The Boyfriend Diaries: A Romance Box Set Collection

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The Boyfriend Diaries: A Romance Box Set Collection Page 6

by S. E. Law



  Zoe comes out of the bathroom and plops down on the couch in my living room. I watch her fondly from the bedroom as she grabs the remote and turns on the TV in the hopes of finding a good movie to watch this evening. She’s just landed on a classic 90’s comedy when I hear a knock at the door.

  “The pizza’s here!” she calls, not wanting to get off the couch now that she’s all settled in.

  I appear in the bedroom doorway and throw my hands up in the air.

  “You aren’t capable of getting the door?” I ask playfully. In all honesty, I’m happy that she feels so at home here. It is nice to have Zoe in my bed and in my space. She makes for good company, and I hadn’t realized how lonely I’d become living on my own.

  She laughs and points at the oversized t-shirt she’s wearing, which is one of mine of course. It barely skims the tops of her thighs, giving me a glimpse of cute purple panties.

  “I am not answering the door in this Dane! My hair is a mess and I’m not even wearing pants,” she pouts. “You get it, okay?”

  I stop to kiss her on the forehead.

  “Mmm, no pants. Just the way I like it,” I say with a grin before answering the door. I pay for the pizza and stop in the kitchen before returning with a frosty beer in hand.

  “But where’s mine?” Zoe asks upon seeing the sweating bottle. I feign surprise.

  “Excuse me miss, but are you twenty-one?”

  “Why officer, I am. Thank you for asking,” she quickly retorts in a bad English accent. I laugh and tell Zoe we can split my beer. Smiling, she grabs the bottle from me and takes a quick swig.

  “Such a rebel,” I tease. “You’re lucky I’m here to supervise your ass.”

  She giggles and we kiss. I know she won’t drink more than a few sips because beer’s not really her thing. Under that sassy, sexy exterior, Zoe is still a good girl and I love it.

  It’s only been a few weeks since our “consultation” at High Voltage Tattoo but it feels like we’ve been together forever. Maybe it’s because I’ve actually known her for years, but now it’s different. Now, that innocent little-girl vibe is gone. Zoe’s a woman, alright, and I’ve been sampling her fully.

  It’s been amazing, actually. After that first time in the shop, I had to let her leave because my next appointment was already waiting. But when I went back to the office to clean things up, the diary was still there, and an idea popped into my head. This time, there was no doubt. I went to her parents’ place after work to return it.

  Man, was I nervous when her dad came to the door. Zoe was out unfortunately, and I merely said hello and handed him a sealed bag with the journal inside. Then I took off. I’d slipped a folded piece of paper with my phone number into the page with my portrait drawn on it just in case I missed her. But I still wasn’t mentally prepared to face her father. What if he decided to break into the bag? Then, we’d be in hot water.

  But that didn’t happen, and sure enough, Zoe called me late that night, and immediately, my fears fell away. We made plans to secretly meet at the bluffs the next day, and it was another round of hot loving. My girl is giving, so sweet, and utterly filthy too. I’m with the right one, and it’s astonishing that she’s been under my nose this whole time.

  Since then, we’ve spent every free moment together that we can. Zoe comes over during the afternoon when her parents are busy with work, and then leaves when the sun starts going down. Good thing Conrad and June have jobs that keep them on their toes, otherwise we wouldn’t have much time together.

  But tonight, Zoe’s staying over for the first time. She told her parents that she’s having a sleepover at the Restons’, and joked with me that this technically isn’t a lie. After all, I’m a Reston too. I laughed because our clandestine relationship has been fun. It has also been crazy hot and I think part of it is because the sex is better when you know you’re hiding out from the world. But who am I kidding? The sex would be insane regardless.

  I have been thinking a lot lately though because I really like Zoe. I want to keep spending time with her, but eventually we’re going to have to come forward. We can’t hide forever and it’s ridiculous. She’s eighteen, so it’s not like what we’re doing is a crime. Besides, people are going to start to notice. It’s inevitable. Someone will see us in public and piece together the truth of the matter because we don’t exactly look like two friends on an ice cream date. It’s better if we get ahead of the gossip curve, rather than let it smack us in the rear end.

