There were so many beautiful things here. Would she ever get to simply enjoy them without worrying about the danger? Would she ever get to sit on that cliff with William and watch the suns set?
Everything changes tomorrow. She’ll no longer be just Cassandra Chamberlain, in love with William Zafar, Aunt to Victoria. She’ll be the Queen’s Challenger, a true threat to someone, no longer just a possibility. Will that make the Glitter Man disappear or become bolder? Can she find justice for the people of Earth?
Picking up his headset the Admiral opens the secure line.
“Admiral, Captain Huerta.”
“I have someone who would like to speak with you.”
“Are your communications secured!”
“Yes Admiral.”
“Put him on.”
“Admiral, what the FUCK is going on?!? I’m pulled off my ship, put on a communications block, with no explanation!”
“Since when does an Admiral need to explain things to a Chief!” He fires back.
“This isn’t about me being Chief!”
“No, it isn’t.”
“Then what? Is it my father?”
“No, the King is fine.”
“What’s happened?”
“There is a Challenger to the House of Knowledge.”
“What?” Tibullus’ mind is racing a challenger that means a full assembly, the King must be present. But not the First Son. There’s has to be more.
“There’s been an assassination attempt made on the Challenger.” William has decided to give Tibullus as much information as possible without telling him, he’s a target.
“That still doesn’t explain why I’ve been recalled.”
“The attempt was made by the Regulians. You needed to be removed.”
“By the Regulians? That make no sense, how could they attack someone on Carina?” Tibullus demands.
“They didn’t.” The Admiral waits.
“It was out here, the attacks on the fleet.”
“Were assassination attempts, they were trying to keep the Challenger from reaching Carina.”
“Why would they care? There’s no way they could know unless….” Tibullus falters, hoping he’s wrong. “You think we have a traitor.”
“I know we do.” His utter conviction stuns Tibullus.
“Helping the Regulians attack the fleet. Helping them kill thousands.”
“Billions.” The Admiral corrects.
“Billions? Earth? This all goes back to the attack on Earth? That would mean the challenger was on Earth.”
“Now she’s on Carina.”
“Cassandra?” Tibullus is staggered. The Admiral’s life mate, challenging Queen Yakira? Is it really possible that she is the lost Queen? Did the Admiral know what it would cost him if she is? What it is already costing him?
“You needed to be recalled with no one knowing, to stop another possible attempt on a Royal. The situation with the Sentinel provided the opportunity no one knows where you are. It has to stay that way.”
“I need to notify my father.”
“Your father’s being kept informed. You can’t contact him until your safely back on Carina, you’ll jeopardize the lives of everyone on board the Judgment. You’re four days out with no protection. If the Regulians locate you they’ll attack.”
“Why would they risk that?”
“To delay the challenge, your death would do that. It would give the traitor time to eliminate the Challenger.” The Admiral waits letting Tibullus process everything he’s been told.
“I’ll accept the communications block. But once I’m back I expect to be fully briefed on what’s going on.” Tibullus doesn’t realize he’s just given an order to the Admiral. An order only a King can give.
“Once you arrive at the Palace I’ll give you all the information I have.” The Admiral agrees knowing that information will forever change Tibullus’ world.
“About Cassandra….” Tibullus hesitates.
“What about her.”
“Are you sure, really sure, she’s the lost Queen?”
“But you’ve claimed her as your life mate. If she becomes Queen….”
“Let me worry about that Barek, you worry about getting yourself home with no one finding out.”
“I can do that. See you in four days.” Tibullus disconnects.
Entering their room he finds an empty bed. A quick scan of the dimly lit room finds Cassandra in one of the window seats overlooking the garden.
The sound of the door shutting has Cassandra turning her head. The soft smile on her lips can’t hide the worry in her eyes. Removing his jacket, he lifts her into his arms before taking her spot. Sighing she sinks into his embrace the steady beat of his heart soothing her.
They both know there are things they need to discuss, decisions to be made. But right now they need this time together, to just be together.
Closing his eyes William lets the feel of her in his arms settle his thoughts. Here is what matters, what’ important. He’d unknowingly searched for her his entire life. Every decision he’d ever made, right or wrong, leading him to her, to their life together. Absently he caresses her bare leg, enjoying her softness under his fingers.
The caress of William’s fingers along her leg, the love in the touch, is something she’s has come to depend on. For a man who claims he always keeps a distance, he never did with her. He is always touching her in some way. Giving her his support, his strength or just to let her know he’s there. He let her in, not only his world but his heart. A heart she would always protect.
As his breathing slows, his fingers stop moving, letting Cassandra knows he’s slipped into sleep. Lifting her head she looks into the face she loves. The moonlight revealing the sharp angles of his cheek bones, the fullness of his mouth. Sabah told her that her son would be strong like his father. If he has half his heart he’ll be a great man.
Unable to resist, she reaches up to trace the arch of his brow, the angles of his cheeks, his lips that are able to command men, or give her the greatest of pleasures.
