The Bridge of Silver Wings

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The Bridge of Silver Wings Page 16

by John Wiltshire

  “Well, okay. I’ll drive you over, eat, and then come back.”

  § § §

  Ben put Nikolas’s bag down in the suite and walked over to the sunken double bathtub, which was illuminated around the rim with candles. A steam room, sauna, and double shower flanked it. “Seriously. Your own sauna and steam room? In a hotel suite? In Devon? It’s…I think I’m speechless.”

  Nikolas was finishing a call to reception. “We can’t get a table in the restaurant until late, apparently. That’s a pity for it’ll be very late by the time you drive back to the house. Bedtime, almost.” He glanced at his watch. “We’ve some time to kill. I might take a shower.” He slid off his suit jacket and began to loosen his tie, wandering around the room, looking at things. He let his tie slide from between his fingers and dropped it on a chair. Undoing the top buttons of his shirt, he pulled it off over his head, dropping it to the floor. Two months in Russia on a protein-only diet, had left them both incredibly lean and muscular. Nikolas had almost zero body fat but was broad across the shoulders from swimming. The stretch as he’d removed his shirt had displayed his toned physique to perfection, stretched his ribs and flared his chest above his tight, hard waist. He turned to the window as if to check out the view beyond the darkness, arms braced on the framework, deltoid muscles so defined he knew he appeared more anatomical model than man. He smiled privately. Ben would think this, too.

  Predictably, Ben slid his arms slowly around Nikolas’s narrow waist. Nikolas tilted his head back to the embrace. Ben kissed deeply into Nikolas’s hair, his hands roaming over the smooth chest, his nails scratching lightly over pebbled nipples. Very slowly, Ben lowered Nikolas’s arms and eased them back between them, stroking down each one, joining them together at the wrists, and then he was binding Nikolas, tying his hands behind his back.

  This was new.

  Nikolas turned sharply. Ben pulled the tie knot tight, forcing Nikolas’s muscles to strain, only showing off his shoulders more. Ben murmured his appreciation of the artwork he’d created. Nikolas wasn’t quite so impressed. He occasionally allowed Ben to restrain him on the bed now and occasionally actually enjoyed it, but being tied like this, whilst still standing and semi-dressed, was very different. He wasn’t in control. It made him tense, and he didn’t like that at all. He knew better than to ask to be released though. Either Ben wouldn’t and his loss of control would then be acknowledged between them, or Ben would, out of pity, and the humiliation would be too awful to contemplate. He was in something of a dilemma and began to work on the binding as Ben kissed down his chest and belly. However, they’d discovered silk ties to be very effective restraints, and this one wasn’t giving way now. Ben rose to his feet and slid around behind Nikolas. He took hold of his imprisoned arms and kissed into his neck then in a swift move forced him over to the armchair.

  Nikolas wasn’t having what he suspected was about to happen. He struggled. Ben moaned with pleasure and pressed him hard to the back of the chair for a moment, clearly enjoying the clash of strength, but then, inch by inch, he forced Nikolas to bend over the chair back. The struggling increased. Nikolas was finally forced to pant out, “Let me up.”

  Ben kept his hand on the back on Nikolas’s neck, rubbing himself idly against the firm backside nicely propped up and taut. “No, I don’t think I will.” Nikolas tried to use his bound hands and grab Ben where it hurt, but Ben dodged, laughing. He slid his hands around and unfastened Nikolas’s trousers, easing everything down until trousers and shorts pooled around his ankles. Nikolas took the opportunity to get free of the chair, but trapped now by the clothing, he tripped and landed on the floor, swearing in frustration. Ben sat on the strong thighs, facing the trapped feet and began to unlace his prisoner’s shoes and pull them off one by one.


  Ben didn’t look around but continued pulling off the socks. “Hmm?”

  “Let me go, now. This isn’t funny anymore. I’m not enjoying it.”

  “Where’s it laid down we both have to enjoy it?”


  Finished with Nikolas’s socks, dragging away the restricting clothes, Ben swivelled around and faced him, sitting heavy on his naked thighs. “Maybe if one of us is enjoying it twice as much that works out the same in the long run. Besides, it looks to me as if you’re enjoying it just fine.” He glanced with an appreciative raised-eyebrow at Nikolas’s groin.

  Nikolas couldn’t deny his physical reaction; his cock was long and thick, risen and ready. Ben tapped the eager cock lightly to feel its heft and sway.

