Hard & Fast

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Hard & Fast Page 63

by Vivien Vale

  I sit at the bar and order a drink.

  "Vodka soda please," I say to the bartender.

  He's cute, but nothing compared to the man I'm waiting for.

  I sit with my drink at the bar and casually look around, hoping to find him.

  And that's when I see it. I feel like someone punches me in the stomach as I watch him walk in with another girl. And guess what? It's not just any girl—it's the same fucking girl who got the app release commercial ahead of me.

  He's brought my nemesis to the club? What the fuck?

  Number one, I thought this was a date. Number two, I don't understand why he would bring her of all people.

  Is he doing it just to hurt me? I just divulged to him the fact that I'm really upset about losing out on that commercial. He must've done this on purpose.

  All these conflicting emotions are swirling inside of me but the one that is foremost is feeling the life draining out of me as I realize Xavier is fucking another girl.

  Here I thought I was the only one. Here I've dared to dream of a life with him. How could I have been so stupid?

  He's a player and I should've known it. I don't know whether I should sneak out of the club and go home or if I should stay and confront this thing head-on.

  Soon I don't have a choice because he's walking right towards me with this girl on his arm.

  "Hi, Allie, this is Olivia. You guys know each other? You're both models."

  Olivia says to me, "No, Allie and I have never met. Where have you been working, Allie? Because I never see you around Hard Pressed ."

  Oh my God, this is so humiliating. This girl is an actual model who books actual jobs, like the one I was pining for. And here I am, some nobody trying to make a name for myself having to explain everything to Xavier and this girl.

  Well, I'm determined to not let it come off like that. I have to paint myself in the best light.

  "Hi, Olivia," I say indifferently, as if I don't care at all about the fact that her hand is grazing Xavier's bicep. "I try to pick and choose my jobs carefully. I've only just been introduced to the Hard Pressed studio environment. It's working out very well."

  I plaster on a fake smile.

  "Oh yeah? What have you been in?" she asks.

  "Well," I say without missing a beat. "I just did a commercial for them. Besides that, nothing really. I've been pretty booked up," I lie.

  Xavier looks at me like he knows the truth. He looks at me like he's peering right into my soul and that he's happy I'm humiliated.

  Why did I have to choose this bad boy over all the others? I almost feel like he wants to hurt me, but I'm not gonna let it happen.

  "I was just having a drink," I say. "Will you guys join me? And then we can hit the dance floor."

  Xavier takes it up a notch and orders bottle service in a VIP area. There's no way I could get into the VIP area on my own. I've always been invited because there's no way I can afford it myself.

  Good thing Xavier's paying. He could probably buy the entire building.

  He orders a bottle of expensive vodka and all three of us partake. It's just us in this cozy little booth. How great.

  He's watching me the whole time like he wants to see my reaction. I won’t give him the satisfaction of knowing I'm upset.

  I sip my drink and try to make small talk with Olivia even though I can't stand the sight of her.

  Xavier starts flirting aggressively with Olivia right in front of me. What the fucking hell is this bullshit? This hurts like you wouldn't believe, but I fight back the tears and act normally.

  He's flaunting his affection for her in my face and I can barely stand it. What an asshole.

  The night moves on and we hit the dance floor. He's dancing between Olivia and me, but mostly he's dancing with her.

  It's too much to deal with so I make my way back to the VIP booth, pissed as fuck. I didn't want to come out in the first place and I should've listened to and respected that intuition.

  I decide the only way to get through this evening in one piece is to drink even more. I help myself to the expensive vodka, and boy, does it go down nice.

  Eventually, Olivia and Xavier come join me with smiles on their faces like they just had the best time ever. They're hot and sweaty from dancing so long and I'm about to get sick over it.

  I might as well go out with guns blazing. I decide it's my turn to flirt with Xavier, even though I tell myself I will never trust him again. But I want to make Olivia jealous.