“I love you Cassandra.” He kisses her fingers as he slowly opens totally unguarded eyes, the depth of his love undeniable.
“I will always be yours, no matter where we are.” Lifting her, he carries her to their bed.
“You need to sleep.”
“In a little bit. What happened with Tibullus?” Knowing ‘their’ time was over he sits beside her.
“I told him what he needed to know. That we have a traitor, that there were assassination attempts being made, that he needed to be recalled to Carina to make sure the Regulians didn’t attack another Royal.”
“He accepted that?”
“He’ll accept it until he reaches Carina in four days. Then he’ll question everything. And everyone.”
“And when he finds out you only told him half the truth? That he’s a target. That his brother is trying to assassinate him?”
“We won’t know that for sure until he decodes the transmission.”
Cassandra knows he’s hoping it isn’t Dadrian, that there is a possibility they are overlooking. For his sake she hoped it was true.
“Come to bed, you need to sleep.” She slides over pulling back the covers. Striping down he pulls her close.
“Won’t run away from her guards again.”
“Good. Sleep.”
Secure in each other’s arms they do.
With the rising of the first sun William wakes to Cassandra sleeping in his arms her head on his chest. Today is the start of her challenge, from now on she would be in constant danger. The thought of her threatened has his arms tightening.
Turning her head Cassandra kisses where his heart beat before raising sleep filled eyes to his, her love easily seen.
“Morning.” Leaning down William kisses her gently.
“Morning.” He responds. �
�You can sleep longer, it’s only first sunrise.”
“We didn’t get to talk about today yet.” She rises up on her elbow to lie across his chest.
“You have your first gathering in the Pubic Wing at 1100. There will be approximately ten people there for you to meet.”
“You have the names?”
“Yes, I have the data on each one complied for you, it’s on the comm in the other room.”
She gives him a grateful look. “You know me well.”
“I know you.” He tucks a piece of hair behind her ear. “You want to be prepared before you meet them.”
“I do. Thank you.”
“You’ll spend about two hours with them then you’ll return here. At 1430 you’ll have another gathering with the other ten people who will be at tonight’s meal.”
“Another two hours.”
“Yes, then you’ll return here to rest before the meal at 1900.”
“Are you with me at these gatherings?”
“I’m at your side.” Nothing could keep him from it. “Marat’s men will escort us to and from each.”
“The meal with the King?”
“Will be in the King’s Wing, with the King, Dadrian, the members you met earlier, and anyone else the King selects. It will be formal, with at least a dozen courses.”
“A dozen?” She gives him a worried look.
Understanding her concern about unfamiliar foods William runs a supportive hand down her arm.
“Watch me if it’s unfamiliar to you, I’ll show you how to eat it. Take small bites. If you don’t like it, it’ll be easier to swallow. Then you can just cut it up, move it around your plate.”
Cassandra has to smile at him. “Sounds like you have experience with this.” He smiles back.
“Royal meals tend to lean towards the absurd, every House trying to show off their foods and creativity. It doesn’t always eat well.”
“How long does it take to eat twelve courses?’
“It will last nearly three hours.”
“Really? To eat?”
“There will be conversation, amusing stories…”
“And more questions for me.”
“Dadrian will be there?”
“Yes.” He sees her eyes change. “What are you thinking?”
“Would the King have talked to him about the traitor?”
“Not necessarily. Why?”
“I’d like to see his reaction to the traitor being common knowledge. To have people wondering, questioning.” William understands what she’s looking for.
“Dadrian may be the Second Son, but he’s had all the royal training, it will be hard to get a reaction from him.” He warns her.
“Perhaps.” Cassandra runs her fingers lightly over his chest. “But it’s something to think about.”
“What else is bothering you?” Picking up her hand he kisses her palm.
“What do you mean?” Her eyes soften at the touch of his lips.
“I know you. Something’s been on your mind for the last few days.” He waits patiently.
Sighing, she cups his cheek. “There is something. I just need another day or two to sort it out. Then I’ll tell you about it. Can you give me that?”
William looks into his life mates eyes. She’s always been open and honest with him. Trusted him. Now she’s asking him to trust her, how could he do any less.
“You’re okay?”
“I promise.”
“Then I can wait.” Pulling her up his body he gently kisses her.
Knowing what he’d just given her she sinks into the kiss. The feel of his thickening shaft between them has her spreading her legs to take him in.
William grips her hips setting a slow steady rhythm that within minutes has her gasping for breath.
“William!” As her body tightens, he empties himself into her with one last thrust. Wrapping his arms around her, he keeps her close as they catch their breath.
He finds the bedroom empty after his shower. Shaking his head he heads to the closet. Finding three hanging bags he smiles, soon she will be wearing clothes provided by him, and only him. Changing he goes to find her.
Sitting cross legged at the comm she’s reading the information he’s compiled for her. Assemblymen, wives, children, status in the House of Protection and the Assembly. Hobbies, interests, dislikes, basically a fully biography. Hearing the bedroom door open she looks up.
