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RideofHerLife Page 3

by Anne Rainey

  “You’re beautiful, Lily. You’re husband was a damn fool.”

  Her cheeks heated at his unabashed praise. “Thank you, you’re pretty damn fine yourself.”

  He smiled down at her. “Lily?”


  “On the phone, when I gave you an order, you obeyed.”

  Lily had a feeling she knew where he was going and her engine revved to life. “Yes.”

  “I want you to do it again. Will you?”

  She tapped her lip, pretending to think it over. “Hmm, that depends.”


  On whether or not you’re going to ask me to stand on my head or something.”

  He chuckled. “No acrobatics, I promise. All you have to do is lie down on your back and hold on to that big headboard behind you.”

  Lily hesitated for real then. “I’m going to want to touch you. I’ve waited a long time for that pleasure. I won’t be denied, Kyle.”

  Kyle leaned forward, cupped her chin in his palm and kissed her. This time his warm lips lingered, played. He nudged her lips apart and dipped inside, tasting, tongues dancing before slipping back out. “You’ll get to touch, I promise. But first I want to see you all spread out for me. Pretty please?”

  Yeah, like any woman could resist a request like that! “Fine,” she grumbled halfheartedly as she lay back and took hold of the headboard. “You’d better make it worth my while though.”

  “Mmm, definitely,” he murmured as he reached down and touched a finger against her wet slit. Using one hand, Kyle pushed her legs apart and moved onto the bed between them. His gaze raked her body, stalling for a fraction of time on her widespread thighs and the juncture between. “Now that’s a beautiful sight, sweetheart.” He stroked and her pussy throbbed at the tender caress. Wiggling, desire mounting, Lily whimpered in her need to feel him deeper. Her greedy body wouldn’t be satisfied until his cock was stretching and filling.

  “Shh, it’s okay. I want to play. You’re so soft here…” He slipped two fingers inside her and groaned. “I’m going to find every one of your hot spots. By the time I’m through you won’t want to move for a week.”

  “Promises, promises,” she shot back, trying and failing to sound unaffected by his skillful strokes. “Actions speak louder than words, Kyle.”

  He grazed her clitoris with his thumb. Lily moaned. “Another challenge, huh?”

  She clutched the headboard tighter, unable to speak. Besides, the words didn’t matter. Only her dark-haired lover with his talented fingers mattered, nothing else.

  “So damn sweet,” he growled as he finger-fucked her. She moaned his name and arched off the bed.

  Suddenly he stopped and pulled his fingers free. Lily cried out, so close to release and yet it may as well be light years away. “Please, Kyle.” To hell with dignity, she wanted to come. Now!

  “You let go, Lily. That’s not allowed. Hands back on the headboard.”

  Damn, she hadn’t even been aware. Quickly, Lily did as he bid. When Kyle’s fingers resumed their pleasurable torture, thrusting deep then pulling free and thrusting again, Lily nearly came. “Son of a bitch you’re hot. So damn hot you light me on fire, baby.” Leaning down, he licked the plump underside of one breast, dragging another series of cries from her. “You fucking do it for me, Lily. I haven’t been able to think of anything else since your sexy ass came into my shop. All I want to do is fuck you. Hard. For maybe a day or so.”

  Lily licked her lips and closed her eyes, giving herself to the currents flowing through her, lost in the words he whispered. Kyle had expertly weaved a spell around them. The man was a freaking sorcerer, no doubt about it.

  “Christ, look at you,” he ground out. “I want to pound into your tight cunt. I’m going to feel all that sweet cream of yours drenching my dick.”

  Her breathing increased and her temperature spiked as he continued his torment.

  “Puffy, pink pussy lips. Yum.” His guttural words skated over her sensitized flesh. “I swear to God I want to make this last. But damn, baby, once I get inside you, I’m not going to.”

  He slid down the bed and slipped his fingers out of her. Spreading her juices over and around her clit, Kyle parted her swollen labia. “I want to eat you first.”

  Kyle’s lips closed around her swollen clit and sucked it into the hot cavern of his voracious mouth. Using his tongue, he teased and laved. Lily pushed her hips against his face, her pussy tightening, throbbing. The orgasm rushed over her, sending her into oblivion.

