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TITLE Page 41

by Michaels, C. M.

  Our rising casualties were starting to weigh heavily on my soul. Hundreds of Syreni were already dead along with several hundred if not thousands of our raptor allies. Fryliwan was dead, as was Taleoek, more than likely. As much as I loved my unborn daughter, I had a hard time accepting that even Vanessa was worth such sacrifice. But now wasn’t the time to mourn. I drew my sword and readied myself to face whatever came next, more determined than ever to ensure their deaths were not in vain. Through Vanessa our race would live on.

  Aristos was assisting Kilas with finishing off his badly wounded adversary, burying his sword between the dying beast’s shoulders, the tip of the three foot blade emerging through the leather armor covering its chest. When I turned to survey the rest of the chamber, I inadvertently stuck my hand in the remains of the eviscerated griffin general he’d fought earlier, my arm sinking up to my elbow in his flayed open stomach. Sennika and Vanimure had dispatched of their opponents as well, leaving only the griffin king left standing.

  Even outnumbered five to one, he refused to relinquish his spear and attempt to escape through the armament opening behind him, his desire to kill an obviously pregnant Syreni female outweighing the core instinct for self-preservation that all species shared. Aristos, Vanimure, Kilas and Sennika drew back their long bows but didn’t release their arrows, my raised hand preventing his execution. At least for the moment. On behalf of all the defenseless Syreni females you and your kind have slaughtered over the centuries, I challenge you to single combat. I give you my word as queen of the Syreni that even if I fall none of my warriors will interfere. Should you refuse my offer, or attempt to leave this chamber before I’m dead, they will kill you. Decide your fate, beast. I won’t hold them off much longer.

  The moment the spear left his clawed hand I raised my custom made burgundy and gold shield—which had all but become a part of me with my training—and effortlessly deflected it away, having seen his arm draw back and his muscles tense well before his throw. There was no time to contemplate a counter attack. In two bounds he was on top of me.

  The chomping noise ringing in my ears was so loud it sounded like a crocodile was gnawing on my head. He relentlessly snapped at my helmet above my shield while his clawed hands gripped the sides of the round metal barrier keeping him from his prey and tried to wrestle it away from me. I couldn’t see a damn thing with him lying on top of me other than quick flashes of his golden beak and a few crimson feathers. And I was well on my way to losing our tug of war, my left arm right along with it. But I still held my double-edged golden broadsword in my hand. An arcing thrust buried the blade in the griffin king’s side between two ribs. An ear piercing shriek echoed through the chamber as I pulled back and stabbed him several more times, only stopping when I felt all hundred-and-forty plus pounds of his dead weight settle on top of me.

  Aristos wasted no time freeing me from my makeshift prison. Checking me over from my head to my flukes, my compar gauged the severity of every cut and scrape I’d suffered with almost a clinical detachment before giving me the kind of kiss heartthrob doctors around the world would only provide their lovesick female patients in their wildest fantasies. As “I’m so glad you’re okay” sentiments went, he knocked it out of the park without saying a word.

  We wasted no time retreating to the safety of the water, carrying Fryliwan’s body along with us. As soon as we were hidden beneath the chamber I attempted to focus my Goddess sight on Taleoek. If his soul had crossed over to Caelum as I feared I would no longer be able to sense his location, which meant I’d know immediately if Aristos’s brother—in all ways except by blood—was dead. The scene that greeted my eyes left me speechless.

  Our entire army had arrived and had formed up into lines twenty deep to the north, south, east and west, only five hundred yards from the chamber. Taleoek, Sheriolac and Gherian were swimming side by side as they directed the final assault to wipe out the few thousand remaining griffins. Leaderless and disorganized, our enemy was falling from the sky in a constant downpour under the relentless barrage of arrows. Switching vantage points, I found the raptor king alive and well, soaring triumphantly through the air in big sweeping turns as he rode the tropical jet stream, his troops once again focused on backing up our forces and taking care of the occasional griffin that made it past the gauntlet by ripping them to shreds.

  The catastrophic losses the griffins had suffered in less than a day would leave them completely at our mercy. Without a functioning army to oppose us, I’d be able to negotiate whatever terms we demanded as part of their unconditional surrender. Never again would a Syreni female have to fear being attacked while giving birth or spending time with their newborn on the surface. This would go down in history as the greatest battle the Syreni had ever fought, one that was certain to be commemorated with statues and murals all across Teresolee. Thousands of years from now Syreni would still be talking about the day the millennia long war with the griffins was ended and their race was saved from extinction.

