Burnt: A Devil's Spawn Novel

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Burnt: A Devil's Spawn Novel Page 9

by Natasha Thomas

  “Must say John, didn’t think you had it in you. Balls of steel man. Balls of steel. Fucking a bikers’ wife and all.”

  Stammering and spluttering Isabella quickly jumps up wrapping herself in the tangled bed sheets.

  “It’s not what you’re thinking, Baby. It just happened. It doesn’t mean anything.”

  How many bitches and men too have uttered those exact same words? Probably every last one of them. Barking out a harsh laugh I shake my head at her.

  “Sure bitch. I believe you too. Pity no one else will. Anyone ever tell you a picture’s worth a thousand words?” Watching her jaw literally drop as I wave my phone in front of me I make my intentions very clear. I don’t want to have to repeat myself now do I? “Listen up this is how it’s going to go. I’m going to grab some shit for me and Lexi enough for say a week. You finish up here because I’m sure your new man still wants to blow his load. Blue balls and all. After, get your shit and get the fuck out of my house within the next five days, or I make you pay. I’ll have papers drawn up by end of business tomorrow signing your rights to Lexi away, and twenty grand cash waiting for you so you can fuck right the hell off.” Taking a step deeper into the room squaring my shoulders I continue “This is my final and only offer. I’ll be changing the locks, closing accounts, and throwing the shit you don’t take in the fucking trash after the five days are up. You touch my or Lexi’s shit, it comes out of your twenty grand. You destroy or break any-fucking-thing in this house, or the garage, it comes out your twenty grand. You do more damage than the twenty grand covers, I take it out of your man here. After you sign those papers, take your shit and your money, you NEVER,” I roar, “come near Lexi, Kendall, my family, or the club ever the fuck again. You do and you guessed it, I make you fucking pay. This is your only deal bitch so think and think smart on how you want this to play out.”

  I can see the wheels in her head turning. I know she’s trying to figure out a way to manipulate, or turn this in her favour. I think I’m being pretty fair though. Giving her the chance to leave without laying her out, and giving her money and safe passage to crawl the fuck away is mighty generous if I don’t say so myself. If dad was here and saw this shit he wouldn’t be so forgiving.

  “Answer bitch. No scheming. No manipulating. You know, that shit you’re so good at, forget it because it’s not going to happen. Tell me you’ll do as you’re told for once and fuck right the hell off.” Giving her a chance to answer, but not long though I roar again, “Answer me cunt.”

  Shaking and crying now, Isabella chokes out her agreement.

  “O-o-okay Declan. Please, please don’t do this. I love y-you baby.”

  Laughing because seriously, that shit is funny. She loves me? I thing fucking not. I can’t help but be disgusted with her as well.

  “Fuck off. You don’t love me you never have. You love my money, you love the status you get being with me and you might love my cock, but you DO NOT fucking love me. You sure as fuck don’t love my daughter and that’s all I care about right now. Now get the fuck out of my way, let me get mine and my daughters shit, so you and your new doormat can get back to whatever the fuck you call what you were doing a minute ago.”

  Grabbing my duffle off the floor of my walk-in robe I start stuffing in Henley’s, Tee’s, jeans and boxers. Snatching up my spare boots, a couple of belt buckles and my leather jacket, I zip and close it without hesitating for a second. I can practically taste my freedom, and I’m not wasting another minute trapped here with her if I don’t absolutely have to. I walk out of the bedroom slamming the door behind me. I can still hear the muffled cries of my soon to be ex-wife, and it might be sick, but I’m glad I can. After everything she’s put me through she deserves to feel a little bit of what I’ve been suffering for years. Heading into Lexi’s room I pick up the large Princess roller bag I keep for weekend sleepovers out of the bottom of the linen closet. Tapping out a quick text, I attach the photos I took of dumb and dumber in the other room, and send it to my dad. I need to be careful and watch my back where Isabella is concerned. She’s sneaky I’ll give her that. It doesn’t take long to pack up what Lexi needs for a few days. Dumping everything next to the front door I go to my safe.

