The Heart of The Beast

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The Heart of The Beast Page 18

by Susan Kohler

He found the pair of horses tied to a tree, so he dismounted and tied up his own horse nearby. It seemed the couple had gone for a walk in the woods. It was easy to follow their path since they had walked along the deer trail. There were signs of their passing: footprints and bent branches.

  It so happened that the Beast caught up with them at a small stream just as Beauty slipped on a wet stone. The Beast saw Sir Richard take Beauty’s hand with one of his and slide his other arm around her waist to steady her. He saw Beauty smile back over her shoulder at Sir Richard as she whispered something with a small laugh. His temper returned as a blind rage enveloped him.

  He was upon the pair with a roar. “What in God’s name are you doing with this man, Beauty? Do you play me for a fool? I thought you promised to be the one person in my life I could trust.”

  “You can trust me, M’lord. I was doing you no dishonour,” Beauty said proudly. “I was merely walking and speaking with Sir Richard, and you well know it, if you’d but used your head before letting loose your temper.”

  “I am not a fool. I know Sir Richard’s been trying to get you to himself, just the two of you alone, for days now. Why do you think it was so necessary to this knight, this man, to get you alone?” the Beast raged. “He is enamoured with you. He was holding your hand when I rode up. I saw him.”

  “M’lord, I can explain... ” Beauty started.

  “The lady’s done nothing to deserve your anger, sir,” Sir Richard protested. “Nor have I. If you would but think, you know neither one of us would do anything to hurt you. You know us both well. We are two of the few people you know you can trust.”

  The Beast heard the truth in the knight’s words but the fire was raging in his blood. It demanded release.

  “Leave us,” the Beast coldly ordered Beauty.

  He drew his sword. Sir Richard, in defence, did likewise. The two men began fighting with deadly ferocity, the swords clashing loudly and gleaming brightly in the afternoon sun. The two knights were evenly matched and the fight seemed to go on forever without either of them inflicting serious damage on the other. Beauty was horrified at the thought of these two men fighting over her, particularly since neither of them wore any armour. Finally she could stand it no longer.

  “Nay!” Beauty shouted. Fearing bloodshed she jumped between the two men. “Stop this madness!”

  Turning to the visiting knight she said, “Sir Richard, please, I beg you to return to the castle.”

  “I cannot leave you here with him,” Sir Richard protested. “I fear for you. He’ll kill you.”

  “Nay, I’ll be fine,” Beauty assured him calmly. “Truly, on my word of honour, I will be fine. Again, I must ask you to return to the castle.”

  “She will be all right.” At the muttered words, Sir Richard turned and looked at the Beast in amazement. The Beast nodded at him and continued ruefully, “But I may not be.”

  “I don’t think the lady will hurt you too badly.” Sir Richard smiled, bowed and with a trace of defiance, kissed Beauty’s hand before he quickly left the couple alone.

  As soon as Sir Richard left, Beauty flung herself at the Beast, kissing him as she slammed into him, knocking his sword to the ground.

  “You were jealous, you big fool!” she laughed joyously, kissing him.

  It was hardly the reaction the Beast had expected but he managed to adjust to it. He lifted her up so that she could wrap her slender legs around his waist but her long skirts were tangled up and got in the way. They both tumbled to the ground. He slid his hands up under her skirts, rolling her over so that she lay panting under him. He teased and stroked her moist femininity before entering her in a joyous celebration of their love. They moved together on the forest floor for a long time. By the time the Beast rolled off of her, Beauty’s beautiful peach silk gown was torn and covered with dead leaves and stained from the grass. She was very satisfied, very satisfied, indeed.

  After making love, as they lay together in the woods, Beauty finally got her chance to have the little discussion she’d been wanting. She took advantage of her chance and spoke.

  “M’lord, I’ve been wanting to speak to you for a long time,” Beauty began softly. “There is something I need to know. Did you mean what you said to the crowd? When you said that you loved me?”

  “Yea, Beauty, I did.” The Beast was almost shy for once in his life. “I do admit, I love you more than my own life.”

