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The Possibility of Trey (A Hellion MC Novel)

Page 24

by J. A. Hornbuckle

  About twenty minutes later, the Morrows bustled in and made straight for the desk before turning back to the almost silent room.

  "They're taking him to surgery," Trike announced loudly and I saw him grab Cutie around her waist, seeming to gain strength from having her near. "Is Dallas here?"

  I raised my hand and began to weave in and out of the crowd to get to them.

  "Aw, girl," Trike breathed, pulling me into his chest by the back of my neck. I felt Cutie's arm around my waist as she moved to press against my side.

  "Is he going to be okay?" My voice was small and timid as I asked my question into Trey's dad t-shirt.

  "They don't know, baby," Cutie replied, her lips close to my ear.

  "Not much for praying but it seems to be appropriate right 'bout now." I heard Trike's growl more through his chest than his mouth. On the outside, with his folded bandana holding his long gray-streaked hair back he was all biker. But as I'd discovered when I first met him, Trey's dad was a teddy-bear on the inside.

  I'd had an inkling that bringing a girl to dinner with his folks was a big deal but really got the rest of it by their inclusion of me within the family circle at the hospital. A fact that settled me at a core level.

  "Did they tell you the damage?" I asked, turning my head so I could see his mom. She was so beautiful with her long dark hair and expressive red-brown, long-lashed eyes.

  I felt Trike's movement and saw Cutie was copying it with a negative head shake.

  "According to Bishop and Si, he got hit above the knee and just above his groin," I said, somehow both saddened yet glad I was giving them the news.

  "And the motherfucker that shot him?" I recognized the menacing growl that Trike had bequeathed his son.

  "All the offices are wired for both video and sound," Bishop said from behind me. "We took Brechot down and MPD carted his motherfucking ass away."

  "This better not play out as goddamned aggravated 'cause this is fuckin' pre-planned attempted murder. Real and true," Trike bellowed. Seemed his temper was even shorter than Trey's.

  "Let's go talk to the troops, baby," Cutie suggested as the three of us disconnected. "You too Dallas. As Trey's old lady and the club's queen they're gonna expect you to give comfort."


  Wait was this what Reese had meant?

  But, I wasn't a queen.

  Dee was a hundred times more of a leader than I was, for god's sake.

  I was only his girl a fact he damn-well reminded me of every day. But as I turned to the room at large I saw she was right. The men and the Honeys were looking to me to get through them through this. And that thought scared me to death.

  "I don't know how," I confessed on a whisper leaning towards Trey's mom so as not to be overheard.

  She rubbed my back the same way Trey liked to do and shot me a small one-sided grin. "Guess you're gonna learn then aren't you honey?"

  I stuck by her side for the first five or so meet-and-updates before feeling comfortable enough to work the rest of the room. Even more brothers, and whoever they were with, kept streaming in, causing the hospital staff to encourage us to take it outside. I got a lot of comfort from them as well, as I took on hugs and their words of hope. Which, Reese reminded me, is how it works in families. Even biker ones.

  A phalanx of police entered and made for the reception desk before coming to find Trike who again had Cutie curled against his side. As I watched it came to me that both Trey and I had grown up with parents that were openly affectionate.

  I stepped outside and grabbed my cell to call my parents.

  "I'm sorry but I won't be by after work. Trey's been shot," I told my dad who'd answered. I'd kept up the habit of swinging by their place every day after work just to check on them and catch up. Answering his questions to the best of my ability, dad said he'd relay my delay to my mother. Which told me he wouldn't be telling her about Trey knowing it might send her in a tailspin. "Well girl, I guess we'll see you when we see you. Until then you keep yourself and your man safe."

  It was one of his typical goodbyes which had just started with the advent of me and Trey living together. A goodbye I'd treasured the first time I'd heard it knowing dad meant it as both a blessing and a benediction.

  It was a long-assed night.

  After five hours in surgery the doctor had met with Trike, Cutie and me in the visitor's waiting area on the surgical floor.