  That’s assuming, of course, that I found a way to quell the Snow Elf uprising the fates had foretold and keep both of our worlds from being destroyed, hopefully without having to become the Elvin king’s pregnant mate in the process. But that was a problem for a different day. Once the treaty was negotiated I was heading to San Gria with my sisters to collect on the long overdue honeymoon my compar owed me.

  Syreni Terminology:

  •Ascending — Rite of passage for Syreni warriors.

  •Azar seal furs — Used for bedding.

  •Bed — Padded netting is used to hold Syreni in place while they sleep, with furs piled beneath them for comfort.

  •Birthing chamber — Inverted stone and iron platforms used for Syreni births.

  •Caelum — Syreni eternal resting place.

  •Canta vine — Used as rope.

  •Compar — Syreni soul mate. Mates’ souls must desire to be bonded together in order for the female to be able to join them.

  •Elephant snail shell — Used as jars.

  •Expressing sadness — Syreni aren’t capable of crying as they have no tear ducts. To express sadness, they take the hand of someone close to them and hold it flat against their cheek. If severely grief-stricken they let out shrill, sonic calls.

  •Fanashial flap — Air intake valve located between the shoulder blades which allows Syreni to draw air in to speak while at the surface.

  •Formally turning your back — A sign of disrespect, typically reserved for those found guilty of a capital offense and sentenced to death.

  •Fish-aspect coloring — Term used to describe the color of a Syreni’s tail and gill covers, which always match.

  •Goddess sight — The ability to see events far away, and in some cases, even what is to come. It is a gift bestowed upon Syreni females by their gods upon being chosen as queen.

  •Jennel root — An Inky black stain can be derived from it. If applied to the skin it will result in permanent discoloration over time.

  •Looking glass — Allows Syreni and the Gods to see what is happening on Earth.

  •Phosphorus lamps — Used for light underwater. Faint bluish glow.

  •Portals — Interdimensional portals that link Teresolee with Earth. Can be configured to connect to any body of water on Earth, regardless of the size.

  •Purification ceremony — Yearly ritual Syreni females endure as a sign of their faith. Their heads are shaven by their priest, treated with talcium paste so hair will not regrow for several months and tattooed with the seven religious symbols of their gods.

  •Queen’s greeting — Formal greeting the queen reserves for those entrusted to protect her. The Syreni queen brings her hands to her face as she closes her eyes and tilts her chin down, touching her forehead with her fingertips and her chin with her thumbs.

  •Segregation — Destruction of the portals to separate Earth and Teresolee.

  •Soulcras —Tentacle-like appendages extending from the se
x of Syreni females. When females feel aroused or threatened their soulcras become active. Capable of bringing indescribable pleasure or killing adversaries in a multitude of ways, including the release of a potent neurotoxin. Controlled by the female’s soul without any conscious interaction with their minds. Only through devoting themselves to Neptune and Poseidon—becoming their faithful servant—can they learn to communicate with their souls and take full command of their bodies.

  •Stone tablet — Used along with a bone-handled tool by Syreni young as a means to communicate until they develop their telepathic ability. Has a row of small shells fastened to the bottom containing bioluminescent plankton in various colors.

  •Syreni laugh — High-pitched chirping sound or dolphin-like series of clicks.

  •Teresolee — Syreni waterwold created by Neptune and Poseidon.

  •The Icing — When the Northern Ocean begins to ice over. Marks the beginning of winter.

  •The Order — Group of Syreni warriors who oversee the ascension trials.

  •The time of a moon — Syreni lunar cycle, which lasts about six weeks.

  •Throne of Nine — Syreni ruling council. Derives its name from the nine members it contains: Six regional generals, the king, the chancellor and the queen.

  •Tica dust — Ground up Viper Eel particles that can be mixed with Jennel root stain and applied to the skin to make it sparkle like jewels.

  •Wanting — Syreni males can cause females to ovulate. Their version of being in heat.

  •Whale bladder satchel — Used as bags.

  •Syreni capital cities:

  oAthenia — South Central Region.

  oHalon’s Gate — Central Region.

  oIron Cove — Western Region.

  oSan Gria — Ceraspian Mountain Region

  oSharia’s Pass — East Arctic Region

  oTrident’s keep — Far East Region.


  oPalace of Poseidon — Only Syreni University still operating. Located in Halon’s Gate.

  oCastra Athena — Where Syreni soldiers train. An oval amphitheatre shaded like a Roman Colosseum, standing four stories tall with concrete walls and a series of arched openings on the first three floors.

  oCathedral — Place of worship. In Halon’s Gate, the archway of the ten story structure is guarded by enormous statues of Neptune and Poseidon, and is topped with an ornate golden dome.

  oGrand Ballroom — Where galas and balls are held in Halon’s Gate.

  oHigh court — Where the Throne of Nine is located and all court business in conducted. Three-story building with towering white marble walls and Greek style pillars, with everything accented in gold.

  oInfirmary — Medical clinic. In Halon’s Gate, the infirmary is divided into three sections: the trauma room up front, three surgical rooms in the middle and a research lab in the back.

  oPriestess temple — Houses the priestesses on Mt. Olympus. Octagon-shaped, white marble castle with golden-topped turrets.

