Christopher Isherwood Diaries Volume 1

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Christopher Isherwood Diaries Volume 1 Page 153

by Christopher Isherwood

  Marchand, Leslie A.: Byron, 781

  Marchant, William, 638–9

  Margaret, Princess, 513, 575

  Markovitz, John (Mark), 833

  Marmorston, Jessie (Mrs. Larry Weingarten): treats C.I., 467, 469, 681–2, 695, 698, 707, 711, 732, 743; friendship with C.I., 487–8, 501–2; and C.I.’s homosexuality, 497; returns from Europe, 518; warns against mescaline, 526; C.I. visits, 603, 708; neglects C.I., 628; heart trouble, 654, 691; tests C.I.’s urine, 668; C.I.’s feelings for, 691; finances, 711; and Don Bachardy’s nausea, 716

  Marple Hall: and C.I.’s background, viii; C.I. passes on to brother, xv–xvi, 103, 385, 392, 405; C.I. visits (1956), xliii, 574, 576–8

  Marshall, General George C., 398, 399n

  Martinez, Carmen, 321

  Martinez, José (Pete), 12, 209–13, 215–16, 225, 320–2, 346, 700

  Marx Brothers (Groucho, Chico, Harpo), 130, 142

  Mary Magdalene (film), xlv, 741–3, 751, 755, 759, 769, 783, 798

  Mary, Queen, 507

  Masefield, John: Basilissa, 633–4

  Masocco, Mirandi, 712, 849

  Mason, James, 886

  Masselink, Ben: friendship and meetings with C.I., xxxviii, 394, 424, 439, 451, 455, 465, 472, 475, 488, 492, 496–9, 502, 504, 510, 524, 528–30, 532, 625, 635, 653–4, 697, 699, 701–2, 704, 719, 749, 759–60, 773, 776, 790, 806, 838, 852–3, 900; travels, xl, 466, 471, 473, 475, 483, 485, 602, 609, 614–15, 668, 728, 738, 805–6, 821, 828, 860, 873; Don Bachardy and, 496–7; trip to Hawaii, 531, 533; and C.I.’s return from 1956 Europe visit, 593, 597, 601; and C.I.’s hepatitis, 619; photographs dog, 621; sends food to C.I., 621; aversion to teenagers, 631; stories accepted, 639; travels by submarine, 643; threatened with loss of home, 654–6; operation, 658–60; meets Vance Breese, 662; and Jim Charlton, 698, 702; short stories, 709; and environment, 734; cooking, 773; anecdote on snake deterrent, 783; Don Bachardy draws, 811; and Dick Foote’s Tahiti stationery, 831; Rory Harrity on, 836; and Rory Harrity’s marriage problems, 860–1; meets Bill Kidd, 897; The Crackerjack Marines, 786, 789, 842, 897n; Partly Submerged, 639n, 729

  Masselink, Eugene, 806–7

  Masselink, Jo (formerly Lathwood): friendship with C.I., 440, 693; back problems, 495, 512; sketching, 503; and C.I.’s hepatitis, 619; unwell, 623; and Ben’s operation, 659–60; swimming, 719; internal pains, 722, 755; dislikes Hilda Charlton, 744; sore arms, 789; attends Thanksgiving party, 790; see also Masselink, Ben (for mentions of both together)

  Masteroff, Joe: The Warm Peninsula (play), 797

  Matta Echaurren, Roberto Sebastián, 385, 392

  Mattachine Society, 730

  Maugham, Robin, 560

  Maugham, William Somerset: in Hollywood, 142–3, 390; C.I. visits at Villa Mauresque, 549, 558–60, 822, 824–5; proposed anthology, 599; Cakes and Ale, 847; Home and Beauty, 82; The Hour Before Dawn, xviii, 142, 256, 262; The Narrow Corner, 631; “Rain” (story), 142; The Razor’s Edge, 305, 383; The Sacred Flame, 558; “The Saint” (story), 631–2, 634; Up at the Villa, 383, 390

