The Heart of The Beast

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The Heart of The Beast Page 21

by Susan Kohler

  Chapter Fourteen

  Beauty and the Beast were just planning to have a quick, simple marriage ceremony to be held right after the fair but many little things seemed to keep happening to delay the nuptials. Things that all seemed to have their start with Sir Richard.

  First, he told them that the friar was too ill to perform the ceremony. Beauty and her mother could find naught wrong with the man, except perhaps laziness and a complaining nature. They both thought it was strange that the holy man had been well enough to marry Gwyneth and Henry before being stricken with his mysterious malady.

  Next, Beauty’s most skilled seamstress was delayed getting just the right lace for Beauty’s dress, even though Sir Richard was supposed to have sent one of his fastest riders to court to fetch it. When the man returned with the wrong lace, the seamstress flatly spurned it. The tiny woman stubbornly crossed her arms, shook her head, and refused to even pick up her needle and thread. She insisted that the dress would be ruined if she used any other lace than the one she and Beauty had agreed upon.

  Of course, Sir Richard was the only one to notice that the small chapel was not only exceedingly dirty but also in desperate need of several small, but important, repairs. In seemed that some of the pews were broken and the ceiling leaked. In spite of the fair weather, Sir Richard insisted the ceremony be delayed until the chapel was fixed and completely cleaned from top to bottom.

  The delays put a strain on both Beauty and the Beast. Not on their relationship, as their love was much too secure for that to happen, but on their temperaments. Neither one of them was known for their patience, in spite of Beauty’s usually composed appearance. Surprisingly, it was the Beast who held up better, who showed a calmer demeanour and behaved with more dignity at each delay. He did roar a bit though. Beauty was clearly the more impatient one; she paced around the castle snapping at servants and then apologizing to them, only to snap at them again moments later.

  What made the Beast’s patience even more remarkable was that they had moved into separate quarters until after the wedding. The Beast also withstood the short period of celibacy far better than Beauty. Every morn the maids found her bed a mess of tangled sheets and tossed pillows, a sure sign that she was having restless nights.

  When questioned about his patience, the Beast said simply, “I’m getting a great deal of pleasure from the simple anticipation of our wedding and our lives together, and of course,” he grinned wickedly and winked, “our wedding night.”

  Lady Margarite and Seth, whose ceremony was likewise delayed, were also impatient of course, but they used the time well. They fixed up a small cottage inside the castle grounds for their home. It would be a warm and comfortable place for them to have some privacy and still be near the rest of their family. Working with some of the servants, they cleaned the cottage thoroughly. Then they furnished it with beautifully carved wooden chairs and a table. They had a bed put in one of the bedrooms, with thick mattresses, crisp linens and fur blankets. They hung some tapestries and even found some dishes and cooking utensils. By the day before their wedding, the small cottage was complete. More than that, it was a real home.

  The night before the wedding, there was a feast in the great hall of the castle. Everyone was in great spirits now that the waiting was almost at an end. There was a sumptuous meal of roasted venison in thick gravy, green vegetables, hard breads and cheese, sugared fruits, wine and ale. There were even some sweet pastries for dessert. Musicians played throughout the night.

  The guards made laughing comments to the Beast, even some jesting remarks about how he was now truly tamed. These remarks failed to have the effect on him they would have had even a month before. Now he simply smiled heartily and agreed with them.

  “You should all be so lucky as to be tamed by such a woman,” he laughed.

  The festivities became too much for Beauty. She strolled into the garden she loved so well, seeking a moment’s privacy. She sat there absorbing the fragrance of the flowers on the cool night breeze. She closed her eyes and thought about the Beast.

  She remembered how they’d met and how scared of him she was. She thought of their first night together and fully realized for the first time how he had tried very hard to be patient and tender with her, and how foreign to his nature that small bit of patience had been. She relived the details of their lives together so far, each small step leading up to this union. She recalled watching the Beast as he learned wisdom and mercy, and realized how she had also learned patience and persistence. She smiled softly in sweet anticipation as she thought of the wedding night ahead for she realized that she was truly lucky to be marrying for love. She was one of the few maidens she’d ever heard of who had actually had a choice in choosing their life’s mate.

