Troubled Spirits

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Troubled Spirits Page 8

by Sandy Wolters

  His argument with the artist was already forgotten. Unaccustomed to being led by emotion, he made a conscious decision to follow and feel whatever was happening to him. He’d dissect the details later.

  J.D. focused on the tears welling up in her big green eyes while staring at the model for the painting. His angry features softened, and his gut started to churn with something he could only guess was sympathy.

  The woman’s pallor concerned him. His heart broke when he noticed her bottom lip quivering. Starting to sway as if she were about to faint, her hands flew out to act as a stabilizer and kept her from hitting the floor. J.D. took the opportunity to grasp her delicate hand, gently cradling it between both of his to offer support. He slid closer so she would feel the nearness of him. As his body touched hers, he felt sure she’d recognize that he’d be there to catch her if she fell.

  When the artist had the balls to approach the woman and grab her unattended hand, anger raged within J.D. Couldn’t this joker see he was there for her? The man had brilliantly captured her on canvas. He’d had his fifteen minutes with her. She belonged to him now, and he wasn’t going to let go. He’d just claimed her for himself, and no one would stand in his way.

  The depiction of her in Solitude had awakened something in him he hadn’t known existed. Now that he’d found her, he wouldn’t back away from her. He couldn’t.

  Claimed her? When his mind finally caught up with his emotions and realized where they had taken him, a tremble shook his body. J.D. knew he needed time to figure out how this woman had gotten under his skin before he went off the deep end completely. Unfortunately, with the artist around, he just didn’t have the luxury of time on his side. All he knew for certain was he wouldn’t leave her in the care of any man, let alone the artist who’d captured her likeness so intimately. No way in hell.

  Something snapped inside him when he noticed the gentleness of the artist and woman’s combined touch. Their caresses so familiar, it seemed to be an everyday occurrence. The artist obviously knew her very well, but he’d be damned to hell if he let the likes of him comfort her. The jerk wasn’t good enough for her. He was an artist for Christ sake! Over the span of his career as a deadbeat painter, he’d probably captured the likeness of hundreds of other women. He could have one of them.

  She was his, and there wasn’t a chance in hell he’d lose the battle for her. From this moment forward, J.D. would be the one and only man she would entrust with her safety. He would see to that. He’d just made it his mission to put the artist squarely in her past where he belonged.

  Infuriated, J.D. glared at the artist. A slow, dangerous growl, just loud enough for the jerk to hear, escaped his throat. The wordless demand to release her was loud and clear. After that warning, only an idiot would refuse to step away.

  The artist, clearly a fool, and now in danger of losing a piece of his body, did something J.D. hadn’t experienced in a very long time. The bastard ignored him.

  He recognized the liberties the artist took with the woman proved they were very close. He had to restrain himself as the asshole leaned in and whispered loud enough for J.D. to hear.

  “Jody, baby, do you like the portrait?”

  J.D. was ready to break the man’s neck. Baby?

  His heart rate picked up when he felt Jody lightly squeeze his hand. That small action had been enough to redirect his attention. He would take the sweet gesture as a sign that she needed him. Mesmerized by her and the emotions she generated, J.D.’s eyes never left her beautiful face. Tears which had previously been held back now freely ran down her cheeks. She continued to hold tight to both men. J.D. knew their support was her only hope to stay upright.

  “I don’t understand. When did you…” Her words faded away, but her voice left an unfamiliar longing within J.D.

  “You were so sad that day. Do you remember?”

  Her head inclined once to acknowledge the artist, but her gaze remained on her likeness.

  “You were so beautiful standing there by the window, but at the same time, wracked by such deep heartache. I knew I had to capture the emotions surrounding you. I couldn’t just leave it at that though. I had to show you what you couldn’t and wouldn’t see on your own at the time.

  “Do you see what I’m talking about, Jody? Can you feel the joy within the heartache?”

  She relaxed her hands and withdrew them from each man. Hand extended, and on wobbly legs, Jody slowly drifted toward Solitude. The gallery owner stepped forward to stop her from touching the portrait, but the artist intercepted her effectively impeding her progress.

