Intrigued Out of the Office

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Intrigued Out of the Office Page 4

by Nicole Edwards

  “My mother is like any other mom, pet. Only, she has a broader viewpoint than some. You’ll find that a lot of people in this lifestyle are less judgmental overall.”

  “So, you don’t think I have anything to worry about?”

  He kissed my neck again. “No. I don’t. She’s gonna like you. What’s not to like? You’re smart, beautiful, and you know how to make people feel welcome.”

  Wow. I hadn’t expected those compliments. But I would take them.

  “However, there is something you should know.”

  Of course there was.

  The way he said that had the hair on the back of my neck standing on end. I turned my head so I could see his face.

  “My mother is more than a sexual submissive. She doesn’t merely offer sexual submission to her Master, she gives up total control,” he explained. “Do you know what that means?”

  “She’s a slave?” I knew there was a difference between a Dominant/submissive and a Master/slave relationship, but I didn’t truly grasp everything that it encompassed.

  “In the realm of BDSM, yes.” Master nodded. “My father was an experienced Dominant when he met my mother more than forty years ago. They hit it off right away.” He kissed my nose. “I’ll let her tell you the story, but I want you to have the opportunity to see a rare dynamic between a Master and a slave. Their love is their greatest bond and her submission is what fuels them both.”

  “Master, what’s the real difference between a slave and a submissive?” I’d read so much and some of it I understood, some of it I didn’t. One thing I’d noticed, there were a lot of people who attempted to define this lifestyle, a lot of them having never experienced it for themselves.

  “A submissive willingly gives up control. Sometimes only in the bedroom or during a scene, sometimes more often, but they generally have limits and they’re involved with negotiations with their Dom. A slave gives up total control and with this, they empower their Dom to make all the decisions, often without negotiations or limits.”

  Oddly enough, I was now anxious to meet them, to witness the relationship they shared. From what I’d read online and the groups I’d explored, I knew I did not want to be a slave. I needed the opportunity to make my own decisions about certain aspects of my life. Plus, the idea of not having limits was not appealing to me in the least. I knew for a fact there were things I was not willing to do, no matter what.

  Not that I would judge another person for what they needed, because it wasn’t my place. I just hadn’t had the opportunity to see a real-life Master/slave relationship.

  Master shifted on the bed. “Now, I’ll give you two options this morning.”

  Needing his dominance, I turned to face him.

  “You can either suck my cock, allowing me to come down that tight little throat, or you can let me eat your pussy until you flood my mouth.”

  My breaths slammed roughly in my chest, the raunchiness of his words enough to make me forget about everything else except my master’s pleasure.

  “I’d like to do what pleases you.”

  He nodded and got to his feet.

  “Turn over onto your back.”

  I rolled onto my back as he pulled the blankets off the bed.

  “Pull your knees against your chest, then spread them wide and hold them open for me. I want to admire your pretty pussy before we begin.”

  I was instantly wet, my arousal fueled by his dirty words and his dominance.

  I got into position, which put my pussy on display for him. He stood at the end of the bed, simply staring between my legs. Although it turned me on, I also felt a modicum of modesty. I had to fight the urge to cover myself.

  “You have a beautiful pussy, little one. Don’t ever feel the need to cover it. It pleases me to see those puffy lips and soft, pink center.”

  His praise melted me.

  He proceeded to remove his shirt as he spoke. “Mostly, it pleases me to see you wet and eager for my mouth.”

  Well, he was getting that in spades.

  My attention drifted to the hard planes and angles of his chest. My fingers itched to touch, but I didn’t dare move, not wanting to break the spell. I wasn’t sure if this was the prelude to a sexy blow job or if he was going to feast on me. Either way, I was enjoying it.

  When he started moving toward me, my legs trembled. And when his knee rested on the bed, my blood surged in my veins. My pussy was so wet I could feel the trickle of my juices. I craved his tongue on my clit, but I kept that to myself.