  "Your boy did good, Mr. Jackson. Although we still have septicemia looming due to his perforated bowel, I think he's going to recover," the surgeon said.

  "Thank God," Cutie cried before bursting into tears.

  I wasn't far behind her and felt myself being pulled into one side of Trike's chest as Cutie held the other.

  Our hands met and entwined over Trey's dad's heart.

  Chapter Thirty

  Four fucking days in the hospital was too much Trey decided. Okay, three of those days had been a blur with all the drugs they'd loaded into his IV, but still. Allegedly, he'd been in ICU for two but that time didn't count because he couldn't fucking remember them. But the latest doings?

  Oh, hell to the no.

  His ass hurt, which he was goddamn convinced was because of his position due to the heavy cast and traction on his leg that the nurses kept fucking with every time they made an appearance. The angle of which only pulled on the goddamn stitches in his belly.

  Dallas had been with him every moment although he remembered some kind of brouhaha that had happened regarding her staying until his dad had stepped in. Yeah, his old man had straightened everything out in his own brusque, ex-biker way. But even his girl was getting on his last nerve though she wasn't doing anything but sitting quiet in the chair next to him. Just holding his hand.

  She must've felt his eyes on her because she turned to face him instead of the silent TV hovering in the top corner of his room.

  "Need something, sweetie?" she asked.

  "To get out of this motherfucking room," he stated, his growl attesting to the amount of patience he had left. Which was none. "I want to go home."

  "Yeah, well. They say you have to stay a few more days and your parents are not signing you out. You just have to be patient, Trey."

  That was utter bullshit. He wasn't allowed to eat though he was fucking starving and the stitches in both his lower stomach and above his knee under the cast were itching like motherfuckers. Having his leg lifted in such a weird position and immobilized meant he couldn't move and was basically stuck in the same goddamn pose without being able to find a comfortable way to rest.

  He didn't even have business, club or otherwise, to keep his mind busy. Calling each member of his council he got basically the same fucked up message of 'everything's good. Under control, brother. You just concentrate on healing'. Fuck that and fuck them!

  "But maybe I can make the time more pleasurable," Dallas's soft voice continued. He watched her stand as a small smile spread over her face along with a cute blush. "I bought something I think you might like and I hope will take your mind off the attitude you've got brewing."

  Trey felt his eyebrows meet as he tried to imagine what his girl was talking about. Pleasure? He could get down with receiving some pleasure although he was sure his version and Dallas's definition were two completely different things.

  She glanced towards the closed door before she lifted her boxy t-shirt to expose a deep red low-cut bra with a front closure. Her beautiful pink nipples were just shadows behind the lace. It was a straight up girlie piece of underwear compared to the bras he'd normally seen her in, those tortuous tubes of spandex and elastic that flattened out her beautiful chest. This new piece was something he never would've thought she'd fucking pick out much less wear.

  His eyes devoured the sight as another portion of him both filled and lifted his hospital gown and the sheet that covered him.

  "It's not really my style but Reese thought…"

  His hand interrupted her speech as it flicked the clasp open, spillin
g her bountiful breasts into view. She gasped at his quick move, grasping at both sides of the now loose cups. But at his muttered, "don't", she dropped her hands allowing him to take in the full view before him.

  Fuck, yeah. Now that was what he was talking about.

  "I want…" he started, barely able to speak clearly with the need that was pounding throughout him.

  "Shh, sweetie. I know what you want." Dallas's voice was as sweet purr as she reached for him her t-shirt remaining tucked underneath her arms and away from her fucking awesome tits. He felt her hands on his neck but instead of one going to his hair as usual he felt her release the tie of his hospital gown before she stripped it down to his waist.

  Leaning up on her tiptoes, she dragged and stroked her firm, hard nipples over his pecs. All the while watching his face as he followed her every movement.

  "It this what you need, Trey?"

  All speech left him and he felt like he could barely fucking breathe as the heart monitor became almost a monotone with its increased beeping.

