Intrigued Out of the Office

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Intrigued Out of the Office Page 8

by Nicole Edwards

  “I’m fine with that,” Ben said, looking over at me.

  “As long as you do not utilize anyone else for a scene,” I told him.

  Landon frowned. “Of course not. Should we need assistance, we would only use you or Ben.”

  “Me,” I clarified. “For the time we are here, Ben will be my submissive. He will not be acting in a Dominant fashion.”


  It was a power play, I knew. One I didn’t generally succumb to, but I couldn’t deny that I was disappointed with the way things were going. I wasn’t willing to let Luci go. And I certainly wasn’t willing to stand back and not fight for her when I knew good and damn well that Langston had no intentions of collaring her. Had I thought he was looking to go that route, I would’ve willingly stepped aside.

  However, I could tell that nothing had changed in that regard. For one, she wasn’t wearing a collar. Not even a temporary one, which would’ve made all these people realize that Luci had been claimed. Had I been in charge of the party, she would’ve at least worn a protection collar, signaling to every other Dom that she was not to be touched.

  I had no fucking idea what Landon and Langston were up to, but I knew Luci was still being strung along. Not that she looked upset. They were obviously caring for her the way she deserved. Even I could tell she was quite content to be here.

  “We would like to ask that the two of you stay tonight,” Landon said. “Once the party winds down, everyone will be taking a boat back. However, we would like to continue to play with Luci while the two of you are here.”

  At least we were being included somewhat. I nodded in agreement.

  “If there’s nothing else”—Langston narrowed his eyes—“we have a room full of people who we need to attend to.”

  I nodded. “Fine. But should anything change, I expect to be notified immediately.”

  Langston shook his head as he turned toward the door. “I told you, nothing’s changed. I’m not sure why you keep harpin’ on it.”

  He didn’t let me get a word in before he stepped out of the room, leaving the rest of us behind. Landon followed him, which then left me and Ben.

  “Master? Is there anything I can do for you?” Ben offered when I turned toward the window, looking out over the ocean.

  I shook my head. “Not at the moment.”

  However, I was sure I would think of something.



  OKAY, I COULD ADMIT THAT there were, in fact, plenty of similarities between the vanilla world and the kink world. Most of which pertained to interactions, conversations, and the ability to laugh and joke regardless of role.

  I spent the first half hour after Master’s speech mingling with the guests outside while enjoying fruity cocktails that were being poured by one of TJ’s additional band of submissives. The atmosphere was relaxed, the conversations spirited, and I was truly enjoying myself. It was a bit easier not having to worry about what was coming next.

  Plus, I got to spend time with my masters, relishing the conversations and getting to know them a little better. For instance, I learned that Master had a penchant for the flogger, and at one time, there had been a line of submissives at the club wishing to spend time with him. I also learned that Master preferred steak to chicken, beans more than rice, and would rather hire someone to cook for him so that he didn’t have to spend time in the kitchen. Well, I actually knew that last part.

  As for Sir, I learned that he was a stickler for punishment, but he preferred his submissives to stand in the corner or kneel or withhold orgasms over any sort of physical punishment. However, he would do whatever was appropriate in the moment. It was also brought to my attention that Sir read at least four books a week, sometimes more, and he was a fan of old gangster movies.

  I liked learning new things about them because it made me feel closer to them.

  “The decorations are complete, Master Moore,” one of TJ’s submissives informed Sir after waiting for him to acknowledge her.

  Sir placed his hand on my back. “Shall we?”

  I wasn’t sure what it was he wanted to show me, but I nodded. Then, with his hand curled comfortingly around the back of my neck, Sir guided me into the house. It looked the same as it had earlier, the romantic Christmas ambience in full effect, only now there were…additional decorations. In the form of submissives, both women and men.

  Unlike when Master and I were at TJ’s house, I found this new discovery interesting. Perhaps that was because I had permission to actually look at them.

  “Some submissives find this exciting,” Master explained when he joined us. “The fact that they are used as an object can be quite stimulating.”

  Personally, I did not see the appeal. Being set aside and ignored was definitely not my thing.

  We walked directly up to a naked woman who had been painted with blue and silver paint from her head to her toes. Her body was arranged in a way that exposed her pussy and her ass, although no one seemed to be paying her any mind at the moment. I wasn’t sure exactly what her purpose was, but I figured someone would get a kick out of her eventually.

  There was another naked woman positioned at the end of the sofa. She was on her hands and knees, her back perfectly straight, her head held high as she faced the opposite direction of all the people. I noticed she was wearing a decorative plug in her ass and someone had set their drink on her back. I assumed that meant she was a table. I respected her ability to remain completely still. That glass had to be cold.

  “Are people allowed to…um…touch them?” I asked Master and Sir.

  “Yes. And the submissives were made aware of that before they took their positions. As with any other play, they have safewords should they feel the need to use them,” Sir explained. “This is actually TJ’s preference with his own submissives. And he offers training for both collared and uncollared submissives and slaves. Being invited to train at his school is quite a privilege.”