  Maurette, Marcelle: Anastasia (play), 623

  Mauriber, Saul, 429

  Maury, Mrs., 289, 409

  Mausi see Steuermann, Margeret

  May Company: Don Bachardy works for, 811–15

  Mayer, Louis B., 67, 76, 93, 106, 146, 716

  Mayes, Wendell, 731n

  Maynard, Ken, 802n

  Mayne, Ethel, 639, 640

  Mead, Margaret, 651

  Medioli, Enrico, 551

  Medley, Robert, 330, 391, 569

  Medora, 802

  Meeker, Ralph, 670

  “Meet the Author” (radio series), 42

  Meet the People (revue), 88

  Meltzer (Charlie Chaplin’s friend), 69–70, 85–6

  Melville, Herman: Benito Cereno, 799; Moby Dick, 696; Typee, 649

  Memorial, The (C.I.), xxxiii, 410, 418

  Mendelssohn, Eleonora von, 421–2

  Mendelssohn, Francesco von, 421n

  Mendés, Judith, 806n

  Menninger Foundation, The, 848

  Menninger, Dr. Karl, 848n

  Mennonites, 207

  Meredith, Burgess, 14, 445

  Merivale, John, 883, 899

  Merlin, Joanna, 639

  Merlo, Frank, 537, 875

  Mers-el-Kébir, 102n

  Mershon, Jack, 452

  Merton, Thomas: The Seven Storey Mountain, 407

  mescaline: C.I. takes, xli, 519, 524, 550, 586–9, 735–8, 775; Heard takes, 470–1, 481, 510, 518, 746, 799; Huxley and, 471, 535, 748, 784, 799, 834; Knopf and Swami disapprove of, 510; John Goodwin takes, 517, 588, 736, 785; Jessie Marmorston warns against effects, 526; C.I. acquires, 537; medical experiments with, 663

  Messel, Rudolf, 15

  Mesta, Perle, 632, 685–6, 692

  Methuen (publishers), 458, 709

  Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM): C.I. works for, 53, 75–7, 89, 92, 95, 115, 151, 159, 387, 393, 465, 469, 477, 497, 699, 857; lays C.I. off, 96, 124; C.I. gives notice to, 152; Speed Lamkin at, 621; salary cuts, 628

  Mexico: C.I. visits with Caskey, xxxvi, 389, 391; C.I. visits with Don Bachardy, xl, xlii, 471–6; in C.I.’s The Lost, 591, 601–2

  Michell, Claire, 519

  Mielziner, Jo, 479

  Milam, Mrs. (Webster’s mother), 322

  Milam, Jean (Webster’s sister), 279–80, 298

  Milam, Webster: lives at Vedanta Center, 266, 275–7, 279–81, 288–9, 291–2, 295–7, 302, 304, 338, 364, 367; described, 268; studies construction, 289; visits family, 298; Amiya mothers, 315, 322; and Vernon Old, 360; draft board classification, 368–9; at Ramakrishna puja, 408; ambitions, 409; marriage, 413; at Sister’s funeral, 413; appeals to Swami, 531

  Milan (Italy), 555–7

  Millard, Paul: lunches with C.I., 497; relations with Speed Lamkin, 514–15, 518, 604, 623, 633, 646, 665, 685, 692, 705, 740; and Marguerite Lamkin, 615; C.I. calls stupid, 625; gives birthday party for Don Bachardy, 752; on Marguerite’s father’s shooting, 758; Christmas party (1958), 794; and C.I.’s house sale, 819; loans studio to Don Bachardy, 820n; Don Bachardy and, 832, 882; trip to England, 855; accommodates Eddie James’s paintings, 857

  Miller, Arthur, 612, 811, 899; The Crucible, 551, 800

  Miller, David, 480, 499, 512, 532

  Miller, Dorothy, 688–70, 740, 768, 781, 783, 851, 854–5, 870

  Miller, Bill, 537

  Millikan, Robert, 216

  Milne, A. A.: Peace with Honour, 54

  Mina see Curtiss, Mina

  Minevitch, Borrah, 874n

  Minevitch, Lydia, 874

  Minnelli, Vincente, 730

  Minton, John, 403

  Miracle, The (play), 345

  Miró, Juan, 544

  Mirrlees, Hope: The Counterplot, 483

  Misfits, The (film), 826, 893

  Mishima, Yukio, 710; Five Modern No Plays, 714

  Miss Lonelyhearts (film), 772

  “Mr. Lancaster” (C.I.; section of Down There on a Visit), xlv, 807–12, 814, 823, 831

  Mr. Norris Changes Trains (C.I.; in USA as The Last of Mr. Norris), x, xxx, 52, 275, 615–16

  Mr. Skeffington (film), 652

  Mitchell, Walter, 675

  Mitchum, Robert, 693n

  Moberley, Charlotte Anne Elizabeth, and Jourdain, Eleanor Frances: An Adventure, 665–6