  I lean into him and whisper in his ear about how bad I want to suck his cock right here in the club. The vodka's starting to kick in. I say that maybe we should do it here in the booth.

  I see a devious smile spread across his face and I can tell he's delighted with my suggestion.

  "You would really do that?" he says, staring into my eyes as if he's looking for certain truth.

  "I would with you," I say honestly.

  Even though I feel like he's out to hurt me tonight, I honestly would give myself to this man. He's everything I want and I don't want to lose him now, especially to some stupid model like Olivia.

  He's rubbing my leg and things are starting to heat up. I can tell Olivia feels uncomfortable because she's no longer part of it. She's no longer the focus of his gaze and that makes me so fucking happy. He's looking at only me, and that's the way it should be.

  Then Xavier says, "Maybe we should make it a threesome?"

  Olivia and I exchange horrified glances. I would never do anything intimate with her. The fact that he said that makes me furious. What could his motive possibly be to hurt me like that?

  "Maybe I should just leave you two here to go at it," I say, thinking about making a swift exit.

  "What's wrong with you, Allie? Are you jealous?" he says with a wicked grin, as if he already knows the answer.

  Now I'm really angry, and I might have had a little too much to drink, so I feel bolder than ever.

  "I can't believe you brought another girl, Xavier. I can see exactly what kind of a guy you are."

  This conversation is painful because as much as I want to hate him, I can’t deny the insane chemistry between us. He’s so fucking hot, and even though some girl is draped all over him, I can't help but have the desire to be his only one.

  "Oh, come on, Allie, don't be a spoilsport. We can all get along, can't we?" he says smoothly.

  Oh, fucking fantastic. So this is how the rest of the night is gonna be.


  I can tell Allie's so pissed that I brought someone else to the club. As she should be. I'd be disappointed if she wasn't put out by me having another girl on my arm, especially Olivia.

  But at this point, the war's on. Allie's giving it to me and I'm giving it right back. This girl is feisty.

  I knew she'd be jealous, but I thought she'd scurry away and not be able to handle it. Instead, she's matched me word for word for the entire night.

  Fighting with her is turning me on more than the idea of having Olivia and Allie both at the same time. At this point, I only have eyes for Allie. I hate to admit that even to myself.

  She's getting drunk, I can tell. And I myself am a little tipsy. That makes this all the more fun and all the more deviant. Just the way I like it.

  Olivia is ceasing to exist. In truth, no one can compare to Allie. She really is that beautiful.

  "So, Allie," I say. "Do you want to join me on the dance floor?"

  She eyes me up and down like she's trying to take me on and see if I'm serious or what I'm up to. Eventually, she concedes, and I lead her out into the middle of the floor where we slow dance, an erotic, sensual flow of bodies, even though everyone around us is moving quickly.

  Time stands still, and all I can see is Allie. She's the most gorgeous thing in the world. What the fuck is happening to me?

  Holding her in my arms so tightly as she grinds down on my cock feels so right. I remember my foray into the video editing and I'm starting to wonder if I made the right move or
not. Her life could be over because of me. And suddenly I'm not so sure I want that.

  I'm starting to feel enthralled by this girl. She weighs heavily on my mind each moment of the day, and tonight I just can't drag my eyes away from her.

  I hold her close, and she backs her hips into me as if she wishes we were fucking right here on the dance floor. I imagine doing it in the middle of the club with everybody watching, and my cock hardens even more, to her obvious delight.

  I want to do it. I want to fuck her right now. But then I see Olivia walking towards us. She's about to interrupt the moment.

  "Oh hi, Olivia, now I have you both in my arms. I'm the luckiest guy in the club." The alcohol's making me feel even cockier than usual.

  I begin to pay attention to Olivia and this drives Allie nuts. So I do it even more. She storms off the dance floor back to the bottle of vodka waiting for her. She can drown her sorrows if she wants to. Right now, I'm going to make her think I’m into Olivia.

