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Page 11

by Chloe Fischer

  “Do you understand?” the brunette asked impatiently. “You have to go. Tell him the deal is off. It’s every man for himself now.”

  She spun to leave.

  “How did you find him? He took out the GPS you had embedded in his hand,” Ashtyn called after her.

  She half-turned, a slight smirk on her face.

  “You think that we would trust a known assassin? Of course we slipped another tracker on him.”

  “Who do you work for? Who else is coming for us?”

  Her bemused expression faltered.

  “I don’t know,” she replied and Ashtyn could see she was being sincere.

  She strode outside but a second later, she was back, her dark eyes glittering with something Ashtyn didn’t understand.

  “Tell him to leave me alone now. I have saved his life. Tell him we’re even.”

  She was gone again before Ashtyn could ask her what she meant by that but she exhaled, relieved to see her gone.

  Rushing to close and bolt the door, she hurried back to Xander’s bedside and rocked him gently.

  “Xander. Please wake up,” she whispered. “Xander! We have to get you to a hospital.”

  Suddenly, like a blow to her gut, she realized that even if he lived, she would never see him again after this.

  If he was being hunted, he needed to disappear underground and while Ashtyn would eventually be in danger when Khan’s men sorted through the mess, she could not leave without Viola.

  “Xander,” she said urgently. “Please wake up. You’re in danger and we have to go.”

  He groaned quietly in his sleep but there was no moving him.

  Fear spiraled through her body, but she willed herself to be calm.

  What am I going to do, she thought, slipping her body onto the mattress beside him, pressing herself against him.

  She was trapped. She really should just leave him here alone. After all, as far as he knew, he still had the contract to kill her. But she would just tell him that the woman had released him from all obligation and told him to run and go into hiding. You don’t seriously think he’s just going to believe you if you say the woman called the contract off, do you? He’s going to think I somehow killed Mr. Smith, and that Mrs. Smith just got away. What was she supposed to do? She didn’t even have a phone to call an ambulance for him, and he still hadn’t fully regained consciousness. She should leave. Now. While she still could. But he saved Viola. He risked his life and got shot for her. I owe him.

  Clenching her hands in his shirt, she gulped back the lump in her throat.

  This is ridiculous, the devil on her shoulder prodded. The man is an assassin, a convict, and he might still want to kill you.

  But are you any better? The angel on her other shoulder asked. You almost killed him with an overdose and you’ve been a smuggler for years. Not exactly a pillar of society, hmm?

  Yet why did it feel like they had known one another for years? They had certainly been through more than any couple she knew.

  There was no denying it; they were two obscure peas in a pod. Would she ever find anyone in the world who could understand her as well as Xander?

  Tears slipped onto her cheeks but she didn’t fight them, burying her face into his chest as she heard vehicles approaching, sirens blaring in warning.

  It was too late. Their chance to escape had passed.

  Xander was going back to prison and she would likely follow.

  She didn’t move, her back to the door as the pounding started. She squeezed Xander closer to her frame as if she hoped to shield him from the impending chaos, but when the door flew open, Ashtyn knew she had no choice but to face the music.

  “Interpol! Show me your hands!”

  Slowly, she turned to address the officers swarming the one roomed cottage, raising her hands over her head as she remained on the bed.

  “You too!” an agent yelled. “Show me your hands!”

  “He’s unconscious,” she told him, choking back a sob. “He needs a hospital. I think he’s been shot.”

  “Is that Xander Van Hoyt?”

  Ashtyn pursed her lips together, unwilling to answer the question.

  If she lied and said no, there would be more trouble for her later, but there was no way she was throwing him under the bus unnecessarily.

  “Tell me!” he demanded. “Is that Xander Van Hoyt?” Ashtyn merely squeezed her lips together firmly, staring the man down.

  “What’s your name?”

  The question came from a man in a dark suit, standing near the door, his white hair combed away from his regal looking face.

  There was something about him, something she recognized, but Ashtyn couldn’t pinpoint what it was.

  “You’re not in trouble,” the older man told her, his eyes encouraging. “What is your name?”

  “Ashtyn,” she heard herself breath, and the confession shocked her.

  Why did I tell him my real name?

  At her side, the officers were trying unsuccessfully to rouse Xander, although he seemed to be coming to slowly. The soft moans and labored breathing indicated that he was becoming aware of the pain he was in.

  “Ashtyn, is that Xander Van Hoyt?” he asked, and she found herself growing alarmed as he approached her.

  “No,” she finally answered. “It’s not.”

  A sardonic smile touched his lips.

  “I think you’re lying,” he said and she felt a shiver of dread.

  “What are you going to do to him?” she asked, swallowing her fear.

  He blinked once and suddenly Ashtyn realized what it was about the man which had triggered a memory in her; he had the same unusually colored eyes as Xander.

