Bondage Wedding (Desired Discipline)

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Bondage Wedding (Desired Discipline) Page 8

by Carson, Tori

  Her laugh sounded young and carefree. His cock instantly responded.

  “It’s so easy to get a rise out of you.” She tugged on the silver ball pulling it away enough for him to see it just clipped on.

  He pushed his chair back to show her his dick testing the seams of his jeans. “You’re right about that. Come here.” James was so pleased to see her instantly obey.

  “What are you making? Is that leather?”

  “Yeah, I like working with it.” He pointed to the band around his wrist. “It has great texture, I love the feel of it.” He had a leather piece about twelve inches long and an inch wide. He’d stylized the middle eight inches and was about finished with it. He used both hands to crimp one end of a snap into place.

  “I’ve noticed you wearing it before. That’s a Celtic knot, isn’t it?”

  “Yeah.” He decided to leave it at that. Now wasn’t the time to share his bondage preferences. He held up the piece he was working on.

  Amanda took it in her hands and looked at it from all sides. “Are the twirled middle pieces part of the original leather?”

  “Yes, they’ve been worked to make them extra soft and comfortable for extended wear.” He was watching her every nuance. He liked that she kept rubbing the leather between her fingers. James had hoped she’d like it.

  “It’s beautiful. You have a real talent for this. “

  “I’m glad you think so, because I have a problem with you wearing another man’s collar. Until I can buy you something special, I’d like you to wear this.”

  “What exactly does wearing this mean?”

  “It means you belong to me and therefore are off limits. So, among other things, in a play area, no other Dom would be allowed contact with you without my permission. As the receptionist, you obviously couldn’t do your job with that strict enforcement of the rules, so while you’re working the desk, members know they can speak with you. The most important thing is it lets everyone understand you’re taken.” To him it meant a whole lot more than that. When they had more time, he’d explain it in detail.

  Amanda looked solemn for a moment. “I’d be honored, James.” She brushed a kiss along his cheek before turning around and lifting her hair so he could fit it properly.

  James marked where he needed to attach the other end of the snap then brought it back down to the table so he could finish it up.

  “What tells everyone you’re taken? Because if we’re going to try and make this work you need to know—I don’t share. Ever. And so we’re clear on this—your scening at the club is out.”

  He cocked his head to disagree with her and sparks virtually shot out of her eyes. It was such a beautiful sight, but completely unnecessary on this topic. He raised a hand to stop her from chewing his ass out. “Let me have my say. Doms decide who they scene with and who their sub scenes with.” He put his finger along her lips to keep her quiet until he could finish. “That being said—I have no interest in scening with anyone but you and I certainly won’t allow you to scene with anyone else. I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure we’re on the same page.”

  Amanda nodded. “Yes, I’m sorry. It looked like you were going to argue with me and you need to realize I’m not cool with you scening at the club.”

  He turned her around so he could snap his collar around her neck where it belonged. After it was in place, he pulled her back around to face him. He ran his finger underneath the leather to make sure it fit properly. “Perfect.”

  When he’d collared Melissa, he’d felt sucker-punched. It had been all wrong and his gut had tried to warn him. His heart had never been in that relationship and she’d known it. He’d always kept an emotional distance between them. Only allowing her to call him sir had been a major issue because they both knew it was more than a simple term. It defined their relationship.

  With Amanda, however, he knew it was right. He was excited and contented, which was a little bizarre since he was sure Amanda planned to fight him every step of the way. But he was looking forward to it.

  “Amanda, I will be scening at the club.”

  When she tried to back away from him, he grabbed her about the waist and held her still.

  “Let me finish. I will be scening with you. If you’re not comfortable in the great hall, we can start in the privacy rooms.”

  “I’m not having sex in public, James. I don’t care how good you are, I’m not okay with that.”

  Looking at the clock, he knew there wasn’t time for this. “We have to leave. Amanda, we’ll talk this through soon. Just keep trusting me. We agree completely that we want a monogamous relationship and any type of intimacy with another partner is unacceptable. Right?”


  He understood she wasn’t yet willing to give him carte blanche, but he was confident in time, they’d get there.

  * * * *

  She’d never been so restless at work. Normally during the slow period between seven and nine p.m., Amanda would do her homework. Tonight, she couldn’t concentrate. James had stayed with her during the rush, but had disappeared into the back about an hour ago. After she’d found the ‘on’ button, she’d even turned on the monitor for the great hall. She’d never done that before, but she was desperate to get a glance at him. It wasn’t that she thought he’d play with someone else as much as she just wanted to see him. How pathetic was that?

  Amanda heard James’ voice coming from the men’s locker rooms. She ran her finger along his collar. Funny how she couldn’t stop touching it. It was beautiful and so soft. She didn’t want to think too much about him actually making it for her. It made her feel special and that was a little frightening. Things were happening very quickly between them. She was a planner and nothing about this had been planned.

  Amanda kept glancing at the doorway, waiting, hoping to see him. She really needed to get her head together and stop acting like some heartsick tween experiencing her first crush. He’d told her he expected her to scene with him here at the club. That was a thought too mortifying to contemplate. She needed to have her battle plan ready for that one. Yet every time she tried to come up with a sensible excuse, she pictured him giving her that stern look and her resolve turned to mush.

