Cassandra's Challenge

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Cassandra's Challenge Page 25

by Michelle Eidem


  “What are you doing here?”

  “Seems I needed to see it. What’s new with Falco?”

  “She’s in the brig and will stay there until she can be transported for trial.” He looks at her for a moment. “You know, you’re something of a legend down there.”

  “Me? Why?” Cassandra raises an shocked eyebrow at him.

  “You took Falco down. She’s a good six inches taller with fifty pounds on you.”

  “She pissed me off.” Tibullus eyes widen slightly.

  “Remind me never too.”

  “You already have.” Cassandra looks him in the eye. “But at least you were just doing your job. A job…according to the Admiral…you’re very good at.”

  “I…thank you.”

  “Don’t thank me, thank him. I’ve been learning about the Carinian justice system. She’ll be tried on Carina? By a Coalition jury?”


  “Make sure it sticks Tibullus.”

  “I will.” With that they part ways.

  Entering their quarters Cassandra finds William just ending a call.

  “I thought you’d be on the bridge by now.” She secures the hatch.

  “I just have a few more calls to make then will be heading out. It took you awhile to drop off Tori. Everything okay?”


  “You should still rest.” Cassandra’s eyes flare into his.

  “I’m fine.”

  “It’s hardly been more than a week.” The anger in his voice surprises her.


  “I need to finish making these calls.” Turning to the comm he presses a button. Hearing the door to their quarters close he sighs, he knows he should have handled that better but the thought of how close he’d come to losing her, makes him want to protect her even more.

  On intercom, he turns in his chair, hearing the connecting door open. He expects to see Cassandra walking out, just not in a robe.

  “So what’s the time line on those repairs?” He raises an eyebrow as she walks towards him. While the report is given Cassandra straddles his lap. Stunned he loses focus. Working on his jacket, she runs her hands up his chest, softly kissing his lips.

  “Could you repeat that last part Captain?” William finally says as she releases his lips.

  As the Captain repeats, Cassandra’s eyes never leave his, her busy hands moving down to release him from his pants. Her hands gentle but firm in their movements. Her robe falls to her waist revealing only skin.

  “Captain, I’ll have to get back to you.” Quickly disconnecting the call he groans as she rises above him. “Cassandra!”

  “I mean to have you Admiral.” She lowers herself onto his already thick shaft. Watching his eyes darken she takes in more and more of him.

  “It’s been so long William.” Leaning in she takes his mouth in a kiss that leaves them both breathless.

  William hasn’t had time to control his passion. She’s overwhelmed him. Encircling her hips with his hands he thrusts up into her, feeling her tightness close around him. He sets a frantic pace, lost in the feel of her as the pressure builds she wraps her arms around him, pulling him even closer.

  “William!” She cries as the orgasm rips through her body on William’s final thrust. Grinding her hips tightly against he’s, his body shutters. With her forehead resting against his she tries to catch her breath.


  “Don’t you dare ask if I’m okay!” Her satisfied blue eyes have just a flicker of annoyance in them. “I love you William. I understand your need to protect me. But I don’t need protection from you.”

  “Ten days ago you nearly died!” If they weren’t still joined he would have stood.

  “But I didn’t! Because of you! I’m not going to let what Falco did change the way I live my life. Don’t give her that power William.” Taking his face in her hands her eyes plead with him. “I love you. I would rather live a short life filled with you, then an eternity without. I’ve lived twenty-five years without you I won’t live one more.” Leaning in she gives him an impassioned kiss.

  William’s rubs his hands up her back, pulling her closer as he returns the kiss. She’s right about Falco, they would live a full life together, a long life, he would make sure of that. With the children she conceives with him, the thought causes him to stiffen inside her.

  Gripping her hips he pulls her up against him. Releasing his mouth Cassandra groans gripping his shoulders. William’s mouth begins to work its way down her neck as he leans her back to access to her breasts.

  Supporting her weight with one arm his hand moves down to where they are joined, caressing her already sensitive nub with his thumb.

  “William!” She gasps.

  “I will protect you Cassandra.” William’s eyes burn into hers as his thumb continues its gentle torment. Cassandra’s hips move against him. “You will have a child…soon.” her eyes widen. “But right now I just need you.” As his thumb increases its pressure Cassandra’s body tightens around him, her eyes losing focus. As the orgasm hits her William finds his own release.

  With their breaths still uneven the comm center rings. William pushes the intercom.


  “Admiral, I have High Admiral Valerian on a secured line. Would you like it transferred to your ready room or come to the bridge.”

  “I’ll come to the bridge. Tell the High Admiral five minutes.” Pulling her robe on as William answers Quinn, Cassandra stands.

  “You have work Admiral.” Standing William adjusts his clothing before pulling her close for one more kiss.

  “I love you Cassandra.”

  “I love you too.”

  Arriving on the bridge the Admiral goes directly to his ready room where Tar is waiting. With the security screen engaged he opens the comm to High Admiral Valerian.

  “High Admiral, sorry for the wait.”