  Jody tentatively reached out and gently stroked the canvas. J.D. quickly closed in on her to keep her steady. Annoyance sparked within him as the artist followed suit.

  “I was heartbroken over the broken engagement. I knew then that I’d never find the kind of relationship I’d craved my whole life. At that pivotal moment, my future had become clear. That kind of happiness just wasn’t meant to be for me. When I looked out the window, I couldn’t stop crying. As if the Universe felt my pain, the sky opened up and cried with me.”

  Her fingers gently grazed over the canvas. They glided from the rain streaked windowpane to directly behind where her likeness stood in the portrait. J.D. became concerned when her breathing became erratic.

  “I didn’t realize at the time, what you captured here in the brightness of the flash behind me. My mother, in spirit form, was embracing me when I needed her the most. You were able to capture the essence of lost love and eternal love all in the same space of time.” Emotion got the better of her and she started to softly sob. To J.D.’s surprise, she leaned into him for support and his heart melted.

  The buzz in the room around them had suddenly grown to a fever pitch as more and more people heard the model for Solitude was viewing the portrait for the first time. The crowd started to converge on them and J.D. knew he needed to get her someplace safe, someplace he could take care of her.

  Suddenly, and none too gently, J.D. was nudged in the ribs with a stiff elbow. Before he knew what was happening, Nathan had swooped in and scooped Jody up. He tucked her face into his chest and started toward the office area of the gallery. “Don’t worry. I’ll get you away from these vultures.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Quietly closing the door behind them, J.D. kept his distance from the others in the room. All of his senses were on hyper alert. Within the span of sheer moments, he’d felt an irresistible attraction to Jody. And her voice? He couldn’t explain it, but her first utterance had imprinted the sweet tone somewhere deep within him. If all of that wasn’t bad enough, the only reason he knew her name was because the dirt bag artist had whispered it in her ear loud enough for him to hear. The fact he’d followed her name with ‘baby’ continued to fuel his anger.

  Somehow, she’d broken through the barriers to J.D.’s hardened heart. He knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was his. None of this made any sense to him. Even if his life depended on an explanation, he wouldn’t be able to articulate the why or the how of it. They were simply meant as his grandmother used to say. His grandmother—the only person who’d ever loved him, and she hadn’t crossed his mind in years. Jody had reminded him of that long forgotten, treasured memory and how being loved unconditionally had made him feel a lifetime ago.

  She was the reason he decided to attend this event. He could feel the rightness of that fact down to his bones.

  Not being the sort of person to act so irrationally, J.D. needed to back down, if only momentarily. He wanted to learn more about her to figure out what his first move should be. To accomplish that, he needed some space to observe.

  Being so far out of his comfort zone had his body feeling stressed. His fists clenched tightly—leaving his fingers feeling the burn from the strain.

  It didn’t take his deft powers of observation long to recognize Nathan and the artist were both protecting her, and that fact burned. Watching her intimate interaction with them play out had his gut
twisting with resentment.

  I should be the one holding her! As that thought flew across his mind, annoyance followed closely behind. What the hell is happening to me? Everything inside him screamed to make an advance, carry her out of here, and take her to his home where she belonged. Being this out of control left him in a position of weakness. His first order of business required getting a tight hold on his feelings before he did something stupid.

  If he acted too quickly, whatever advantage he had would be gone. As of yet, he had no clue what kind of edge he would have, but when the opportunity presented itself, he’d find it. He always did. At this point, the only thing he could be certain of was the queasy feeling he had from being trapped in this emotional wasteland.

  Having to stand silently by and watch as Nathan sat Jody down on the couch to soothe her, had his ire flaring. He wanted nothing more than to kick his partner’s ass for comforting the woman who only moments ago he’d claimed for himself. Nathan sat next to her, tucking her into his side for an affectionate embrace. The outward show of adoration caused a lurching sensation in J.D.’s heart. He strained to keep his mouth shut. Apparently, the artist wasn’t the only one with deep feelings for his woman. Observe, dammit! Don’t show your hand.