  “I’m gonna feast on you for a while. Only when you think I’ve had my fill are you allowed to come.”

  Oh, crap. That seemed like a tall order. How in the world would I know when he was ready for me to come?

  The warmth of his breath fanned the eager place between my legs, and I inhaled deeply, trying to prepare myself for the pleasure of his wicked mouth. Master took one long lick between my legs, pulling a moan from me. The soft rasp of his tongue was heaven.

  He took his time, licking and nipping, not giving any attention to my clit whatsoever. It allowed my arousal to slowly build. When Master’s tongue finally flicked my clit, I jerked and twitched, the powerful sensation making my insides quiver. The more he did that, the more time he spent tormenting my clit, the harder it became to hold back. I couldn’t tell if he was ready for me to come, and I wanted to please him. Considering the overwhelming pleasure he was gifting me with, I felt it was only fair.

  Master’s hands pressed down on the insides of my thighs, forcing me open even more as he pressed his mouth fully between my legs, his lips suckling my clit. Unable to move, I couldn’t stop the pressure from building inside me.

  “Oh, God!” An electric current of energy shot from my clit to my womb, then radiated out in all directions as I came hard and fast.

  When Master lifted his head and licked his lips, he looked pleased.

  “Thank you, Master,” I said on a rush of air. “That was…amazing.”

  “My pleasure, pet. My absolute pleasure.”


  Per Master’s instructions, I showered, then did my hair and makeup. He had mentioned laying my clothes out, so I donned a towel while I did all of that, then went into the bedroom to see what he had selected for me. Knowing I was going to meet their mother and father, I was curious as to what he considered appropriate for that encounter.

  I smiled to myself when I saw the short, flirty black skirt and the sexy off-white sweater. Well, it wasn’t really a sweater because it was so lightweight, but it was cute. I knew instantly that these hadn’t come from my wardrobe, but they obviously knew me well.

  The ensemble lacked a bra and panties, which I hadn’t really expected. However, there was a teeny tiny black and white bikini, which made me giddy. There also weren’t any shoes, but this was an island and there was a beach, so I was hoping this meant I would get to feel some sand between my toes.

  After pulling on the outfit, I took a quick look at myself in the mirror. I liked what I saw. Not merely in the physical sense either. These past few months had taught me some things about myself and I believed my confidence level was growing, which allowed me to accept some of my flaws while focusing more on my strengths.

  I owed my four bosses for that, I knew.

  Realizing I couldn’t stay in my room forever, I took a deep breath and ventured downstairs. I could hear people talking down below and I hesitated halfway down.

  “Come down here, pet,” Sir ordered.

  His command made me smile. It also made me feel as though I’d been caught with my hand in the cookie jar.

  Straightening my posture, I continued down the stairs, hoping to appear graceful. When I got to the bottom, all sense of decorum shot right out the window when I saw the man and woman sitting on the sofa in the living room.

  The man was a spitting image of Master and Sir, only older with a head full of salt-and-pepper hair. The woman was likely the most stunning woman I’d ever seen. She had dark bro
wn hair that was an inverted bob, longer in the front, shorter in the back. She didn’t look a day over forty at best, but based on my calculations, she had to be close to sixty and that was if they’d gotten together when she was twenty.

  “Over here, sweet girl,” Sir instructed. “I’d like to introduce you to our parents, Melanie and Jeremy Moore.”

  I had absolutely no idea how I was supposed to handle myself in front of these people. Master had informed me that their father was a Dom. Did that mean I was supposed to bow to him? Avert my gaze?

  “The first rule of a good submissive is to be polite to your guests,” Master said, coming up behind me.

  I squeaked, surprised by his appearance.

  He chuckled and took my hand. “Mom, Dad, this is Luciana Wagner. Pet, meet our parents.”

  Be polite to your guests.

  For some reason, that comment broke me from my stupor and I realized that Mr. and Mrs. Moore were no different than me in the fact that they were humans and I was to treat them with the general respect I treated everyone with.

