Burnt: A Devil's Spawn Novel

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Burnt: A Devil's Spawn Novel Page 5

by Natasha Thomas

  Lexi was two and a half, full of sass, and hyper as fuck. She was a mini-person with attitude, and a big ass vocabulary. Shit. Half the time I was either in fits of laughter, or tryin to convince my kid not to say the shit that was coming out of her mouth. Everyone but Isabella thought Lexi was hilarious. They usually ignored, or tried not to react to Lexi’s funny as hell comments though. Isabella not so much. She would scream at me for turning my baby into a deadbeat like I apparently am.

  It must have been getting on five-o’clock which is the witching hour for Lexi. She is either dog tired, or more hyperactive than usual at time of day. Today it’s the latter. Running around the picnic tables set up for the hog roast, Lexi’s babbling away, but halts quickly when Isabella grabs her upper arm tightly yanking her to a stop. My daughter yelps, and big fat tears fill her eyes. They wet her lashes, and make her eyes appear bigger than normal. I’m quick, but fuck me. I don’t know where Kendall comes from, or how close she has to have been to get there before me, but she does. Gently taking Lexi, and placing her on the ground she leans in and asks her,

  “Princess Lexi I think granma B has some candy she wants to give a special princess. You want to go see?” Granma B is Lexi’s name for Kendall’s mom, and has been since she could talk.

  Blinking up at her with wide eyes and a tiny smile, Lexi tugs on Kendall’s long curly hair. That’s her thing. When she wants Kendall’s undivided attention she tugs on her gorgeous long hair. She doesn’t need to. Lexi always has her attention, but she does it nevertheless.

  “Yep Pincess Kenny. I go see.” My Angel can’t say her R’s yet, so Pincess will have to do. Skipping off Lexi goes to seek out her granma B. No doubt her candy too.

  Waiting until Lexi’s out of ear shot, Kendall bends down towards Isabella where she’s sitting at the picnic table like nothing happened. Kendall hisses. When she speaks her voice is filled with venom. More than I’ve ever heard from her before.

  “If you EVER touch that gorgeous little girl in anger again, I will fucking kill you.” Isabella jerks back glaring at her. Smart bitch keeps her mouth shut at least. “Think on that bitch. Because if I ever hear you’ve put your hands on that baby for any other reason than to give her the love she deserves, I WILL FUCKINGG END YOU. You don’t grow up with bikers not knowing where to bury a few bodies so they’re never found.”

  Max, Dagger, Shifty, Vic, Arrow, and Tank clap and catcall. My dad winks at her blowing her a kiss, and Priest pulls her into a one armed hug. He can’t help himself he has to say something too.

  “I second that. I’ll dig the hole for my baby too cunt.”

  That was the day my heart swelled with love all over again for Kendall. It was also the day I confessed to my old man what the fuck was actually going on at home. Dad cornered me threatening to break my legs if I didn’t come clean immediately. He knows there’s a reason for me staying with someone like Isabella. I figured it was only a matter of time before he put two and two together. Look like today is that day. Must say I also like the use of my legs, so it’s time to be a man and fess up. Dad isn’t shocked by what I tell him. Angry yes, but not shocked. He even offers to help me find a way to leave her, and take Lexi with me.

  We started by offering her money. Not a little bit either. A hundred grand to walk away and stay gone. Isabella considered it. No surprise, but she came to the conclusion it was more fun to fuck with me than take the money and run.

  So here we are…

  My cunt of a wife is laying naked in bed after getting what she wants, and there isn’t a damn thing I can do about it. My Angel Lexi is still in bed sleeping because it’s barely six thirty in the morning. My brothers in the club believe I’m all sorts of fucking dumb for staying with DB. My dad’s searching for ways to help me out of my mess. The woman I love. The woman I crave. The only woman I need is three blocks away probably still dreaming all curled up in bed, and I’m locked in my fucking bathroom jerking my cock to thoughts of her when I’d rather be with her instead.

  Her soft skin. Gorgeous green eyes. Magnificent fucking tits I’d love nothin more than to fuck, and the sweet smell that is all her. Kendall smells like chocolate, vanilla, and spicy woman. MY woman. It only takes me seconds with the image of Kendall on her knees before me with her pretty tits bared topped with tight bubble gum pink nipples, for me to blow my load all over the tiled shower wall.