  “The Dioscuri will be enroute to you in 24 hours. They should reach your location in four days.”


  “You still want to handle it this way?”


  “I will meet you once you dock in Carina.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good luck Admiral.” The High Admiral disconnects.

  “Quinn, get the Marat up here, I have a job for him.”

  Stretching on a chair to reach the top shelf Cassandra takes down the last book. It’s a very thin volume that seems older than the others with no title on the cover. Opening it she starts to read, after several pages she realizes she’s reading ancient Sumerian. Turning the book over in her hands she studies it.

  How can William have a book written in an ancient Earth language?

  Continuing to read she finds the book relates a history of ancient Carinian. That nearly 2500 years ago two houses were nearly torn apart, because of relationship between a man, from the House of Protection, and a woman, from the House of Knowledge. Neither is named. The book tells of how one night they simply disappeared.

  The House of Knowledge lost a daughter that to be Queen. She was their brightest light, a brilliant woman whose rule was much anticipated. With no direct heir, the Assembly appointed a distant family member to the throne, one who carried a faint birthmark, but not the Imperial mark of the Queen. She would rule until the lost Princess or one of her decedents returned to Carina.

  The House of Protection lost two sons. The Third Son, considered their bravest warrior, unbeaten in battle, disappeared with the Princess. The First Son, who would be King, died suddenly. It was believed he was killed by the Third Son. The Second Son, Shesha, became King of the House of Protection. The Third Son’s name was never spoken again, for he’d brought shame to his House.

  Putting the book aside Cassandra’s mind is racing. William had been trying to tell her about her birthmark before the explosion. Were these the people he thought she descended from? That they left Carina and had somehow ma
de it to Earth?

  In her dream, Sabah had said they left behind what others demanded they be. That while everything hadn’t been perfect they found each other, trusted in each other, had made a life together that they wouldn’t have had on Carina.

  Gram’s had always told her listen to her dreams. When she’d been in the dark, they’d all been there, back to Sabah.

  Sabah was the first, Gram’s had said, her birthmark blazing white with rays of color shooting out of it. Cassandra’s wasn’t like that.

  Pulling up her pant leg she stills. Her birthmark is changing. Its outline darkening and there is just a touch of white starting at the bottom.

  Why is it suddenly changing? She needs William. Not letting herself think, she goes to the comm center calling on his private line.


  “Can you clear a couple hours for me, before I pick up Tori?”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I need to talk to you.”

  “Give me an hour.”

  “I’ll be in your ready room.” Carrying the book Cassandra sits in the Admiral’s chair to wait.

  Turning back to Chief Marat the Admiral continues.

  “Your top ten men will make up a security detail for one of the Royals. I want them trained on all aspects of protection, including attempted assassinations. Hand to hand, deadly force. They will have seven days to prepare. Anyone unable to make the grade will be cut. Understood?”

  “Yes Admiral.”

  “This information is classified Marat, they are not to speak of it to anyone outside the group. Anyone who does will be severely dealt with.”

  “Yes Admiral.”

  “Dismissed.” The security shield is reengaged as Marat leaves.

  “Quinn, I’ll be in my ready room for the rest of the day. Unless we’re under attack I’m not to be disturbed until I notify you.”

  “Yes sir.” Leaving the bridge William heads to find out what Cassandra needs to talk about.

  Entering their quarters he finds Cassandra sitting behind his desk. The look in her eyes telling him she’s concerned.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Why do you have a book in Ancient Sumerian?”

  “What?” She hands him the book she’s been holding in her lap.

  “Kyle gave me this nearly eight cycles ago.” William turns it over in his hands. “He found it in the archives about to be destroyed, knowing I had an interest in history, he acquired it for me. It’s Ancient Carinian.”

  “Sumerian.” She corrects. “It was the first written language on Earth. My fifth doctorate is in Sumerian. It’s what I was studying when Tori was kidnapped.”

  “You can read this?” William’s eyes widen.

  “Yes. Can you? Do you know what it says?”

  “Yes. It’s a story about the missing Princess of the House of Knowledge.”

  “Before the explosion, you were trying to tell me about the House of Knowledge, about my birthmark, what you thought it meant. It’s because of this book isn’t it?”


  “Tell me.” Leaving his chair she walks to the painting of the setting suns.

  “The royal family of the House of Knowledge is gifted with intelligence but the missing Princess was especially gifted. They have sapphire blue eyes and a birthmark on the inside of the right leg just above the ankle.”

  “Just like my birthmark?”

  “No. All rulers’ birthmarks change before they take their throne.”

  “There are two people in the story.”

  “The man is the third son of King Tibus. He disappeared with the Princess.” Cassandra turns, seeing the judgment in William’s eyes.

  “You condemn him for leaving.”

  “He murdered his brother then ran away.” Walking back to him she looks into his eyes. Does she tell him? Will he believe her?

  “Cassandra,” William can see the hesitation in her eyes. “Tell me, whatever it is.” Knowing he has the right to know she starts.

