Secrets Unsealed: A Triggerman Inc. Story

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Secrets Unsealed: A Triggerman Inc. Story Page 5

by Marie Harte

  “Me?” She leaned closer to poke him in the chest and ended up sprawled on top of him when he yanked her close. Geez, Deacon could move. “Get off.”

  “Hey, I’m on the bottom. Not my fault I was having such a hard time seeing you way over there.”

  “What? One foot away?”

  She sat up, uncomfortably aware of straddling his abdomen while wearing her own fuzzy pajama set. Not a dress, but pants and a shirt. For modesty’s sake, she’d worn a bra. Hopefully it helped hide the knots her nipples had turned into.

  “Deacon, what is this?” she asked, exasperated. And strangely charmed. God, she had so many issues.

  “This is called conversation. You really don’t want me making blond jokes, do you? Come on, Solene. It’s just talking.”

  She glared.

  “Who knew you’d need reassurance? You were amazing, baby. Just great.” He gave her a mock leer, and she smacked him in the chest. “Ow.”

  “Stop joking around. This, us. The mutual masturbation party. What the hell was that?”

  He blinked. “You said masturbation. Wait, don’t hit me. I’m letting that sink in.”

  It didn’t escape her notice that something hard nudged her backside. Good Lord, the man grew aroused when arguing?

  Deacon sighed. “Look, Solene. You don’t need me to tell you how fucking hot you are. You’re also mouthy, angry, and bossy. And that’s sexy as hell. This whatever-it-is between us has been there from day one. Admit it.”

  She grudgingly nodded.

  “We acted on it. Big deal.”

  Maybe for him. For Solene, despite what she’d told her friends publically, sex meant more than just tab A into slot B.

  Deacon continued, “For the record, you seduced me. I’m weak. I came in two seconds, like a rocket.”

  She couldn’t help smirking. “That’s true. You did.”

  “But I more than made up for it by eating you out in the shower.” His smug grin returned. “And baby, you were wet before my mouth was on you. You taste real good. I’m thinking we’ll be doing all that again. Together would be better.”

  Her cheeks felt hot. “I don’t think we should.”

  “I know. You’re scared of me. I’m sexy and charming. You know I’ll be leaving once this op is over. And you know you’ll fall in love with me and be crushed when I go. I get it, sweetcheeks. It’s okay.” He gave her a seriously superior smile.

  She wanted to bite him and contented herself with another slap to his chest.

  “Damn it. Cut that out.”

  “Oh please. We both know to you that’s a love tap.”

  “Well, yeah. But it’s the principle of the thing.” He rubbed at the nonexistent mark on his chest, his handsome smile still too wide.

  “You know what? I think you’re right.”

  His grin faded. “Huh?”

  “I think sex with you will be amazing. Totally hot, combustible. Except like all the others, you’ll fall for me. Then you won’t want to leave. You’ll end up retiring on the island like Noel. You’ll try to move in with me, and I’ll have to gently let you down. You know, easily, so you don’t need to spend years of therapy getting over me.”

  “Is that right?” He sat up, caging her in his thick arms. That ridge shifted beneath her, now nudging in the right place. Damn.

  “You know, I—”

  He jerked them both back, laying flush against the couch for a split second before rolling them to the floor. He quickly tucked her under him, so that he covered her. She heard muted thuds, breaking glass, and footsteps on the hardwood floor.

  What the—?

  “Don’t move,” he whispered into her ear, then leapt off her. He disappeared, and Solene lay still, not sure what to do, her heart racing like a freight train. Just as she’d decided to move, because she felt decidedly unsafe just waiting for danger to find her, she noticed feet moving in her direction.

  She heard what sounded like punches, swearing, and a foreign language she didn’t recognize. Deacon remained as silent as a ghost. As she looked around, trying to see more than booted feet and armed, masked intruders facing off against a bare-chested, bare-footed Deacon, the confusion ended. So had the brief altercation.

  She hurried to stand, stunned to realize they’d been attacked in her supposedly secure house.

