Secrets Unsealed: A Triggerman Inc. Story

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Secrets Unsealed: A Triggerman Inc. Story Page 10

by Marie Harte

  He kissed her forehead and hurried to the stairs. With no help for it, he positioned her over his shoulder, sucked in a breath at the large bruise there, and hurried to the auto deck. They passed no one, and once on the lower level, he did his best to make it appear as if he were helping her walk to the car instead of carrying her to it.

  Once at the vehicle, he dropped their things, eased Solene to the ground, and pulled out his phone. He used the mods the Business installed on it to check for tampering. A scan showed no incendiaries to worry about, but he removed two tracking devices, placing them under the vehicle in front of them.

  The attack in the restroom had been a diversion. And a lead. Though no one had admitted to Romero Burleigh’s involvement, Sue Ahn’s presence pretty much confirmed it. The woman had been enamored with the ex-contractor for some time, and everyone knew it.

  But why so much effort to get to Solene? Unless Burleigh had lost his mind and thought he could snatch The Solene Hansen, ex-supermodel and friend of Noel’s girlfriend.

  Burleigh’s amorous pursuits—if one could call them that—had gotten him fired from the Business. Had he not run as soon as he’d gotten his walking papers, Deacon would have taken him out. Since Big Joe had told him to leave well enough alone, he had. With other, more important missions to worry about, one less monster on the payroll had to suffice.

  The thought of Solene in that asshole’s hands made him furious. And worried. He hurried to get them both inside the car.

  Once the ferry docked, he drove them to the hotel where Noel had chosen to meet. Deacon sighed. How the hell would he get Solene up the stairs without being noticed?

  The staff entrance, of course. He shot a text to Noel.

  An hour later, dressed in a hotel staff uniform, he wheeled a laundry cart to room 402. Deacon knocked. “Laundry pickup.”

  Noel answered.

  After letting Deacon and his cart inside, Noel locked up. He turned to study Deacon’s costume and the bulging laundry cart. “Seriously? This is the best you could come up with? You’re bruised, the uniform is clearly too small, and I can see Solene’s head pushing against the fabric liner of the cart.”

  Deacon glared and removed the towels covering Solene. He gently lifted her and placed her on the bed. He grabbed their duffels as well. “Can you lose the cart for me?”

  Noel sighed. “I’ll be right back.”

  Once alone with Solene, Deacon checked her pulse, ran his hands over her again, looking for injury, and realized she would likely have to sleep off whatever she’d been given. Despite her sedation, she seemed well enough, her pulse steady, her face free of bruising and, from what he could see of the rest of her, she looked the picture of health.

  He changed out of the uniform back into his jeans and tee, groaning at the bruises on his shoulder, ribs, and hip. Damn. I can’t believe I fell for dust in the eyes. I have got to get back into training. The fight had been shoddy, his attention divided between Solene and the enemy.

  He normally didn’t worry about keeping himself from harm, going into danger with a come-what-may attitude. But now if he went down, Solene would be fair game. He couldn’t do that to her. He wouldn’t.

  Deacon stared down at her, aware that even asleep she took his breath away. What the hell was he going to do about her?

  Noel returned, gave him a critical once-over, glanced at the passed out Solene, and sighed. “Tell me.”

  Deacon ran down the events of the past few days, keeping his relationship with Solene to himself. He wound down, trying to put the pieces together. “So, I’m thinking with Sue Ahn involved, we have to be looking at Romero Burleigh as our mastermind. But the three of us never had an op with him. Individually, yeah, but he had nothing to do with Mexico. Or am I wrong?”

  Noel shook his head. “I’ve had a few smaller ops down there, but nothing as big as Sinaloa. And that one was all about the Diablo Blanco cartel and Jonas Hood. Unless somehow Burleigh was involved and we’re all unaware of it.”

  “I had no intel detailing Burleigh’s involvement. And I was in deep. I knew what was going on. Maybe the Mexico connection in that note with the baby was meant to distract us.”


  “I have no idea. Just like I have no idea why the bastards keep trying to kidnap Solene. Why would they want to talk to her? What the hell does she have to do with anything?”