  Before Lexi was born, just after we moved in here I installed a gun safe. There was no way in fuck I would let my baby girl crawl around with unsecure firearms lying about the place. Holstering my Glock, and tucking my .357 into the back of my jeans I head out bags in tow to my SUV. Fucking cages. I hate driving the fuckers, but they’re safer for Lexi so I put up with it when I absolutely have to. While I do take Lexi on short rides, to dad’s seven blocks away, or to Kendall’s three blocks away, I won’t take her further than that. Not just yet anyway. I’ll wait till she’s about nine. The same time I started riding with my dad before I take her further afield.

  Tapping Arrow’s number into my phone I don’t bother to let him speak,

  “Brother. Get Dagger and load up in the truck yeah? I need someone to come get my bike from my joint and drive it back to the clubhouse.”

  “Yeah brother. You good?” Fucker sounds half-drunk, half-asleep. He’s solid though so I know he’ll be on it.

  “Better than ever man. Lexi and I are giving DB some time to get her shit and get the fuck out of Blackwater. Fill you in later.” Hanging up on him is nothing new. He’s used to it by now. We all are. Most of our conversations end the same way. We say what needs to be said and get the fuck off the line. We’re bikers not ladies having tea and shit. My text alert sounds and what I look down and see has me laughing to myself. Fuck my old man is a riot. “THANK FUCK” all capitals and only the words thank fuck. Nothing more is needed to get his point across either.

  Loading the bags in the back of the SUV it takes everything fucking in me not to drive straight to Kendall’s, pull her into my arms, and kiss the fuck out of her. Maybe life is looking up. In a few short months, because trust me I’ll be paying a lawyer through the ass if I have to, to speed this fucking divorce through, I can make Kendall mine. Finally.

  The drive to the clubhouse is short. Only taking me about five minutes on a good run, and tonight is a GOOD run. I see the gravel covered front parking lot is littered with Choppers, Dyna’s, and Super Glides. Thank fuck my other lady will be here soon in its rightful place. Parked second row from the front, third bike in. I hate that I had to leave my bike at home with that unpredictable bitch. I can guarantee you that if there’s one scratch on it, Isabella can kiss her twenty grand goodbye in a second.

  Bike parking at the clubhouse is done by position held and then seniority. It doesn’t matter if you’ve only held office two days, or twenty years. If you hold a seat at the table, you get a front row spot. It’s not just because we can be lazy fucks either. It’s about the ability to get to your bike, and ride out ASAP if the situation demands it. Dad’s bike is always parked second bike in from the front door. Priest’s holds pride of place in first position. It’s not here tonight though which means Priest is home with Brenna where he should be. The man works too hard as it is. It nice to see he’s taking some time back. Prospects end up parking somewhere over near the fence line. Their parking isn’t ordered. More like first in best dressed. Shame that on party nights when shit tends to get wild and messy they don’t have a choice where to park because I can’t tell you how many bikes we’ve had to pick up off the ground after a hard night on the drink and too many joints.

  Another guy that’s always around the club house these days is dad. Oh fuck it. Let’s be honest, he’s always hung around here more than home. Having a club whore birth you, and be paid to fuck off doesn’t sound far from the situation I currently find myself in. Maybe the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree after all.

  Jerimiah ‘Pipe’ Marks is a fucking handsome guy for an old dude. He has never, and still doesn’t have a problem pulling in as much pussy as a brother twenty years his junior. He’s only just started getting some greys come through his long as fuck black hair,
and his goatee’s still only about half-half. The man looks at you like he can see into your soul when he pins you with those creepy fucking grey eyes. Sad part is I actually inherited the fucking things from him, so fuck knows if people say the same about me. Kendall always, well up until about five years ago, told me she loves my eyes. The grey is calming, or some shit like that. If she likes them that’s all that matters to me.

  If there’s anything I want for my dad, it’s for him to settle the fuck down. Stop tapping cheap, easy, loose pussy that hangs out around the club and Rough Shod. Find himself an honest to God good woman that he can build a life with. It’s the least he deserves after his all the years he’s spent alone. Fuck. He’s only forty-seven. He’s got plenty of good years left to ride, make a home with, and fuck his Ol Lady if he can find one willing to put up with his moody ass. I know when I get Kendall on the back of my bike, and in my fucking bed that’s sure as shit what I plan on doing.