  But then I see some guy approach Allie at her table. It's a sight I can't fucking handle. It's fucking torment for me. I feel possessive of her and I don't even know why.

  But all I can think is that she's mine. She's mine to fuck with, at least for now.

  "Let's go back to the table." I pull Olivia off the dance floor and she looks dismayed.

  She can see what's going on between Allie and me. You could cut the sexual tension with a knife.

  "This is a private table," I say to the guy.

  Then I turn to Allie with dark eyes. She better never even consider talking to another guy besides me.

  "So, were you flirting with that guy?" I ask her point blank.

  She looks at me with fury in her eyes.

  "Why do you even care? You brought another girl tonight. That was not cool."

  At least she's being honest. I'll give her that.

  "No one said we're exclusive Allie, you should've known that," I say, taking a heavy drink of vodka.

  "Come on, Xavier. You invited me out here tonight. You brought her to make me jealous. You have to know she's the girl that stole my spot on the shoot. And that makes it even worse. You brought her out of all the women you could've chosen. You're trying to hurt me."

  Her words shock me. I am trying to hurt her. In more ways than she can even count. But I didn’t expect her to be so in tune with that.

  Something about it suddenly feels so wrong. And yet being with her tonight like this feels so right. I plan on taking her home. I fucking need to. To claim her yet again.

  Olivia comes to the table and I can tell she's feeling totally awkward about the whole situation. She doesn't belong here. She was a pawn in my game and now I'm done with her. I'm all about Allie now.

  "I think I'm gonna go, guys. I've had enough of this," she says, but neither of us are even listening.

  Allie's just staring at me with rage in her eyes and it turns me on so damn much. I want her to take her rage out on me in the bedroom. And I want to show her mine.

  She deserves to be punished for what she did to me, in more ways than one. I plan on showing her exactly what she missed out on in high school. And she will make it up to me.

  Olivia takes her leave but Allie's still fuming.

  "Your date is gone," she says.

  "Maybe I don't care," I say.

  "I don't understand your angle. Why would you want to make me jealous like that? What have I ever done to you?"

  Damn. If only she knew. The fact that she doesn't even remember me just burns me up inside. It makes me so angry with her all over again.

  I wish I could tell her all of that now. But I hold my tongue. As usual.

  "Your jealousy tells me that you really, really want me, Allie," I say, casually sipping my drink.

  I called her out and she doesn't like that. Her eyes blaze with fury.

  "You don't know anything about me, Xavier. You think you can have any woman in the world, but the truth is, you're just like every other guy. There's nothing special about you being a player. I think you should know that."

  She's so frustrated that I can tell she's about to leave. Fucking walk right out on me. But I can't have that. I'm not done with Allie yet.

  "Come back to my apartment with me," I say, testing her boundaries.

  If she comes with me, I'll know that I have her. If she goes, then at least I'll see she has one shred of integrity left in her body.

  "No, Xavier."

  So she wants to escape.

  "You can't jerk me around like that. There's no way I'm going with you."

  Wow, she actually shut me down. Who would have fucking thought it?

  But then again, she will be coming home with me. I have no doubt. I always get what I want. Especially in terms of women.

  "Come on Allie," I say, taking her arm. "You know you want to come up with me. Just give into it."

  I lean into her and kiss her softly at first, and then more aggressively. This will convince her. After this kiss, she'll be mine. Just watch.

  "Xavier, I don't want to be treated like this," she says in a low whisper.

  I kiss her again and I feel her body giving into mine. She wants it bad. I can only imagine how wet she is under that tiny little skirt she's wearing.

  And I have to know for sure. I move my hand up her skirt and start to finger her, delighted to know she's not wearing any underwear. I push my fingers into her forcefully, giving her just a taste of what's to come if she comes back to my penthouse with me tonight.

  She's moaning and whimpering. I'm doing it all undercover and no one can see us. It's so hot to take her like this right here in the club. I want to take things one step further. I kiss her passionately and then I get up. I pull her up too so that she can follow me...straight to the penthouse.