  I’ve brought up this issue with Zoe, but she always shuts it right down. She says that her parents wouldn’t understand and fears that it will risk her friendship with Patty. I tell her that one, she’s eighteen. Two, her parents will come around. And three, she shouldn’t care what Patty thinks. Patty needs to be a big girl and grow up. My sister knows I’m not a celibate, and who I fuck isn’t Patty’s business.

  But tonight, it’s nice to have Zoe over and to cuddle like a real couple. I look over at the curvy girl. She’s sitting sideways on the couch, her back against the arm rest and legs outstretched towards me. She’s holding a large slice of pizza in her hand, dangling it just inches from her mouth, which is already slightly open anticipating the next bite.

  Zoe’s mouth will have to wait though because her eyes are transfixed on the TV screen. I have never seen someone so easily mesmerized by stupid old-time comedies, but you know what? I’ll watch whatever she wants to watch, and like a man crazy in love, I even laugh when she laughs. That’s the power this girl has over me.

  When a particularly funny joke is delivered, Zoe momentarily breaks her trance and takes a bite. A drop of pizza sauce falls from the bent-up corner of the pie-shaped slice in her hand and splats right onto her thigh. I can’t take my eyes off of her as she uses a finger to scoop the sauce from her bare leg and then proceeds to suck the finger clean. She has no idea I’m staring at her instead of the movie.

  It seems like an odd moment to be life changing, watching a girl sloppily eat pizza on your couch. But I know right here and now that I can never let Zoe get away. In my gut, I know that she’s the one, and the realization shakes me to my core.

  “Hey Zoe…” I start. My voice is raspy and I’m even shaking a bit with this revelation.

  She slowly turns toward me, pulling her eyes from the shenanigans on the screen with some difficulty.

  “Yeah, what’s up?” she grins happily, taking another big bite.

  I inhale, trying not to look like I’m losing it.

  “You know I really like you right?” I manage. She shoots me a big cheesy smile.

  “Yes, of course,” she says with a sweet smile before turning back to the movie. “And I really like you too.”

  “Hey, hey, hey!” I call back at her through a fit of laughter. “That’s all you have to say?”

  She turns to me once more with a big smile.

  “Dane, you already know I like you. I’ve liked you for years, when you never even noticed me. But now, I have your full attention, right?” she asks playfully.

  “One hundred percent,” I say in a rough voice. That only makes her giggle a bit.

  “Then what’s the problem? We’re good.”

  I nod, the words choked in my throat. I want to say “I love you” but somehow, Zoe doesn’t sense the depths of my feelings just yet. I need to ease into it, instead of popping it onto her at some awkward time. I reach for her, pulling her curvy body close.

  “I’m glad I finally get to make you a proper breakfast,” I growl in her ear, imagining what this woman looks like first thing in the morning. I can already see it: her curves lush and nude, her nipples still red from my bites, yawning sleepily as she pulls a robe on. It’s pure indulgence, and my cock stiffens.

  But Zoe is blissfully unaware and merely watches the show again.

  “I like pancakes,” she murmurs. “Oh my god, this character is so ridiculous! I can’t believe he’s getting away with that!”

; I chuckle, and merely pull her even closer. Clearly, I’ve fallen off the deep end because this girl has got me hooked. I take another sip of beer and just relax, enjoying her warmth in my lap. We spend the rest of the evening cuddled up munching on pizza with Zoe watching the movies, and me watching her.



  “Okay babe, I’m on my street. I’m going to hang up before I turn the corner because I don’t want my folks asking who I was talking to.”

  Dane’s voice comes over the line.

  “You know, one of these days we’re going to have to tell people we’re seeing each other,” he says, his tone low.

  “I know, but it doesn’t have to be today.”