  He leaned over to give her a quick, tender kiss and grasp one of her small hands. He planted another gentle kiss on the back of her hand.

  “Tis good, for I truly love you too,” she told him, smiling widely before she pulled him over to her for another kiss.

  “I know,” the Beast grinned, “I heard you tell your mother you loved me when you thought I was still unconscious.”

  “M’lord!” Beauty laughed, cuffing him smartly on the shoulder with her fist. “I have to ask you something. Why did you shout your love to the crowd but never say aught of it privately to me?”

  “Why did you tell your mother of your love, but not me?” the Beast countered.

  “Mayhap we’re both fools, I know well I am,” Beauty sighed kissing him passionately. “After all, I love a man and I know not his real name.”

  “Nor I yours,” the Beast reminded her.

  “My given name is Isabella, M’lord,” Beauty told him shyly.

  “It’s a beautiful name,” the Beast told her solemnly, “but I think I still prefer to call you Beauty.”

  “And who do I have the pleasure of addressing? What is your real name, M’lord Beast?” Beauty questioned him in return.

  The Beast winced and covered his face with his large hand. He looked through his fingers and said wryly, “Sir Sebastian, at your service.”

  Beauty laughed, “Sir Sebastian? That’s not so bad. How came you by such a name as the Beast? Was it because of your fierce nature?”

  “Not really. My younger brother couldn’t say Sebastian aright; he kept calling me Bast,” the Beast laughed openly. “I guess it was a stroke of luck I became known as the Beast instead of the Bastard.”

  “My younger brother also had his hand in my name,” Beauty explained, laughing. “Isabella got shortened to Belle when he was young. Belle is French for Beauty, so... ” she shrugged. “Anyway, I think I prefer to call you the Beast, or even Sir Beast.”

  The Beast groaned and rolled onto his back, pulling her atop him. His mouth hovered just a breath from hers as he asked, “Is our discussion over?”

  “Nay!” she laughed, kissing him quickly before turning serious. “I want to repeat a question I asked you months ago, to see if by any chance your answer has since changed.”

  “What question?” The Beast was wary.

  “If I were to get with child, what would you do?” Beauty was serious.

  “Truly, I know not, for I know not what M’lord, the King, wishes of me.” The Beast tilted her face up with a gentle finger. “But I can tell you that I will protect and care for you and any children that God gives us. I can also swear I will never willingly marry another for I do love you with all my heart and all my being. I was going to wait for an answer from the King to tell you this but I’ll tell you now: When Sir Richard reports back to the King, he’ll carry a petition from me asking the King’s permission for us to marry.”

  “M’lord, you astound me,” Beauty whispered.

  “But do I please you?” the Beast asked, a little anxiously.

  “You know you do,” she smiled at him, the truth of her love shining brightly in her eyes. “As you keep telling me, you’re no fool.”

  She kissed him willingly and they made love yet again, this time with less frenzy and a more tender passion. It was a long time before they arrived back at the castle. Sir Richard greeted the couple warmly, his worry for Beauty’s safety long since dispelled by Beauty’s mother and her brother Tom.

  “I take it she still doesn’t know?” Sir Richard asked the Beast, taking him aside.

nbsp; “Nay, I’ll tell her my secret when she tells me hers,” the Beast replied.

  “But you already know her secret,” Sir Richard pointed out gently.

  “Not by her words. She still hasn’t told me.” The Beast was stubborn.

  “I see,” Sir Richard said, “‘tis naught but a fool’s pride that holds your tongue.”

  “Fool’s pride? Fool’s pride is what you show when you persist in trying to best me in the joust,” the Beast challenged, “or with bow and arrow or the broadsword.”

  “We’ll have to settle that after the fair. We’ll have a small tournament, just the two of us.” Sir Richard met the Beast’s challenge. “And some contests for the guards.”

  That night everyone was in good spirits. The Beast and Beauty seemed to have reached a new understanding and both of them openly expressed their love without regard for anyone else in the room.

  “When I first saw her, I was going to ask you for her hand,” Sir Richard said sadly to the Beast over dinner. “I’d marry the girl gladly, even if you won’t, and the King be damned, but I could see at a glance that she truly loves you though and I have no desire to be second to you.”