  She snaked a hand underneath the sheet as her sexy fucking mouth hit his. Even before she'd worked out to go underneath the cotton johnny he wore, his hips were thrusting up in anticipation. His action pulled at his stitches and had his leg bouncing but he absolutely didn't give a fuck.

  And when her hot palm finally, fucking finally, hit his steel-like hard on?

  Goddamn heaven and so fucking satisfying that he groaned long and loud.

  She pulled back to look at him, keeping her amazing jugs on his chest while her hand gripped and worked his length. "Let's not get too wild. Just lie back and let me take care of you."

  In all their playtime, all the ways they'd hit it, a hand-job hadn't even been on the table. Probably because they were both too impatient for the main event. The fact that she was doing it when their normal positions were impossible and had fucking initiated it created a fire within him that had him shaking.

  "Stroke me, Dallas. God, yes. Right there. Christ! Oh, pretty girl, work me. Fuck. That feels good." He couldn't help his talk or his moans as his woman sweetly jacked him. Her mouth the fucking feel of her tits on his chest and how her hand enveloped and stroked him brought him to completion pretty fucking quick.

  He caught her grin of triumph as she began to move away.

  "Where the fuck do you think you're going?" His ejaculation had taken the edge off but didn't take him anywhere near satisfaction.

  "Ah…to clean you up?"

  "Not fucking likely. That was the appetizer, Dallas. I want the next fucking course."

  Her eyes were on the door as she stripped and then joined him beneath the sheet. The sight of her matching deep red bikini panties were a fucking treat and had his cock twitching in renewed interest.

  Pulling the rest of his goddamn gown off him, his girl draped herself over his unhurt side careful of the different wires and the IV line as well as his stitches and the sharp tilt from the traction on his leg.

  "This may be complicated," she murmured once she'd settled and had pulled the sheet back up over the two of them.

  Just the feel of them being bare skin to skin gave Trey another piece of heaven.

  "Between us, Dallas, it's never complicated and never nothing we can't fucking handle."

  He felt her face movement and looked down to see what was doing. She raised her beautiful nickel covered eyes to his which reflected her smile. "So you're at my mercy, huh?"

  "In your fucking dreams, Tex. Now getcha ass up here and sit on my face. You're down by one."


  That afternoon in Trey's hospital room was a day of firsts. I'd never brought him to climax with just my hand and we'd never tried the position for oral sex he suggested. But if that's what it took to cool my man's jets without causing him pain I was all for it.

  Under his tutelage and with much shuffling and readjustment, I finally got into position of splayed knees and hanging onto the thick plastic headboard as if my life depended on it. I could feel his hot breath and the soft scratch of his facial hair on the sensitive skin of my inner thighs.

  "You're so fucking beautiful," I heard him whisper and felt heat hit my face. I'd never been so exposed or felt so vulnerable as I did at that moment.

  My ass overflowed into his hands that gripped each cheek as he brought me down to his mouth. And at the feel of his tongue and lips all embarrassment, as well as thought, fled. His mouth teased and tickled as it played over my folds. He used his tongue to separate before delving into my opening to swirl and plunder. I felt his head shift as he began to flick and nibble at my swollen unhooded bead which was begging for its share of his attention.

  Although the position was different, his knowledge of my body was the same and Trey knew exactly what I liked, what I needed to find my pleasure. And, while not as vocal as he, the incoherent sounds coming from my throat gave evidence that I was definitely enjoying the rapture he provided.

  "Reach for it, honey." I both heard and felt his voice centered between my legs. The feel of his fingers sliding inside of me brought my orgasm even closer.

  "Oh, yeah," I moaned, throwing my head back and grinding myself down on his mouth and fingers. "Just like that. Don't stop, Trey. God. Don't ever stop." Which gained me a growl in response that reverberated both within and without of the part of me his busy mouth was working.

  "Hey, kids!"

  I froze in place when I heard my mother's voice and whipped my head towards the door only to see both his parents and mine, crowding in the open space. All three mouths were stuck in the "O" position as my dad kept repeating, "what's going on? Somebody tell me what the hell is going on!".