  “Aside from the fact she’s Addy’s best friend and that you’re now glued to the hip with her, she’s rich, gorgeous, and an ex-supermodel. A celebrity—just Burleigh’s type. You know he always thought of himself as God’s gift to women.”

  Deacon didn’t like hearing that. “Makes sense, I guess. That’s assuming Burleigh’s our man.” All the evidence pointed to that conclusion, but Deacon still had doubts. Something just didn’t sit right with him. At first, they had no information whatsoever on who was behind the assassination attempts. Now every sign pointed to Burleigh.

  Noel blew out a breath. “He’s got to be our man. Our contact today let me know, and I quote, ‘A certain someone is no longer in Asia,’ and that said someone ‘Found India too boring and was tired of following the orders of an organization he was no longer a part of.’”

  Considering Burleigh had last been known to be living in Jaipur, India, his identity as the mastermind carried even more weight. “So, if you already talked to our contact, why am I here?”

  “Because she said she had more to tell, but only to you. She knows we’re all together because she was working with Big Joe on some of this before she separated.”

  “She? Who the hell are we talking to?” Deacon wanted to know. “Why the mystery, man?”

  Noel glanced at Solene, and seeing her asleep, said, “It’s Brenda. You remember, your favorite admin from Corporate.”

  Deacon blinked in surprise. “Brenda Rice?”

  “She left the Business for an upgrade into the private sector. Actually, a known CIA front. Big Joe recommended her for the position. Now that she’s no longer with the company, she’s free to fraternize with its contractors.” He paused. “Do you understand what I’m saying?”

  Deacon frowned. “Because she and a I flirted a few times, you now want me to whore myself for information?”

  “More like gently persuade. Seduce. Find out what she knows.”

  “But…” He glanced at Solene. Awkward. Involved with her, he had no desire to even look at another woman. They all paled next to the blond termagant.

  “Uh-huh. This is why I didn’t want you to bring her along.” Noel ran a hand through his hair. “What’s the deal with you two? Are things happening between you?”

  Deacon shrugged, not comfortable with mentioning anything, unsure if Solene would care. His normal ease with women, in knowing what they wanted, didn’t seem to work with one particular smart-mouthed ex-supermodel. And he wanted nothing to impede their deepening relationship.

  Likely it would end sure enough on its own. He ignored pangs at the thought. But until they’d officially ended, he planned on enjoying being with her to the fullest. And that meant not seducing other women while they dated.

  Still, the job meant protecting her, which meant being fully informed. Deacon sighed. “You watch her. I’ll meet with Brenda.”

  “I’m coming with—”

  “I flirt alone.” Deacon held up a hand. “Note I said ‘flirt.’ I’m not sleeping with Brenda to get our intel. She’s one source that can lead to others. Fucking her is off the table.” How ironic that at one point, he wouldn’t have thought twice about taking the redhead to bed.

  “Fine. Just help us get our guy.” Noel frowned. “This is dragging on. I don’t like it, and I don’t trust the build-up. We need to stop the enemy’s momentum before it really gets started. He—”

  “Or she.”

  “Or she” —Noel nodded— “shot Addy and he shot me. Just because Brent pulled the trigger makes no difference. Now they’re after Solene. We finish this before they turn their attention
to Hammer or, God forbid, the baby.”

  “I get you, man. Relax. I’m on it.”

  “Well, go clean up first. You look like hell. All that worrying for your girlfriend is turning you gray, buddy.”

  “And fuck you too.”

  Noel said nothing, but his smirk remained.

  * * *

  An hour later, Deacon sat in an upscale sushi bar waiting to meet with Brenda. He wore his jeans and a borrowed black sweater from Noel. He’d styled his hair and, despite the slight bruise on his cheekbone from that cuff to the face, he didn’t think he looked too bad.

  Brenda walked in wearing heels and a dark blue dress that set off the blue of her eyes. The provocative style highlighted her curves and long legs. He’d been dying to get a shot with her for years. And now, to his amused dismay, he realized she didn’t hold a candle to Solene. Whereas once he’d been dreaming about how to get around Business protocols so he could be with Brenda, now he only saw a woman who would always be in Solene’s shadow.

