Tiana (Starkis Family #3)

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Tiana (Starkis Family #3) Page 17

by Cheryl Douglas

  Then it hit me. “Hey, are you going to be there for a bit? I need to come down and see you.”

  “Sure. My shift is over, but I’ll stay as long as you need me to.”

  “Great. I’ll be down in a bit. I just have a few calls to make first.”

  I heard Tiana turn the shower on, which should buy me some time. She loved long showers, and it took her forever to blow dry her gorgeous mass of long, thick hair.

  I called the concierge desk, grateful when I heard a familiar voice. Ralph had been with the hotel as long as I’d been a client. Having to deal with odd requests from celebrities on a daily basis, he was the epitome of discretion.

  “Ralph, it’s Blake Kessler. I need your help putting something together. I don’t have a lot of time, and it has to be perfect.” I was going way out on a limb. Tiana may think I was insane for even suggesting it, but I wanted her. This seemed the best way to prove it.

  “Whatever I can do to help, Mr. Kessler.”

  “Do you have a wedding chapel available tonight?”

  “A chapel, sir?”

  I couldn’t blame him for sounding surprised. They’d never seen me with the same woman twice. “That’s right. Just something small. This is, um, kind of an impromptu ceremony, so we won’t be including family or friends.”

  Assuming Tiana agreed, I would throw a big party when we got home so that we could celebrate with our family and friends. Given that she was on the outs with her father, I didn’t think she would want to walk down the aisle with him anyways.

  “It seems the East Chapel is available, Mr. Kessler. It’s perfect for small, intimate ceremonies.”

  “Wonderful.” My head was spinning. I tried to think about anything else I might need. “Can you find someone to perform the ceremony on short notice?” Thoughts of an Elvis impersonator drifted through my head, making me wince. “Someone professional and discreet. I don’t want news of this getting out until we’re ready to go public.” Tiana would kill me if her brothers found out before we had the opportunity to tell them.

  “Of course, sir.”

  “You must have a wedding planner, right?”

  Ralph chuckled. “Well yes, but she typically works with the couple weeks or months before the service, not hours before.”

  “I understand, but I’ll need a little help coordinating this. We have dinner reservations in a couple of hours, and that’s when I intend to propose to Tiana. Should she agree, I’ll need someone to pull all of this together while we’re at dinner.”

  “You, um, haven’t proposed yet?”

  The poor man must think I was crazy to plan a wedding when she hadn’t even agreed to marry me yet, but I had faith in us. I wanted to prove that to her.

  “No, but I’m confident she’ll say yes.” I wasn’t as confident as I pretended to be, but I figured acting as if I was couldn’t hurt. “What about the marriage licence?”

  “Unfortunately, you’ll both have to appear in front of a clerk at the bureau office for them to issue the marriage license. But they are open until midnight, so you should have plenty of time.”

  “There’s no way around that?” Everyone had a price, and celebrities and billionaires rarely had to wait in line for anything. “I don’t care about the cost. Can we get someone to come to us?”

  “I’ll see what I can do.”

  “Great. Your wedding planner, is she in?”

  “Could I put you on hold for a minute, Mr. Kessler? I’ll check.”

  “Sure.” I didn’t want to be put on hold. I was already crawling out of my skin, thinking about the ramifications of what I was doing. This could blow up in my face if Tiana thought it was too soon for us to make this kind of commitment. Instead of bringing us closer, it could drive us further apart.

  Ralph came back on the line. “She can see you now. Just come down to the lobby, and I’ll direct you to her office.”

  “Great, I’ll see you in a few.” I threw on some clothes and scribbled a quick note to let Tiana know I had a few errands to take care of before dinner. By the time I made it to the lobby, I was breathless.

  “That didn’t take long,” Ralph said with a chuckle as he shook my hand.

  Ralph was a distinguished-looking man. He always wore a dark suit, which I assumed was hotel protocol. He’d once told me he’d been married for over forty years and had three children and eight grandchildren. At the time, I’d smiled politely, never imagining I could be in his place one day. Now, having a large, warm, loving family of my own felt like a real possibility. I couldn’t wait to start my life with Tiana. I had no doubt she was the one, the woman to eradicate my fear of commitment.