  •Types of food:

  oHoneytails — Minnow-sized fish eaten whole for dessert. Very sweet. Tropically colored.

  oLion thumb sea peppers — Rare treat from the Eastern Seaway. Tiny yellow vegetables.

  oSha has — Yellow and blue striped. Taste like sweet potatoes. Not quite as sweet as honeytails.

  oSyreni beverage — Thick, creamy liquid that tastes almost like eggnog.

  oTiger fish rolls — Bright red meat used to create sushi rolls with sea cucumbers.

  oTowsen seeds — Seeds that are used in food to provide texture. Taken from the roots of the towsen plant that grows along the shorelines.

  oWidow crab — One of the most savored delicacies. Rich, tangy meat.

  •Other creatures of Teresolee:

  oCutterfish — Resemble a cross between a megalodon-sized great white shark and a manta ray. Frequently prey upon Syreni.

  oGriffin — Chimeras, blending the features of an eagle and a lion. Fourteen foot wingspan. Fight with leather armor. Crimson colored heads, white and grey feathered chest. Semi-human shaped arms. More mature adults develop crimson feathers in the plumage around their necks as well. Giant beaks and razor sharp talons on their front feet, which have the dexterity of human hands. Can wield bows, scythes or spears.

  oRaptors — Adults can reach a hundred and eighty pounds with a twenty-three foot wingspan. Black feathered bodies, crimson wings and grey or white plumage beneath their beaks, depending on age.

  oSnow Elves — A race of reclusive, magical, human-like creatures who live high up in the snow-capped mountains. Alabaster-skinned with elfish-shaped ears.

  oWater Fae — Fairie-like creatures with magical abilities. Their kiss drops you into a dream state while they feed from your life-force like an incubus. Iridescent coal colored bodies, black tails, crimson hair and breathtaking scarlet wings. Bright red eyes.

  •Medical / hygienic items:

  oBio salve — Orangish-brown stem cell salve used to make body parts grow.

  oCarnipula leaves — Medicinal leaves that grow along coral reefs. Used in surgeries. Navy blue.

  oFlower balneo — Closes after each use so the entire unit can sanitize itself. If the base is pinched once it triggers a cleaning wash. If pinched again it releases.

  oHealing salve — Lilac colored jelly used to treat wounds. Loaded with antibiotics.

  oLiver extract from teragore whales — Glowing orange fluid that reduces swelling.

  oMinty Sponge — Abrasive, somewhat minty sponge used to brush teeth.

  oShealing oil — Syreni version of shampoo. Smells like a mix of wild berries and aloe. Comes from a bright orange flower bulb. Conditions Syreni scales so they can go above the surface in the harsh sun.

  oSherifan root — Potent neurotoxin used as an anesthetic. Is mixed in a thick yellow cream when used as a sedative.

  oSterilizing water — Used to cleanse wounds.

  oTalcium paste — Used to remove unwanted hair. Contains waterkite spider venom which kills hair follicles.

  oQuill — Used for tattoos and stitches.

  oTypes of monitor fish:

  ■Poppie fish — Attached to pregnant females. Navy blue fish with large white circles around their praying mantis shaped eyes. Can transmit a mental image of what they sense beneath the skin.

  ■Stride fish — Breathe twice per minute. Bright yellow. Used as timers.

  ■Tiger fin — Striped like a tiger. Monitor heart rate.

  ■Wicker dew — Purple and white fish used to track weight and body fat percentage.


  C.M Michaels grew up in a small town in northern Michigan as the youngest child of a close-knit family of seven. He met his wife, Teresa, while attending Saginaw Valley State University. Together they’ve provided a loving home for several four-legged “kids”, including their latest shelter rescue, Bailey, a lab / chow mix with a heart of gold.

  He has always enjoyed writing, and still has fond memories of reading his first book, a children’s novella, to local grade schools when he was 14.

  An avid reader since discovering Jim Kjelgaard novels in early childhood, his favorite authors include Kelley Armstrong, Peter V. Brett, Richelle Mead, Rachel Caine and Laini Taylor. When he’s not writing, C.M. can be found curled up with a good book, watching movies, photographing wildlife or hitting the hiking trails with his wife.

  C.M. currently resides in Louisville, Kentucky.

  Connect with C.M.

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