  Trey pushed me up and I felt his head tilt so he could see what the noise was about. He must've gotten it because he immediately roared, "Out!" as he reached for the sheet and brought it up and over himself so I could grab it to cover my bare and exposed body.

  "Sorry!" I heard Trike bellow on a laugh before the thud of the door announced it was closed.

  "Oh fuck. Oh shit." My face was so hot it hurt as I quickly scrambled off Trey and reached for my clothes. "Oh God, Trey. They saw. Oh shit. They flipping saw us!"

  My head was down as I tried to get dressed but my hands were shaking so hard I had trouble doing up the new bra. The buttons on my blouse and the waistband of my jeans were almost impossible to maneuver.

  At the first bark of Trey's laughter, I stopped what I was doing to glare his way. "This isn't fucking funny, Trey. Our parents just saw us…they just saw you with…"

  He was laughing so hard he had tears in his eyes and every time he glanced my way, his peals of mirth kicked up a notch even as he pressed a hand over the stitches in his belly. In my opinion, he had a very warped sense of humor and his laughter had started to piss me right the hell off.

  I plopped down in the chair to put on my socks and boots keeping an eye on him and waiting for whatever fit he was in the middle of to pass. It had to be the residual drugs in his system that were causing his jocularity at a very unfunny situation.

  "Dallas, we fucking live together, honey. I'm sure our folks have figured out we're having sex," he said with chuckles still showing in the hitches of his voice.

  "It's one thing to recognize it and another to damn-well see it in action, Trey Jackson, and you flipping know it!" Which only set him off again.

  "The look on my old man's face when he got an eyeful of your beautiful churning ass…"

  I sat back with my arms crossed unable to even look his way. I was absolutely mortified and wanted to be anywhere but in that room especially knowing our folks were on the other side of the only exit. If we hadn't been four floors up I was willing to consider climbing out a window just to get away without having to face them.

  "C'mere, pretty girl."

  "No." I wasn't going anywhere near him knowing he'd try to use his charm to calm my ass down.

  "I need help getting this fucking gown back on, Dallas. Come help me." He was still smili
ng but fortunately his chortles had left.

  Working together we got him back into his hospital gear but as he tried to kiss me, I got a whiff of his face. Oh hell. He reeked of me!

  I raced to the bathroom and wet a washcloth in order to clean him up.

  "Am I presentable now, Tex?" he teased, catching my eye after my second sniff test.

  "How are we ever going to be able to face them?" I hadn't intended to just blurt out my question but I couldn't help it.

  Taking my hand, Trey tugged me to him. "It's all good, Dallas. They're our folks and like you and me together. So they got an eyeful of what we like to keep private. It's not the end of the world, pretty girl."

  "But, Trey…"

  "Go open the door, honey. They came for a visit so let's let 'em in."

  I couldn't figure out how could he be so calm about all of it. But I took his cue and opened the door, accepting hugs and cheek kisses with a blush that went down to my bones before they moved off to huddle by Trey's bed.

  Trey's mom had brought him a plate of cookies. I knew we'd be tossing them because the orders were 'nil by mouth'. My mom had brought him an ivy plant that I saw brightened the generic room a bit.

  The only thing that was said about the sight that had greeted our parents when they'd first barreled in was done by my dad.

  He and I had stepped back to give Trey time with his folks as my mom sat in what I'd come to consider as 'my' chair.

  "There's only one thing worse than having your parents walk in on you during an intimate moment," dad said in a low voice. "And that's having your goddamn kids do it. Never thought I'd be happy to be blind but at the moment, I'm sure as hell glad I am, Dallas."

  "Me too, Dad," I whispered back feeling my blush restart at his words. "Me, too."

  Chapter Thirty One

  Eleven fucking days. Eleven of the longest goddamn days of Trey's life were all he could stand before he had to get back to the business. His business of leading HC and HMC.


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