  Moffat, Ivan: at Salka Viertel’s party, 425; gives farewell party for Boon and Henrietta Ledebur, 450; owes money to C.I., 458; meets Dylan Thomas, 461, 534; at Shelley Winters’s party, 467; plans “family” in Brazil, 468; returns from European trip, 513; on Marguerite Lamkin-Harry Brown marriage, 514; confidences with C.I., 534, 618; Marguerite Lamkin offends Don Bachardy in front of, 600; praises Giant, 618; on Kinross, 638; in Greece, 644; on Iris Tree’s mescaline experience, 663; and Caroline Freud (Blackwood), 677, 688, 699, 737, 779; depicted in C.I. novel, 736–7; and C.I.’s mescaline experience, 737; at C.I. party, 740; returns from Switzerland, 792, 798; complains of poor business, 798;
dines with C.I., 814; and Joan Elan’s pregnancy, 822; at Harritys’, 836; advises Ben Masselink on The Crackerjack Marines, 842; Don Bachardy draws, 848n, 863; on Russia’s intentions, 856; swimming party, 860; and Hope Lange, 878; and Carl Sandburg, 898

  Moffat, Lorna (Ivan’s daughter), 737

  Monet, Claude, 891

  Mong, Bud, 59

  Monkey (novel, by Cheng-en Wu), 287

  Monkhouse, Mrs., 391

  Monkhouse, Mitty, 391–2

  Monkhouse, Patrick, 391

  Monroe, Marilyn, 612, 826, 828, 856, 868, 898n

  Monsters, The (C.I. and Don Bachardy; play), xlv, 785–92, 794–8, 800, 827

  Montagu, Elizabeth: The Small Corner, 574

  Montand, Yves, 899

  Monte Carlo, 559

  Montecito, California, 359

  Montgomery, Robert, 106, 133–4, 148, 257

  Moore, Roger, 491, 509

  Moorehead, Agnes, 618, 850, 880–1, 883

  Moravia, Alberto, 551

  Morozzi, Eli, 327

  Morris, Wright, 855

  Morrison, Dr. Lester: The Low-Fat Way to Health and Longer Life, 773

  Mortimer, Raymond, 54, 405

  Mortmere (imaginary town), viii, xiv, xlii, 177, 530n, 756

  Morton, Julian, 516

  Moscow Art Theater, 874

  Mosel, Fritz, 21, 25, 30, 35

  Moses, Robert, 265

  Moss, Stanley, 548, 552

  Motive (magazine), 278

  Moulaert, Sophie, 73, 96, 264

  Mountain, The (film), 723

  Muhammad Ibn Yusuf (later King Muhammad V of Morocco), 545n

  Mullican, Lee, 628

  Munich, 560–2

  Murphy, Bridey, 611

  Murphy, Elizabeth, 762

  Murray, Don: C.I. praises, 710; friendship with C.I., 724, 726, 795; gains rights to Jean-Christophe, 741; sends screenplay to Logan, 742; at Don Bachardy’s birthday party, 752; marriage to Hope Lange, 795–6; makes film in Ireland, 796; praises Don Bachardy’s drawings, 796; clowning, 822; offers C.I. work on Sardinian film, 843; offers C.I. story to Columbia, 846; projected play, 847; trial separations from Hope, 848, 879

  Murray, Hope see Lange, Hope

  Murrow, Edward, 65–6, 593

  Musgrove, Stanley, 716

  Music Corporation of America (MCA), 526

  My Foolish Heart (film), 423

  My Guru and His Disciple (C.I.), x, xxx

  Myrdal, Gunnar and Alva, 486

  Myrdal, Jan, 486n

  Nabokov, Vladimir: Lolita, 827

  Nadeau, Nicky, 410–11, 417, 657

  Nadelman, Elie, 386, 392

  Naeve, Lowell: A Field of Broken Stones, 424–5

  Nagy, Imre, 777

  Nash, Gene, 794

  Nautilus (U.S. nuclear submarine), 767

  Nazism, 7

  Neddermeyer, Christian (Heinz’s son), 615

  Neddermeyer, Gerda (Heinz’s wife), 615

  Neddermeyer, Heinz: and C.I.’s pacifism, xii; relations with C.I., xxiii, 4, 36, 288, 336, 341, 400, 458, 519, 789; C.I. visits in Berlin (1952), xxxv, 442n; depicted in “Waldemar” (C.I.), xlix; arrested by Nazis, 7, 290, 423; in wartime, 47, 228; in Gibraltar with C.I., 540; in Paris with C.I., 562, 564; seeks immigration to USA, 615, 626; flees East Berlin, 661; sends condolences on death of C.I.’s mother, 890