  “Let me introduce you to Tracey,” Ralph said, guiding me down the long hallway and past a bank of elevators. “I must admit, Mr. Kessler, I was a little surprised by your request. You’ve never struck me as the impulsive type.”

  “When it’s right, it’s right, Ralph. Why wait, right?”

  “Indeed,” he said, smiling. He introduced me to Tracey, claiming I was in capable hands.

  “Thank you for everything,” I said, shaking his hand again. “I really appreciate all of your help with this.” I would see to it that he had a token of my gratitude before I checked out.

  “It’s my pleasure. Best of luck and congratulations. I look forward to meeting your lovely bride.”

  My bride. God, in just a few hours, Tiana could be my bride. I wanted that more than I’d ever wanted anything. If she turned me down, it would crush me.

  “Is everything okay, Mr. Kessler?” Tracey asked.

  Apparently she’d asked me a question, but I’d been so wrapped up in my own thoughts, it went right over my head. “Yes, I’m sorry. I guess I was somewhere else there for a minute.”

  She brushed a hand over her auburn up-do before gesturing to the chair opposite her gilded desk. “Perfectly understandable. Ralph tells me this was a spur-of-the-moment decision.”

  Was it? I wondered. I’d been in love with Tiana for years. I knew if I ever married, it would be to her. Maybe this idea had been lurking in my subconscious for a lot longer than I’d realized. I was just waiting for the perfect moment to put my plan into action.

  “I know this is short notice.” I laughed, thinking that was probably a gross understatement. “But I still want it to be special. Romantic, if you will. Flowers, a pianist, a photographer. Do you think that will be a problem?”

  “I’m not concerned about the pianist or photographer,” she said, reaching for her phone. “But let me put in a call to the florist, see what she can come up with.”

  I listened to her end of the conversation, praying she could perform a little magic. It may not be Tiana’s idea of a dream wedding, but I would make it up to her with a party to end all parties when we returned home. I wanted the world to know she was my wife, especially her parents, who would soon realize I wasn’t a passing phase but a permanent part of their daughter’s life. I hated the thought of Tiana being estranged from her parents. Once we’d made it official, they would have no choice but to accept our marriage.

  Tracey held her hand over the phone and said, “As long as you’re okay with predominantly white roses, she should be able to help you with a rush order. Of course, that’ll cost—”

  “I don’t care what it costs,” I said, waving off her concern. “Just make it happen.”

  “Done,” she said. She finished her call with the florist and smiled while she hung up the phone. “Ralph told me he’s working on the marriage license. I’ll take care of the pianist and photographer. What about the dress? Does the bride need help with that?”

  Apparently Ralph hadn’t told the wedding planner this would be a surprise to the bride. It was ridiculous when I thought about it. Who springs a surprise wedding on a woman, hoping she’ll say yes? But I refused to allow myself to get sidetracked with doubt and fear. Tiana loved me. She wanted to build a life with me. She would want this as much as I did, once she got over the initial shock.

nbsp; “Um, I’ll be taking care of the dress and rings.”

  “You will?” Tracey asked, seeming a little surprised. “In my experience, a bride typically likes to select her own gown, Mr. Kessler.”

  I was almost embarrassed to admit that Tiana had no idea what I was planning. “I’m planning to surprise her.”

  The woman smiled, wrinkles fanning out from her bright green eyes. “You’re planning to surprise her with a wedding ceremony? My, that is very romantic, but a little risky, don’t you think?”

  “It’s a lot risky,” I admitted, feeling my stomach clench. “This whole thing could blow up in my face and I’ll end up looking like an idiot.” I laughed to soften my concern. “But don’t worry, I’ll still foot the bill.”

  “Have you known her long?” she asked gently, obviously sensing my nervousness.