  I can only imagine what they look like because I haven’t seen them in person. Lucky come is white, and so are the tiles, or I swear there’d be a discoloured mark in that very spot.

  Not a day goes by I don’t think about Kendall. Not only in the dirty I-wanna-fuck-your-face-while-you-play-with-your-tits-kind-of-way all the time either. I think about her smile. How her eyes light up when she gets excited. The way she jumps up and down when she’s got a secret to share, or something exciting’s happening. What makes things worse, and better at the same time is that I see her nearly every day. I get close enough to smell her sweet scent. The one I would know anywhere. I could always tell when she was sneaking up on me from the age of thirteen. She never knew how, but it was when I bought her the first bottle of perfume that she’s used ever since. The days I see her I have to hear her soft velvet voice when she talks to Lexi, her uncle Max, her mom, her dad, even me sometimes. The fucking voice that wraps around me like a warm blanket on a cold winter night. I fucking miss being able to hear it whenever I want. Best or worst of all, depending on how you look at it, I have to see her. Her perfect, tight, toned, little body. All that long silky hair. Her satin soft skin. Magnificent tits. Tiny waist that flares softly into beautifully curved hips. Being close to her is almost akin to torture some days.

  Lexi loves HER Kendall. Lexi claims Kendall’s hers, and I let her believe it. After nursery everyday she demands we go see Princess Kenny’s pretties. Yeah my girl gets the R in there now too. What Lexi means is she wants to see whoever Kendall happens to be tattooing that day. It can be a fuck ugly skull with snakes for eyes, and blood and gore surroundin it, but my kid still thinks it’s ‘pretty’ because Kendall’s doing it. Some days I think Lexi loves Kendall more than she does me. It’s probably fucking true, and I can’t blame her either. Who wouldn’t love a sweet, caring, beautiful woman that loves you unconditionally, and always has a smile for you no matter what? Lexi needs that kind of person in her life desperately. The affection and attention that only a good woman can give her. Kendall laugh with her, all the time. Chimes in with the usual, ‘oh really’, or ‘tell me more Princess Lexi’. She high-fives her when Lexi gives her drawings, or creations that I can’t distinguish. To me they look like scribbles all over the joint, but to Kendall they’re all masterpieces.

  I however get little more than a wave, maybe a smile, or the occasional sweet ‘hi Declan’. That’s different too. I’m not Dec to her anymore. I’m not Cage, my road name, either. I’m just Declan. It’s not any less sweet to hear her speak my full name, but once, just once I’d like to hear her call me Dec again. Fuck. I’ll even take Cage over Declan.

  My brothers started calling me Cage after I came out of the fighting cage we’ve got setup at the clubhouse. It’s not a professional setup by any means. Just a raised padded floor with posts anchored into the ground, and elasticised high grade mesh walls. Works well enough for us though. After being undefeated for two-years the name stuck. I’d taken up exercise in the beginning to release my anger over Isabella. Get rid of my frustration over my shitty situation, and work off some of the desire for Kendall. I started off on the heavy bags working up to the speed bags when I was eighteen. It worked as an outlet for a while. That turned into sparring with Billy and Arrow. Getting pointers from Tank, our resident gym junkie, to make my workouts more effective.

  After too many drinks, taunts, and dares one night, Dagger and I got in the cage to go a few rounds. Dagger went down hard in less than three minutes flat. That was when I started taking up regular cage matches most weekends. Everything from there on out is history.

  I’m not the biggest brother in our chapter, but close to it. I’m about as tall as my dad at six foot four, and we both round out the scales at 240 pounds. I work hard at this shit though. I might eat like a caveman, all steak, meat, and potato’s, but I work out every day. At least two hours in the gym at the club house per day on top of my cage fights on weekends, and I run most nights. The running at night originally started so I could get away from DB. Now it’s taken on another purpose. My route takes me straight past Kendall’s house every night. I say I do it to clear my head, but who am I kidding? That’s definitely the reason I keep doing it. I feel like I’ve got to keep an eye on her. Make sure she’s safe. That she doesn’t have boyfriends hanging around, or male-female sleepovers.

