On the Rocks (Pub Fiction Book 2)

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On the Rocks (Pub Fiction Book 2) Page 22

by Jones, Gillian

  Thank goodness Levi came when he did.

  Chapter 42


  “You’re a very lucky woman, Miss Daniels. I’m happy things ended the way they did here tonight,” I hear Constable Williams saying to Braun as they walk back out to the main bar. Big John and I cut across the dance floor to meet them halfway.

  “Everything taken care of?” I ask, looking from Constable Williams and Constable Cortez to Braun.

  “Yes. All sorted,” says Cortez, who turns to talk to Big John.

  “I’m so relieved Chase isn’t filing assault charges against you or John,” Braun says quietly, her eyes a bit misty. I hate the shadow I see there, one I haven’t seen in months. My girl is shaken up and it’s gutting me. Pulling her close, I hold her tight, whispering in her ear.

  “I could have cared less. I will always protect and fight for you, Braunwyn. Always. That fucker is lucky John got there when he did.”

  “Oh, Levi.” She presses deeper into my neck. I hold her tight while John wraps up with the officers.

  “Well, we’re going to get out of here. Give us a call after you’ve installed your new security system if you want us to check over the plans and what not,” I hear Officer Cortez telling Big John.

  “Sounds good, Miguel, I’ll be sure to get you guys back here. Thanks for helping diffuse the situation…” I hear John trailing off as he walks the officers away from where Braun and I are sitting at the bar.

  Pulling back from Braun’s embrace, I look at her. Really look at her, and I see it. She’s going to be fine, we’re going to get past this. I smile. “Why don’t you go grab your stuff from the office? I’ll lock up behind John and I’ll meet you back here in a few.” She nods in agreement.

  “Sounds good,” she says. “I told Grams I’d give her a quick call after we all gave our statements and knew what was going on with charges and whatever. I know she was worried you might get charged with assault. Thank goodness, Constable Williams saw it as you defending me. I was worried there.”

  “Nah, I knew it was going to work out.” I’m a liar, but the last thing I want her to know is that there was a very good chance that I could have been charged with aggravated assault, considering how badly Chase’s nose and cheekbone were broken. Thank fuck Big John has connections like he does, and thank fuck I’ve always been an upstanding citizen. Also, the fact that we never have issues here seemed to help, not to mention that Chase has a bit of a rap sheet, according to John, which he said helped me a lot. I don’t let on to Braun how relieved I’m feeling; the last thing I want is Braun blaming herself, while thinking over what might have happened. Instead I kiss her and tell her it’s all over. (Until the day she has to go court to testify against Chase, of course, unless by some stroke of luck the shithead ends up pleading guilty).

  “It would have been worth it to keep you safe, Braun. Always. I will always protect you. Now, go make your call. Tell Grams everything is okay, and that we’ll be there soon. I’m staying with you tonight. I need you with me.”

  “Yes, Bossy Pants,” she says, saluting as she walks away.

  Then she turns and gives me that fucking smile, the one that slays me, and just like that I know all is right in my world again.


  Heading behind the bar, I decide to pull out two beers. I figure John and I deserve a drink after all that.

  “Thank fuck that asswipe didn’t press charges against you, eh? I was seriously thinking the little pussy might try,” Big John says, pulling up a stool.

  “Fuck, brother, me too. That’s the last thing I needed to happen after everything else tonight. I need a drink. Figured you could use one too.” I snap off the bottle caps and hand him a bottle of Coors Light.

  “Hell, I think we do. Salute.” We clink bottles before taking a chug.

  Rubbing my hands along my face, I finally relax a bit. Fuck me. Imagine if I hadn’t got there in time? Jesus, the idea causes me to clench the bottle in a death grip. I quickly put it back down on the bar.

  “I want to hire another bouncer,” I say, exasperated. “We need cameras installed around the perimeter. I want eyes everywhere.”

  “We can do that. Easily. Don’t worry about it tonight, anymore. Just take care of you and your girl.”

  “Thank Christ that piece of shit Chase knew better than to try and deny what happened. I was getting worried there for a bit that I was going to end up in jail alongside that motherfucker. I’m not gonna lie.”