  That was an interesting notion. The idea of a school for submissives… It piqued my curiosity. Granted, I had no intentions of ever going to a school. I much preferred to be trained by Master and Sir.

  Master turned me around. My gaze searched the room for what he was directing me to look at. That was when I noticed one of the submissives was being used as a platter, very similar to the setup at Master Arlington’s home. She was laid out flat on a long table while lettuce leaves and various finger foods decorated her body.

  “They are trained to remain absolutely still, no matter what. Should they move, make a sound, or come, it’s grounds for punishment, which they will receive when the party is over.”

  That sounded incredibly painful. And not the punishment part. I wasn’t sure I’d be capable of remaining still, certainly not if I was being teased. I watched two of the unattached Doms carry on a casual conversation while one of them fingered the woman’s pussy, the other tweaking her nipple. I had to admire how well she was doing, because there was no way I would be able to obey the rules.

  All in all, there were six women and two men, all from the harem TJ had brought with him, who were posed and decorated as various pieces of furniture and décor.

  I glanced between my masters. “Is this something that turns you on?”

  “It can be an interesting experience,” Master stated as Sir nodded in agreement.

  “The main reason you’re not set up similarly is because we wanted this to be a learning experience in other ways,” Sir explained. “Plus, we’re not allowing anyone to touch you without our permission. Like I told you earlier, we’re still abiding by our office agreement.”

  Oh. Well, thank goodness for that.

  I also took that to mean that my four bosses would not be having sex with anyone outside of our little group. I’d admit, I liked that.

  Still trying to take it all in, I surveyed the room, admiring everything taking place around me. My attention was drawn to a Dom who was leading his submissive around by a
leash. It probably wouldn’t have seemed odd except the submissive was on her hands and knees, crawling behind him. She was wearing a pair of cat ears and a long, furry tail coming out of her…ass.


  Sir chuckled. “Pet play is quite popular. Especially in our circles.”

  The man carried a bowl over to the sofa, then set it on the floor before he took a seat. At his instruction, the woman leaned down and began lapping at whatever was in the bowl. He proceeded to casually pet her as he struck up a conversation with Master Arlington.

  “However, it’s not our thing,” Sir stated, clearly picking up on some of my tension. I did not want to be someone’s actual pet.

  It all appeared relatively casual, as though their interactions weren’t forced. I wondered, if I went to their houses, if this was the way they lived on a regular basis.

  Nonetheless, it made for some noteworthy observations.


  A couple of hours passed while I made my way around the room. I was able to spend quite a bit of time with Kristen, watching the interactions between her and her submissive. Admittedly, I found it hot that he referred to her as “Mistress.” I’d spent my fair share of time with Tim and Kristen and never had he referred to her in such a manner, so it was different.

  Not that I wanted to refer to her as such, but the dynamic between the two of them was not something I would’ve expected. Considering what I knew of her, and all the time we’d spent together, it still shocked me to see this side of her.

  “If your tongue falls out of your mouth, that’ll be a symbol of disrespect,” Kristen said teasingly.

  My gaze darted up to her face and I felt my blush creep up to my forehead. “I’m sorry. It’s just…weird.”

  She laughed, waving her hand to encompass the room. “Weird is subjective, is it not?”

  That made me chuckle because she was right. There were many types of kink and what was weird for one certainly wasn’t weird for another.

  Someone whistled from the other side of the room and all eyes turned, including mine. I noticed Master Parker waiting for everyone to look his way.

  “We will be opening gifts in ten minutes. So, please, grab your drinks and make your way into the living room.”


  My eyes darted to the Christmas tree, but I didn’t notice any gifts there. However, I did notice that additional seating was being moved in and space was being cleared within the circle. Someone brought in a table and set it directly in the middle. It was similar to the table in the conference room at the office. Low to the ground but large enough for…someone to be laid out on it.

  No one seemed concerned, so I tried not to be. If I was expected to have a gift for someone, then I was in some serious trouble. Figuring I wasn’t going to find out unless I asked, I made my way around the room in search of Master and Sir. I found them talking to Master Arlington in the kitchen. Both their eyes lifted when I walked into the room.

  “Are you ready for gifts?” Sir asked, motioning me to join them.

  “I’m not sure what it entails,” I admitted, glancing between them. “I didn’t bring a gift.”

  Master smirked. “No worries, pet.”

  There was a twinkle in his eyes that said I wasn’t completely understanding and he seemed to find it amusing.

  Before I could ask, the three men started back to the living room, where everyone was already gathering around the table. I noticed the Doms were sitting in the chairs and the submissives were kneeling beside them. There was a group of unattached submissives also kneeling in a row in front of the tree.

  When Master and Sir took their seats, they directed me to kneel before them. I did so without question, trying to take it all in and make sense of what was about to happen.

  A few minutes later, the conversations died down and Ben appeared carrying a small glass bowl with sheets of paper folded inside.

  “Every Dom shall choose a number. That will be the order in which the gifts are opened. Remember, you are only allowed fifteen minutes to open your gift, although ten minutes would be more appropriate if possible.”