  Her mother came in search of her. “Is there aught amiss Beauty?” Lady Margarite asked her with concern.

  “Nay, Mother,” Beauty smiled softly, “all’s truly right with me, with the whole world. I just wanted a moment to myself. I was remembering how far we’ve come together, the Beast and I, and wondering how our future would be.”

  “It’s a little frightening, isn’t it? To think that tomorrow you are to be wed, to be a man’s wife?” Lady Margarite asked gently.

  “It’s even more frightening to think of how life would be if I were not to be wed,” Beauty said firmly. “Or were we talking about you?”

  “I admit I’m nervous, my daughter, but I know I’ll be very happy with Seth. Like you, tis the thought of life without him that’s truly frightening.” Lady Margarite smiled and slipped an arm around her daughter.

  The two women hugged each other and talked for a while before they each went to their beds.

  Finally, on the third Sunday following the fair and harvest festival, the wedding day arrived. The Beast and Beauty were to be wed in a short, beautiful ceremony in the old stone church. The wedding day was so clear and sunny it was as if the perfect weather was a gift from above.

  The Beast wore simple clothes: soft, dove grey, woollen hose, a white linen shirt, a grey doublet, trimmed with gold and embroidered with gold threads, and a grey coat trimmed with soft grey furs. His hair was neatly tied back at the nape of his neck. He stood outside the church and watched his lady arrive.

  Beauty was mounted on a pure white horse, with long flowing mane and tail, and refined conformation. She had an ornate tasselled bridle and wide, decorated reins. The saddle itself was a work of art, well made and lavishly decorated.

  Beauty’s brother, Tom, as the male head of her family, helped her dismount. He took her arm and led her over to present her formally to the Beast. Beauty was breathtaking in a deep rose silk gown, trimmed with white lace at the hem and at the ends of the long, loose sleeves. The gown had a long waist and was cut back in front to reveal a white lace under slip. Small jewels and pearls were sewn around the low, rounded neckline, catching the sun and subtly emphasizing the soft swell of her breasts. A small, gold girdle loosely circled her slender hips and a gold lace cap held her hair back, the ends flowing in a soft mane down her back. A silk scarf covered her hair and the golden cap.

  The Beast took her arm from Tom and the pair stood momentarily and faced the crowd of villagers and castle inhabitants. They listened to the cheers of the crowd for a short time before they turned and entered the small church.

  The couple stood in front of the friar and recited their marriage vows with only their family and personal servants as witnesses. The Beast’s voice was firm and strong as he claimed Beauty for his bride. Beauty recited her vows in softer tones. She sounded loving and calm, but also something else. Awe struck, mayhap? Tom and Nate stood by Lady Margarite, and of course Seth stood nervously on her other side. Sir Richard and Lady Althea stood near the Beast, both of them happy for the brother they barely knew but still loved.

  The air sizzled with the heated glances passing between Lady Althea and Tom. The two barely noticed the ceremony as their eyes hardly ever left each other. Gwyneth and her new husb
and, Henry, held hands as they watched the wedding. No one in the wedding party noticed the heavily cloaked man watching quietly from the shadows at the side of the church. Sir Gregory, however, kept a close watch on the man.

  The stranger had arrived at the church late, having travelled a good distance just to be there. He was still dressed for travel and covered with the dust and dirt of the road. His tired body was stiff and his breathing was still slightly laboured from his hard ride, and he ached for a hot bath and clean clothes but he knew he would not have these things any time soon. He noticed and frowned over the heated glances that passed between Lady Althea and a young man standing in the wedding group. Still, as he watched the friar led the couple through their vows, he was exceedingly happy. The man kept hidden and watched in approval as the marriage was sealed with a tender kiss.

  Then the friar united Lady Margarite and Seth in marriage. Lady Margarite was clad in a sky blue gown of the softest velvet. She looked beautiful and radiant, and far too young to be Beauty’s mother. Seth was in black hose with a white shirt and a gold tunic. His coat was forest green and set off the colour of his eyes. He looked exceedingly handsome and very proud. This second service was also very short and plain. It was all the couple needed. It was everything.