  “Yeah. Brother, I’ve never seen you lose it like that before. You need to rein that shit in a bit. Might not get so lucky next time, and get yourself locked up.”

  “John,” I growl, at his condescending tone. “I just saw that fucker and saw red, man. Besides, what the fuck took you so long anyway? And why was that prick still inside if he’d been giving the girls trouble all night?!”

  “Fuck that, Levi. We had eyes on him. Trust me.” He eyes me. “I admit it took a bit too long to clue in where he’d gone, but that will change, believe me. We were packed tonight, too short-staffed for that many people. Adding another guy or two is smart at this point. I’ve called all the guys in for a strategy meeting tomorrow. I’m sorry, my friend, believe me. Thank fuck things worked out in our favour. I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again.”

  “I know, brother, I know it wasn’t your fault. I’m sorry, I’m just so pissed this happened here. I always thought my staff were safe.”

  “Hey. They are. And now we’re just gonna make it better. I told Miguel to put out feelers to see if I can get another retired cop in here with me. Or maybe even a rookie looking for some weekend work. We’ll get somebody good, don’t worry. We’ll sort it all out.” With that, Big John takes the last gulp of his beer. “I’m off. My woman’s been blowing up my phone, wants dill pickle chips or some shit. Fucking cravings, they’re gonna be the death of me.”

  I laugh; Big John and his wife Mia are expecting their first baby.

  “Okay, buddy. Sounds good. Give that little Buddha-belly a rub from Uncle Levi, would ya?” I add knowing he’s going to kick my ass for even suggesting I give her any kind of touch.

  “Hell, no asshole, any touching of Mia will be from me and me only. I’ll just tell her you said hello.” He pauses. “Good enough?”

  “Okay, calm down, man. Yeah, tell Mia I said hello, and that I can’t wait to see her,” I add with a wink.

  John reaches across the bar, giving me a cuff upside the head. “Go see to your own girl, before I make you blind,” he jokes. “I’ll lock up after myself,” he says reaching out to shake my hand.

  “Sounds good. I can’t wait to get outta here. Who would have thought I’d ever say that, eh?”

  “It won’t last, boss. Pub Fiction’s your home, your girl. Things will be better tomorrow. ’Night,” he calls back as he walks out.

  I laugh at his assessment. “Naw, man. My girl’s sitting in my office,” I mutter, and wipe off the bar after tossing the empties.

  Chapter 43


  Dropping my cell phone back into my purse, I’m feeling much better after having talked to Grams. And when I came out of Levi’s office, someone had mopped up the mess in the staffroom and it smelled nice and clean again, like bleach and lemons. Yeah, I’m probably going to have to go to court as a witness unless Chase pleads guilty to assaulting me, but that’s way off in the future, and for tonight, except for the trail of bruises which are blooming on my arms, everything’s starting to feel a bit more like normal.

  I’m just about to call out for Levi as I reach the main floor, but instead stop dead in my tracks. My purse falls to my feet and almost trips me, my eyes too focused on the sight in front of me: the pure gorgeousness that is Levi, standing behind the bar while an underlying tension radiates around him. He looks pensive, but sexy as hell. Holy friggin’ cow!

  His contemplative mood highlights his rugged good looks. With the tightness in his jaw and his fluid movements, he moves like sex person
ified behind that bar.

  The pub is now completely empty and a wave of excitement rides over my body, leaving my skin covered in goosebumps as I see Levi pacing back there in all his tattooed glory, shirt sleeves rolled up, showcasing all that stunning ink.

  God, I want him something fierce. I need him to show me that he’s okay, need him to know that I am too.

  As if he senses me watching, Levi suddenly pounds the bar with his hand, slamming down an empty shot glass of what I assume was tequila. I spot a bottle, salt shaker, and pile of lemons to his right. I know he’s still pissed but he looks so fucking hot right now. Yup. Fucking scorching. The actual swear word pops into my mind because seeing Levi has definitely flipped my mind to adult time, so yeah, right now those are the only adjectives I can think of to describe the way he looks. And “Holy fuck”. Holy fuck, this man is hot. Holy fuck, this man is mine. His unrelenting need to protect me earlier comes back to my mind, making me clench as I wait for him to speak. God, he was hot. Scary, but hot.