  Mrs. Moore glanced over at her husband. I noticed his subtle nod before she placed her hand softly on his thigh. It seemed like a thank you gesture to me. Once she stood, she moved over to me with a beaming smile on her beautiful face.

  “It’s wonderful to meet you, Luciana.” She leaned in and hugged me.

  She was tall, quite a few inches taller than me, in fact.

  “Oh, please call me Luci,” I muttered, enjoying the warmth of her embrace. It was such a motherly thing to do and I felt a hint of longing, wishing my own mother treated me as kindly. I couldn’t remember the last time my mother had hugged me.

  When Mrs. Moore pulled back, she fluffed a long strand of my hair and smiled. “She’s as beautiful as y’all said she was.”

  She had the same twang as her sons.

  I felt myself blush. “Thank you, Mrs. Moore.”

  “Please call me Mel.”

  Smiling, I nodded.

  “Come over here, Luci.”

  My eyes widened at the gruff command coming from Mr. Moore. He was in full Dom mode. Or perhaps that was the setting he was always on. It made sense, considering what I knew about Master and Sir. Although Sir was a little more laid-back at times, Master was always on, always in command.

  “Yes, sir,” I said, trying to keep some level of confidence in my tone.

  I stopped in front of him, unsure what to do.

  Mr. Moore seemed amused. His gaze shot over to his sons.

  “She’s a wild one, huh?”

  “That she is,” Master agreed.

  I frowned. I had no idea what that meant.

  “A wild one refers to an untrained submissive,” Melanie explained.

  Oh. That didn’t sound good.

  Melanie chuckled. “It’s not a bad thing, sweetheart. We all have to start from somewhere. And honestly, I believe that every Dom must experience a wild one before he can consider himself ready to be a full-time master. They will learn as much from you as you from them.”

  “My kitten is quite wise,” Mr. Moore said, grinning.

  He got to his feet and I found myself looking straight up into intense hazel eyes that reminded me so much of Master and Sir.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, girl,” Mr. Moore said.

  “The pleasure is mine, Mr. Moore,” I choked out.

  “Please, you may call me Jeremy.”

  That felt strange to me. As though I wasn’t giving him the respect he deserved. He must’ve noticed my reservations because he tilted my head back by pinching my chin, then studied my face momentarily.

  “You’ll need to work on merging your vanilla world with this one, girl. We’re not as formal as you may think.” His eyes shot to his sons. “However, it’s always a Dom’s preference as to what they would like to be called.”

  I nodded.

  “So, today, you’ll refer to me as Jeremy and should you ever see me in a non-vanilla setting, you can refer to me as King.”

  I swallowed hard. “Yes, s—Jeremy.”

  “Come here and relax, pet,” Sir commanded.

  It broke me out of my spell and I moved toward the couch. He motioned for me to sit between him and Master. Again, I felt a little uneasy.

  “Sweet girl?” Sir prodded. “Is there a problem?”

  I swallowed down the anxiety and forced a smile. “Sir, would you mind if I…knelt at your feet?”

  It might’ve sounded strange, and I hoped it didn’t bother Mel and Jeremy, but I was more comfortable there. I didn’t know why and I was sure it wouldn’t always be allowed, but I needed it to calm my nerves.

  Both Master and Sir shifted their legs, leaving room for me to kneel between them.

  Only then, when I was situated at their feet, did I feel the tension ease from my shoulders. What might’ve seemed weird to others was quite comforting for me.

  Like coming home.


  “THE BOYS TOLD ME YOU did a phenomenal job on their quarterly meeting,” Mel prompted as we were lying on towels down near the water.

  “I enjoyed it,” I told her with a grin. It made me feel good to know that Master and Sir had really spoken to their parents about me. “It was a challenge, but I think it went fairly well.”

  Mel chuckled. “Well, I can tell you, those boys complain about that meeting every time it comes around. They never know what to do to keep everyone happy.”