  Both couples were greeted with loud cheers and well wishes from the crowd outside. Some of the well wishes from the plain spoken villagers were rather crude and graphic but obviously well-intentioned. It was only as they prepared to leave the church that the stranger’s presence was finally noted. The Beast saw him first. His eyes widened with shock and he quickly knelt on one knee.

  “Your Majesty, you honour me,” he said humbly, “and please me greatly. I never expected you to be here for my wedding.”

  At his words, the rest of the wedding party had also dropped to one knee. The startled villagers did likewise.

  “Did you not know I would come if I could, Sebastian?” the King gently chided. “Rise, please.”

  “I had hoped, M’lord, that you would so honour us,” the Beast replied. “May I present my bride, Beauty? I mean, Lady Isabella.”

  “I think Beauty is the right name for her,” the King said, smiling as he turned to Beauty. “Please rise, Lady Isabella.”

  “Your Majesty,” Beauty murmured, rising.

  “You have made Sir Sebastian, who is very important to me, very happy this day. I have oftentimes wondered if he would ever find true happiness,” the King smiled at Beauty and kissed her gently on her cheek. “But now he has learned how to love and for that I am truly grateful to you.”

  “Thank you, your Majesty,” Beauty smiled. “I despaired of ever teaching him how to love after the way he was raised, but gradually the walls surrounding his soul were lowered and I found the true man inside the harsh, bloodthirsty warrior. The man his parents never even knew existed. Tis their loss.”

  Beauty never heard the soft gasp beside her. She never noticed the slight tightening of the Beast’s hand on her arm. She never saw the slight flush on the face of the King. She only heard his soft reply.

  “You’re very right, Beauty,” the King said sadly, “tis their loss. I’m very glad Sir Sebastian has you now. Thank God, he will never be that soulless warrior again.”

  “Please, Your Majesty, join our wedding feast,” Beauty invited, smiling and happy. “It would be a great honour.”

  “I cannot, Lady Beauty,” the King said wearily, “there are many pressing matters at court just now. I just wanted to be at Sir Sebastian’s wedding. I promise I’ll return in the summer to see the babe.” He ignored Beauty’s gasp.

  “How did you know, Sire?” the Beast asked surprised.

  “I’ve had two wives and countless mistresses,” the King smiled wearily. “I know the signs all too well, believe me, I always know.”

  “Not even my family knew,” Beauty whispered.

  “Beauty, daughter, doest thou take me for a fool?” Lady Margarite scolded. “Of course I knew. Why else did I work so hard to get you married to this man?”

  “Mother, you fought me every step of the way,” Beauty protested. “You constantly harangued the Beast, nagging him in such a shrewish manner. And with me you were even worse, recounting his faults endlessly. How can you say you worked hard for this marriage?”

  “That which is forbidden is ever sweeter,” Lady Margarite smiled serenely. “Is that not true, Your Majesty? Have you ever seen a maiden who wanted to marry the man her mother and father picked for her? Or does she want the man her mother hates and her father disapproves of?”

  “Lady Margarite, your devious nature delights me.” The King ignored Beauty and the Beast, who were both speechless.

  He turned to the Beast’s brother. “Sir Richard, you did a good job in delaying the wedding until your messenger could fetch me for the ceremony,” the King laughed. “I bet your brother was almost ready to throttle you.”

  “He always is, Majesty,” Sir Richard pointed out. “Why should he be any different now?”

  The King spoke briefly to Lady Margarite and Seth, wishing them a good life together. His eyes narrowed but he did not say a word as he observed the obvious sexual tension between Lady Althea and Tom, except to gently tease Lady Althea.

  “I see you managed to get yourself into a dress for this occasion, Lady Althea,” he prodded her. “I wonder if you would be so accommodating at your own wedding?”

  “Twould depend on who my father picked for me to marry, M’lord,” the lady replied tartly. “And how I felt about the man.”

  “And who is this man who accompanies you today?” the King asked with a seemingly casual tone.