  Seeing me now, a grinning Levi drags a lazy gaze along each part of my body as I stand rooted in place. His eyes hesitate, lingering at my mouth before settling on my chest, his eyes twitch as if he can see my nipples hardening under his scrutiny, wanting to come out and play. I reach for the top few buttons of my shirt, popping the first few open, hoping he receives the message I’m sending.

  “One tequila,” he shouts, and nods to me with a bartenderly wink, before picking up a second shot. He raises the small glass in my direction, drinks it, his Adams’ apple bobbing as he swallows the liquid down his glorious throat, and I watch, completely mesmerized. Jesus, he looks majestic. The dim bar lights illuminate the five o’clock shadow that graces his beautiful face. I let out a little moan as he continues: “Two tequila!” and slams the empty shot glass down on the bar once again.

  Clearing his throat, Levi’s gaze meets mine, keeping me captive as he focuses all of his attention on me. The veins on his arms ripple as he leans hard on the bar.

  “Come here. Lie on the bar, Braunwyn. I. Need. You. To. Feed. Me. One. More.”

  He punctuates every word, giving his words a pulsing rhythm, and licks his plump lips, his intense baby blues raking over every inch of my body again. His voice is husky and has an edge to it that sends chills down my spine, awakening those butterflies as only he can.

  Message obviously received.

  My skin starts to prickle; I clench my thighs, trying to dull the ache that’s building from anticipation and nerves.

  My legs move of their own volition, and within seconds I’m standing in front of the bar, in front of Levi. Right where I want to be. I don’t remember the walk, but that’s the thing when I’m with him. He’s got a pull over me, a power, a magnetic force, which causes me to react and to attract right back.

  “Give me your hand,” he says. I reach across the bar, giving Levi what he asks for. The amber light highlights his face as he pleads for my trust with his eyes. He takes my hand, and pulls my sleeve up to inspect the makings of a bruise from earlier. Levi leans over, and kisses the mark. “You good, baby?” he whispers, barely audible.

  “Starting to be” I whisper back, with a small smile.

  He nods, reaches for my hand again and kisses it, before guiding me to the end of the bar, the eerie silence now adding to the mood. I want him. I need him. Anticipation. Want. Need. I’m becoming wanton, with lusty fantasies dancing in my mind of all the ways this is going to play out. I can feel any reservations I may have had leaving with easy abandon.

  Now at the bar’s end, Levi pulls me into him tight, our bodies flush, and he’s whispering in my ear with a low sexy growl: “Take your clothes off, baby. I’m out of clean shot glasses.”

  He cups my face in his hands and I nod, giving him the okay. He kisses my forehead before moving down to take my bottom lip softly between his teeth and pulling, ever so gently. He releases my lip, but not before running his tongue along my mouth’s seam, I try for a kiss, but he moves his head subtly, causing me to miss. “Soon, baby. Soon. Let me help you up here, Braun.”

  I’m panting, I’m sure of it, panting as his hands grip the hem of my shirt. Lifting it off, he tosses it behind me, heedless as to where it lands.


  “I need this. Need you. Let me, please. I’m wired, and so fucking thirsty. Only you can help me quench my thirst right now.” His voice is gruff, needy, and it sends a thrill throughout my body, moisture starting to gather between my thighs. I nod and, of course, he gives me one of those panty-obliterating grins, and—just like that—I find myself sitting on the bar’s edge with Levi nestled between my legs.

  “Me too, Levi. Need you. This. Us,” I admit, looking deep into his eyes.

  “That’s it, Scrappy.” He kisses me before helping me lie back on the bar in my bra and Pub Fiction shorts. Excitement starts to throb through my nerves, its hum matching the slow sensual beats of Keith Sweats’ “Twisted” that are coming from the stereo. I fester in a haze of desire, expectancy building, fuelling my need for him, as I wait for Levi to make his next move.