  The only woman that’s come close to turning my dad’s head is a hot as hell thirty-four-year-old history teacher at Blackwater high called Selena Mitchell. To hear dad tell the story you’d think he turned into a complete pussy not keeping after this chick. I honestly thought he had bigger balls than that. Apparently they met at Rough Shod one night when she was out with some friends. Dad was doing his usual check-in to see everything was running smoothly as part of his job as VP. Overseeing the MC owned businesses, making sure no one is ripping us off, and problems are kept to a minimum is all part of a hard days’ work for him. It doesn’t hurt one of the businesses is a strip joint either. After buying her a few drinks, getting Selena’s number and calling her the next day to take her out for dinner, the old man charmed her panties off, fucked her, and then she never answered another one of his calls from then on in.

  Stupid fucker. He didn’t bother calling for long, a week or two at the most if I remember correctly. Fuck knows what her deal was not answering the phone though. The way dad tells it, she was hot for him, the best lay he’s ever had. She’s got a tight, wet pussy most men only dream about. Even though he’s a brother and my VP, the guy is still my dad and hearing about the pussy he taps is not high on my list of bedtime stories. They had a good time together. She got off, and everything seemed fine afterwards. Dad even stayed the night at her place something he usually never does, and left her a note with his number before taking off early the next morning.

  When Kendall heard about it, Kendall did what all women do, and got inquisitive. Then she proceeded to laugh her ass off at dad when she got the scoop from Selena at the salon Lou runs in town. It was probably about a month after dad stopped bothering to call and text Selena that Kendall set up a “chance”, meeting with her. One she managed to get because Lou told her Selena was booked in with one of the hairdressers at her job. After their friendly chat, some new information came to light about my dad’s stupidity, and his even more epically stupid note. Not that we really questioned he’s a stupid bastard, bit in this case he took the fucking cake. Enter Kendall laughing her ass off at him.

  My old man neglected to tell us in his first recount that the note said, ‘Thanks for the fuck sweetheart. See you real soon’. Fucking moron. Even I know that’s a bullshit note to leave a woman, and I’ve got twenty-four years less experience, and a fuck of a lot less notches on my belt too. Talk about making her feel like a hole to stick your dick in and nothing more. Kendall teased dad mercilessly for a good month before helping the old guy out. I have to say, he deserved every last bit of shit she gave him too.

  Two and a half months after dad and Selena met, Kendall told him Selena was in fact actually very interested in seeing him again, but knew nothing about the biker lifestyle, or the way shit goes down around us. Selena got upset and offended by his crappy note, deciding to ignore him on principle. Smart girl. Especially because no one turned my dad down ever. This made her all the more attractive to him on top of everything he already liked about her. Selena met Lou and Kendall for coffee a few days later where Kendall gave her the abbreviated version of biker 101, and the men she’d grown up around. Kendall told her just enough so Selena understood dad wasn’t being a rude asshole on purpose, it was just his way, but not enough it would scare the poor woman off for good.

  Kendall later told dad it was better for her to learn slowly. Be eased into the biker fray rather than be overwhelmed ultimately deciding this shit is all too much. Let’s just say dad didn’t like the fact Kendall wasn’t pushing the point with Selena, or try to bring her to the club ASAP. Reporting back that Selena would be open to dad trying again if he pulled his old head out his ass, not her words it sounds better my way though, dad’s mood lifted a bit. He’d been like a grumpy bear with a thorn stuck in his paw the entire time this back and forth shit was going on. I don’t think he’s decided what his plan of attack is yet, but I do know he hasn’t fucked anyone since Selena. If I didn’t know better I’d think he was hung up on the pretty little teacher. Fucker won’t know what hit him if he is. He’ll also never admit that shit either.

