EROTICA:HIS SLAVE FOR THE NIGHT (Extreme Domination with Strangers, Bitch Romance Erotic Sex Short Stories Box Set): Bound MMF Menage Bundle (Rough Discipline Adult S&M Series Book 2)

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EROTICA:HIS SLAVE FOR THE NIGHT (Extreme Domination with Strangers, Bitch Romance Erotic Sex Short Stories Box Set): Bound MMF Menage Bundle (Rough Discipline Adult S&M Series Book 2) Page 79

by Amanda Gray

  I moaned softly as the water steamed around me, my legs beginning to tremble as I fingered myself, slipping my digits into my pussy, imagining it was Cullen down there, using his tongue to fuck me, licking hard against my folds, stabbing inside me sinfully, salaciously, my body tingled as I moaned out my release. I gasped as I reached my climax, diving over the cliff of pleasure as stars scattered beyond my eyes. I tilted my head back into the cascading water and sighed.

  As much as I wanted it, wanted him, I knew it probably wouldn’t happen. It’s so wrong.

  I got out of the shower and dried, wrapping a towel around myself I realised that my bag with my clothes in it was still downstairs.

  “Ah shit.” I muttered as I wrapped my hair in a towel and headed downstairs. Towel-clad, but nude underneath I heard noises, the paper bags of groceries rustling as someone went through them… I quietly padded down the stairs, knowing that no-one was supposed to be here until tomorrow, I had arrived a day earlier than anyone else, mainly because I was bringing the now-ex with me and had wanted some ‘alone time’ with him. Obviously, that didn’t happen.

  I reached for one of Dad’s golf clubs in the umbrella bucket by the stairs and held it high above my shoulder, like I was taught when I was in the girl’s baseball team in high school. I stalked my prey, a tall blonde guy who was digging through the bags of groceries…

  “Oh hey, check it out, Vodka!” he grinned, picking up the bottle I had bought for the Jello-shots I planned to make later that day. I moved closer, I had no idea who the fuck this guy was, but I knew he had somehow broken into my parent’s place and was helping himself to vodka… My vodka! I began to swing the golf club, aiming for his shoulder.

  Before I could swing out fully and connect with the vodka stealing blonde, I was tackled roughly to the ground. I screamed in surprise and fright as a big dark haired guy leapt atop me, holding my arms down against the floor while I struggled. My towel slipped down to the tiled floor, exposing my naked body to all who were present.

  I heard a shout and the sound of a handgun being cocked. I looked from the big guy atop me to the tall, muscular man who stood in the doorway, levelling his gun at the gorilla who looked down at me with dark eyes. My breath came in heaving pants, pushing my naked breasts up against the cotton of the big guy’s shirt.

  “Xavier, Theo… I see you’ve met Jai.” He said, holstering his gun in its concealed holster at his boot. “Jai, meet Theo…” he gestured to the blonde who had opened a packet of cookies and was stuffing his face with them and grinning while he chewed. “And Xavier…” I looked hard at the man who stood in the doorway, smiling as he crossed his arms.

  “Cullen…?” I asked. Unable to realise that I was looking at the same guy from the photos, it was the fact that he wasn’t in military fatigues that I didn’t recognise him.

  “Yep… what a way to welcome me home.” he said with a smirk. Xavier got up from his position atop me and I hurriedly wrapped myself up in my towel and got to my feet.

  “Yeah… Uh… Sorry I didn’t realise you were here, I didn’t see your car.” I said, pulling the towel tight around my body, my cleavage rose, and I noticed that Theo’s face was blushing furiously. The towel around my hair came loose and I pulled it free, wrapping it around my shoulders. My hair hug in semi-dry bangs around my towel-covered shoulders and down my back.

  “Uh. I’m just gonna go and get dressed…” I said. My face must have been as red as an apple, my cheeks felt like they were radioactive they were burning so hard. I grabbed my bag and hauled it up to my room where I shut the door a little harder than I needed to.

  I dropped my bag by the door and flopped down on my bed, blowing air out of my lips, my cheeks ballooning out and then deflating as I released the nervous pent-up breath of anxiety. One thing I realised, upon going back over the situation…

  Cullen’s friends… were fucking hot.