  His voice was getting louder as he got closer to the lobby area. Her heart beat a little faster. God, she had it bad.

  “Amanda, you know Captain Bradley,” James announced, as he finally came back.

  “Hi, Joseph, it’s nice to see you again.” She had glanced at Joseph, but her attention was focused on James.

  “Hey, Amanda, you’re looking good tonight. Did you do your hair different or something?”

  Looking at the expression on James’ face had Amanda struggling not to laugh. Who knew James had a jealous streak? “Thanks.” She touched her hair. “Nope, same as always,” she managed to get out before James walked behind her and put his hands on her shoulders.

  “Well, keep it up, girl. You look great.”

  Apparently, Joseph had noticed the change in James as well, because he was sporting quite a grin.

  “She always looks amazing.” James bent down and kissed the tip of her nose.

  Dang it, she knew she was blushing.

  “Is that a new collar you’re wearing, Amanda?”

  She couldn’t help rubbing her finger over the soft leather.

  “Yes, she agreed to wear my collar.” James’ voice had a different note to it. Proud, confident, possessive? She wasn’t sure, but he sounded happy and that made her smile.

  “Good for you, James. I hope you’re both very happy for many years to come.”

  “Thank you,” both James and Amanda answered him together.

  “James tells me you’ve got a stalker, Amanda.” Joseph’s voice took on a serious tone that she hadn’t heard him use before.

  Again, James saved her from answering. “Bring up the email. He needs to see it and we need to print it.” He stepped back away from her and leaned against the closed double doors behi
nd her desk.

  Just that fast, she missed his touch. Amanda turned to her computer and opened her email program. She hadn’t looked at it yet this evening. Shit, not again!

  “James?” She reached behind her for his hand. Immediately, he was there with his hands on her shoulders, soothing her.

  “What is it?” He was all business.

  Captain Bradley also moved around so he could view the computer screen.

  “He sent another one.” She couldn’t keep the quiver out of her voice. It was just a stupid email. She shouldn’t let it bother her so much. If she let him frighten her then he won. Whoever he was…

  “Go in the office and grab a bite to eat. If André is still back there, let him know.” James sounded calm and matter-of-fact.

  He was ordering her around again. Even being upset about the email didn’t stop her body from responding to him. It was unnerving. Part of her wanted to argue. It was her email and she shouldn’t be sent from the room. But truth be told, she didn’t want to open it or even see what it was. The only reason she wanted to complain was that she didn’t want to be away from James and she refused to admit that.

  With mixed emotions she headed to the office. Once she’d got there, she didn’t know what to do. She didn’t want to eat. After seeing the email, she felt more like throwing up than eating. Amanda only glanced at the monitors then turned her back on them. She didn’t need to scare herself out of a relationship with James.

  Hearing the door open, she pulled a chair in front of her. Realizing what she’d done, she took a deep breath to steady her nerves. As soon as she saw it was James, she pushed the chair away. When he took her in his arms tears welled in her eyes. Damn it.

  Careful not to touch his sides or back, she rested her forehead on his chest, content to stay there a while.

  “We’ll figure this out, Amanda.”

  She nodded. “I guess I’d better get back up there.”

  James shook his head. “André asked one of his subs to take over for the night.”

  “They have names, you know.” She didn’t like how some of the girls were treated like second-class citizens.

  “I don’t care if he closes the club down for the night, so who takes over the lobby is of no consequence to me.”

  He didn’t understand and she didn’t have the energy to explain it to him. “Was the email the same basic stuff?”

  “Yeah, I think he used a video of Amy and Stephan in the spy theme room.”

  “That poor girl.” She shook her head.

  “Sweetheart”—he gently put his hands on her face and tipped her head back—“Amy loves a good flogging. The photos themselves aren’t bad, only what he wrote on them.”

  “James, there is no such thing as a ‘good’ flogging.” She started to panic. What if he demanded that kind of thing? She wouldn’t allow him to hurt her just to keep him. Would she?

  “There are a lot of people who feel differently, Amanda. Impact play can be fun, but it isn’t what interested me in the lifestyle.”

  “What got you involved in the community?” She hadn’t wanted to ask. Talking about it made it seem like she approved. Still, the unknown was scaring the hell out of her. Maybe if she knew what she was up against she could organize a defense against it.

  “I have a very dominant personality and I want my woman to enjoy submitting to me. Based on your mom’s experiences, I’m sure the idea frightens you. We’ll go slow and talk about it each step of the way. I want you comfortable and happy with D/s.”

  “I’ll try, James, but understand this—if you hit me, I’m out of here.”

  “If I ever hit you in anger, you should leave because that’s unacceptable.”

  “Don’t play a word game with me, James. Hitting of any kind is unacceptable.” She couldn’t let his hands roaming her back and scalp turn her resolve to mush. This was important. She had to stand firm on this.

  “I swatted your ass in the bedroom this afternoon, you didn’t seem to take offense to that.”

