The Boyfriend Diaries: A Romance Box Set Collection

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The Boyfriend Diaries: A Romance Box Set Collection Page 10

by S. E. Law

  Nonetheless, Kayla’s changed ever since she left for college. She was always on the bigger side, but now the girl is utterly ripe. She’s got melon-sized breasts and hips that sway, which I follow with rapt eyes as she sashays into my office. But she doesn’t sit in the chair opposite my desk. Instead, she remains standing by my desk and offers me a weak smile.

  “Hi George, I need your help,” she says, yanking the sash on her robe tighter. Why in the hell is she even wearing a robe right now? It’s the middle of the day, and the outfit isn’t swimsuit cover-up. It’s a silky pink satin number that slithers and sighs as she moves.

  “Hi honey. How can I help you?” I ask. “I don’t remember college biology or college chemistry, so I can’t assist with any problem sets,” I add with a wry smile.

  She colors.

  “Oh no, it’s not that. I’m not taking biology, chemistry, or any science classes, for that matter,” she says. “I’m an economics major, remember?”

  I furrow my brow. That’s right. This woman is into supply and demand, and not so much bacteria and microbes.

  I steeple my hands, nodding.

  “Right. That’s true. I’m sorry I forgot. So how can I help you?” I ask in a neutral tone, careful not to betray my body’s arousal. After all, a half-dressed twenty-year-old woman has just stepped into my office. How can any man not feel the attraction?

  Kayla goes beet red then, and it’s very fetching.

  “Well, I have a problem, and it does have to do with science actually,” she begins. “Anatomy, in fact.”

  Suddenly, I hold one hand up, palm out in the air.

  “Wait a minute, do you hear something?” I ask, looking around quizzically. “I swear, there’s a buzzing sound. Is it your phone? Or is that some type of alarm?” I ask, confused.

  She goes an even deeper shade of magenta.

  “Well, that’s what I’m here to ask you for help with. You see, I was having some fun on my own … and well, my toy got lost.”

  I stare at her.

  “I’m sorry? I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  She shakes her head a bit, and those brown curls bob.

  “Well, I was having some fun with a toy. A personal toy, if you will.”

  I stare at her.

  “You mean a vibrator?”

  She bites her lip and looks down, unable to meet my gaze.

  “Yes,” she whispers. “And it got lost inside me.”

  That makes me sit up straight as my eyes bulge out.

  “I beg your pardon?”

  She bites her lip again, before looking up at me with a shamefaced expression.

  “It’s not a big toy,” she explains. “It’s just a small one to have fun with, and I was playing with it up in my room. It got stuck. Inside. Need I say more?”

  I stare at her.

  “Well, this seems to be a very unique situation,” is my drawl. “I’ve seen a lot during my days as a doctor, but this is definitely one of the more delightful situations I’ve encountered. How did it get stuck exactly?”

  This time, Kayla goes absolutely crimson.

  “Well, maybe it’s easier if I show you, seeing that you’re a physician,” she says in a hesitant tone. “Do you think you could help me get it out with your medical expertise?”

  A low growl sounds out from my throat.

  “I can try, honey, but I don’t want to promise anything. Let me take a look first.”

  With that, Kayla nods shyly as I stand up at my desk. I tower over her small, curvy form and together, we leave the home office.

  “Should we go to my room?” she asks nervously.

  I shake my heading, taking her small, soft hand in mine.

  “Why don’t we go to mine instead?”

  With that, we turn and head down the hall.



  Oh my gosh, this is really happening. My ex-stepdad is going to give me a medical exam in order to solve my little “problem.” I should be embarrassed as all get-out, and I am, but I’m also insanely turned on.

  It’s wrong, I know. After all, George was married to my mother for a few years. They had to be married in order for him to qualify for his green card, but he’s never really been my dad. After all, it was a sham marriage from the start, and there was never a shred of attraction between him and Victoria. As a result, there isn’t any sort of family feeling between us.