  Chapter 2

  I finally got the courage up to face Cullen and the boys. I slipped on a sundress with a plunging neckline and back and some light canvas shoes and headed downstairs. I heard the clack-clack of billiard balls and the soft murmurs of conversation.

  I headed in to the kitchen to pour myself a drink, a vodka and orange juice would go down just perfectly right about now. I wandered in sombrely to the rumpus room where Cullen and Xavier were playing against each other on Dad’s beloved billiards table. Cullen smiled at me when I came through the doors.

  “Well, hello sis, good to see you with a touch more on than before.” He grinned and came over, wrapping an arm around me and squeezing me tight against his body. I could feel his heat and the hard toned muscle beneath his clothes and damn if it didn’t make me feel something tingle between my legs.

  “Hey.” I said, blushing again. “Uh, just want to say I’m sorry about almost clocking you with the golf club before.” I said to Theo who simply grinned.

  “Wouldn’t be the first time some cute girl has tried to ‘drive’ some sense into me.” He laughed, “Usually they don’t use a nine-iron though.” Inwardly I groaned at his terrible pun but we all laughed. Xavier watched me with dark eyes.

  “Sorry for the tackle, Little Bird.” He said, offering his hand in a peace offering. “When I see some threat to my brothers, I usually act before I think.”

  My heart did a little flutter at his nickname for me. ‘Little Bird.’ I liked it. I smiled.

  “That’s okay, what were you a star football player?” I asked, leaning against the billiard table as I sipped my drink.

  “You never really leave the military, or it doesn’t leave you.” He grinned, he seemed to be a man of few words. He turned back and sat down on one of the lounge chairs, chalking his cue. My dirty mind went into overdrive at the innocently erotic image of the chalk rubbing on the end of the long billiard cue. I turned to Cullen.

  “So… Can I see it?” I asked innocently, rising onto my toe and then dropping back down to the flat of my feet in an excited little movement.

  “See what?” he asked, a smirk on his face.

  “You know what I want to see.” I said with a wink, leaning back and crossing my arms across my chest.

  “Oh… you want to see that.” He said shaking his head.

  “Hey! Get your mind out of the gutter, hero.” I said with mock indignation.

  “I’m not the one attacking totally innocent guys with golf clubs while practically naked.”

  “It was a standard greeting in college…” I said with a giggle.

  “Sure, sure…” Cullen said, handing his cue to Theo who took his shot while he went up to his room. He came back with a leather box in his hands which he held with reverence.

  “So…” he said looking me up and down. “You want to see it do you?” he grinned.

  “Yes.” I breathed, my eyes on the box.

  “Say pretty please…”

  “Pretty please?” I said smiling.

  He opened the box, revealing the beautiful and intricate golden star and blue ribbon that formed the Congressional Medal of Honour. He had saved the lives of three other soldiers by drawing the fire from the enemy on his last tour of duty.

  “Wow…” I said softly, my eyes on the blue satin, the gold and the green enamel of the wreath that connected all the points of the star. I smiled up at him and rose on the tips of my toes, kissing him on the cheek. “Sorry I couldn’t make it to the awarding ceremony.” I said, keeping my hands on his shoulder. He smiled and closed the box, putting it back in his room.

  When he returned, Theo was just potting the black ball, winning the game. I had settled down on the armrest of one of the chairs.

  “So… doubles?” Theo asked with a grin.

  “Sure.” I said. Xavier nodded in the chair beside me.

  “Okay, Theo, you’re with Xavier. Jai, you and me against them.” he said, smiling at me.

  “Okay, but it’s been a while since I’ve played.” I said. I had a naughty plan forming in my mind, I wanted to get closer to
my step brother, in fact I wanted to get so close to him, that you wouldn’t be able to tell where he ended and I began.

  Theo broke and dropped the solid coloured balls. We took the stripes. Soon it was our turn, or rather my turn. I tried to aim, deliberately missing three shots in succession. Cullen managed to pot the three that I had missed on the next turn. Xavier sank in one before he sunk the cue ball. I took up the cue, and leaned over the table, my breasts touching against the green felt of the table top.