  Ben carried the bowl around, allowing the Doms to select. I noticed that Master did not pick a number, but Sir did.

  Justin stood up and then, to my absolute shock, Ben knelt beside the chair Justin had vacated.

  “Who has number one?” Justin asked, glancing from one Dom to the next.

  “I do,” one of the men I didn’t recognize stated. He did not have a submissive with him.

  “Congratulations, Master Edge. Since you’re rolling solo this time, feel free to select one of the gifts beside the tree.”

  Again, I was trying to find these mysterious gifts he was referring to.

  When Master Edge walked over, then held out his hand to a pretty blonde, it all clicked into place. We were the gifts.

  Holy shit.

  “Thank you for choosing me, Master Edge,” the woman cooed as he led her over to the table.

  He held her hand as he had her step onto the top. Once she was standing on the table, he made a slow circle around her. I couldn’t tell what he was thinking, but it intrigued me nonetheless.

  “Remove your clothing,” he instructed. “But do so slowly. Remember it’s all about presentation.”

  The submissive nodded her head, then reached for the hem of her dress. Her eyes remained fixed on Master Edge as she slowly raised it, revealing her creamy thighs, then higher. I was surprised to see she was wearing a pair of gold, see-thru panties.

  Seconds later, the dress came off and she allowed it to fall to the floor on the side of the table.

  “Very nice,” Master Edge said approvingly.

  She smiled, then wiggled out of her panties.

  “Now assume the inspect pose.”

  My eyes widened as I watched. That was the first time I was hearing a named position.

  The woman gracefully spread her legs shoulder-width apart, went up on the balls of her feet, then laced her fingers behind her head, her elbows pointed outward. It left every part of her body open and…well, available for inspection. Plus, it defined her calf muscles, lifted her breasts, and accentuated the lines of her body.

  It was certainly intriguing.

  Master Edge moved around her, his eyes grazing every inch of her skin. He paused when he was behind her, slipping his hand between her legs.

  “You’re very eager, aren’t you, slave?”

  “Yes, Master Edge.”

  “What do you consider your most appealing physical attribute?” he asked the woman.

  She answered without hesitation. “My breasts, Master Edge.”

  He moved around in front of her, tweaking her nipples firmly. “I’ll agree, they are very nice.” Master Edge lifted his eyes to hers. “Now which part of your body are you offering up as your gift to me?”

  “Whatever pleases you, Master Edge.”

  “Very good answer.” He smacked her ass. “Now kneel on the table.”

  The submissive quickly yet gracefully knelt on the table. Her back remained straight, her big breasts dangling downward, her legs slightly spread so her pussy was visible.

  “I’m going to take your mouth as my gift,” Master Edge informed her as he unbuttoned his pants and freed his cock.

  I noticed he was partially aroused already. That seemed to change quickly as he used her mouth for his pleasure. I found it interesting that he didn’t touch her, didn’t try to pull her mouth onto him. He simply rocked his hips, fucking her face. I could tell she was doing her best not to move, remaining in that perfect position.

  Yes, I found it hot.

  “I’m going to come in your mouth, slave. Close your lips around me and suck hard.”

  The woman did as he instructed, and after several more forceful thrusts, Master Edge came down her throat with a long grunt.

  When he was finished, he helped her to her feet, then led her over to his chair before pulling her onto his lap. It was nice that he didn’t
send her back to the tree, choosing to hold her in his arms. I imagined that made her feel better.

  “Thank you for sharing your gift with us, Master Edge,” Justin said. “Who has number two?”

  “I do,” Kristen said, getting to her feet.

  She led her boyfriend over to the table, then waited while he stood on the top.

  “Please undress for me, sub,” she commanded.

  Surprisingly, Kristen did not give him any instruction as to how, but he seemed to know what would please her. He slowly removed his shirt, revealing an extremely hard body and a surprising number of tattoos. I noticed that the submissive gifts were all watching intently from their spots near the tree. I couldn’t blame them. The man was impressively built.

  When he removed his pants, my eyes widened. His cock was huge. Like…really freaking huge. On top of that, he was pierced. His penis! His freaking huge penis had a barbell through the end. I shivered as I thought about how painful that must’ve been to do. Still, I couldn’t look away because he was…huge.

  And I’d thought Ben was the most well-endowed man I’d ever seen.

  Kristen trailed one blood-red nail over her submissive’s cock, making it twitch from her touch. “Please lie down on your back on the table.” She motioned to one end. “Put your head down there.”

  She turned her attention to those around them.

  “Is anyone willing to loan me their submissive for a few minutes? Keep in mind, my slave will be touching her and she will be instructed to come. However, there will be no penetration.”

  To my absolute horror, Master offered me up.

  Kristen smiled down at me, then held out her hand. Her fingers were soft against my own and I slowly got to my feet. She led me around to the end of the table near her slave’s head.

  “If you’re wearing panties, please remove them.”

  Feeling extremely out of my element, I stumbled when I removed my panties, letting them fall to the floor. I couldn’t stop looking over at Master and Sir, noticing they were watching me intently.


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