  Superficial beauty paled next to genuine character, and added to Solene’s incredible looks and sarcastic personality, it was no question why he could think of no one but her.

  He stood as Brenda neared and accepted the full-body hug she gave him, glad Solene was nowhere in sight. “Brenda, baby, you’re looking good. I hear you’re moving up in the world.”

  She beamed. He held her chair for her and waited until she sat to take his own seat overlooking the restaurant. He’d asked for a corner table, the wall at his back.

  “Deacon. You’re breathtaking, as usual.”

  He grinned. “Yes, I am.” They both laughed and shared some office gossip about a few handlers and the administrators before Deacon turned to the matter at hand. “You have some news to share?”

  “I was more than surprised to hear Noel’s leaving. He seemed so solid at work. Then with you and Hammer taking time off, I knew something was up. Big Joe confirmed it when he started asking me to look up some things for him.” She paused when the waiter came to take their orders. She selected a wine, but Deacon passed.

  After the waiter left, she continued, “I hear things. A lot of things I’m not supposed to. I took the job with Perkins & Wright because of the pay raise and location—they’re based in England, you know.”

  “Nice. You talked about wanting to go there.” He had a thing for recall, and he remembered her chatting about her desire to travel overseas, England especially.

  “I did. You’ll have to come out and visit me,” she said, practically purring.

  He just smiled. “What else do you know? What other good gossip do you have for me?”

  Her grin faded. She leaned closer. “There’s some buzz going on. Worry that one of our own has gone rogue. In a big, bad way. You remember when Borislav and Meridia were replaced last year?”

  He nodded. Both handlers had been moved to other divisions, supposedly. But since Big Joe handled Deacon’s ops, he hadn’t thought much of it.

  “Well, they didn’t transfer. They died. Two supposed accidents: a car crash and a heart attack, recently proven to be intentional.” She unnecessarily added in a whisper, “Assassinations.”

  “No shit.”

  “No shit.” She guzzled the wine the waiter set down for her.

  Deacon didn’t touch the water the waiter brought him, not trusting anything anymore. If he didn’t prepare it, he didn’t eat, drink, or touch it. “I’m confused. Two accidents are now classified as murders? Why investigate something that happened a year ago? Who authorized it?”

  “I don’t know. I only know the higher ups are worried. They started looking at people who had issues with both handlers, and three names came up at the top of everyone’s lists: yours, Hammer’s, and Burleigh’s.”

  “Romero Burleigh.” Why the hell did the asshole want him, Noel, and Hammer gone?

  Brenda tapped her cheek. “I remember he really had it in for Noel. Noel was the first one to report him for assaulting women on the Azerbaijan mission. I found similar reports showing you and Hammer had also made note of his actions.”

  Deacon hadn’t realized Hammer had narced on the guy as well. Hammer and Burleigh had worked on an op that hadn’t gone as expected, but Deacon hadn’t heard any details. So reporting Burleigh was the tie, then. Mexico was what? A red herring? “Reports you found? Whose reports?”

  “I found them, yes. They’d been filed under Meridia’s section, but when I showed them to Big Joe, he said they weren’t Meridia’s. That Meridia didn’t file his reports that way or something. Frankly I wouldn’t know. I never handled his materials.

  “What I do know is those reports got back to Burleigh a few months ago. Yasmine told me so. You remember her. She and Burleigh had a thing going on when he was working Portugal.”

  “Yeah? I thought he was hooking up with Sue Ahn,” he said, waiting to hear what Brenda knew of that.

  “Sue Ahn?”


  Brenda laughed. “Oh right. The information broker, wannabe contractor.” She snorted. “Sue only got those wings after Burleigh talked her into being one of his ‘angels.’ You know, like a play on Charlie’s Angels? It was a joke, but it got less funny when I saw the same tattoo on Yasmine. She was so smart. I never understood how she could fall for a user like him. Even after he left, she sang the bastard’s praises.”