  “I am going to take him with me,” he replied.

  Ashtyn shook her head and closed her eyes.

  “No,” she said flatly. “You can’t. He had a deal with Interpol. He can’t go back to prison.”

  The man chuckled softly.

  “He’s not going back to prison. He’s coming with me. For a much very important purpose.”

  Ashtyn opened her eyes and stared at him uncomprehendingly.

  “Such as?”

  “It’s a matter of national security,” he told her. “I can’t disclose the details, but I can assure you, he will be in good hands.”

  She scoffed.

  “Forgive me if I don’t take the word of an Interpol agent. That’s how he got into this mess in the first place.”

  “My name is Drake Conway,” he told her. “And Xander is my son.”

  A shocked gasp flew from her lips. “But how did you find him? He doesn’t remember you. What if he doesn’t want to go with you?” The questions tumbled out before Ashtyn could stop them, her need to protect Xander flaring brightly.

  Drake held up a hand to stop her tirade. “All I will tell you, is that a long time ago, I lost all four of my sons because of a terrible mistake. Xander is now the third one I’ve found. Together we need to find his last brother. And then, then together we will defeat an old enemy.”


  New Orleans, Louisiana – Six Weeks Later

  The happy sound of jazz piping through the French Quarter almost made Ashtyn’s heart burst.

  She could not believe that she was back in her hometown after the harrowing life she had led in Paris.

  When she had stepped off the plane at Louis Armstrong International, her fears that she wouldn’t remember the place she had longed for so desperately proved to be unfounded.

  Xander squeezed her hand comfortingly.

  “Is it how you remembered it?” he asked, sensing her body tense at his side.

  Ashtyn nodded and looked up at him.

  “I can’t believe I’m here,” she murmured, staring around as if she expected it to disappear.

  “You’re here,” he told her softly. “We’re both here. Paris is the nightmare. This is the reality.”

  She nodded, grateful that he had joined her.

  In truth,
she hadn’t known what to expect after Drake Conway had come into their lives. He was a larger-than-life force who had swooped in and made everything go away with the swipe of his magical hand somehow.

  “Who is your father?” Ashtyn whispered when Xander’s conviction was quietly overturned and they were brought back to Virginia to Drake’s massive estate.

  “I don’t even want to know,” Xander replied, as the older man swept his son into a private conference while Ashtyn was left to roam the perfectly manicured grounds in Leesburg.

  It had all been so overwhelming, being whisked out of Europe in a covert private plane.

  “I can’t leave my sister!” Ashtyn protested but Drake had shaken his head.

  “Arrangements have already been made for Viola to be transferred to the best medical facility in Louisiana. She has been stable, but she is looking at months of inpatient recovery for both the drugs she was fed and the psychological abuse she suffered. You will visit her in six weeks when the doctors permit it.”

  Ashtyn could only stare at him, dumbfounded.

  “How did you know about her?” she gasped. “Who are you?”

  “I told you,” he replied, with a warm smile. “I am Drake Conway.”

  None of it made any sense, but there was no way to question Drake and expect to get an answer that was open and honest.

  “Your past…indiscretions have been forgotten,” Xander’s father told them. “You have nothing to fear about anything catching up with you. You are free to live normal lives…well, as normal as they can be going forward.”

  Xander and Ashtyn exchanged nervous glances.

  “And my sister?” Xander asked. “What about Sarah?”

  Drake paused and studied his son’s face.

  “I will ensure that Sarah is cared for. Of course, she won’t be punished for what happened with your adoptive parents. The abuse she suffered was subtly documented.”

  Drake lowered his eyes and Ashtyn could read the shame in them.

  “It is my fault it happened. They should have been vetted better. What happened in that house should never have occurred.”

  An uncomfortable silence followed as Xander recalled the conversation he had had with his father in the hospital while he was recovering from his gunshot wound.

  “Why have you resurfaced now?” Xander asked and he could hear the anger in his voice.

  Drake hung his head.

  “I have been searching for you for twenty-eight years,” he replied. “You and your brothers.”

  “Brothers?” Xander echoed. “There is more than one?”

  “Yes, you have an identical twin and two older brothers.”

  “Why – what?” Xander stuttered. “What are you talking about? I mean, I know about Aiden but there are two others? Did you throw them away too?”

  Drake’s face and quickly drawn breath showed the depth of pain that accusation caused him.

  “I had no choice but to find you other homes. There was a grave danger following us. Your mother was killed…”

  He trailed off and looked away as he relived the terrible moment.

  Suddenly Xander remembered his tattoo and chills exploded over his body.

  Could it be real? Had that dream actually happened to him?

  “What are you thinking about?”

  Xander brought her back to the present and she forced a smile.

  “I’m excited to see Viola. The doctors say she’s doing really well.”