  “You okay?” Nathan gently prodded, speaking in a soothing tone to the woman who had stolen his heart.

  Although painful for him watch, J.D. wasn’t able to tear his gaze from her as she held a firm grip on Nathan’s suit coat. The intimate contact between them appeared to provide her with much-needed strength. Nodding her head in the affirmative, she nuzzled his neck for comfort. While he didn’t have all the facts yet, J.D. was sure this scene had played itself out before. All the participants were comfortable—all the participants except for himself, of course. He planned on rectifying that soon.

  Nathan angrily looked to the artist for answers. “What the hell was that all about, Terry? Those people treated her as if she were some sort of superstar. None of them were going to be happy until they got their hands on a piece of her. You know how much Jody hates being the center of attention.”

  So the artist’s name is Terry. That’s a perfect name for a man who plays with paints for a living.

  Ignoring Nathan’s question altogether, the artist focused on Jody. He slid forward on the table, and then the asshole placed his hand on her knee as if he had a right to do so. Trying to curb the outrage this intimate gesture provoked, J.D. breathed deeply, hoping each flare of his nostrils would curtail his anger. His commitment to self-control weakened more with every minute that passed. He’s got a fucking death wish! If that bastard doesn’t get his hand off of her in two seconds, I’ll take it off for him and leave a bloody stump behind! Unaccustomed to the green-eyed monster of jealousy, his fervor shocked him. As the unfamiliar riotous feelings continued to grow, he sank deeper into a murderous mindset. He didn’t have a clue how to bridle the destructive emotions.

  “Jody, I’m so sorry about including Solitude in the show. I should have shown you the portrait and asked your permission first.” As the artist continued to speak, she scooted out of Nathan’s embrace and slid to the front edge of the couch. “After all, it was your emotions I exposed to everyone. I put your private hell on exhibit for everyone to see.” Terry’s lips pursed as he paused, almost as if he were afraid to ask the next question. “Can you forgive me?”

  J.D.’s breath caught in his throat when she drew Terry’s face near her own. Her small hands caressed his cheeks, as she offered a smile which held nothing but love. Watching the interaction between them left a cold void in his chest where his heart had just been crushed. He wanted to turn around and bolt out the door, slamming it shut to free himself of whatever had overcome him this evening. But he couldn’t leave. She had him glued to where he stood. No matter what the circumstances, he knew he’d never be able to turn away from her, especially with the likes of the other men in the room. She was his, plain and simple. She just didn’t know it yet.

  “Terry, the portrait is beautiful. I’m so honored you would memorialize me that way.” She bent forward, and her lips touched his nose. J.D.’s mind came to a full stop as he watched the intimate scene play out in front of him. “It’s…” she paused trying to find the right words. “It’s arresting. It’s extraordinary!”

  In one fluid motion, the douche bag pulled her onto his lap, and rocked her. His relief evident by the way he burrowed his face into her neck. J.D. couldn’t bear the pain of seeing her in the artist’s arms any longer and turned away.

  “Jody, if the portrait isn’t what has you so upset, what’s wrong?” Nathan’s voice served to refocus J.D. and aid in resuming his eavesdropping efforts. It was evident, even to J.D., she was about to give some sort of lame excuse. He’d seen his clients with that expression more than once. He felt a tug at the corner of his lips as he grinned. She’s not a good liar. That’s good to know.

  Saving her from having to lie, Nathan held his hand up to stop her from denying the problem. “Don’t tell me nothing’s wrong. Your eyes have dark circles, and you look as though you haven’t slept in a month. You seem… I don’t know. Maybe fragile is the word I’m looking for. It’s like you’ve been on a long, arduous trek through hell and haven’t quite made it back yet. It’s obvious to both me and Terry that something is terribly wrong.”

  She nodded and bit her lip. “Why don’t we talk about this later, after the show? Terry needs to get back out—”

  Nathan interrupted her. “Whatever is bothering you is important.” His eyebrows furrowed, reflecting his worry for her. When she didn’t respond immediately, he barked, “Now!” J.D. vowed to kick his ass for speaking to her like that.