  Mention of angels and wings stood out like Solene wearing nothing but a towel. He couldn’t dismiss the coincidence. Now more than ever Deacon knew they were on the right track with Burleigh.

  “Sue left, and Yasmine followed a few months ago. I haven’t heard from Yasmine since. And now we find out that two handlers who crossed Burleigh are gone. You might be next. Be careful, Deacon.” She frowned. “I keep kicking myself. I should have called Yasmine out for fraternizing with a contractor. But she was a friend.”

  “Yasmine was too easy to take advantage of. But I would have thought Sue would have been stronger. She idolized Hammer, you know. At least, until Burleigh started mentoring her.”

  Brenda grimaced. “I don’t think that did her any good. She seemed more broken than bright-eyed after her first few ops. Burleigh always made sure to ask for her on missions. From what I read in Meridia’s reports, theirs was not a healthy relationship. She never complained, and Burleigh was always more than polite around her in debriefings. But Meridia noted something off.”

  “Neither Sue nor Yasmine said anything about his treatment of them?”

  “No.” She frowned. “There was something else though. Something that tied Burleigh to suspicious activity a few years ago. Meridia took his reservations to Big Joe. Soon after they started looking hard at Burleigh. When reports of him assaulting women came in, it was just what they needed to get rid of him.”

  “What do you mean, what they needed?”

  “Deacon, do you really think your handlers have that much power? The amount of training that goes into each contractor comes with a hefty price tag. Hirings and firings get a lot of scrutiny.” She paused. “And when one of you wants to quit? It takes an act of God to make that happen.”


  “But Noel was different. I don’t know how or why, but they released him without a problem.”

  Something he’d have to let Noel know. Deacon was starting to get an ugly feeling about all of this. It felt like each time they cut off the head, the hydra of conspiracy grew a new one. “What do you think, Brenda? Is someone on the inside involved in this mess? Burleigh seems to be a real problem, but the Business hasn’t made much of an effort to track him down.”

  “I know.” She drank more wine. “I can’t explain it. And you know? I’m glad I don’t have to. I’m heading out to Molesworth in a few days.” She paused and looked at him from under her lashes. “I’m staying here tonight. Until Wednesday…if you’re interested.”

  Deacon had always liked Brenda, and he had no desire to hurt her feelings. “Brenda, have you looked at yourself lately? Who wouldn’t
be interested? But our timing has never been right. You’re moving on. I’m busy with a job, and I don’t want it to touch you. Just being here was a risk, as I’m sure Noel told you.”

  Noel had better have let the woman know to be on her guard, or he’d answer to Deacon.

  “He told me.” She shrugged. “But seeing you was worth it.” She studied him. “I don’t know, though. Something’s different about you.”

  “Different how?”

  “You’re more… I don’t know. Quiet, contained. You’re not flirting with me the way you usually do.”

  “What can I say? I’ve had a lot on my plate, lately. I think it’s time I headed out.” He took her hand and kissed the back of it. “I wish you success with the new job. You’re beautiful, smart, and a catch by any means. I’d say break a leg, but I don’t want anything but the best for you.”

  “That’s so sweet. You take care of yourself, do you hear me?”

  “I will.” He stood. “Shoot me a message when you get to the U.K. Keep in touch.”

  “You too.” She waved to him as he left, but his thoughts had already shifted to Solene. Had she woken yet? Did she hurt anywhere? Could she tell him anything new about the attack?

  He was careful as he left the restaurant, making his way back to the hotel. He had much to tell Noel…and an overwhelming need to see Solene again.

  * * *

  Brenda watched him go, as smooth, debonair, and handsome as ever. Deacon Shaw had been on her must-have list since the first day she’d seen him. Gorgeous, charming, and intelligent, he knew how to make a woman feel as if she mattered. He fit her criterion of a potential lover. Deacon wouldn’t cling. If anything, he’d advance her standing among her peers.

  Everyone in the admin section had loved the lothario who spent more time gabbing with the staff—and picking up information from those dimwitted bimbos—than with his handler.


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