  “That was just playing around. You didn’t hurt me.” She did remember that. She remembered enjoying his hand on her bottom—not that she’d admit that to him.

  “We’ll figure it out, Amanda.”

  He wasn’t playing fair. His fingers in her hair were making her want to give him the world. She nodded.

  “Hmm, I think you’re a very smart girl and yet you seem to need a lot of reminders to answer using your voice. Makes me think I might need another type of discipline to reinforce my rules. But we’ll try it one more time.”

  As soon as his lips touched hers, the world faded away. She brought her hands to his biceps and held on. No doubt about it, she was fast becoming addicted to his kisses. And his touch. And his arrogant, bossy ways. Oh, heaven help her.

  Chapter Five

  “Come with me.” He looked into her eyes as if he were asking permission instead of issuing an order.

  “Okay.” She nodded and took his hand as he led her out of the tiny office. At the entrance to the great hall, she dug her heels in and stopped. “Where are we going?”

  “You need to trust me. You aren’t ready to scene in public. I get that.” James kissed her forehead. “Stop looking at me with such fear, Amanda. It kills me in here.” He pointed to his heart. “I have something in mind that I think you’re going to enjoy. But it’s gonna take another leap of faith.”

  He pushed a lock of hair behind her ear as he stood with his body between her and the great hall. She didn’t know what to do. He hadn’t answered her, not really. She took a deep breath and slowly let it out. When her courage was nowhere to be found, she took another breath. Finally, it peeked out from behind the wall she’d built around her heart. “Okay, James, I’m going to trust you. Don’t let me down.”

  James kissed the top of her head then swung her up into his arms. “Close your eyes.”

  She did as he’d asked even though she could feel him walking fast and she worried about his injuries.

  “James, you’re hurt. Put me down.”

  “Quit shooting daggers through my ego, woman,” he whispered into her ear.

  She giggled. There was nothing wrong with his ego. He took a few more steps then stopped.

  “Open your eyes,” he instructed as he allowed her legs to swing down to the floor.

  They were in a hallway standing in front of a closed door. “This leap of faith you’re asking for isn’t like jumping over a little puddle, is it?”

  “No, it isn’t. From where you’re standing it might look like the Grand Canyon. Will you trust me?”

  She was breathing hard and her legs felt weak. She had no idea what he wanted from her. “You promise you won’t hurt me?”

  “I promise,” he whispered as he rubbed his cheek against hers.

  “Okay. I can do this.”

  “That’s my girl.” James opened the door and used his body to urge her inside.

  She’d never been in a privacy room before. Near the left wall was a large wooden cross chained to the ceiling. Her stomach dropped. It belonged in a dungeon. She turned away from it before she chickened out and ran for the door. There was a chest near the wall in front of her. It had something on top of it, but a cloth hid it from view.

  She didn’t want to see anymore. She put her hands over her eyes. James came to her rescue and pulled her into his arms.

  “You’re safe with me, Amanda. I’m so proud of you. You’re being very brave. Thank you for trusting me.”

  “I’m not feeling brave right now.”

  “You can be nervous and still be brave.” He reached behind her and unfastened her top. “When you stripped for me today, what song were you thinking about?”

  That was today? It seemed a long time ago. “Cream, by Prince. It’s kinda old, but it has a great beat.”

  James removed her top and put it on a stool by the door. “You had me so hot I was afraid I wouldn’t last. You are so sexy. Do you know how erotic your dance was?”

>   He was working on her skirt. Soon she would be down to her bra and panties. She didn’t want to be completely naked. There was a window in the door and she was pretty sure there was a video camera somewhere in the room. What the hell am I doing?

  As her skirt hit the floor, he tipped her head back and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. “Stop thinking so much.” He put her palm against his chest. “Follow my lead,” he ordered. “Breathe in, now out.”

  She listened to his voice, followed his directions and threw in a pep talk of her own. It’s good to try new things. James hasn’t given you any reason to fear him. He promised it wouldn’t hurt.

  He turned her around and had her face the cross. With his arms wrapped tightly around her, he leaned down and whispered in her ear, “I’m going to blindfold you and tie you to the St. Andrew’s cross, Amanda.”

  Her heart was frantically beating and her legs threatened to give out. She held on tightly to his arms. “James…”

  “Sshh, I’m not going to hurt you.” Still holding her tight, he started kissing her neck. “Trust me,” he whispered.

  “Okay,” came out of her mouth, but her mind was screaming ‘run’.

  “I’ll let you choose this first time.” He reached over and opened the top drawer of the chest. “Do you want me to use scarves or rope?”

  Scarves. Scarves were soft and she could pull her way free if she had to. She was staring at the rope. It looked silky. She’d never seen black rope before. She wondered if it felt as smooth as it appeared. None of that mattered. She was strong. She could tear through the scarf if she absolutely had to…she hoped. Amanda opened her mouth to tell him to use the scarves. “Rope.” She put a hand over her mouth. Oh. My. God. She hadn’t just said that.

  James’ cock, hard and throbbing, pressed against her. Somehow it was reassuring. She had no idea why, but she’d take it. She needed all the help she could get if she was going to go through with this.


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