  Seeing she was close to caving in, clued him into the fact his time for observation was nearing an end. Whatever bothered her had weighed her down enough that she couldn’t hold it in any longer.

  “I need you to do a favor for me, Nathan.”

  “Of course. Whatever you—”

  Everyone’s attention shifted in J.D.’s direction when he loudly cleared his throat. With full awareness locked on Jody, he strode toward her, every muscle rippling with tension. As he cleared the distance between them, he felt the full force of the possessive wall Nathan and Terry had erected around Jody. Hell, the air was so thick, the barricade could be felt as if it were a real, unmovable object. He silently vowed to break that wall into tiny shards by any means necessary.

  “Terry, I’d like you to meet my partner, J.D.”

  Ignoring the introduction, J.D.’s intense gaze remained locked on Jody, who now stood across from him.

  Terry scoffed. “Well, now I understand.” He turned to Nathan with a look of disgust. “You were right. He is an asshole.” Nathan waved off the remark.

  “This is Jody.” Her hand tentatively inched out toward J.D. Almost afraid to touch her again, he gently took her offered hand in both of his. As had happened before, his body’s reaction to her was immediate and filled him with wonderment. For the first time since entering this room, he felt calmed by nothing more than her simple touch.

  “Jody, this is J.D.”

  A shy smile deepened her dimples and lit her face, leaving J.D. hypnotized. Before he knew what was happening, he gave her more than he’d ever offered another living person. “Please, call me Jared.”

  His demeanor, while gentle, was confident and commanded Jody’s full attention. His eyes sparkled like a piece of shiny obsidian glinting in the sunlight. When he finally allowed his smile to reach out and touch the rest of his face, she almost sighed from the beauty of him. Beauty—not a word typically used for characterizing a man, but Jody instinctively knew this man was anything but normal. He had the rugged male good looks that women swooned over and displayed what she perceived as a controlled supremacy. The sheer power emanating from him was nothing like she’d ever felt before.

  He wasn’t a man to be trifled with, either in business or love. She wasn’t fooling herself. He carried a sense of fiercen
ess about him. Something deep, dark, and feral resided within him. The force of his presence made the woman in her wonder how she could tame him. And didn’t that just ring of stupidity?

  Jody was shocked at how quickly she fell under his spell. Being in his presence made her realize he was the type of man she could easily see herself falling for head over heels. But then he’d have so much power over her he’d end up destroying Jody when he left. And he would leave, of that, she had no doubt. If she had to live through a loss that devastating, she’d never survive. The failure would be the end of her.

  She cringed when she realized how easy it would be for her to give into her baser needs where this man was concerned. She had to do something to back away from him before he had her completely under his spell. But gazing into his eyes left her powerless. Magic resided in those beautiful dark eyes.

  “Whoa! Wait just a damn minute here!” Nathan declared.

  Regretfully, Jody returned her attention to Nathan. Antagonism rolled off his body in waves and zeroed in on J.D. The sudden tension surrounding the men made her extremely nervous. Animosity grew quickly between the business partners, and for the life of her, she couldn’t understand why.

  “What’s wrong with you?” she asked, genuinely shocked by her friend’s behavior. If she didn’t know any better, she’d think he was jealous.

  Ignoring Jody, Nathan spoke through clenched teeth, a tactic he’d learned from J.D. “I’d like to talk to you outside, Jared, if you’ve got a moment,” clearly not positing a question but delivering an outright demand.

  J.D. ignored Nathan’s aggressive request. “I think I’ll stay for a while. I believe Jody was just getting ready to tell us what’s bothering her. I’d like to help if I can.”

  The man’s obvious advances on Jody prompted Nathan’s heartbeat to race. Neither he nor Terry had ever had a romantic relationship with Jody, so his feelings didn’t stem from jealousy. She was closer than a sister to him. With all the heartache she’d been through in her life, she didn’t need someone as dark and ominous as J.D. moving in on her now. For her sake, he had to stop whatever this was between them from happening before it began.


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