  I peered over at her, shielding my eyes with my hand. “I’m not sure it’s possible to keep everyone happy.” I looked up at the sky. “I went into it wanting to do what was best for my bosses. They work hard and the people who work for them admire them for what they’ve built. I wanted everyone to get a chance to see that, to get some face time with them.” I glanced her way again. “What is it that you do?”

  Her smile was huge. “I’m a lawyer.”

  I turned onto my side. “A lawyer? Really?”


  “Do you have any partners?” I knew very little about law firms, but I remembered the guy from my yoga class mentioning he was going to be a junior partner.

  “There are only two of us,” she said. “King and I branched off years ago, opening our own firm.”


  “You and King are…both lawyers?”

  She smiled. “I can see that brain of yours working,” she teased. “And yes, I know what you’re thinkin’. I’m his slave, how could I possibly be a partner in a law firm?”

  “I…uh…” God, it sounded so shitty when I thought about it, but Mel was right, that was what I was thinking.

  “Don’t worry, honey. I’m not offended. We live a lifestyle that not many people understand. By day, I’m an independent woman who takes care of my clients, and at night, I take care of my Master.”

  I swallowed hard. “I didn’t mean… I’m sorry.” Sighing, I rolled onto my back on my towel. “I have so much to learn.”

  “I think you’d be surprised by what you’ve learned so far. Do you want to know the last time my boys introduced me to one of their submissives?”

  No, actually, I really didn’t.

  “Never,” Mel answered.

  I turned my head again. “Really?”

  “Really. Luci, I know you’re new and you don’t understand a lot about this lifestyle you’re interested in, but you should know that you don’t have to be up-to-date on all the terminology or what’s trending right now. You’re doing it right by being true to yourself. You’re a natural submissive.”

  “Is it obvious?”

  She chuckled. “It is. And that’s not a bad thing. In fact, that’s what a true Dominant wants. He’s not looking for a woman he can mold and shape and train. He wants a woman who’s open to exploring her desires, a woman who’s eager to please. You can train anyone to be a submissive, but she’s not going to succeed if it isn’t what her heart wants.

  “More importantly, a Dominant wants a woman he can see himself spending his
life with. What most people don’t understand is that you can’t simply handpick someone to be your Dominant or your submissive. There is no list to choose from. You don’t get to walk into the hardware store and point at a person and say, ‘You’re mine.’ It doesn’t work that way. As in any relationship, you have to find someone you’re compatible with. Someone you find appealing, who you can hold conversations with, laugh with.”

  Mel smiled over at me. “You have to determine what it is that you want. Not what someone else wants you to be.”

  “I never thought I was submissive,” I admitted, staring up at the clear blue sky once again. “Honestly, it’s not something I ever thought about, period. Until I went to work for the firm, I didn’t have a clue there was an entire lifestyle dedicated to this.”

  “They introduced you slowly,” Mel stated knowingly.

  I had no idea how much she knew about my relationship with my four bosses and I didn’t feel comfortable talking to her about it, but I could tell she understood.

  “They did,” I confirmed. “And it was so natural I didn’t think anything of it.”

  “Is this what you want?” she inquired.

  “To be a submissive?” I asked, wanting to make sure we were on the same page.


  “It is.”

  Regardless of how things turned out with my bosses, I knew without a doubt that I was submissive and this was something I wanted to pursue.


  That evening, Master and Sir surprised me with a huge artificial Christmas tree that they brought in from God only knew where. It looked brand new and I figured it likely was because what were the odds that they spent Christmas on an island every year?

  “Go on, girl,” King prompted. “It won’t put itself together.”

  I felt like a little kid finally getting the opportunity to put up the tree. My mother didn’t have a tree in her house. I couldn’t remember a single Christmas decoration growing up. I would stare out my bedroom window, admiring the lights on all the neighbors’ houses, wishing that we had some of our own.


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