re just beginning to discover what your soulcras can do, Cami. In time, you’ll be capable of merging not just our bodies but our souls. Our spiritual coupling will reshape who we are. You’ll feel my presence even when there are oceans between us. I’ll know when you’re hurt. Or sad. Being bonded isn’t like a human wedding. We’re agreeing to literally become part of each other.
It was flattering—not to mention incredibly romantic—to hear him describe the life-altering commitment he was proposing, even if the idea made my own proverbial feet feel a bit on the chilly side. I was more than ready to become his mate, but it was a grand canyon-sized leap to go from exchanging wedding vows to permanently uniting our souls. What’s the ceremony like?
If we were being traditional, you’d be dressed in ancient ceremonial gowns that have been worn by the princesses and queens from Teresolee during their bonding ceremony for longer than I’ve been alive. The same gowns Pulchra wore. But I have something different in mind. If you’re game, that is.
I loved the way his slightly crooked smile made his lower lip pucker. It totally undermined the arched brow challenge he was going for, making him look puppy dog kissable rather than cocky. I couldn’t resist stealing a quick smooch before I replied. As long as it isn’t some sleazy number from Mermaid’s Secret, I’m in. He didn’t even get a chance to respond to my lame joke before I figured out his surprise. My battle armor! It’s ready, isn’t it!
He rolled me over onto my back and pinned my hands above my head, capturing my mouth in a prolonged kiss that breathed new life into my depleted soulcras, and made his flaccid cock spring to attention. It is, he all but growled in my head as he eased himself back inside me. I’d offer to let you try it on, but that would require leaving this bed. Maybe in a week or two.
Or a month, I purred back to him. Having seen what my soulcras could do, I took hold of two of his ponytails and placed them just above my nipples, directing my tentacles to join the braids to my flesh. His bound hair instantly transformed into glowing sentient cords, allowing all of our sensations to flow freely into each other just as before. When I directed several of the jellyfish-like strands to vibrate, heat and massage his palm-sized balls it drove him wild. He began to fuck me like he’d taken a solemn oath not to stop until he’d broken me in half. And still I wanted more. My back slammed down into the crumpled pile of furs with every violent thrust, sending out tidal waves of water from beneath me. Throwing caution to the wind, I ordered the rest of my soulcras to lap at and suck his cock, letting us both experience all the sensations we would if he was inside my mouth while still allowing him to make love to me. It only took seconds before we were lost in another wave of unrelenting orgasms that gave new meaning to the word ecstasy. When it was over I collapsed on top of him. I’d never felt so content. Or exhausted. I fell asleep in his comforting arms, knowing that I’d found the one person I’d let have access to my soul.
I woke up to the unmistakable garlic and pepper scent of widow crab meat mixed with the much milder tuna smell of tiger fish rolls. Aristos removed the cover from the weighted silver serving tray he’d sat down next to me and pulled one of the bright red, sea-pepper stuffed fillets out of the raptor claw that held it in place and lifted it to my waiting lips. I savored the sweet taste of the filling, which contrasted perfectly with the sour glaze and the succulent raw meat. I’d downed five of the rolls before Aristos offered me a drink from the covered goblet on the corner of the tray. The eggnog-like liquid was the Syreni equivalent of milk.
When I reached for a widow crab leg Aristos playfully slapped my hand and placed it back by my side. Let me feed you, my gorgeous compar. It is my responsibility to care for you now. Tonight we will be bound together for eternity.
I was about to ask why the ceremony had to be so soon when my soul detected the presence of another life form that had taken root inside my womb. Apparently the heat-like craze I’d felt had been my wanting, which Aristos would have had to initiate. I’m pregnant. You made me conceive without even asking if I was ready. How could you do that to me?
Aristos fed me a large piece of the spicy crab me
at while I laid there in shock. I chewed reflexively as I stared at him, waiting for him to offer some kind of defense. When he tried to stall even further by offering up another bite I pressed my lips together, shooting him a look that said he had about three seconds to start talking before I went ballistic. It doesn’t work like that. I was only able to initiate your wanting because you wished to carry my child. Had your soul rejected our union, you would never have conceived regardless of how many times we laid together. I know it’s a lot to take in, but think about it, Cami. We’re going to have a baby. A wonderful, perfect little baby. You will never even begin to understand how happy you’ve made me. I love you.
I didn’t respond to his kiss at first, but after a moment my stubborn will gave way and allowed my lips to return his embrace. I believed him. And, far more important, deep down I was happy to be pregnant, even if events were unfolding much faster than I’d anticipated. You’re right. It’s a hell of a lot to take in. But I love you, and I’m excited, too. How long will it be before I give birth?
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