  “In a few days, at the games, you will indeed be second to me,” the Beast replied arrogantly. “Bet on it.”

  “Wouldst you bet the Lady Beauty?” Sir Richard asked teasing. “Because if not, why bet? ‘Twould be no pleasure at all to win naught but mere money from you.”

  “Well, money’s all I’m wagering,” the Beast said firmly, then winked and laughed. “It’s most unwise to wager a woman, they have minds of their own and the strangest things can put them in a terrible temper.”

  “As M’lord Beast is about to find out,” Beauty laughed, teasing, “yet again.”

  “See what I mean?” the Beast laughed and shrugged.

  As planned, Beauty left the table so that the two men could speak privately again. She went and checked on the kitchen staff, deciding to go over the details of the morrow’s menu with the cook. She was surprised and delighted to find Gwyneth and the cook locked together in an embrace.

  “Sorry, Milady.” Henry, the cook, lowered his head and backed away from a blushing Gwyneth. “Was there aught I could do for you?”

  “Nay, Henry,” Beauty smiled gently, “I was but thinking about the menu for tomorrow.”

  “We can go over it now,” the cook offered.

  “Beauty?” Gwyneth spoke up softly. “About what you just saw. I promise you it will never happen again.”

  “Why not?” Beauty was astonished. “If you and Henry care for each other what’s the harm in that?”

  “You don’t think such behaviour is improper?” Gwyneth asked.

  “I make no judgments,” Beauty said with a gentle smile before continuing, “I only know that I want you both to be happy.”

  “What about the Beast?” Henry asked quietly. “How would he feel if Gwyneth and I asked him for permission to marry?”

  “I think he’d be very pleased and happy to grant your request,” Beauty smiled, “but I think he’d threaten you with dire consequences if you failed to make Gwyneth happy. He feels a great deal for her.”

  “He does?” Gwyneth asked, surprised.

  “He tells me you were the only real source of love and support during his childhood. That you were the only one to try to see the boy inside the young warrior,” she told Gwyneth. “He worries that you gave up any chance for a life of your own to stay by his side throughout the years. He feels he owes you a great deal.”

  “’Twas naught. I was but loyal to the master I served,” Gwyneth said humbly.

  “He knows that,” Beauty told her, “and he is loyal to you.”

  “What?” Gwyneth was astonished.

  “Don’t mistake me,” Beauty said, “the Beast has never said such a thing to me but he has spoken of you in ways that make his feelings obvious. The rooms each of you has over the kitchen could be made over for your living chambers if you were to marry.”

  “I assure you, Milady, that our service to you and his lordship would never lessen,” the cook said.

  “It had better,” Beauty thought aloud. “You and Gwyneth are always ready for our summons. You deserve more time to yourselves. There must be a maid who can answer our summons if we need anything at night. Gwyneth, pick one of the younger maids and train her to take over for you at night and Henry, pick one of your assistants and do the same. I will see to the Beast. He will give you permission to marry.”

  “Are you sure?” Gwyneth asked.

  “I am most sure. I can handle him, at least sometimes.” Beauty smiled as she left the kitchen, leaving the happy couple behind her.

  Still restless but happy for the couple she’d just left behind her, Beauty went out the side door and walked alone into a small garden. She sat for a while on a stone bench, relaxing and breathing in the fragrant night air. Impatient, she then strolled over to the fountain, letting the cool night air wash over her. Soon she noticed she wasn’t the only person in the garden. Passing a large bush, she came upon her mother and Seth embracing. The older couple jumped apart like naughty children, flushed and flustered.

  “I hope this means there’s going to be a wedding,” she said eyeing the pair with mock severity.

  “As soon as we can arrange it, Milady,” Seth replied, smiling broadly. “I hope you approve?”

  “I do, most certainly,” Beauty kissed his cheek, “and your old lord would too.”

  Beauty hugged her mother, genuinely touched for her, before leaving the garden to the lovers. Romance must be in the air, she mused.