  “Yes! Oh God!”

  Kyle continued to lap at her, suckling, tasting as if unquenchable. Her whimpers turned to shouts as another climax took her. Sensation after sensation bombarded her body. Holding on for dear life, Lily gripped the headboard. Kyle lashed at her with his tongue and teased her with little kisses, taking every last tremor, every last drop of her juice.

  Lily collapsed, unable to move, her entire body humming from the bliss of release.

  “So fucking good,” Kyle growled as he licked one last time. “God damn, you taste good.”

  Lily felt Kyle rise then move over top of her. “Let go of the headboard, Lily, and look at me.”

  Prying her fingers away, Lily opened her eyes and started up at Kyle. His sensual, talented mouth was damp from her pussy, eyes half-closed with desire. Lily couldn’t seem to pull enough oxygen into her starving lungs.

  “Kyle,” she muttered, her voice hoarse from her cries.

  He smiled and, without saying a word, moved to his knees then crawled up her body until his jutting cock and heavy balls were a mere inch from her face. Lily licked her lips, knowing without being told what he wanted. She wanted it too. He closed his hand in a tight fist around the hard flesh and stroked. Lily had about all the provocation she could take.

  Closing the bare space, Lily kissed the dripping tip. She slid her gaze over his imposing body and whispered, “I’ve thought about this. About you. I’ve touched myself while imaging your cock in my mouth.” He started to speak, but Lily tongued the slit in the bulbous head and all that came out of him was a groan. “Are you going to let me taste your come, Kyle?” Not waiting for an answer, Lily took his cock all the way in, suckling and milking him.

  “Damn, baby.” Kyle wrapped a hand around her head and held her up as she pleasured him with lips and tongue. He began to move, fucking her mouth, his hips almost out of control. His balls slapped against her chin and Lily gagged.

  He pulled back instantly. “Fuck, sorry.”

  Lily wasn’t. That she could make a man like Kyle lose his head, drive him so wild that he forgot to be gentle, brought a new rush of arousal to her pussy.

  She reached up and squeezed his sac. Kyle cursed, his fingers pulling at her hair almost painfully. Lily nuzzled his groin, inhaling his musky scent, then really began to enjoy her feast. Letting her tongue travel down the hard, swollen length, she brought him to her lips and sucked his cock deep. The swollen head grazed the back of her throat. She tasted his pre-come and the salty flavor teased her taste buds. She swallowed, her throat closing snugly around his heavy dick. Kyle cursed and jerked backward, his cock slipping free of her lips. She pouted.

  “No, little Lily. Later you can suck me dry.”

  Kyle scrambled off the bed. Lily watched, enthralled, as he riffled around in his jeans pocket then held up a condom and bobbed his eyebrows. God, he was adorable. Within seconds he had it on. He moved back onto the bed and blanketed her body with his own leanly muscled frame. “You want me, Lily?”

  She gave him the stark truth. “I’m dying for you right now.”

  Dipping his head, Kyle kissed her. She tasted a good dose of male arousal as well as her own tangy heat. Neither of them spoke as Kyle guided his cock to her entrance and pushed inside the tiniest bit. He took her hands in his own and brought them above her head, stretching her out for his pleasure. She was totally at his mercy.

  “You’re beautiful, Lily.”

  The way he said it, the w
ay his blue eyes darkened as he stared down at her, had Lily believing the words. He pushed in a few inches, stretching, filling. Lily’s fingers tightened, holding onto Kyle, half-afraid he’d disappear. Half-afraid she was only dreaming the erotic interlude.

  “Wrap your legs around me,” he demanded. “Pull me in, baby.”

  She anchored her legs around his lean waist and groaned as Kyle started a slow, torturous rhythm inside her pussy. “Harder,” she pleaded. “More. I need it all, Kyle. Please.”

  “Sweet, sweet, Lily,” he murmured as he moved his hips. Slow, so damn slow. Then faster, until he was giving her what she craved, pounding into her body.