  Deacon had a smear of blood on his knuckles and was breathing hard, but otherwise looked as if he’d just left his bed. “Come on.”

  She followed him in a rush, glancing over her shoulder to see the three figures on the ground, unmoving. Once in her bedroom, he grabbed her go-bag from the closet. She’d put it together for such a contingency weeks ago. Two changes of clothes, cash, a few toiletries and an extra pair of sneakers.

  “Let’s go.”

  She didn’t question him except to ask, “Are they dead?” Her words came out in a croak.

  “No.” A flat response. From the spare room, he shoved his feet into shoes and shrugged into a sweatshirt, then grabbed a black backpack and another, heavier looking duffle bag. They walked back toward the living room with Deacon leading the way and carrying a gun.

  “Where did you get that?” She hadn’t seen him pick it up.

  “From one of your admirers.” A glance at the bodies showed two men passed out on the ground, the third bleeding from his belly and moaning. Deacon set his things down and pulled his phone out of his bag while collecting the weapons he hadn’t already taken. After a brief talk with Hammer, he tucked the confiscated weapons into his duffle and readied to leave.

  He frowned at the security keypad by the front door.

  “Why didn’t it go off?”

  He shrugged, set in her code so they could exit without the alarm sounding, then got them the hell away after first clearing their escape.

  They ended up at a closed car lot she’d often driven past but had never visited.

  “What are we doing here?”

  He hadn’t said anything on the drive. Now he parked and turned to look at her. “We’re going someplace safe while Hammer and Noel figure out what the fuck just happened. Your alarm never went off. Those guys were amateurs, and though they tried to kill me, never once did they point a gun in your direction. Someone wants you, Solene, and it’s time we found out who and why.”

  She nodded, her throat dry. “S-sounds like a plan.”

  Deacon’s expression darkened as he stared at her. Before she could ask what she’d done to deserve his wrath, he pulled her close, kissed her senseless, then left the car.

  “Come on,” he growled. “We need to move.”

  Solene did her best to calm her thundering heart. She followed his orders, but they needed to have a conversation when they settled down wherever they headed.

  Because Deacon’s “jump when I say so” attitude had to go.


  Deacon didn’t know what the hell had just happened. How had those men breached security? The alarm hadn’t gone off when the intruders had entered, and it had been activated. He’d had to turn it off to exit the house.

  He tried to appear calm, in control, but inside he was shaking. He’d always gone into life and death situations knowing he could die. He accepted his mortality and knew he’d eventually kick off at the wrong end of a knife or bullet. After the things he’d seen and done, he expected nothing less. Fear didn’t do more than up his adrenaline, and he used it to live on that sharp edge, his focus solid.

  But tonight he’d been afraid for Solene. He’d fought angry. And angry men died faster and easier than those dispassionate about dispensing justice. Though the attackers had been amateur at best, they’d been armed. A simple thing to shoot someone by accident.

  Solene could have been hurt. And that still freaked him the hell out.

  Himself in danger? No biggie. Solene at risk? He wanted to wrap her in his arms and never let her go.

  Jesus, he was screwy. He’d fought drug lords, infiltrated guerilla camps, and been tortured more than once for informat
ion he’d never given up. Yet a few ill-trained thugs near Solene and he had the shakes.

  Glaring at her, then the road, he started up the new car they “borrowed” and drove to the safe house Noel had procured a long time ago. Even before Addy had been involved in this mess, Noel had taken precautions. Always a bolt-hole to hide out in, extra cash and identities on hand, a means of escape.

  Noel hadn’t used the place when Addy had been kidnapped and nearly killed. Now with Brent Morgan out of the way, they had one less threat targeting Noel. Except the bastard behind all this now wanted Solene. Alive.

  That worried Deacon more than the idea that the bastard might want her dead. It was time to hide her pretty ass and figure shit out.

  “Do you think you might let me know where we’re going?” Solene asked, sounding sleepy, to his surprise.

  He was way too keyed up to fall asleep. “You’ll see when we get there.”

  She sighed. “Wake me up, then.”