  “When I was in the dark, before I heard you, saw your light…there was another light.” Taking a deep breath she continues. “In that light I saw all my ancestors. All the Qwes women who came before, and I knew them William. I could look at each one and know their name, what happened in their life, everything.” Seeing that he’s listening she continues.

  “There was one, she was tall, head and shoulders above the others, standing slightly apart. She was beautiful, with long black hair, pale skin, and these brilliant blue eyes that seemed to glow.”

  Knowing she doesn’t realize she’s just described herself, William gently caresses her cheek, bringing her amazing blue eyes back to him.

  “Her name is Sabah. She is the first, the first Qwes woman. The look she gave me was like she was trying to tell me something, that I should know or remember something. Then she looked down at her leg, at her birthmark.”

  “It was different than mine William.” She frowns slightly. “It was this glowing white tower of light and at the top there were rays of color coming out, violet, red, amber, green and blue. I was going to ask but then I saw your light, heard your voice and suddenly I knew what Sabah had been trying to get met to remember. You. So I turned away from them and came to you.”

  Enfolding her in his arms, pulling her close William can’t speak. This woman, this strong amazing woman, his life mate, is the most precious gift he’s ever received.

  “William?” Easing slightly away she looks up at him, shadows in her eyes she asks. “Do you believe me?”

  “Yes. Yes Cassandra I believe you. You had an encounter with your ancestors.”

  “Gram’s always said I should listen to my dreams, that they’d tell me what I need to know. I wasn’t sure if you’d believe that.” Here was one of the many subjects they hadn’t had time to explore together.

  “On Carina, some believe in dreams and visions, some don’t.” He tells her. “The House of Protection believes strongly in them, I believe in them. I believe you Cassandra.”

  “Tell me what it means. That Sabah’s birthmark is different than mine.”

  “That she is the lost Princess. It is the birthmark of the Queen, Cassandra. You descend from the House of Light.”

  “How does that affect us?” When he starts to pull away she tightens her arms. “You’ve had time to think about this, to pull it all together. You were the first to realize the Regulians were searching for something…me…that someone on Carina is involved, probably from the House of Knowledge. I need to understand William. I can’t help if I don’t understand.”

  “I know.” Giving her a quick kiss he steps out of her arms. Wondering how much he can tell her and still protect her.

  “Three days ago I contacted High Admiral Valerian, telling him my belief in the Carinian traitor, its connection to the destruction of Earth and the House of Knowledge. I requested that he send the Battle Star Dioscuri to replace the Retribution so that we could return to Carina and resolve the matter.”

  “Why replace the Retribution?”

  “I believe the Regulians will cease attacking the fleet if the Retribution is gone.”

  “They’ll follow the Retribution, follow me.”


  “Because you’ll make sure they know that the ‘Imperial Light’ is being protected here.”

  “Yes.” He shouldn’t have been surprised she’d put it together. She walks back to the painting.

  “So what will happen when we get to Carina? What have you planned?”

  “I’ll meet with the High Admiral. Steps will be taken to ensure your safety until the Assembly can meet. They will decide between you and the reigning Queen for who has the most valid claim to the throne. Once they chose you, you’ll be safe.”

  “But William…my safety isn’t the issue.” She turns to look at him.

  “It’s the only issue that matters.”

  “No. The murder of seven billion people is what matters. Justice for them is what matters.

  “You can give them that once you’re declared Queen by the Assembly.”

  “How would they decide that?”

  “Since the death of Queen Gevira, the Assembly has appointed the Queen of the House of Knowledge. The current Queen is Queen Yakira, she’s from the Nacar family they have been the royal family for the last two hundred years.”

  “Why them? Why her?”

  “She carries the most significant birthmark.”

  “Darker than mine?”

  “No. You realize yours has gotten darker recently.”

  “Yes. So a bunch of people will basically compare our legs then decide who will be Queen.”


  “You said the birthmark changes before they take the throne. Queen Yakira’s didn’t?”

  “Only the true heir’s will change, then there is never any doubt who is Queen.”

  Sitting in one of the chairs next to the Admiral’s desk, Cassandra leans back sorting through all this new information.

  Sitting in his chair, William watches as her mind replays everything she’s just been told, processing it, organizing. He loves seeing all the thoughts cross her face, knowing her guard is only down for him.

  Opening a drawer, he pulls out the bottle of Carinian Ale, pours two glasses, puts one in front of her and sits back to wait.

  “Is there a way to get into the archives so I can learn more about the Houses?” Cassandra picks up the glass, looks at it and takes a sip. “Not bad.”

  “What do you want to know?”

  “I don’t know, that’s the problem, there are too many things I don’t know. I need information on the Houses, the royals, the connections. You’re already focused on the House of Knowledge, they have the most to gain, but there’s got to be more.”

  “You want information that wouldn’t be available to the common Carinian.”

  “It would be available to the Rulers, their families, and the military wouldn’t it?”

  “Yes.” William sees where she’s going.


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