  He fucked her. Lily’s inner muscles gripped and tugged at his cock. His head descended and his mouth wrapped around her nipple, licking and nibbling the sensitive tip. Lily arched upward, pushing more of her flesh into his greedy mouth. When Kyle touched her clit with his thumb, pressing and kneading the little bud, it sent her over the edge. Her climax building and building. The inner walls of her pussy squeezed his dick in a snug, hot embrace as she bathed his sheathed cock in her juices.

  Slamming into her one last time, Kyle flung his head back and filled the condom with his hot seed.

  They both collapsed onto the bed. Kyle’s large, hard body covered her. Their sweat mingled and she didn’t even care. Having his arms around her, his face nuzzling her neck…it felt good. It felt right. Strong fingers tugged her head to the side until they were face-to-face.

  “You are an amazing, sexy, delicious woman, Lily Justice.”

  She kissed him. With her lips lingering on his, she murmured, “And you are absolutely incredible, Kyle Wolff.”

  He swiped his tongue over her bottom lip. “Mmm, stay put. I’ll be right back.” He pulled his now semi-erect cock free and left the bed. By the time he returned, Lily was only barely conscious. Still, she did manage to notice he’d disposed of the condom. When he got into bed beside her and pulled her on top of him like a living, breathing blanket, Lily laughed. “So, does this mean you’re staying the night?”

  “Did you think I’d leave now that I’ve had a taste of you?”

  Her eyes shot wide. “That was a taste?”

  His arm tightened around her and his voice rumbled as he replied, “Oh, yeah. I’m going to need much, much more.”

  Something about his words had her heart filling with warmth. Careful, Lily, this isn’t a love story here. It’s sex. There’s a difference. “Okay,” she said. Feeble? Yes, but she figured it was better than an awkward silence.

  Kyle cupped her chin and tipped her head back. His gaze held hers captive. “What is it, baby? Did I say something wrong?” She shrugged and attempted to look away. The hand on her chin tightened. “Answer me.”

  “It’s just, you know, sex. I’m not good at having no-strings sexual affairs.”

  Because he was using her as a human blanket, Lily felt every muscle in Kyle stiffen. “Who the hell said anything about there being no strings?”

  “No one, I just thought…I don’t know. We haven’t even gone out on date one, and yet here we are. That’s a sexual affair.”

  He tsked and released her chin. “No, Lily. That’s two people who are attracted to each other going about things a little backward, that’s all. We’re having date one tomorrow. Remember the picnic?”

  “Yes, but—”

  He cut her off by placing two fingers against her lips. “No buts. I’m not some supercharged playboy looking for a piece of ass here. And you aren’t Renee from down the street needing to get off with any guy that comes along. Got it?”

  Damn, he sure was sexy when miffed. Why was that not a surprise? “Then where do we fit, Kyle, because I’m honestly lost.”

  “Don’t you think it’d be a good idea to do the picnic first before we start labeling things?” He patted her bottom and whispered, “This doesn’t have to be defined just yet, sweetheart.”

  Lily relaxed. Running her fingers over his chest, she said, “One more question and then I’ll let it go. For now.”

  He cuddled her ass, squeezing and massaging. “Shoot.”

  “Does the age difference bother you at all?”

  “No. Why? Should it?”

  “Do you know how old I am?” she asked before blurting it out. “I’m thirty-six.”

  “And I’m twenty-six. I’ll be twenty-seven in November. What’s the point?”

  “I feel like I’m robbing the cradle. I’m like, like, a cougar!”

  He laughed; a full belly laugh that shook her entire body. “Babe, you’re not robbing anything. Ten years isn’t a big deal. Hell, there’s seventeen years between my parents, but it never stopped them.”

  Somehow, knowing that tidbit of information made her feel ten times better. “And they’re still married?”

  He nodded. “Very much so. I think they flirt with each other more now than ever.”

  “So, it really doesn’t matter to you?”

  “You’re gorgeous, intelligent, talented and your naked body is draped all over me. The ten years really doesn’t factor into a damn thing. Does that answer your question?”

  He was no poet, but he could sure articulate his feelings quite well. “Yes, it certainly does.”

  “Good. Now can we sleep? I’m tired and I have plans for you later.” He paused before adding, “And tomorrow morning too, now that I think about it.”