  She strolled into the stables to visit her favourite mare who was due to foal soon. She stroked the mare’s soft head and fed her a handful of grain. Speaking softly to the mare, she stroked her sides and looked at her carefully. The mare was due soon as her bags were filling with milk. Still, Beauty did not expect the foal for a day or two yet.

  Soon Beauty became aware she was not alone in the barn. She found Nate and Claire sitting on a pile of straw in the last stall. Before they realized she was there, Beauty saw their lips meet in a tender kiss. It was so sweet and innocent that she sighed aloud. The two kids heard her and quickly jumped apart.

  “Beauty!” Nate exclaimed, coming over to Beauty. “Claire and I were just... ”

  “I know what you were just doing, Nate. I do have eyes,” Beauty smiled. “You just be sure that you don’t do anything to hurt that girl.”

  I won’t Beauty,” Nate said earnestly. “I love her.”

  “Tis good,” Beauty told her brother, “but you are both so young.”

  “Not so young, Beauty, many couples are married at our age,” Nate replied softly but with a new hint of maturity.

  “I know, but it still seems far too young.” Beauty asked Nate, “Are you planning to marry Claire?”

  “Claire is not ready for marriage as she was hurt far too badly by the thieves,” Nate answered, showing a maturity and wisdom that made Beauty proud. “But I do love her. Someday, perhaps we will marry.”

  Beauty hugged her brother. “Nate, I’m glad I found you for another reason. I have news. I hope it makes you happy. Mother and Seth are getting married.”

  “That’s great! When did you learn this?” Nate asked.

  “Tonight. I just found them in the garden, embracing. It was just after I found Gwyneth kissing the cook and just before I came in here and found you and Claire embracing.” Beauty mused, “It makes me wonder who I’ll find together on the training field at the games.”

  “You’ll probably just find Tom and one of Sir Richard’s guards,” Nate teased. “That smallish guard most likely.”

  “Nate!” Beauty gasped, wondering if he knew what he was suggesting.

  “Wrestling, probably. He trains with them constantly,” Nate pointed out wide-eyed, seeming completely innocent and unaware of the train of Beauty’s thoughts.

  “You had better get back to Claire,” Beauty said, quietly, “bef
ore she gets mad at me for taking you away from her.”

  “Claire would never get mad at you,” Nate told her, “she considers you her ideal of what a woman should be.”

  “Then Heaven help her,” Beauty laughed heartily, “for I am truly very far from ideal.”

  “That is what I told her,” Nate teased his older sister, “but she persists in her strange beliefs.”

  Back in the great hall, Sir Richard and the Beast were still having their meeting. Sir Richard had one more message for the Beast. It seemed that the King, worried about holding these lands, now wanted all his knights and lords to marry and produce heirs. The Beast was one of the most important to the King, and he was one of the few who was still single. The King stopped just short of a direct order but strongly suggested that the Beast marry. He had even gone so far as to make out a list of possible wives for the Beast. He had listed several worthy ladies, all with noble blood.

  At the end of the list the King had added a personal note:

  There is one lass who was daughter to the old lord of your castle. He ruled your land before we took this country and I gifted you his castle. He is dead. She and her family have disappeared, I know not where or what became of them. I did not wish them to come to harm but the old lord would not surrender. His name was Sir Thomas, and his wife’s was Lady Margarite. There were three children as I recall but I do not know the girl’s name. She was an extraordinarily lovely child. If you could find her and marry her, I would approve. I know long ago I promised never to ask such a thing of you, so this is by your choice but if you did decide to marry the girl it would go a long way to securing the loyalty of the serfs. Her sire was a noble warrior. I defeated him but I wouldst honour him enough to see his family well and the girl would make you a fine wife.

  With God’s grace, as always,

  Your King

  Reading this, the Beast’s heart soared. Without any hesitation or doubts he knew who that girl was, the lass that the King desired him to marry, and he realized that he wanted it too, more than he had ever dreamed possible. He hurried to his chambers to seek out Beauty.

  “I’m sorry I was so busy with Sir Richard,” the Beast said as he entered the bedchamber. “I hope you weren’t bored without me.”


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