  I felt Cullen’s body heat and saw his shadow rose above mine. His body moulded against mine. I could feel something harden against the curves of my ass, he shifted into a position where I knew his cock was flush with the crease of my ass. I swallowed, hard.

  “Just relax… breathe, let it come naturally and you will get it right where you want It.” he murmured against my ear. His hips shifted slightly, pressing his hard cock against my ass. His hand reached over and resting upon mine as I held the cue, pulling back we drove the cue forward to strike at the white cue-ball, it struck the striped ball I was aiming for and it rolled to the far right corner pocket where it dropped in with a clatter.

  I shouted in joy, Cullen pulled himself up from my back, I turned and hugged him, feeling his body press against mine. He grinned down at me. I was about to thank when my phone rang. I pulled myself away from my step-brother’s arms and ran out the kitchen where my phone was sitting on the bench.


  “Jai, sweetheart… daddy… storms….. Flight can….everywhere…. won’t… until the fifth…lucky…” the phone crackled and the call failed tone cut in. Cullen came to the door to the kitchen.

  “That was Dad, I think their flight has been cancelled, something about storms…” I said as I got onto my weather app and checked the weather in Denver, where they lived.

  “Yep, severe thunderstorms, looks like a huge storm cell as well, possibly a three day storm.” I checked over the airline websites, “All flights out of and into Denver have been cancelled. Looks like it’s just us this weekend.”

  “Wow, that’s too bad…” Cullen said with a lingering look at me that made my heart beat a little faster.

  His words came back to me… “Let it come naturally and you will get it right where you want it.” I watched as he turned and walked back to the rumpus room. I followed him in and we finished the game, Theo and Xavier winning easily. I came back into the kitchen to prepare dinner. The boys were planning a bonfire for the Fourth to go with their fireworks that they had brought with them.

  Chapter 3

  Theo wanted to go out surfing before dusk fell, and hefted his board out to the beach. Xavier and Cullen went and collected driftwood for the bonfire.

  I watched as Theo paddled out on his surfboard, eventually heading out to take up some late sunshine on my beach towel, I lay on my belly and watched Theo ride the waves, his chest bare and glistening in the salty spray as he carved each wave with the precision and skill of years spent on the board.

  He finally came in to shore and collapsed beside me, his board dropping beside him. Sand scattered over my body. The fine, sun heated grains tempered by droplets of water as he shook his head like a shaggy dog. I squealed and playfully smacked him with my rolled up trashy magazine.

  “Hey! I didn’t want a shower, or a sandblasting!” I giggled as he shook his head again, making an adorable noise as his mouth flopped with the inertia of his head shaking.

  “Well… what do you want then?” he asked with a cheeky glint in his eye.

  “Hmmm... I’d love to learn how to surf. Or at least how to actually stand on a board.”

  “Well.” Theo said, getting up to his feet and showering me with sand again. “How about we start with the basics?” he took my hand and pulled me to my feet, my string bikini and boy-shorts covered with sand, which I brushed off one-handed while Theo took me over to his board.

  “Okay, so lay face down on the board.” He said, kneeling down beside me. I lay flat on my stomach, my ample bosom pooling around my chest, small swells coming around under my armpits. I felt his hand run down over my shoulders.

  “That’s good, great position.” He said, I turned my head to look up at him, his eyes firmly on where my ass would be. I turned my head back to look at the end of the board, dead straight and smirked. Theo was hot, like Xavier and Cullen… though Cullen won hands down in a hotness contest in my opinion. My heart fluttered at the memory of his hard cock rubbing against my ass earlier that day. I sucked in a little breath as I felt Theo’s hand caress down my back, over the rise of my ass, his fingers slowly rubbing along the cheeks there before he continued down my thighs, slipping a little down the inside of my thigh before he continued on to my ankles.

  I felt a little shiver of pleasure run through my body at his touch.

  “Nothing hotter than a sexy babe on a surfboard…” he murmured, running his hand back up, but slipping his fingers between my legs, running them up along my boy-shorts against the crease of my ass, and back up my spine. I swallowed, my heart beat gaining speed.