  “This is Thomas, Lady Isabella’s brother.” Lady Althea presented Tom. “Thomas, His Majesty, the King.”

  “Majesty.” Tom knelt.

  “Rise, Thomas.” The King acknowledged the introduction briefly as his head squire brought over his horse.

  Before he left, the King even turned his attention to Gwyneth and Henry.

  “Gwyneth is more than a servant to me. She has served my family well for years.” He whispered to Henry only halfway in jest, “The day you fail to make her happy is the day I’ll have your head.”

  “Then my head is secure for a long, long time, Majesty, for I love her deeply,” Henry told the King proudly.

  The King mounted and he and his retainers left quickly. Only Henry knew that they carried a veritable feast with them as they rode away.

  In celebration of his wedding, the Beast gifted each village family with a bushel of grain and half a dozen fat hens. There was feasting in the castle with fine rich foods, game meats, sugared fruits, French pastries, and fine wines and ales. In the village there was a more humble feast but they did have venison and plenty of strong, stout ale.

  During the wedding feast, Beauty and the Beast were so caught up in their own happiness that they never noticed the absence of Gwyneth and Henry. The lesser servants were also not as silent or as efficient as usual, having been imbibing ale all day, but for once no one noticed or cared.

  Soon after the first course of grilled fish, Lady Margarite and her new husband, Seth, vanished. The Beast noticed them slipping away and kissed Beauty’s hand, lightly nipping her palm.

  “Are ye really hungry, lass?” he growled in her ear. “I myself feel the need for a bed more than the need for mere food.”

  “I hope M’lord isn’t too tired to perform his husbandly duties,” Beauty said softly, sliding him a sideways glance. “I heard many a young bride is disappointed on her wedding night, if her groom is not, ahem, up to the task expected of him.”

  She shrieked joyously as the Beast gathered her up into his arms without a word and headed for the long, massive staircase.

  “M’lord! My ladies are supposed to prepare me for you in our chamber,” she protested, laughing.

  “Your ladies are going to be disappointed,” the Beast smiled, kissing her soundly. “Besides, the ones who would perform that service, Claire, Lady Althea,
your lady mother and Gwyneth are all otherwise occupied. Wouldst you really want to summon them now?”

  “Nay, M’lord. And the men who are waiting to help you?” Beauty asked him. “Nate, Tom, Seth and Sir Richard?”

  “You know well where Nate, Tom and Seth are,” the Beast replied, becoming slightly winded from carrying her up the long, steep stairs, “and Sir Richard was very taken with the maid serving him at dinner. The pretty, young one with the large bosom. I don’t think he’ll miss us.”

  “Since when did you notice the maid’s bosom?” Beauty asked suspiciously.

  “Since I followed his eyes and saw what he gazed upon,” the Beast replied, dropping Beauty on the bed.

  “Tis a good answer, M’lord husband.” Beauty reached up for him.

  “I’m not a stupid man, Milady wife.” He leaned over to kiss her soundly before joining her on the bed.

  They rolled on the bed kissing with all the joy in their souls. Beauty’s cap was discarded and her golden girdle soon hit the floor. The Beast’s long silky hair was quickly freed from its confinement and his coat was quickly discarded. Beauty stood and the Beast helped her remove her gown and the shift she wore under it. She watched as he quickly shed his tunic and shirt. She was amused but also impatient as he had trouble removing the tights over his erection.

  The Beast noted her amusement and remarked wryly, “Well, at least you know I’m well up to the task you expect from me.”

  There was a new bathtub waiting there, readied for their use. It was a wedding gift from the Beast to Beauty. The new tub was brass and had been especially made for Beauty and the Beast. The most interesting thing about the new tub was its size. It was much bigger than the regular bathtub. It was big enough to hold them both with a bit more comfort. It had been filled with steamy water, with fragrant herbs floating on top, undoubtedly meant for Beauty. On the small table beside the tub there was a bar of rich scented soap, a flask of wine and a tray of cheeses and fresh fruit. There was also a small jar with a tiny amount of a red liquid in it.


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