  “Don’t.” Nikolas knew what was coming and wished he’d saved his breath. Ben slapped the erect cock. Nikolas arched and gasped, which didn’t help because Ben slapped it harder the other way. Nikolas suddenly brought up his knees and jerked his hips, throwing Ben forward onto him, and then he rolled them and ended up on top, hands still tied but urgently trying to free them. Ben shook his head despairingly, slid out from under him and took one ankle.

  To be fair to Nikolas, if he’d been exaggerating his unease before, he wasn’t now. He tried to pull his leg away but Ben held tight, pulling off his own tie at the same time. When he was ready, he dragged Nikolas to the bed by his ankle and fastened him to one sturdy leg.

  Nikolas almost laughed in disbelief at Ben’s audacity. He struggled to his knees. Whatever Ben had in mind, lying down for it wasn’t going to happen. He considered the weight of the bed, wondering if he could lift it and escape.

  Ben stood back as if to admire his handiwork then slowly began to unzip. “Now I’m going to put you to a little test, baby.” He eased out his cock, which betrayed how much he was enjoying his own game. “I’m going to test if you’re just pretending. If you really don’t like it then now’s your chance to show me.” He came forward and brushed the tip of his cockhead over Nikolas’s lips then pulled back sharply with a choked laugh. “I can’t believe how much I’m trusting you doing this.” He stood close again, thrusting his hips forward, holding onto the iron bedstead, braced over Nikolas.

  Nikolas took him in. On his knees, hands behind his back, his golden hair in disarray, he didn’t take the opportunity to show Ben anything but how much he wanted to feel his hardness in his mouth, taste him, bury his nose deep against Ben’s warm shirt and soak in his essence. Ben let go of the rail and held onto his head, running his fingers through the long strands, tugging on them, riding him. His clothes were apparently in the way. He ripped at his button and let his trousers fall, pushed his shorts past Nikolas’s mouth to his knees and flexed into his mouth again, rising up on his toes at the extreme pleasure.

  Nikolas knew from intimate acquaintance with Ben exactly when Ben was going to come and worked eagerly for the warm spill in his mouth. To his surprise, Ben pushed him off and shot his release like rain onto Nikolas’s upturned face. Nikolas tried to dodge with a cry of disbelief, but Ben snagged his hair and held him still until he’d finished coming. He looked down like an artist considering his newest creation. “Christ. You’re a mess.”

  § § §

  Ben suspected he was enjoying himself too much and that he’d suffer for all of this later, but on the theory of lambs and sheep and what you could only get hung for once, he shoved Nikolas’s face into to the carpet, kneeling over him, pressing him down with his weight.

  He worked his cock, bringing it back to semi-hardness.

  He needed something more stimulating than his hand though, and, oh, looky…He fed his cock into Nikolas’s conveniently placed, tight hole. It took some doing. Lots of pushing and feeding, but the sight of his slick shaft disappearing inside Nikolas’s puckered opening, just beneath his bound hands, hardened him eventually and he chuckled. “I’m going to mess you up this end as well. Think you can manipulate me?” He combed his fingers up into the blond hair, running the strands the wrong way, grasping them like reins as he thrust. “Think I don’t see through your games? Think you can use the dog? Think I can’t resist your body? That I’m gonna ju
st capitulate when I see you take off your shirt? Do you really think a thousand-pound-a-night suite and a lobster dinner is going to buy me? Think again. I’m not coming to your room.” He thumped right in, hard against the equally hard backside. “I’m not going to have sex with you.” He was finding it hard to talk and keep his rhythm as the extreme pleasure of fucking the naked, bound man began to overwhelm him. “And I’m not—” his hand went around to Nik’s urgent need “—I’m not letting you come…” Sperm erupted into his hand at the touch. He arched back, coming, too; and so soon on top of his first orgasm it was almost painful in its extreme pleasure. He held on, milking the tingling for as long as he needed then pulled out. He brought his soaked hand around and pushed Nik flat onto the carpet, playing with his used, wet hole, mixing their come together, fingering him, smearing their joined fluids all over the captive cheeks and back. He finally dried his hands off in Nikolas’s hair, laughing at the effect.

  It was awkward sitting on Nikolas’s back because the bound arms got in the way, but Ben did it anyway. He contemplated his prisoner. “Got the message yet?”