  Instead, the current of electricity sparking between us is decidedly unfamilial. My cheeks are burning and every part of my body feels hot. My nips are hard and I swear, I’m moist down there already even though I shouldn’t be. Or perhaps it’s left over from my personal fun from fifteen minutes ago. Who knows? All I’m certain of is that I’m feeling hot and steamy and that’s all that matters.

  Hesitantly, I set foot in George’s room. I’ve been here before but it’s been a long time. It’s a spacious bedroom done up with heavy, wooden furniture and navy bedding. He has a huge, king-size bed in the center, with a giant armoire and a flat screen TV mounted before the bed. An en suite leads off to his private bathroom. A heavenly scent of male musk greets my nostrils and I breathe deeply. This is George’s personal smell and it’s spicy and masculine without being heavy. My private parts moisten more as my nips tingle.

  “Um, how should we do this?” I ask tentatively, still loitering by the door. My ex-stepdad’s expression is very professional and he gestures to the bed.

  “Why don’t you lie back and let me take a look?” he asks in a neutral voice. “I’ll need to do an exam to get an idea of what’s going on.”

  I bite my lip.

  “Um, okay sure.” With that, I take a seat and begin to lie back, but then my hands hesitate. This doesn’t seem quite right.

  “Should I take off my robe?” I ask in a hesitant tone.

  George grins at me.

  “That would help, wouldn’t it?”

  Immediately, I feel like an idiot. Of course I have to take off my robe. How else is he going to examine me? Suddenly, I realize I have nothing to be afraid of because George is a doctor. He sees people nude all the time, and they’re not all young women like myself. He probably sees everyone under the sun, including sixty-year old men and middle-aged ladies with varicose veins. I’m probably cake walk compared to those patients.

  Slowly, I untie the sash and let the satin slip to the floor. A harsh growl sounds out from George’s direction, and I turn my head to steal a glance. He’s watching me, his blue eyes so dark that they’re almost black. The look on his face is intense, but he manages to speak in a normal tone.

  “Now lie back, Kayla, and tell me what’s going on.”

  I sit on the mattress shyly, totally aware of my huge breasts and the way my tummy pooches in a soft swell.

  “Well, you can still hear it,” I say. “It’s down here. Inside me. It’s stuck,” I clarify.

  “Lie down,” George says, while coming to stand before me on the bed, “and put your legs up so that your feet are flat on the mattress. Yes, so that your knees are up and apart. Good.”

  I do as he commands, feeling so exposed. Heck, I am exposed. I’m completely nude before my ex-stepfather with my lush, trembling curves open for his gaze. Who am I kidding? Even my pink slit is right here, gleaming and swollen in the light, begging for his touch.

  What? Begging for his touch? It’s as if I’ve lost my mind because I shouldn’t be thinking, much less feeling, these things. But it’s true. I do want George to touch me, and slowly, my hands reach down and before I realize what I’m doing, I part my pussy lips for him, showing him that moist, interior pink.

  “Can you help me?” I murmur. “Please. I really need a doctor’s help.”

  With that, the handsome man leans forward, his blue eyes gleaming. With one large hand, he brushes over my steaming slit and I tremble and gasp. His fingers tweak my nub and I let out a low cry of pleasure.

  “You like that, Kayla?”

  I bite my lip befor
e meeting his eyes.

  “Yes, Daddy. I like it very much.”

  A look of satisfaction enters his eyes, and with a growl of satisfaction, he proceeds.



  Holy shit, it’s really happening. I’m touching my sweet stepdaughter where it counts. Or my ex-stepdaughter, if you will. After all, her mom and I got divorced a while ago. It was always a marriage of convenience, and never one of love.

  In fact, I’m convinced that my ex-wife is lesbian. There was that woman Sofia at our wedding, who seemed to be more than “just friends” with my wife. Also, there have been a few women since then hanging around the house in a suspicious manner in the years since, but I’ve never talked with Victoria about it. It’s her business, and I wish her all the best in her relationships.