  “Years.” I swallowed. “I’ve been in love with her for years, but we just recently started seeing each other. I know most people date for a long time before they consider getting married, but…”

  “Not necessarily,” she said, when I didn’t continue. “This is Las Vegas, after all. We’ve seen it all, including people who just met getting married. At least you’ve known this woman for a while.”

  “Then you don’t think I’m crazy for doing this?” I wasn’t the kind of person to second-guess my decisions, but I needed a little reassurance. This woman reminded me of my mother, and I missed her today more than ever. She should have been a part of my wedding. I glanced at Tracey’s left hand, noting the wedding band. “If your husband had done something like this…?”

  “I would have been completely overwhelmed. My husband isn’t into grand gestures.”

  “But you would have been happy?” I felt like a fool for needing encouragement from someone who’d never even met Tiana.

  “I would have been ecstatic. If she loves you and wants to spend her life with you, the when and where won’t matter.”

  I prayed she was right. “Well, thank you so much for everything.” I stood and offered my hand. “I’d better go and take care of the dress and rings now.”

  She clasped my hands, her genuine smile broadening. “Congratulations, Mr. Kessler. I’m sure you and your bride will enjoy a lifetime of happiness.”

  “Thank you.” I walked away, feeling infinitely better.

  Tracey had convinced me I was making the right decision. She was right—the details didn’t matter. The only thing that mattered was that Tiana and I loved each other and wanted to spend our lives together.

  “There you are,” Bev said when I arrived at her boutique. She pulled me inside and flipped the sign before locking the door. “I was beginning to think you’d stood me up.” She started unbuttoning her blouse as she walked backward. “We don’t have a lot of time. I have—”

  “What the hell are you doing?” I asked, grabbing her wrist. “I didn’t come here for a quickie.” God, just the thought of it turned my stomach.

  “Then why are you here?” she asked, looking petulant. “Did your spoiled little princess not like the dresses?”

  I considered setting her straight about Tiana, but I didn’t have the time or the energy to argue with her. Her opinion of Tiana or me didn’t matter.

  “I came here to select a wedding gown for Tiana.” My eyes traveled to a gorgeous creamy silk strapless gown on a mannequin at the rear of the posh boutique. It was simple and elegant, floor-length with a gathered waist. I checked the tag. Size four. Ten grand. Perfect. I didn’t need to look anymore. Just like the first time I saw Tiana, I knew. “I want this one.”

  “You can’t be serious,” she whispered, clutching the triple strand of pearls around her neck. “You’re actually getting married?”

  “I am.”

  “But you said you weren’t interested in a relationship.”

  “That was before.”


  “Before Tiana.” I didn’t want to be cruel, but she needed to understand that Tiana was it for me. There would never be another.

  “What’s so special about her, aside from her daddy’s billions?”

  I turned slowly, trying to keep my rage in check. “I’m in love with Tiana, not her family’s money. In fact, I’ve never pursued a relationship for the sake of money. Can you say the same, Beverly?”

  She was momentarily speechless before her hands curled around her middle. “Of course you wouldn’t care about money. You have more than you could ever spend. Not all of us were lucky enough to be born with a silver spoon.”

  “I have a little secret for you,” I said, leaning in. “Even if I’d been born dirt poor, I would’ve worked my ass off to succeed instead of trying to sleep my way to financial security.”

  She reared back as though I’d struck her.

  “We both know you only slept with me for the money.” Before she could protest, I held up my hand. “You didn’t care about me any more than I cared about you. It’s been that way all my life. Every woman I’ve ever been with has asked one question—what’s in it for me?” I wasn’t throwing myself a pity party, just stating facts.

  “If you believe that, you’re selling yourself short.”

  I’d come to terms with reality a long time ago, and nothing she said would change my perceptions. “I never thought I’d meet someone who loved me for me, who didn’t care about my money or my connections or my family name.” I turned toward the dress I hoped Tiana would wear. “But Tiana understands me in a way no other woman ever has. Maybe it’s because she grew up the same way I did, wondering whether people were befriending her because of her famous father.” Or grandfather, in my case. I glanced at Bev over my shoulder. “You may think being rich is a blessing, and it is, in many ways. But it can also be a curse.”