  He leaned across the table and smiled at her but Ashtyn could read something behind his mossy eyes.

  “Are you comfortable here? Do you have everything you need?”

  She nodded slowly, examining him cautiously.

  “I have you, so yes, I do have everything I need,” she replied. His smile faltered slightly.

  “That’s what I want to talk to you about,” he told her and Ashtyn felt her heart begin to beat erratically.

  “What does he want you to do?” she muttered, already knowing it was about Drake.

  “I need to go away for a while,” Xander replied quietly, glancing around as if he was worried about eavesdroppers.

  “How long?” she asked sadly, clenching her teeth to keep from arguing.

  “As long as it takes,” he answered softly.

  “Can you please stop speaking in riddles?”

  He sighed.

  “As long as it takes to eliminate Oculus.”

  She gaped at him.

  “We just left behind murder and mayhem to start fresh. Are you that eager to run back into a world where people want you dead?”

  “We can defeat them,” Xander said firmly. “Drake has abilities of his own. And he’s found two of my brothers already. Now I need to convince Aiden to join us.”

  Ashtyn stared at her half-eaten jambalaya, her appetite gone.

  “I thought your brother hated you.”

  “He does, but Ash…”

  She looked up slowly.


  “These are the people who killed our mother.”

  Ashtyn felt shame and she nodded, swallowing any more of her objections.

  “When are you leaving?” she asked, unable to meet his eyes.

  “As soon as you tell me that you’ll wait for me.”

  Their eyes met and a slow smile formed on her lips.

  “You’re a fool if you think you can get rid of me that easily,” she replied. “But you have to promise to visit me often when you’re gone.”

  His eyebrows raised in surprise.

  “You want me to project to you?”

  “Only if you want,” she replied quickly, embarrassment coloring her cheeks.

  “Oh, I want,” he nuzzled her ear playfully. “Do you have any idea what I can make you feel while I’m in your head? What I can make you do?”

  Shivers racked her body as images were pushed into her mind. Her breathing hitched and her nipples instantly turned rock hard. A small moan escaped her as she saw a picture of him driving his cock deeply within her pussy as he had her pressed up against a wall. Her head was thrown back in bliss and her legs were wrapped tightly against his body, angling herself so that he could strike even deeper within her. The image made her core gush with wetness, and he hadn’t even had to touch her. Oh my god, this might not be so bad, she thought, smiling up at him.

  “I do,” she sighed.

  Xander smirked, looking proud of himself as he came to crouch at her side, his eyes locked on hers. Suddenly, his face became serious as he stared lovingly into her eyes.

  “I will come back to you,” he promised, grabbing her hands and bringing them to his lips. “I swear it.”

  “You better,” she replied with a confident smile, leaning forward to kiss his mouth. “Or I’ll kill you.”








  And check out Chloe’s PROTECT SERIES

  that features her favorite sexy bodyguards!

  His best friend’s little sister = his kryptonite.

  Cleo’s intentions were good – she just needed money to help out a friend. Who knew that she’d soon have the most ruthless drug lord in the area out to kill her?

  Cleo’s brother is a cop who is going to clear up this mess for her – or try to. But in the meantime, he literally hand-delivers Cleo to his best friend Dallas for safekeeping.

  Dallas is a big, tough, ex-Navy SEAL - he’s handled way harder jobs than this babysitting gig. So what if he’s always been wildly attracted to his best friend’s little sister?

  He’s disciplined.

  He can control this…But what he really wants to do, is control her…

  Mia is a spoiled, arrogant, gorgeous, rich girl.

  Mark is
a cop who accepted a short bodyguard gig for a day – protecting Mia.

  How hard can it be, right?

  Turns out Mark would rather be facing off against a gang of violent criminals than the mouthy socialite who escapes from him the first chance she gets.

  Yeah, that’s right.

  She. Runs. Away.

  After he saves her butt, he is SO going to teach her a lesson!

  She wanted to lose her virginity – but not to just anyone. She wanted her bodyguard.

  He was 6’4” of tall, dark, and oh so dominant.

  Sarah was pretty sure she was a submissive, but when Lance refused to show her his world, she decided to take things into her own hands.

  She found his club – his BDSM club. But just when she finally got up the nerve to sneak away and see what it was all about, Lance walked into the club. Damn! Busted - and dragged home in shame.


  Sarah: So I gave him an ultimatum. Either he showed me the “ropes”, or I would find a way to find out for myself. He couldn’t be with me 24/7, after all.

  I knew it would work. Lance is way too controlling, too dominant to let someone else take something that he wants. And I know he wants me – he just doesn’t want to cross that line with the daughter of a client. But he’s agreed – finally.

  Now if we can just stay safe while my uncle’s crazy stalker tries to kill me, maybe I’ll finally lose my V card…




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