  “Yes, Benjamin. I have your message. Thank you. Will you please now let me up?”

  Ben took a deep breath, pouting, considering. “No. I don’t think I will. I’m not finished with you at all.”

  § § §

  Nikolas had been extremely accommodating so far, but now he’d had enough. He’d let Benjamin have his fun. Nikolas was impressed by the audacity displayed, but Ben had now made his point and it was therefore time to—“No!”

  Ben dug his fingers into Nikolas’s exposed and helpless ribs again, clearly liking the way his prisoner had squirmed.

  They’d wrestled before. They’d messed around, but Nikolas had never been subjected to tickling. It was so beneath his dignity he could hardly breathe for outrage and horror. It was awful, but he was laughing, too. Why was he laughing? He was covered in cum and he was in agony. How could something that hurt so much be so funny?

  Ben clearly couldn’t keep it up any longer, and flung himself down alongside Nikolas, chuckling, too. “Christ, but you’re the most fun person in the world, Nikolas Mikkelsen, and yet you try so hard not to be.” He reached around and undid the tie holding Nikolas’s wrists. He lay sprawled and replete on the carpet, trousers around his ankles, shorts around his knees and his shirt hanging open under his jacket, and whatever Nikolas had been planning to do as soon as he was released just dissolved at the sight. Ben was beautiful when he was just normal, just standing around doing nothing, but like this, he was every fantasy Nikolas had ever had right there in front of him, and he was laughing, and he was his. He ripped off the remaining tie around his ankle and straddled Ben, sliding his hands in under Ben’s open shirt, onto the warmth and hardness of his ribs.

  “How am I going to punish you?”

  Ben pursed his lips, theatrically thinking. “A long soak in the sunken bath, another good fucking and then a lobster dinner?”

  Nikolas laughed and lay down slowly on top of Ben, stretching out, propped up on one elbow. He put a finger to Ben’s lips and tugged the lower one down, idly playing with it. They came together for a kiss at exactly the same time. Replete, they didn’t have to kiss urgently and quickly before other things distracted them. Now they kissed for the sake of it, tasting deep into each other’s mouths with tongue and teeth, lips and saliva. Hard, male kisses. Ben could apparently taste himself on Nikolas’s face, cupping the strong cheekbones to pull Nikolas on closer while he licked and nibbled. Their stubble always excited Nikolas, the sound of the soft rasping, the friction and rub as they moved their lips around. Both familiar with women, this reminded them of conscious choices, of preferences. It was always slightly illicit, too. Just like their bondage games played around the edges of rape, rousing them both, so did the knowledge they were in an expensive hotel, fucking another man. It was still not normal enough to lose its erotic thrill. Even bad sex with another man was exciting. This was sublime.

  Ben wanted his turn with Nikolas’s cock and urged him to move further up, straddle his chest and feed it to him. Still slightly soft, it was even better to push in and enjoy Ben sucking it to make it hard, feeling that delicious twitch and jerk and swell as it filled. They rolled so Ben could have better access and use his throat, as Nikolas loved him to do. Ben was still dishevelled, his clothes still half-mast, and Nikolas watched, incredulous, as Ben’s interest swelled again. Having a young lover was a distinct advantage. Watching, feeling the hot mouth and throat working him, Nikolas gave himself over to the overwhelming sensation of Ben and wondered not for the first time what he’d done to deserve Ben Rider’s continued devotion.

  § § §

  As Nikolas had lied about the table reservation being later in order to entice Ben to sex, they decided to forego the sunken bath, showered quickly and made it to dinner before the restaurant closed. It was Michelin starred and very well known, so Ben told Nikolas he was lucky he’d had a chance to work up an appetite. Nikolas did enjoy the local lobster, although after some of the things they’d eaten in Siberia, anything they hadn’t had to catch and kill would have been equally good. They sat at a quiet table in the corner, Nikolas’s back to the wall, and studied each other in the candlelight.

  Ben knew they were both sore, the good kind of low-level pain that made you remember its provenance with private pleasure. Nikolas even had faint burn marks on his wrists, which only told Ben how much he’d secretly enjoyed being tied up and fucked hard. Nikolas claimed he wasn’t seeing it this way, but he wasn’t fussing too much about it either.

  Ben took a deep swallow of ice-cold wine, studying the face across the table from him in the candlelight. Soft amber lighting always made Nikolas’s eyes like pools of liquid chocolate, although he’d never told him this, as he knew he’d be endlessly derided for thinking such a thing.