  He drove in silence, theories and strategies keeping him well occupied. He checked constantly for a tail, stopped, resumed his course, and looped around several times, making the half-hour drive much longer.

  When he finally pulled into the remote cabin miles from Solene’s house, they were halfway between Port Townsend and Bainbridge. Not too far away, but far enough to easily get lost off a dirt road leading to another dirt road and now surrounded by trees.

  The cabin had limited internet access that was routed and secured through Noel’s personal servers. It had basic amenities, one bedroom, a small living area, and a fully stocked kitchen with foods meant to last. Nothing perishable, but they didn’t need fresh. They needed safety.

  He stopped the car and locked up after himself. Solene remained quiet but not asleep. Despite acting tired, she’d been awake the entire trip.

  After checking the hidden security panel in the detached garage, he drove the car inside and locked it after him. “Leave the bags,” he told her, grabbing the gun he’d kept next to him during the ride. “I’ll come back for them.”

  She nodded. They exited the garage through the side door and entered the house through the heavy oak door in the back. Away from the roads and anyone else living out in the area, they should have been safe. But he wasn’t taking any chances. He didn’t turn on the lights, using the moonlight coming through several windows to illuminate his way.

  “Stay here.” He handed her the pistol. A small .22. Not powerful, but it would do the job. “Anyone comes by that isn’t me, shoot.”

  Her eyes were wide. “Um…”

  “You have shot a gun before, haven’t you?” He knew she had. Noel had been thorough in his report.

  “Yeah.” She swallowed audibly. “I’ll be fine.”

  He saw the fear she tried to hide and felt his heart wrench. “Yeah, fine as shit.” He teased and stroked a finger down her cheek. “If the gun bothers you, you can always use it to club anyone who gets in your way.” Another fact he loved about the woman. She knew self-defense and could function in a crisis.

  She gave him a wan smile.

  “I’ll be right back.”

  It took him no time to ascertain their solitude in the small cabin. He returned to see her where he’d left her, in the corner of the entryway, her back to the walls, away from the door and windows.

  “All clear.”

  She let out a breath. “Then can we please turn on the lights?”

  He chuckled. “Go ahead.”

  She flipped on the switch, illuminating the homey little place.

  “Yep. A thousand square feet of luxury.”

  She grimaced. “Luxury? Maybe if I’d been born in the fifties.”

  “Now, Solene. Not everyone has your touch when it comes to interior decorating.”

  “You got that right.” She sighed. “What now?”

  “Go explore. I’ll bring the bags in. Then we get a good night’s rest, see what Hammer and Noel turn up, and get started in the morning.”

  “Started what?”

  “Our investigation.” At the thought, his blood started pumping. “Lock up after me. I’ll be right back.”

  * * *

  Solene checked out the small cabin, reevaluating its charm. Though a bit shabby, it had a comforting feel. Old hardwoods, outdated yet functional appliances, Shaker-style furniture and dark blue walls emphasized the woodwork in the place.

  The house consisted of a living room with the dining table between it and the kitchen, a large bathroom complete with a clawfoot tub and shower, and one bedroom. One. Fit with a king-size bed.

  She wondered where Deacon thought he might be sleeping. Then again, after what they’d just experienced, she’d feel better next to him than by herself—where anyone could come in and grab her.

  She shivered, still unsettled that men had come into her home and tried to…what? Kidnap her? Kill her? Kill Deacon?

  She had no doubt that the intruders had been tied to the Noel Jr. situation. But why drag her into it? She was already involved, yes, but only as a bystander. No one of importance. But better her than Addy or the baby, she thought. Solene could handle herself.

  She had when she’d nearly been taken at her daycare.

  Her daycare…


  “Deacon?” She called for him, anxious about work.

  He reappeared and locked up behind him using a fancy keypad by the door. The cabin might be old-fashioned, but the locks were state-of-the-art. “What’s wrong?”