“How were you able to get all this so fast?”
“Most of it is part of their Assembly package, the rest Quinn and I compiled.”
“I’ll have to thank him.” Her heart beats a little faster seeing him in his uniform.
“You don’t need to thank him for doing his job Cassandra.”
“I really don’t think this is a Colonel’s ‘job’.”
“It’s recon, that’s it part of a Colonel’s job.” He looks at the screen she’s on. “It’s one of his specialties.”
“Really?” Cassandra wonders if she could get him to look into something for her.
“Really. Assemblyman Terwilliger has been in the Assembly over fifty cycles. His wife considers herself the ‘Queen’ of the Assembly, since Lata’s death, expecting all others to follow her lead.”
“And do they?”
“Enough. She has influence. She respects strength and conviction. She can’t tolerate fools.”
“Good to know.”
Over the next hour they sit going over the Intel that had been complied. William telling her little things about each that wasn’t included in the reports. A knock at the outer door interrupts them.
“You’d better go change.” He looks at her birthmark she’s yet to cover. Returning she finds Hutu alone in the room.
“The Admiral got called to the door, mam. He said you were to eat without him.” While disappointed William hadn’t told her himself, she realizes it’s going to happen.
“Thank you Hutu. What have you got for me today?”
“I thought flat cakes would be filling for you since you’ll be in a gathering over second meal. I will have something waiting for you here between gatherings.”
“Thank you Hutu, you take very good care of us.”
“It’s a pleasure mam.” He tells her then with a slight nod leaves the room.
“Kyle,” Entering the foyer the Admiral hugs his second son, keeping it brief. “What are you doing here? Thank you Marat.” He dismisses him.
“Sir.” The Admiral leads Kyle into the formal reception area.
“Wanting to know what you’re doing here. Why aren’t you with the fleet? And why did I have to find out about it from Dadrian?” Kyle demands. Closing the doors the Admiral turns to look at his son.
“Since when do I consult with you about military decisions?”
“From what I hear there isn’t anything military about this decision. It’s about you letting some woman use you!” Kyle’s tone clearly reflects his opinion of the woman.
“Be careful Kyle.” The Admiral’s voice cold. “Be very careful.”
“What, I can’t tell my father when he’s being used. Fuck dad, she’s claiming to be the lost Queen, like that’s even a possibility! You’re ruining your career over some piece of…”
“KYLE!!!!” Lucas cuts his brother off, stepping between the two men. When Marat told him his brother was here, he’d thought they’d get to catch up, not walk into him insulting Cassie.
“Kyle, you don’t know what you’re talking about!” Lucas shoots a worried look over his shoulder to their father. While William’s face is impassive, his eyes are blazing, his fists, clenching and unclenching.
“Get him out of here Lucas.”
“Dad, he just doesn’t know what’s going on.”
“Let Dadrian fill him in.” The Admiral looks at his son. “Don’t come back, Kyle.” Turning he leaves his sons.
“What the fuck are you thinking Kyle!” Lucas runs a hand threw his hair.
hat are you thinking! This woman is ruining our father and you’re just standing there letting it happen!”
“Cassandra isn’t doing any such thing.”
“Cassandra! Don’t you call her Your Highness! Fuck! She’s gotten to you too.” Kyle turns away disgusted.
“She saved my life Kyle.” Kyle’s eyes shoot to his brother’s. “It cost her family theirs.”
“That doesn’t change anything.” But doubt flickers through his eyes.
“You don’t know everything.”
“And whose fault is that!?!”
“It’s dad’s call.” Lucas stares down his brother.
“Right, like she has nothing to do with it.”
“I don’t know what Dadrian’s been telling you. Actually I don’t understand why you even listen to him. But he doesn’t know anything. He’s just repeating rumors he’s heard, stirring things up. It’s something he’s always been good at.”
“At least he has the courtesy to let me know my father and brother are staying in the palace. I didn’t even know you were back on planet.
“We’ve been here less the two days!”
“I should have been told!” Turning Kyle leaves the wing.
Entering their suite William hears Cassandra and Victoria laughing over first meal. The sound makes him pause. He doesn’t want to bring Kyle’s ugly allegations into that room. Taking a deep breath he forces back his rage then walks down the hallway.
“Admiral!” Victoria is out of her chair, a wide smile on her face.
“Good morning.” He swings her up into his arms. “You seem pretty happy this morning.”
“I am! Look!” She pulls at her shirt. “I’m wearing my new clothes!”
“You look very nice.” He sets her back in her chair.
“Sorry I had to leave.” He leans over to give Cassandra a quick kiss.
“That’s okay.” Looking in his eyes she can tell he’s upset. “You need to eat.”
Sitting down between the two, he lifts the cover off his plate. “So what are you going to do today?” He asks Victoria.
Cassandra's Challenge Page 44