  “Let me just adjust you a little, here.” He said, reaching to the swell of my breasts at the side, just beneath my underarms. His hands were warm against my heated skin and my pussy trilled with sensation as he shifted himself over the top of me, straddling my ass. I could feel his cock, hard in his board shorts. It wasn’t a straight one, it seemed to be curved in a delicious way that I knew if I had that inside me, I’d be literally ‘hooked’ on him.

  My mind flashed with sinful thoughts of him pumping me hard with his cock and I bit my lip and closed my eyes for a moment in delicious abandon of my senses. Theo slipped his hands between the board and my breasts, fingers slipping around to touch the nipples before he lifted me slightly, shifting my upper body to the right a little.

  “There… now, we paddle and then…” he shifted, grinding his cock into the crease of my ass a little harder for good measure. “We get up in a crouching position…” he shifted back off my ass and I almost moaned for the loss of his heat, but his hands gripped my hips and I pushed up to my feet, then into a crouch, Theo ran a hand up my side, the other still in a firm grip on my hip as we balanced on the board, kept stable by the hard sand beneath us. His hand reached my underarm and he guided my left arm out, then he reached across, thumb brushing the hardened points of my nipples as he passed them, reaching my other arm he raised it until they were spread out as if I was balancing on the board.

  “Then…”He whispered into my years. “When we have our balance, we stand up, legs spaced apart for balance, but keeping in a slight crouch for control.” He helped me up, placing his hands on the underside of my arms. His breath warm on my neck, I heard him inhale the scent of my hair, his nose pressed hard against my locks. I heard him moan softly, his hips pressed against me, harder, I lost balance and fell off the board into the sand, and Theo fell on top of me in an explosion of sand.

  I heard laughter as I brushed the gritty grains from my face. Theo and I looked up as Cullen and Xavier came up to us, arms fill of driftwood and fallen branches from the nearby wooded area that backed onto the property.

  “Having fun you two?” Cullen smirked, his eyes on my body, eye-humping me unabashedly. I spat out a few choice grains of sand. Xavier’s eyes were dark and I couldn’t tell what he was thinking. He was a silent giant, the biggest one of them all, and no less sexy.

  Damn it was going to be a long weekend with these three hot studs and no parents.

  “Come on you two surfer dudes… let’s fire up the barbecue.” Cullen said nodding to the house. He and Xavier dumped their wood into the pile that they had been adding to all day.

  I picked myself up, brushed the sand from my tits and collected my towel and magazine before I headed up to the house, Theo trailing behind after collecting his board.

  I smiled slyly at him, and he gave me a wink back.

  The rest of the evening was quite uneventful. A barbecue, a few beers and I retired early, exha
ustion of my long drive, being tackled, billiard ‘lesson’ and surfing ‘lesson’ all taking their tolls. Tomorrow was another day. I bid the men goodnight and went to bed.

  My fingers gave my poor pussy some much needed release to the mental images of Theo, Cullen and even Xavier fucking me hard, soft, sweet and rough. I moaned into my pillow, my panties were so drenched by the time I had finished my third orgasm, to the image of Xavier, that I had to change them.

  Through the night I awoke, certain that I had heard my door open and close. I didn’t think anything else of it

  Chapter 4

  I awoke around ten, the boys still crashed out. Xavier had taken the spare room, Theo the couch and Cullen his room. I got up and made coffee, the scent of roasted beans drifting to meld with the scent of the sea and stale beer bottles that lined the kitchen counter. I quietly put them in the recycling and came back into the kitchen where the coffee maker had finished heating up, the little green light showing it was ready for a coffee pod.

  I made my coffee and smiled as I picked up my cup of morning goodness.

  Xavier came out in a pair of boxers. His muscled chest was glorious and his eyes roved over my body, I wore a tight tank top and short-shorts - the kind that when a 16 year old girl wears them it should be illegal, but on a 22 year old, they were perfect.

  “Morning.” I said, leaning back against the counter, sipping my coffee.

  His response was a grunt.

  “Coffee?” I asked, he nodded. His eyes focusing on my pert tits, at least something was perky this morning… oh, hello soldier! I thought as I saw his bulge increase in his boxers. I smiled and turned, making a show of reaching up to the cups. His shadow fell over the counter in front of me, the sunlight coming in from the open French doors to the patio that looked out over eastern side of the property to make good use of the morning sun.


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