  But now, I’m confronted with Victoria’s beautiful daughter, and I can’t believe my good fortune. Holy cow, Kayla is here, nude and luscious with her legs spread as she begs me with those big brown eyes. What are the chances? I’ve watched her covertly for years, but always clamped down on the temptation because it’s wrong. After all, I was married to her mom just recently. Not only that, but Kayla was a teenager then, and we were living under the same roof.

  Now, none of that is true anymore. Kayla is in college and lives on campus. She must be twenty-two or so. Most importantly, I’m no longer married to Victoria. The coast has been cleared of all obstacles, and I thank my lucky stars.

  With resolution in my eyes, I approach the curvy girl.

  “Now don’t worry, this won’t hurt a bit,” I growl. “I can still hear the toy whirring inside, so it’s definitely there. I’m just going to insert my finger and see how deep it is. If we need any further tools, we can decide what they’ll be, but let me just try with my finger first.”

  She nods, her eyes like saucers.

  “Okay,” she breathes. “I’m ready.”

  Slowly, I approach her quivering curvy body. Oh wow, she’s incredibly luscious. Her tits are so big that they pool on her chest like huge fluffs of whipped cream tipped by red strawberries at the top. I’m dying to taste the goodness, but I have to maintain a professional demeanor no matter what.

  It’s difficult though, because the woman before me is just so ripe. She’s got her legs spread, and she’s lifted her knees so that I can get full access to her pink slit.

  “Relax,” I murmur, stroking gently along her nether lips. “This won’t hurt a bit.”

  Clearly, my fingers are doing the opposite of hurting her because she lets out a blissful exhale as color suffuses her face.

  “George, go deeper,” she urges. “It’s there, please pull it out.”

  I must do as the lady commands. Slowly, I insert my finger into her tiny opening, just holding it there for a moment. God, she’s so hot, wet and tight, and I’m already dying to get into her with my personal tool.

  “Do you feel it?” she asks, her eyes wide. “Can you get it out?”

  “I have to go deeper,” I say in a soothing tone. “Relax and let me see if I can feel the plastic with the tips of my fingers.”

  With that, Kayla closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. I use this opportunity to push my digit in deeper, and soon, I have my entire index finger buried inside her pulsing walls. Oh shit, she’s so wet and tight, not to mention utterly feminine. But from a medical standpoint, I haven’t gone far enough because I still can’t feel the rubber of the toy.

  “Let me try with another finger,” I say persuasively, slowly edging in my middle finger along with my index. The slide is delicious and Kayla moans, her eyes closed as I penetrate further this time. Right when I’m about to give up and get my speculum, suddenly I feel a hard edge of the rubber.

  “It’s here,” I growl. “Everything’s fine.”

  Her eyes pop open.

  “Can you pull it out, Daddy?”

  I form my fingers into a hook, questing a bit in her swollen folds. My pants are in a huge tent, and I shift my hips so that she can’t see.

  “No, honey. You’re so tight and small that it’s stuck in there pretty well. But don’t worry because there’s a solution. The best way to expel a small object like this is to have you orgasm. The convulsions in your pussy and ass will help push this object out.”

  “My … what?” she asks, blushing fire-engine red.

  I nod, trying to remain calm although at this point, I’m bursting from my jeans.

  “When a woman experiences the ultimate climax, often her pussy and ass muscles will contract and convulse. Objects will be pushed out. It’s natural,” I manage in a normal tone.

  She stares at me.

  “You can’t just get it out with your finger?”

  I shake my head.

  “No, it’s too deep in there. But if I can get you to climax, I think we’ll have a very good chance.”

  “Oh my god,” she gasps. “Help me Jesus.”

  I grin at her.

  “There’s no need to pray, honey. All I need to do is to have you come.”

  She stares at me.

  “Something wrong?” I ask, trying to look absolutely calm. She nods but then shakes her head and bites her lip.