  It’s not like my cock doesn’t want just as much attention as the next guys because fucking oath it does. I’m a fucking twenty-three-year-old man with more testosterone than what’s probably considered normal and a ten inch cock that makes itself known often. No. I didn’t measure the fucking thing. A chick in high school did. Jesus. We were seventeen, stupid, and I regretted that shit later. Not for the reasons you’re thinking either. Three months after I banged her a list was hanging on the bulletin board at Blackwater high, and what do you know, my name is in big fucking bold writing, underlined fucking twice informing every fucker that could make it through the crowd to read it, ‘Declan Marks – ten inches long, Jacob’s ladder piercing, girth - fingers don’t touch when wrapped around, need two hands to hold the beast’.

  Holy. Fucking. Shit I laughed my ass off. Billy did too, with good reason. His name was second on that list, measuring in at nine inches. The looks on the girls’ faces were priceless, and the high fives from the other dudes were definitely worth it. Lou looked pissed as hell and didn’t talk to Billy for two weeks, but some things can’t be helped. Kendall’s reaction stunned me though. She smacked me up the backside of my head telling me I was a stupid asshole for getting pierced so young. That I should be careful I don’t get diseases from an obviously skanky chick that published my measurements for the whole school to see. She also told me I should be lucky the chick didn’t put a picture up too. I figured Kendall would’ve been horrified. Lou too actually. Clearly not. Good to know for future reference that they can put up with some crude shit. At the time I was just fucking glad she didn’t pick up on the fact my Jacob’s ladder was an obscure reference to her. I did do it for her after all, or in homage to her at least.

  If I couldn’t have Kendall, sick as it sounded, I wanted to remind myself that she owned me. She was already in my head every day. Awake or asleep it didn’t matter. She was imprinted on my heart, and now she owned my cock too. Uncle Max told me to fuck off when I asked if he’d do my dick piercings, so Billy and I took a day trip into Boulder. It’s not like the Uncle Max doesn’t have three of his own through the head of his dick, but obviously he had no intention of getting near my junk, and in hindsight I was A okay with that. He probably would have made it hurt worse just for being young and fucking stupid.

  Long story short, Billy and I heard some club whore talking about Reapers piercing at which time Billy had to pretty much bleach his brain. Not that we hadn’t accidentally seen his dick more than once, but still no son needs to hear about that shit. We got to Boulder, I handed over my fake ID in this little back alley tattoo shop that had a piercer, and I swear to fuck I cried like a little bitch after it was over. Pain doesn’t adequately describe the sensation of being stabbed through the cock seven times over. I held a bag of frozen peas over my cock for near on a week afterwards. Swear to God, true story. Six weeks of healing and a lot of defrosted food stuffs, and I was good to try the big guy out. After ac
cidentally breaking the first three condoms I tried to get on, I didn’t think about that bit did I? The chick I was with came pretty much as soon as I got the fucker in. A+ sir, A+. I perfected my skill at rolling condoms on my dick with the piercings in, and soon it was a well-known fact that I could get a chick off in less than thirty seconds. That earned me a lot of extra pussy. Not that I’d been in need, but I sure as shit didn’t turn it down either.

  Spotting dad over by the bar as soon as I step foot in the clubhouse, I walk up and clap him on the shoulder. He does something then that he hasn’t done for a while. Actually I can’t remember the last time he’s done it. Dad grabs me in a bear hug squeezing the shit out of me.

  “Jesus fuck. Thank you God. I mean, I don’t believe in the fucker, but someone must have been lookin out for your dumb ass son.”

  I take that as he’s happy then?

  “Yeah dad. Fuck yeah. I’ll even go to fucking church if that fucker set this up for me. Couldn’t have worked out better if I set it up myself. When the stupid cunt signs some papers for me releasing custody of Lexi, takes the cash I offered, gets her shit, and fucks off hopefully not showing up ever again I’m home fucking free.” Pulling away I ask, “Can you get Davis on that shit ASAP?”

  Davis is the clubs lawyer who’s on permanent retainer to the MC for a fuck ton of cash, and has been for the last fifteen years. Good guy to have on our side because he’s a fucking shark in the court room.


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