  “It’s been months, Zoe. I’m beginning to think you’re embarrassed to be seen with me,” my boyfriend jokes.

  I make an annoyed sound in my throat.

  “Oh stop.”

  Dane just sighs.

  “Look, I know the age gap may make some people uncomfortable, but it’s not that big of a deal. You’re eighteen. People will understand. It’s not like I’m some dirty old man who picked up a young girl at a bar.”

  “I can’t even go to a bar,” I mention lightly.

  He sighs with frustration again.

  “You know what I mean. We’ve been in each other’s lives for years, Zoe. Our families know each other. It doesn’t have to be today, but we should do a reveal at some point.”

  I shudder because Patty would absolutely hate me if she found out I was dating her brother. And I don’t even have to wonder how my parents would react: badly, for certain. They would react oh so very badly, and I wince just thinking about it.

  “Okay. We can talk about it,” I say in a calm, yet passive-aggressive tone. I say it in a voice that tells him I am half-joking but still very much against the idea of going public. Dane’s about to say something, but I interrupt him. “Pulling into the drive, gotta go!” I exclaim and hang up before he has the chance to speak. But deep down, I know he’s right.

  After all, it’s not like we’re breaking the law. In fact, it’s very normal for a girl to date her best friend’s brother. It’s just that I’m not ready for the reveal: everyone’s always seen me as a goody two-shoes while Dane’s a bad boy with tats. What are they going to say?

  I head inside and go straight to the kitchen to grab a snack. To my surprise, my parents are sitting at the kitchen table. Even worse, they look dead-serious, with their hands folded and expressionless faces. Cocoa is the only normal one, lying lazily on the floor at their feet.

  “Is everything okay?” I ask in a hesitant tone.

  It is odd to see them looking like this. My parents, Conrad and June, are typically beaming with charisma and joy. They are the clichéd image of an oversized, jolly midwestern couple. In their fifties with grey heads of hair, they’re the neighbors everyone wants. Now, seeing them in such a serious state makes my heart thump. Oh shit.

  “Sit down Zoe. We need to talk,” my dad says.

  I drop my backpack off my shoulder and pull a chair out from under the table.

  Here we go.

  I start right off the bat, trying to make this little talk as quick and painless as possible.

  “This is about college applications, right? You’re right, Mom and Dad, we definitely do need to talk. I know you’re probably mad that I haven’t applied to any of the schools you suggested for me. But I just don’t think that I’m a college kind of person. At least, not the type of college that you have in mind.”

  June and Conrad look at me with expressionless faces. Honestly, this is getting kind of creepy, but I continue with my speech.

  “I have, however, applied to the Artists’ Guild. It’s a private school specializing in fine art, and it’s actually not too far from here so I can still visit on weekends. Now, I know this isn’t what you guys want, but I’ve already made up my mind. I’m going to art school and not some four-year bullshit university which isn’t going to have a single course that interests me.”

  I take a deep breath because it feels good to finally put this out there. The school issue was choking me, and making me feel like I couldn’t breathe. I know Conrad and June want me to be an accountant, or something similarly boring, but I just can’t. I want to delve into the arts, and their idea of an education isn’t going to help me get there.

  “So that’s it,” I say with finality, getting up. “I’m glad we had this talk.”

  Then, the kettle boils over.

  “Oh, my goodness, would you stop?” my mom cries. June’s face is red and her chin is trembling. If I didn’t know better, I’d say those are tears in her eyes. Now it’s my turn to stare blankly at them.

  Why would my mom cry? That seems over the top. I knew they wouldn’t be happy about my decision to go to art school, but at least it’s still school. It’s not like I’ve decided to smoke weed in my room for the rest of my life.

  I expected something along the lines of “I am so disappointed in you” or “I’d hoped better for you.” But instead, my mom is on the verge of breaking down while my dad sits there with his lips pressed tightly into a line.

  “This is not about college,” my dad clarifies in a shaky voice. “This is about something much more serious.” Then, he pulls something out of his lap and eases it onto the kitchen table. At that point, my heart stops and it becomes difficult to breathe.