  I know Kendall goes on dates from time to time, but between her dad, my dad, the brothers I enlist to help watch her, and me we keep that shit as limited as possible. If a man can’t stand up to us. Fight for Kendall instead of running away like a scared little girl pissin his pants, he’s not worthy of Kendall in the first place. I suppose me doing this shit could be considered me being an asshole, but I really don’t fucking care. Letting Kendall move on with another motherfucker is not going to fly with me. It’ll be over my fucking dead body before I let some dirty motherfucker touch Kendall. I get she’s not technically mine, but I’ve never been able to convince my heart or head of that little fact.

  Stepping out of the shower so I can towel off quickly, I hear DB’s annoying, whiny voice through the door.

  “Get someone to get the rug rat today would you? I’ve got an appointment with Sally to get my nails done at three, and I can’t pick her up.”

  That’d be fucking right. The only day this month Isabella has to pick up Lexi and she makes fucking plans. With Sally no less. I kind of can’t blame her for being friends with Sally though. Sally’s a club whore, and not a very popular one. She alright looking, and is apparently down to do anything. She’s a little on the chunky side of healthy, and I swear the bitch doesn’t even have all her own teeth. I can’t say for sure, but from what I’ve heard it’s true. Saying all that, she’s nice enough to the guys, other chicks, and old ladies to their faces. Behind their backs is a different story altogether. That and the fact she is the only person that’ll have anything to do with Isabella, makes Sally pretty unpopular. Isabella latched on to Sally because no one else will give her the time of day unless it’s to call her out for something. It stands to reason that the two of them are friends. Replying to my cunt of a wife I say,

  “For fucks sake Isabella. I got that run today. Can’t get out of it now. Dad’ll be on it as well as Arrow, Priest, and Dagger. Brenna is out of town visiting her Ma. Who the fuck is gonna get her if you can’t?”

  Tapping her nails against the door clearly bored with the little dilemma that is our daughters’ transportation Isabella offers her suggestion.

  “Can’t that skanky tattoo artist bitch get her? The rug rat loves her anyway, and we all know she wants a piece of my husband’s cock. Surely she’ll do you a solid and get her if you ask.”

  Fucking. Cunt. Isabella damn well knows Kendall will have Lexi any time she’s asked. She’s played on it often enough. When she’s faking being sick, because she never really is, the solution is, get Kendall to get her. She has a dentist’s appointment, cough-bullshit-cough, get Kendall to get her. Not to mention Isabella’s favourite, the one she loves to rub in Kendall’s face however often she can, it’s fucking date night, get Kendall to have her. Why am I such an asshole and keep letting her pull this shit you ask? It’s simple. Because if Kendall has Lexi then someone, namely me, has to pick Lexi up. Yeah I’m a fucking dick. It’s also probably borderline close to cheating on DB the way I rush over to Kendall’s too. Honestly I don’t give a flying fuck how I get to spend time with Kendall. Only that I do.

  Sighing I run my razor over my face, and bark out,

  “What the fuck ever Isabella. I’ll call her when I’m done gettin Lexi ready for nursery. Do whatever the fuck you want. You will anyway.” I know it’s’ true, so does she. Isabella does what she wants when she wants. Damn whoever it hurts or inconveniences.

  This run I’ve got today is only a short one thank fuck. Hopefully I’ll be home by dinner if all goes as planned, otherwise I’ll have to get Kendall to keep Lexi overnight. It won’t bother Kendall, but I don’t like doing it too often. Not that it hasn’t happened a time or two however. It started when Lexi was about one, Kendall having her overnight. Since then it hasn’t just a handful of times either if I’m being perfectly honest.

  I was on a three day out of state run the first time I got a call from Kendall letting me know she had Lexi, and was keeping her for the night. At first I thought something must have happened to Isabella. Wrong! Isabella called Kendall whining about being stuck in the house with a baby all day every day. She told Kendall she deserved a girls’ night out especially when her husband is running around on her behind her back. Thankfully Priest was on the same run with me, so Kendall knew where I was and how long I’d be gone for, and not that I was cheating on DB. Being the sweet kind hearted woman Kendall is, she jumped at the chance to have my baby girl overnight. I only found out about the fact my daughter spent two nights in a row with Kendall when Brenna called Priest to bitch about my wife being a neglectful cow. Why it surprised Brenna after seeing firsthand what Isabella’s like with Lexi I had no idea. Clearly it did though. After hearing Isabella had palmed our daughter off on someone else I called I her and reamed her ass, but like always she laughed at me telling me Saint Kendall offered ending the conversation by hanging up. Fucking. Bitch.