  “The daycare. If they tried for me at home, I bet they’ll do something at my work. We have to—”

  “We thought about that. Another reason to keep you away from work is to mitigate problems around the kids. They want you. Not your daycare. Not Little Dee,” he said, almost to himself, and frowned. “Why is that? First, they come after Noel. Not the baby. Then they go for Addy. Because she’s with Noel? Because they can see how much she means to him, maybe?”

  “So why are they after me?” She infused a moment of humor, needing it badly. “Oh, right, because they’ve seen you panting after me.”

  He nodded instead of correcting her. “Must be it. They know I want you. I’m terminally in lust.”


  He grinned. “What? It’s true.” He regarded her with a contemplative look. “It seems as though they’ve moved their focus from Noel to me. And by extension onto you. I’m the one who’s been guarding you. I’m the one who’s protective when it comes to you.”

  “So is Hammer.”

  “Yeah, but I’m usually the one with you. I get the feeling it’s my turn to be tested.” He dropped the bags to the floor. “Man. This is giving me a weird feeling.”

  “Weird good or weird bad?”

  “Weird familiar. I swear it’s right there, at the edge of my mind. A pattern I’m missing. I just can’t think of it.” He swore, no doubt frustrated. “I’m sorry you got dragged into this, Solene.”

  She blinked, not having expected that apology. “Not your fault.”

  “Obviously it is. I’m just not sure how it is.” He sighed. “Let’s get some rest. And before you argue, I know there’s only one bed, but it’s safer if—”

  “No, it’s fine,” she interrupted. “I’m going to clean up first.”

  His expression seemed to soften. “Yeah, you do that. There are clean towels and soap in there.”

  “Thanks.” She hurried to the bathroom and closed herself in, then just stood there. As the reality of what they’d just experienced finally hit her, her eyes burned, and she started to shake.

  She ignored her inner tough girl and let herself cry in silence, turning on the sink to hide her fear from Deacon. I’m entitled.

  When she’d finished taking care of herself and had hidden her tears, she rejoined him in the bedroom. “Wow. That’s a big bed.”

  He chuckled. “I think Noel has aspirations to become a harem master. This thing seems even bigger than a king.” He nodded to her bag on the floor. “Let’s lea
ve our stuff ready to go in case we need to move fast. I’m going to sleep on that side, between you and the door. We’re all locked up, but I’ll be on guard.”

  “You need to rest too.”

  He crossed the room to her, tilted her chin up to meet her gaze, then lowered his head and kissed her. Thoroughly. But the tender kiss comforted and tugged at her emotions. Deacon had a way of making her feel like the center of his world.

  “I will, Blondie. I call it mission-sleep. I put myself at rest, but I’m alert at the same time, if that makes sense. I’ll get more rest tomorrow. I’m pretty awake right now.”

  “Okay.” She hugged herself and wanted to lower her gaze, afraid he’d see how much she needed him to make her feel safe. Solene, a woman used to taking care of herself, wanted reassurance from a man.

  “Aw, honey.” Deacon didn’t ask. He pulled her into his arms and hugged her, his chin pressed against her cheek. “I’ll keep you safe. I promise. Shh. You’re good. It’s all good.”

  He rocked her as she shivered, until she’d finally eased herself into a state of calm.

  “Sorry,” she mumbled, embarrassed, and wiped hated tears from her cheeks.

  “No, I’m sorry. You should have been protected in your own house. We’ll figure out what happened.” He stepped back, watching her with concern. “Go on and get in bed. I’m going to do one more sweep before I join you.”

  She nodded and slid between the covers, still wearing her fuzzy pajamas. She slipped out of her bra before he returned. Just because they’d been shot at didn’t mean she couldn’t sleep in comfort. But she hid it in her bag just in case Deacon thought she’d taken it off for some other reason.

  She couldn’t relax until he returned. When he did, he reassured her that he’d locked up. Then he settled next to her.

  The warmth of his body and the thick comforter lulled her into closing her eyes.

  Deacon’s heavy sigh preceded him dragging her against him as he spooned her from behind. “I got you, Blondie. Go to sleep.”

  He hugged her close, and she fell into a dreamless sleep, protected. Safe. Happy.


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