  “Plans?” Oh yummy. “Am I going to need my strength?”

  He reached down and dragged the sheet over their nude bodies. “Yep.”

  She settled into him, letting his warmth surround her, soothe her. “Good night, Kyle.”

  His lips brushed her hair as he whispered, “Good night, little Lily.”

  Chapter Four

  The next afternoon, as Kyle approached Lily’s house, two things registered at once. One, she was pissed. Even from a distance Kyle could see the anger in the stiff way she stood and the promise-of-death expression on her face. And two, her husband had come for a visit. Kyle had to assume it wasn’t a happy visit, noting the way Ben hovered like a big, black cloud. He couldn’t actually hear the asshole, but it was obvious to anyone looking that Ben was getting up in her face about something.

  Kyle’s bike ate up the last fifty feet of asphalt and he pulled into her driveway, killing the engine. When he shoved the kickstand down and turned his head, Lily and Ben were both staring at him. Ben was tall, but thin as a rail. His dark hair looked as if it hadn’t been washed in days. He also looked ready to commit murder. Lily appeared ready to cry or scream. Both maybe. And it pissed Kyle off. He didn’t like seeing Lily upset.

  He got off the bike and strode toward her. “Is there a problem?”

  “You,” Ben snarled as he pointed his way. “Stay the fuck away from my wife.”

  Kyle ignored him like the meaningless pest he was. Wrapping an arm around Lily, he noticed the way she stepped closer. As if seeking his protection? “You okay, sweetheart?”

  “Yes.” Her voice trembled a little. “I just want to go.”

  Kyle smiled. “Sounds good to me. Want to grab your things?”

  She nodded, but as Kyle started to escort Lily to her door, Ben stepped in the way. The dumb shit didn’t know when to back off.

  “You’re not going anywhere with my wife.” Glaring at Lily, he said, “We have things to talk about, Lily.”

  Lily stiffened. “We’re done talking, Ben. Just go.”

  Ben took a threatening step closer and shouted, “We’re done when I say we’re done!”

  Kyle released Lily and moved to stand in front of her, protecting her with his larger body. “The lady asked you to leave.”

  Ben’s hands fisted at his sides. “Fuck off.”

  Kyle heard Lily curse under her breath. “Don’t do this, Ben,” she muttered. “It’s over. You made your choice. There’s nothing left to discuss.”

  Ben ignored her pleas, directing all his anger at Kyle instead. “You think because you’re fucking my
wife that you can—”

  Kyle didn’t let him finish the sentence. Instead, he slammed his fist into the prick’s face. The force of the blow shoved Ben backward several feet. Damn, that felt good.

  Stumbling and cursing, Ben came right back for more. “You son of a bitch!” Ben raged as his fist shot out.

  Kyle ducked the punch and grabbed Ben by the front of his shirt, yanking him up close. “You’re going to apologize to Lily and you’re going to leave her alone,” he bit out. “You aren’t going to harass her and you damn sure aren’t going to give me any more crap. Right?”

  Ben called him several very descriptive names and tried to deliver a right hook. Too bad for him it didn’t meet its mark. “You’re not real bright, are you, Ben?” Ben tried to tear out of his hold, but Kyle wasn’t letting go. “Say you understand, Ben. Tell Lily you’re sorry.”

  Finally, Ben seemed to relent and some of the fight went out of him. “I’m sorry, Lily.” He paused, slumping a little. “For everything.”

  Kyle released him. Lily started to move forward but Kyle took her hand and held her back. If Ben decided to take another swing, Kyle wasn’t taking any chances of her getting caught in the crossfire. She smiled up at him then squeezed his hand before turning her attention to Ben.

  “I know you’re sorry, Ben, but it’s over. It’s been over for a year.”

  Ben’s jerky nod was his only reply. He looked at Kyle once more then turned and started toward his truck, which was parked on the street. Kyle waited until Ben drove out of sight before he took Lily in his arms and held her tight. She practically crumbled.

  “Did he touch you, sweetheart?”

  She shook her head and buried her nose into his shirt. He tugged her chin upward and stared down at her. “What did he want?”


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