  Nelson, Ozzie and family, 815

  Neumann, Liesl, 311

  Neutra, Richard, 425, 841n

  Neville-Willing, Donald, 8

  New, George, 278

  Newman, Lennie, 432, 643, 704, 713

  Newman, Paul, 721, 801

  New Orleans, 18

  New Republic, The (magazine), 303

  Newsweek (magazine), 763

  Newton, Caroline, 181, 229

  Newton, Edward, 181, 222

  New Writing (magazine), xxix

  New York: C.I. visits on returns from England (1947/1948), xxiv, 385, 387, 392, 393; C.I. visits with Don Bachardy, xxxvii, 536–8, 671–3, 799–801, 825; C.I. arrives in by sea, 3, 8–9; C.I. describes, 10–11; C.I.’s 1939–40 apartment in, 12–13; Dylan Thomas in, 462; C.I. spends 1953 Christmas with Don Bachardy in, 463–4; C.I. visits on 1956 return from Europe, 595–6; Don Bachardy visits alone, 696–7, 702, 705–8, 756–9, 762

  New Yorker, The (magazine), 37n, 230, 450, 811

  Nibley, Richard, 363

  Nice (France), 557

  Nichols, Dudley, 81

  Nichols, Robert, 115

  Nicolson, Sir Harold, 55

  Night Must Fall (film), 134

  Nikhilananda, Swami, 813

  Nin, Anaïs, 521

  Nivedita, Sister (Margaret Noble), 341

  Niven, David, 70, 485

  Nixon, Alice (Tarini), 297, 607, 614, 621

  Nixon, Lucille, 162–4, 246

  Nixon, Phoebe see Prabha

  Nixon, Richard M., 752n, 766

  No Down Payment (film), 732

  Norment, Caroline: depicted in The World in the Evening, xxxiii; at Haverford, xxxiii, 183–5, 190–1, 193–201, 205–8, 210–16, 224, 226; interview with C.I., 181; described, 183, 194; matchmaking, 207, 225; and outbreak of fires at Haverford, 212–14; jealousies, 220, 222; and C.I.’s departure from Haverford, 230; C.I. writes to, 284–5; C.I. meets on 1947 return from England, 392