  “Fuck me, you’re so goddamn beautiful. It makes me ache just thinking about that guy being so close to what’s mine.” He traces a finger along my taut stomach to the edge of my panty line. “So pretty, so mine.” He kisses along my abdomen now, back up to my lips. “Mmmm, I never get tired of that sweet taste. God, I need you. These shorts, though…” he says, and pulls the material, “…sexy as they are, baby, they definitely need to go. Now.” He moves his hands to the waist of my shorts and unbuttons them, making quick work to free me before tossing them to the floor. His hands return, rubbing up the smoothness of my legs at an insanely slow pace. “I can smell your sweetness, Braun. Fuck, baby, I can smell that you’re ready. I can’t get enough of you.” He brings his face to my panties, resting his head, taking me in. “Grapefruit and sugar, so fucking perfect.”

  “Please, Levi, touch me. I need you.” I squirm under his touch, his words causing me to beg. I lean up so I can run my hand along his stubbled cheek. He’s still worked up, that edge still present, I see it in his eyes. I resolve to take it away.

  I sit up and kiss him, the point of my tongue grazing his bottom lip. I look into his eyes, my tone leaving no room for argument: “You saved me. You really are my knight.”

  “Always, Braunwyn.” He kisses me gently.

  “Now, how ’bout that drink?” I ask. “You’ve got me at your mercy now, after all, don’t you? Still need it, Levi? Mmm, go for it—use me like you need. I want you to. Didn’t you need a drink?” I lift my brows, glancing from my stomach to him. I assume he’ll take a body shot like I’ve seen in movies.

  He simply smirks back at me, like he knows something I don’t. “Fuck, yeah. I need you, Braun, in more ways than you’ll ever know,” he smiles, reaching for the bottle of tequila. “You’re right about needing that drink too. I want it, now more than ever. Best shot glass ever, sweetheart.” He pours a splash of tequila over my panties.

  “Oh, wow, Levi…” I react as the cold liquid hits my panties, causing me to squirm. The sweet peppery smell lingering in the air from the agave, with notes of vanilla and wood, dance up my nose.

  Slowly, Levi lowers his head between my legs to my pussy, and begins lapping at the tequila-soaked fabric. I buck so hard from the contact of his mouth that I’m sure I’m going to fall off the bar.

  “I got you, baby,” Levi grips my legs, pulling me toward him to the bar’s edge. He moves his head back down to my core, rubbing his stubbly chin along my panties before moving my black lace thong to the side. “Gotta get the whole shot, Scrappy. Can’t let the good stuff get wasted. Fuck, you’re so wet for me. That is top shelf right there.” He inserts a finger while licking my clit and swirling his tongue, moving it in a frenzied pace, taking the mix of tequila and my juices, his movements and the sensations he’s evoking cause me to shudder hard and see rainbows and unicorns.

  I’m in heaven.

p; “Levi!” I shout at the top of my lungs.

  “Fuck, Braun, I know, but I promise, we’re just getting warmed up.”

  Chapter 44


  After Big John left, I decided I needed another drink to calm my still-erupting temper.

  I needed to calm the fuck down. Never have I felt the urge to hurt another human being so badly as I did in that moment when I saw Chase with his hands on Braun.

  Thank Christ, Big John came and took over when he did. I still can’t believe Chase would try to put the moves on my girl even after the warnings I gave him. But he did and he’s done. Let the cops deal with him now.

  Ridding the thoughts of what could have happened from my mind, I focus on the here and now instead, ’cause this—the here and now—is fucking beautiful, and fuck me if I’m gonna waste any more time thinking about that douche canoe. Not when Braun’s ready for me and my little game.

  Braunwyn is a sight to behold, wearing nothing but a sexy black lace bra that does shit to cover her perfect tits, along with a matching g-string, as she lies before me all sprawled out on the bar. My body is fucking threatening to combust, but the fun has only just begun. I’m not even close to being done savouring and tasting my girl.

  Fuck, she tastes so good. The combination of Braun’s pussy juice mixed with Patrón is a lethal combination, one I will take my time to enjoy. I twirl my tongue one last time as her legs tighten around my shoulders, her hands gripping the back of my head to hold me in place as she comes in my mouth.

  “Levi!” she screams, as her body convulses under me.

  “You are something else.” I look up, licking my lips and relishing her taste as it lingers on my lips. “Fuck Braun, I know, but I promise, we’re just getting warmed up.”

  I grin and slide her panties back into place.


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