  “I’m sorry,” she said, dipping her head. “I had no right to judge you. I was just… disappointed, I guess. I thought maybe we had something special. I wanted to believe I wasn’t like all the others.”

  “No apologies necessary.” I glanced at my watch. “I’ll take that dress. If you could select the shoes and accessories?”

  “Of course.”

  “And lingerie,” I said, glancing around the boutique. My eyes fell on a white silk bustier with matching panties, garter belt, and nylons, all covered by a sheer white robe. I felt like a bit of a traitor, buying Tiana something that didn’t come from Alabaster’s, but time was of the essence. “We have a dinner reservation in an hour. Kindly have everything delivered to our room while we’re out.”

  “I will.”

  “Charge it all to my account.”

  “Okay.” She reached for my hand when I walked past. “I hope you two will be very happy together, Blake. I mean that.”

  “Thank you.” I would be the happiest man alive… if she said yes.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I hated to admit it, but as I looked at myself in the full-length mirror, I had to admit Blake’s ex had excellent taste—in men and dresses. I thought about wearing the simple black cocktail dress I’d brought with me, but if she spotted us downstairs, I didn’t want her to think I was being jealous and petty by refusing to wear one of the dresses she’d selected. That would give her the impression she’d created friction between us, and I wanted her to assume we were a happy couple completely unaffected by her presence. If only.

  I spun around to look at the black, floor-length, backless gown, and I smiled when I thought about Blake’s reaction. The figure-hugging design, with its plunging neckline, left little to the imagination. I wanted him to spend the night itching to peel it off me. Sweet revenge for purposely bringing me face to face with one of his conquests.

  I looked up when I heard the soft click of the door. Our eyes locked before his eyes blazed a trail down my body and back up again.

  “Wow. You look incredible,” he said.

  “Thank you.” I’d taken the time to blow-dry my hair in soft waves and apply more dramatic makeup, complete with a sexy, smoky
eye. “I’m glad you like it.” My manners wouldn’t allow the gift to go unacknowledged, so I said, “Thank you, by the way. This was completely unnecessary, but very generous.”

  “You’re still mad at me.” He walked toward me slowly and took my hands. “I’m sorry, baby. If I’d had to meet someone you’d been intimate with, I’d feel the same way.”

  Blake would never have to meet my former lovers since they both lived half a world away, but the odds of me having to beat my jealousy into submission on a regular basis were high. He’d had a lot of lovers. I knew that before we became involved, and it was something I would have to accept now that I’d given my heart to him. For better or worse, I was already his.

  “I don’t want to waste any more time talking about her.” I took a deep breath before squeezing his hands with a weak smile. “I don’t know about you, but I’m famished. Why don’t you grab a shower while I finish getting ready?”

  “I love you, Tiana,” he whispered, brushing his lips across my cheeks. “More than anything.”


  Blake seemed uneasy throughout dinner. I was about to call him on it when the waiter cleared our dessert dishes and returned with a bottle of Dom Perignon.

  “What are we celebrating?” I assumed it was my career change until I saw Blake clear his throat before thumbing his earlobe. He looked nervous, which was unlike him. He was normally so composed.

  Blake held his hand up when the waiter prepared to pour the champagne. “Thank you. That’ll be all for now, Miles.”

  “You mean you don’t want me to—”

  “Not yet.”

  “As you wish, sir.”

  We were enjoying the fountain view since Blake had convinced them to set up the outdoor patio for a private dinner. I didn’t need to ask him how or why. I’d spent enough time with my father and brothers to know their wishes would always be carried out—for the right price.

  Blake seemed so pensive, I had to break the silence. I couldn’t stand it any longer. “Is something wrong? You’ve been acting so strange tonight.” I didn’t know if he was still stewing about our earlier argument, but I was ready and willing to put it to rest. “If this is about what happened with—”


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