  Norris, Grady, 773

  Norway: Germans invade, 95

  Notorious (film), 533

  Novak, Alvin, 387, 394

  Novak, Kim, 783n

  Novalis (i.e., Friedrich von Hardenberg), 309–10

  Novarro, Ramon, 544

  Novello, Ivor, 148

  Oakie, Jack, 86

  Oberon, Merle, 466

  Observer, The (newspaper), 441

  O’Casey, Ronan, 584

  Odets, Clifford, 378, 805; Golden Boy, 479

  Ogawa (Kagawa’s secretary), 160

  Ogle, Jerry, 773

  O’Hara, John, 527, 839

  Ohge, Ray, 528–9, 563, 674, 689

  Ohrt, Hanns, 24, 258, 297

  O’Keeffe, Georgia, 427–31

  Old, Patty (formerly O’Neill; Vernon’s wife), 393, 407, 411, 639

  Old, Vernon: relations and activities with C.I., xii, xvi, xxvi, 78, 93–4, 99–100, 102, 107, 109, 119, 120, 122, 124, 129, 132, 145, 159, 181–2, 225, 288, 324, 347–8, 350–3, 355–6, 358–61, 363, 367–72, 374–8, 411; in New York, xxvi, 201, 315; meets C.I. on arrival in USA, 8–9; types poems for Auden, 11; shares New York apartment with C.I. and Auden, 12; trip to California with C.I., 14, 16–20; and Dicky Bonaparte, 30; attends art school, 31, 75; shares Hollywood houses with C.I., 35–7, 46–7, 107, 119–20; and C.I.’s meditating, 38–9; relations with Gerald Heard, 39, 85, 89, 143; depression, 46, 116, 124, 226; pottery, 47; at Huxleys’, 57, 59, 115; in Palm Springs, 60; pets, 61, 145, 371–3, 378; qualities, 63, 372, 523, 639; and Garbo, 68; crew cut, 84; piano playing, 85; painting and drawing, 93, 104, 375; visits mother in New York, 95; at Viertels’ party, 102; at Starr Daily talk, 105; at Swami’s lectures, 107; at Rodakiewiczs’, 113; and Derek Bok, 117; ill-health, 124; absence, 129; meditates, 129, 361, 375; violin playing, 132; separation from C.I., 138–9, 145, 153; and Chaplin, 144; accompanies C.I. on social work visits, 158; hates Denny Fouts, 158, 360; life-style, 159; in C.I. dream, 173; in Haverford, 201–2; plans to enter Holy Cross Monastery, 225–6, 230, 244–5; visits C.I. at Haverford, 230; elects to be conscientious objector, 244–5; marriage, 303, 387, 407, 411; Prabhavananda and, 352, 359, 363; stays at Ivar Avenue, 359, 362; expertise on art, 362; at Ananda Bhavan, 363–4, 367, 370–1, 373; grows beard, 363; and Nibleys, 363; renews contact with C.I., 639, 661, 701, 734, 776; appearance, 701; Don Bachardy takes classes with, 734, 739–40, 744, 751; at Santa Barbara exhibition, 778; Don Bachardy discontinues studies with, 782; exhibition (1959), 819

  Olier, Jean-Jacques, 249

  Oliver, Maria Rosa, 357

  Olivier, Laurence (later Baron), 795, 804–5, 809, 814, 822, 824, 851, 872, 883

  Ollie (boy
neighbor), 710, 715

  Olvidados, Los (film), 771n

  Omala (Vividishananda’s disciple), 326–7

  On the Beach (film), 837

  On the Waterfront (film), 466

  O’Neil, Barbara, 86–7

  O’Neil, George, 86–7, 92

  O’Neill, Donna, 863, 873

  O’Neill, Eugene: All God’s Chillun, 611; Long Day’s Journey Into Night, 673, 744

  O’Neill, Patty see Old, Patty

  Ooka, Shohei: Fires on the Plain, 698

  Oppenheim, Mr. (Haverford refugee), 214

  Oppenheimer, Robert, 593

  Oran: French fleet attacked by British, 96, 101, 102n

  Ordóez, Antonio, 822

  Orpheus (film), 437

  Orpheus Descending (film), 863

  Orwell, George, 364

  Orwell, Sonia (George Orwell’s wife) see Pitt-Rivers, Sonia

  Osborne, John, 891, 894–5, 899; Epitaph for George Dillon (play; with Anthony Creighton), 800; Luther, 899

  Oshinomi, Mr. (gardener), 768

  Osmond, Dr. Humphry, 471, 622, 663

  “Others, The” (C.I.) see “Waldemar”

  Ottonini, Duilio, 687

  Ouspenskaya, Maria, 79

  Owen, Wilfred, 5, 303

  Owens, Rodney: gives canaries to C.I., 406; and Hayden Lewis, 406, 451, 703; visits C.I., 465, 679; business, 506; illness, 613; C.I. rejects, 628; house, 635, 674; near-breakdowns, 674, 679; entertains C.I., 703; and Caskey, 812; and C.I.’s gold watch gift for Don Bachardy, 813

  “Ozzie and Harriet” (TV programme), 815n

  Paalens, Luchita, 481

  Pacific Coast Writers’ Conference (1960), 873–4

  Pagan, Isabelle M.: From Pioneer to Poet, 858

  Page, Geraldine, 801

  Paget, R. T., 406

  Pakula, Alan, 755

  Palmer, Mark, 275

  Palos Verdes, California, 355

  Pan, Hermes, 770

  Paramount film studios, 259, 262–3

  Paris, 386, 400–1, 562–4

  Paris Review, The, 848

  Parker, Eleanor, 692

  Parkes, Wayne, 625

  Parkes, Zena, 774

  Parks, Don, 785–6

  Parness, Sandy, 129

  Parrish, Robert and Kathy, 495, 506

  Parry, Roy, 631, 741

  Parsons, Louella O., 886n

  Partisan Review, The, 282

  Pasternak, Boris, 824

  Pasternak, Joe, 507, 848n

  Patanjali: How to Know God, xxv, xxvii, xxxvi, 289 & n, 410, 415, 426, 433, 437, 441, 446, 448

  Paton, Alan, 673

  Patrick, Nigel, 649

  Patterson, Floyd, 869


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