  “I mean, I know I spasm in my pussy when I come, but my backdoor? How do we get that to happen? Why do I even need to come back there?”

  I smile.

  “It’s good you brought that up because the anal convulsions are the most important,” I say smoothly. “We need your behind to spasm because that’s half of the force that will push the toy out.”

  “Oh my gosh,” she breathes.

  “Don’t worry, honey. It’s going to be fine. We’re going to get both of your holes to pump and that will expel the toy on its own.”

  She bites her lip again, looking at me with quizzical eyes. Kayla is so beautiful that I feel like I’m a dream of some sort. How often does this happen to a doctor in his exam room?

  “But how will we get me to spasm … you know, down there?” she asks breathily. “I can do it in myself from the front, but I’ve never touched myself in back before.”

  I was waiting for this question because at this point, my hands reach for the zip of my pants. A smooth smiles crosses my face and I let out a low growl.

  “Do you want me to show you, or do you want me to tell you, Kayla?”



  Oh my gosh, it’s really happening. My gorgeous ex-stepfather is unzipping his pants, which I’ve longed to see him do for years. Literally years. My desire was always repressed because we were supposedly family of a sort. After all, he was technically my mom’s husband, even if they were married in name only.

  As a result, I held back. Sure, I wore my shortest skirts and sheerest nighties when he was around, but I never actually did anything. I pranced around like a teenage ho, knowing that I was safe. But now, circumstances have changed. George is unattached. I’m unattached. And we’re both consenting adults.

  With a swift movement, he pulls down his zip and my mouth opens in a round “O.” Oh my goodness, he’s huge. His member is at least ten inches long, and as thick as a soda can at the base. Veins pulse up the top and bottom and the tip gleams wetly in the low light. I feel my insides go loose and wet, preparing for a man’s penetration.

  “Are you going to put that in me?” I ask in a hoarse voice.

  He nods.

  “Yes, Kayla. It’s the best way to help you climax.”

  A small, incoherent noise comes out of my throat.

  “Yes, but how are you going to put it in me? After all, I have this thing stuck inside.”

  His grin becomes knowing.

  “Easy baby. I’m going to put it in you the back way, how else? You’re going to ride my rod until you find pleasure and emit the toy by yourself.”

  I gape at him.

  “Are you serious?”

  He merely shrugs.

  “You asked for a solution, and this is my professional medical recommendation,” he s
ays with a grin.

  At that I snort.

  “No way.”

  “Yes way,” he retorts just as quickly. “Now come here, Kayla. Let’s get you lubed up.”

  My handsome doctor reaches over to his nightstand and pulls out a tube of oil. Then he squirts some into his palm before gripping his shaft and running it up and down so that he’s oiled, wet and gleaming.

  “Your turn,” he says.

  Somehow, I know exactly what to do. I scooch down even further on the bed and lift my knees up so high that my bottom literally lifts off the mattress a bit, showing him my coffee pucker.

  “That’s it,” he growls. “Here we go.”

  He squirts a bit more gel into his hand and then slowly rubs the liquid over my pleats. It feels so good and yet also so titillating and naughty. I cry out, tossing my head.

  “Yes,” I pant. “I’m ready.”

  He grins.

  “Excellent.” The handsome man sits down on the edge of the bed so that his pole juts out from his body and gestures to it. His blue eyes gleam, and I stare at him.

  “You want me to lower myself onto you?” I gasp. “But it’s my first time. I can’t just …”

  He merely smiles some more.

  “It’s okay, Kayla. This is the best way. I want you to break your ass cherry on me like a good girl. It’ll feel good, and then your body will give it up, toy and all.”

  I stare some more but his huge member tempts me. It’s so enormous and veiny and my mouth goes dry just upon seeing it. Can I stretch to take that enormous length within my bottom? Can I handle his unseemly girth? Suddenly, the woman in me wants it, and I have to try.

  Getting up, I make my way over to George so that I’m standing before him. I’m just about to straddle him, facing forward, but then a big hand turns me at my hip.


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