  He knew Nikolas was working up to something.

  He knew the signs.

  Finally, when he could stand it no longer, he muttered, “What? Just tell me, yeah?”

  “You’re far too quick these days to assume you know what I’m thinking, Benjamin. It’s a very irritating trait.”

  “So, there’s nothing you want to tell me?”

  Nikolas narrowed his eyes. “Actually, as you bring it up, although I hadn’t thought of it before, yes. I thought you might like to know about your new family.”

  Ben sat back slowly. “Family?”

  “Who else would’ve been contesting the will, if not your father’s relatives? Your relatives.”

  “I don’t know. I guess I never thought about it. So, who are they?”

  “Well, your aunt…”

  “My aunt? I have an aunt?”

  “Are you going to stop me every time I mention a relative, your cousin perhaps?”

  “My cousin? I have a…? Wait. Seriously? I have a cousin?”

  “Your aunt’s son, yes. Ben, there’s no need to look so astounded. Everyone has cousins.”

  “You don’t.”

  Nikolas laughed. “Actually, I do. Sergei came from a large family.”

  Ben shook his head. “I’ve been on my own for so long it just seems weird. So they didn’t like my father’s will?”

  “Would you have in their position? They lived in the house with him on and off. Your aunt is your father’s younger sister—much younger. She was closer to your mother’s age than his. She had a son, father unknown, possibly to her as well. She then later married a man who already had a daughter. He was an investment banker, Argentinean. Hector Diaz. He died a few years ago. Drowned. You’ll find all this out tomorrow, possibly.”


  “You have to go into the office and sign papers.”

  “I have to? You mean we have to…”

  Nikolas made a small face. “I’ve been doing all this through my lawyers, Ben. I don’t want to be personally involved.” Before Ben could argue, he added, “For your sake. Establish yourself here without baggage f
irst, then we’ll see.”

  “Baggage. Is that how you see yourself?”

  Nikolas shrugged. “Louis Vuitton handcrafted leather, obviously, but yes, essentially. My presence here—our relationship—will complicate things for you. Besides, I have a foundation to run. I’m busy.”

  Ben was still chuckling over this ludicrous idea when they returned to the bedroom. Suddenly, the bath seemed like a very good idea. When they were happily basking in it, softly illuminated by candles, he suggested, “Why don’t we just say what’s true, you’re my boss in ANGEL? You admitted you wanted to look the place over for your new headquarters. Do that then. Get builders in, whatever. Go about your boss-like business. But stay. Who’ll know any different?”

  Nikolas was finding a comfortable place for his feet in Ben’s lap, so he seemed to consider this, while much changing of foot position had to be done. “Why don’t I just go back to London? You’ll be fine.”

  Ben pushed the feet off and sloshed over to the other side of the vast sunken tub, straddling Nikolas. “Because I’m not meeting family tomorrow, Nik. You’re my only family. I’m meeting strangers, and I want my family with me.”

  Nikolas ran his hands up over Ben’s smooth chest. “Then be prepared to call me sir again, I think. And less disrespect. Oh and more…Let go, Benjamin.” He gasped as Ben squeezed his cock very hard, but then gasped for another reason when Ben eased himself onto it. Ben didn’t do anything with the captive member, just lay on Nikolas, content to be filled.

  “How does that feel, sir?”

  Nikolas laughed, clearly delighted at how good the respect sounded.

  Ben shook his head with resigned patience. He’d been hoping it was the fact that he was sitting on Nikolas’s cock that would be appreciated more.


  Their usual morning routine of waking early and going for a run together, something they’d begun on their return from Siberia, didn’t seem quite so appealing to Nikolas that morning. Late to bed, a sense of being on holiday, he just turned over when their alarm went off, moved back into a tangled embrace and drifted off to sleep again. There’d been many good things to come out of their Russian experience—new friends, a new appreciation of who and what they were, but his willingness to keep himself healthier was definitely one of the better ones. He’d been fighting various minor—as he called them—addictions, and had won the battle in the vast snowy depths of the taiga. But he’d always seen his need to give up his favourite recreational pursuits as something negative, things he was going to have to deny himself. Coming back so lean and so fit from their ordeal, he’d suddenly seen the benefits of being healthy as a positive attribute and wanted to build on it.


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