  I told you she wouldn't be able to resist for long. And now I have her. I lead the way through the throngs of people at the hottest club in town.

  Soon we're in my private elevator making out. She's ready for it. I'll have her begging by the end of the night, and that makes vengeance all the more satisfying.

  Soon she'll realize that I'm not what I seem, but not tonight.


  Xavier and I are making out in his elevator. I know it's his because I was here before, back before I knew he owned the penthouse and was an obvious billionaire.

  I'm still confounded by that. Does it come from family money? What's his deal? I know he works for Hard Pressed but that's about it. Does he have a side job? Execs make a lot of money but nowhere near enough to afford penthouses and limousines like his.

  Xavier's a mystery to me still, but I'm not about to let some pesky questions ruin this moment.

  Because right at this moment I have my legs around the hips of the hottest man on earth. He's got my back pressed against the elevator wall and we're damn near fucking.

  After a night of drinking and hostility, I'm ready to let it all go, I'm ready to come. Knowing him, bastard that he is, he'll have me waiting and begging for it. He likes to dominate me, to dictate when I come. I learned that quickly.

  And I'm okay with it because that lack of control on my part lets me release my inhibitions all the more.

  He buries his head in my neck and kisses me and lightly bites me. He's practically growling in my ear.

  We had a night of furious back-and-forth dialogue. Both of us want each other so bad and yet for his part, he's somehow resisting me and I don't know why.

  Just as I'm starting to think about Olivia and wonder why he brought her on her date, the elevator stops, and my thoughts are interrupted.

  Xavier escorts me inside to his lavish penthouse. It looks more glamorous at night, with the twinkling lights of the city as the most intoxicating backdrop.

  I don't even have time to ask for a drink because he's leading me towards his oversized gray sectional. He pushes me down on it gently before going about removing my clothes.

  He strips me down and I help him, anxious to feel his giant co
ck inside of me. I fumble with his pants but he stops me with one hand.

  "No, I'm in control here," he says.

  He undoes them with his own hands and steps out of them before wordlessly motioning for me to kneel before him.

  I'm naked, and his eyes are lustful as he takes in my body. It seems like he can't get enough of me.

  I'm on my knees and the plush carpet helps to make it more comfortable. He grabs my head with his large hands and forces me to take his cock down my throat. I can't say I don't enjoy it, but it's kinda hard to think when you have a 10-inch shaft sliding in and out of your mouth.

  I suck and swallow and try to tease him with my tongue. But none of my own tactics work. He's in charge here and he's making that perfectly clear.

  He's thrusting into me, fucking my mouth, and it's so damn hot. My eyes start to water as I can hardly breathe around his huge cock. His length is so big that it's hard to handle the size of him.

  He pumps and thrusts and finally comes, shooting hot cum down my throat. It tastes so fucking good, but mostly it's the thought it being his essence that turns me on until I feel delirious with desire.

  The taste of Xavier's cum trickling down my throat and down the sides of my mouth has me feeling hot and tense, with my heart fluttering in my chest.

  I'm ready to have him inside of me, to have my own release.

  This night has been so hard seeing him with another woman. And verbally sparring with him all night with the absence of any true physical connection has been torture. I'm getting him now, at last, and I'm ready for it.

  I try to pull him down to the couch so that I can get on top, but as usual, he stops me. It's always this way, I'm coming to find out. But I need to trust him because every time he takes control, I'm led towards something new that I didn't even know I was missing. He fills me up and I always reach new heights of bliss.

  He sits on the couch, fully naked now. I will never get used to his gigantic, sculpted frame. He looks like the finest specimen of man on earth.

  I'm aching for him to fuck me and I know I won’t be disappointed.

  He grabs my hand as if to say it's okay. I look at his gleaming cock and can no longer hold back. I get on top of him and ease myself down onto his massive shaft.


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