  Giggling like a fucking school girl, that shit is not sexy ladies, Isabella adds, “Well if that’s how you feel I might as well make a night out of it and catch up with some old friends for drinks. You know I don’t get to go out often being stuck with the rug rat and all.” LIE. Isabella goes out at least two nights a week. Whether its drinks with friends, dinner, movies, or girl talk she uses any excuse to get out the house and away from her responsibilities.

  In the end who the fucking cares? Not me that’s for sure. She can go out and stay out. Actually fuck yes! That’s a fucking fantastic idea, and I hope she does. “I might just crash with Sally then. She’s been lonely since Arrow won’t give her his dick anymore. You don’t care do you Dec?”

  Nope. Not one fucking bit.

  “Nah. That’s cool. Keep Sally Company. Whatever.”

  “I think I will. Good idea baby. Love you. I’m goin back to bed now seeing as you wore me the fuck out. Tell the rug rat to keep it down this morning would you?” Yeah. Fuck you too lady.

  Washing off the rest of the shaving cream, jamming my legs into a pair of jeans, I buckle my belt and pull on my grey Henley. My cut takes pride of place hanging on the hook on the back of the bathroom door. I slip it on just before leaving the bathroom heading out to find the rest of my paraphernalia. Keys, wallet, phone, and money clip all live in a bowl in the kitchen on a shelf that mischievous little hands can’t reach. I’m forever forgetting that shit if I don’t dump it there on my way in the door. More likely little hands get hold of it because I don’t put it where it belongs and Lexi’s a hundred dollars richer while I’m scratching my ass wondering where my cash went.

  Opening the door I see Isabella was already conked the fuck out, and I can hear my Angel humming softly to herself in the kitchen. Lexi is constantly getting out her own bowl, and cereal often organising breakfast for herself. It’s not a surprise when your lazy ass mom won’t do it for you. It’s fend for yourself, or hope dad’s home. The only other alternative is to starve in Lexi’s world. Sad, but true.

  I close the door quietly so I don’t wake DB. God forbid she have to be awake before noon. I make my way down the hall as silently as possible because I love watching Lexi when she doesn’t know I’m looking. Her sweet cherub face makes the cutest expressions when she’s concentrating. Her nose scrunches up, and she bites on her lower lip. Just like som
eone else I know. Kendall’s always chewed on her lower lip practically abusing the poor thing when she’s trying to figure something out.

  Coming into the kitchen I can’t help but laugh at what I hear. Lexi is humming ‘Sweet Home Alabama’. Fucking Hell. Kendall has sung or hummed that song to Lexi hundreds of time since she was a baby. My baby girl didn’t sing her ABC’s first, or that fucking stupid spider song. You know the one where the dumb bastard keeps climbing some fucking spout like the outcome is going to change. Fucking idiot. No. My baby’s first song was Lynyrd Skynyrd’s, Sweet Home Alabama. The first time Lexi couldn’t be calmed I was pretty much pullin my hair out at the roots not knowing what the fuck to do. Kendall promptly took my squalling infant daughter who was by now bright red from her wails, and headed to the juke box to put that fucking song on. While cradled in Kendall’s arms being rocked to the sounds of ‘Sweet Home Alabama’, Lexi nodded off and it’s been her magic song ever since.

  I overheard Kendall telling Lexi one day when she was about three that everyone has a magic song. When Lexi asked what her dad’s was, Kendall smiled telling her that it’s ‘Until It Sleeps’ by Metallica. Lexi looked at her strangely and Kendall laughed pulling out her iPhone to play it for her. After the song was finished Lexi wanted to know what Princess Kendall’s magic song was. I HATED with everything in me the expression on Kendall’s face when she looked down at my daughter. Her eyes were glassy, and her smile was sad. She answered Lexi and played her magic song too. Mumford and Sons’ ‘I will wait for you’. FUCK. ME!


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