  “My diary?! What on earth are you two doing with my diary? You have no right! You didn’t read it, did you?”

  “You’re darn right we read it,” my mom sobs. She puts her face in her hands and begins to bawl. “We didn’t even need to read it. We saw the pictures.”

  “You had no right!” I scream again, reaching to snatch the diary from the table. But my dad beats me to it, and holds it out of my grasp. Cocoa senses something is up because she bolts to her feet, looking at the three of us with curious eyes.

  To my horror and disbelief, Conrad opens the journal to the page where I drew my fantasy pictures of Dane. Nothing could be more unsettling than seeing my father holding a sketch of my older boyfriend naked and jacking off. The ecstasy on Dane’s face is only matched by the horror in my parents’ expressions, and my whole world begins crumbling around me.

  There must be a way to undo this. But how?

  “How long has this been going on?” my dad says through gritted teeth. He’s obviously repulsed, trying not to touch any part of the sketch.

  I think quickly on my feet.

  “It’s just a drawing, you guys. This is really embarrassing that you guys found that, but there’s nothing to it. I’ve had a crush on Dane since I was a kid and I just got carried away one day. That’s all there is to this. It’s just a bunch of sketches. Now, can I please have my diary back?”

  My mom looks at me through her tears.

  “Zoe, do you think we are that dumb?” she asks slowly.

  Shit. They read the whole thing.

  “After finding the pictures we flipped to your journal entries to see out if anything was going on between the two of you,” my dad finishes for her. “We were dumbstruck by how you’ve been spending your time this summer.”

  “Why were you in my diary in the first place?!?! Have you no shame? That is an invasion of my privacy! Do you always go through my room when I’m not there?” I scream with fury.

  The look at me grimly.

  “That’s the least of your worries, Zoe Matilda Canning,” my dad says in a tight voice. “You have far more serious problems.”

  I’ve really irked them this time. But this isn’t fair! Unfortunately, my parents don’t see it that way.

  “Zoe, Dane Reston is twenty-five,” my mom pleads. “He’s a man and you’re just a child. It’s bad enough that you’re entertaining these romantic feelings for him, but you let him trick you into having sex with him. Oh my god, what’s become of my daughter?” my mom moans. “My poor baby girl has been seduced by a man who didn’t even finish high school!”

; My stomach curdles.

  “Dane did not trick me. I am an adult and I am capable of making my own decisions about my body. I went willingly,” I emphasize.

  Conrad makes an angry gesture with his hand.

  “You are just a child!” he says violently. “And this is not okay. You are to end things with him, immediately!”

  My own face is turning red now and I jump up, shaking in the middle of our kitchen.

  “No! I love him! You can’t make me,” I shout at the top of my lungs. I feel my pulse begin to quicken, blood rushing to my cheeks causing them to flush. Anger is bubbling over in my gut and I feel like I’m about to explode with rage. Yet a deep sadness lies beneath this, and I feel that turmoil as well. I begin to cry.

  “You know what, June? Clearly, he’s gotten in her head. He’s brainwashed her, and I think it is time,” my dad says to my mom, never taking his eyes off of me.

  “Time for what? What are you talking about?” My voice is coming out in fragments, my words becoming broken intervals between sobs. “What are you going to do?” I bellow.

  They ignore me. My mom nods yes to my dad and he promptly walks to the other side of the room. I run forward to my mom’s chair, practically screaming in her face.

  “You have to tell me what is going on!”

  Every cell in my body is now vibrating with fear. I feel like I have to work to get my body to continue breathing while waiting to hear the future of my relationship with Dane. The dog is now whimpering loudly, bopping me in the side with her nose in attempt to calm me down.

  “Mom, Dad, please! Stop! Stop doing this to me. I love Dane. Please. What were you waiting to do?”

  The colors of the room seem to be fading in and out, coinciding with the beat of my lunch flip flopping in my stomach.


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