The Boyfriend Diaries: A Romance Box Set Collection

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The Boyfriend Diaries: A Romance Box Set Collection Page 32

by S. E. Law

  After all, my wife and I were married for a long time. Beverly was my college sweetheart, and we tied the knot right after graduation. At first, everything was okay. She had a job as an accountant, and I worked hard starting my own business. But Beverly never supported my career aspirations, and often denigrated it.

  “Really?” she asked sarcastically. “You play video games for a living?”

  Calmly, I put down my VR headset.

  “In fact, I do. It sounds ridiculous, but there’s a niche market here. A lot of YouTube viewers like to watch me play, and I’m getting a decent number of responses. You can do really well so long as you stick with it.”

  But my wife grew impatient. I didn’t make much money those first five years, and she got more and more peevish as time passed. Her comments became stinging remarks and soon, she couldn’t even look me in the eye.

  “Do what you need to do, Blake,” she said dismissively in passing. “I don’t care.”

  It was that remark that spelled the end of our relationship. Even though my little company grew big and began to thrive, Beverly had lost interest in me. She simply didn’t care anymore, even as money poured into my bank account. We divorced last year, and the separation was a non-event. To be honest, even though the divorce papers were signed only recently, our marriage was over long before that.

  As a result, I’m a single man now. Maybe the ink’s still fresh on the divorce decree, but in my heart, I’ve been single for a long time. Of course, that doesn’t mean I was unfaithful. While I was married, I never stepped out on Beverly.

  But now, we’ve gone our separate ways. Our assets have been split, she lives in another state, and I’m ready to move on. Thus, my body’s immediate reaction to the gorgeous blonde before me. What would it feel like to taste Cindy’s plush lips? What would it be like to hear her moan my name, panting her ecstasy just for me?

  But I can’t let on to my thoughts because they’d make her run screaming. Instead, as we settle into the movie theater seats, the conversation stays superficial and easy.

  “So you have your own company?” Cindy asks in a gentle voice, her eyes like deep pools of still water in the darkness. “Flora mentioned that you’re an entrepreneur.”

  “Yes,” I rumble. “Maybe you’ve heard of it? My company’s called VX Reality.”

  Cindy scrunches her nose, thinking, but then shakes her head.

  “Nope, sorry. Never heard of it. Does it have to do with 3D headsets? Computers? Gadgets?”

  I laugh.

  “Sort of. It has to do with gaming actually. It’s a corporation that’s focused on video games.”

  “Oh, you create video games,” she says, nodding. “That sounds cool.”

  I shake my head.

  “No, we don’t make video games actually. We film ourselves playing video games. It’s a genre called Let’s Play videos.”

  Cindy looks confused.

  “You mean, you play video games and stream yourselves playing them? Wow, how strange. Do other people play simultaneously as well, so that you’re competing against your viewers?”

  I shoot her an amused look. Given my strange line of work, I’m used to questions like these.

  “No, not exactly. We film ourselves playing the games, and then take the video and edit it with graphics, text, and funny comments. We then post the edited video to our YouTube channel and boom! Our subscribers watch.”

  She squints at me.

  “So you’re not playing against someone live. It’s not a competition.”

  “Nope,” I reply. “Our audience watches us play video games. There’s no contest.”

  Cindy looks stunned and her big breasts heave a bit.

  “Seriously? There’s a market for that?”

  I grin. I’m not offended by her surprise.

  “Yeah, and it’s a big market too. Have you heard of PewDiePie or Markiplier?”

  “No, I’m sorry, I haven’t.”

  I laugh, my teeth white in the darkness.

  “I’m not surprised because you’re a pretty girl, and pretty girls have better things to do than sit around watching other people play video games. Basically, PewDiePie is one of the most successful entrepreneurs on YouTube. Allegedly, he makes seven figures in a month, and he does exactly what we do.”

  Cindy’s shocked and her mouth forms a perfect “O.” What would it feel like to have those plush lips circled around my virility, with her cheeks hollowed out? I twitch a bit imagining that titillating scenario.

  “Seven figures? In a month?” she asks in a breathy voice. “Who would have guessed?”

  “I know right?” I grin. “Our company does even better than that actually. We make about nine figures a year now in revenue.”

  Cindy’s mouth drops open again but then she shuts it quickly.

  “That’s impressive,” comes her small voice. “I never knew this industry was so lucrative. In fact, I never even knew this industry existed.”

  I laugh again, hoping she doesn’t sense my arousal. However, there’s the scent of male musk in the air, and I know I’m unleashing pheromones unconsciously. After all, I want this woman. I want her painted with my scent so that other males know that they can’t touch her.

  “Most people don’t know about us or our industry, unless they’re gamers. But the world is changing quickly, and new opportunities arise all the time. What do you do, Cindy?”

  Her plush pink lips open again to reply, but suddenly, the music begins blaring and the screen flickers to a preview. The movie’s starting and just in time too because I can’t get enough of this girl, and left to my own devices, I might have ravished her, right here in public.



  I’m not sure when theaters decided that blasting the volume on max was the ideal way to go, but this cinema definitely has the dial turned up to ten. The car crashes and explosions on screen make my ears ring and I sneak a glance over at Blake to see if his ears are thrumming too.

  The alpha male looks relaxed in the darkness, one big hand resting loosely on an arm rest as his other reaches for the popcorn bucket. He’s mesmerized by the action on-screen, and his hand quests to my side slowly before dipping into the popcorn.

  Meanwhile, I don’t even know what’s happening in the movie. Sure, this is a flick that I’ve been wanting to see for ages, and it only just came out. Yet now that I have the handsome, hunky Blake Reynolds sitting next to me, I can’t focus. The characters could be singing Christmas carols while doing cartwheels, and I wouldn’t even notice.

  Because this man is gorgeous. He’s everything that my friend promised about her uncle, and more. Flora didn’t mention that her uncle was a tech entrepreneur who started his own company. Nor did she say anything about him rolling in dough.

  But now that I know, it must be true. His sweater is a fine, forest-green color, likely made of cashmere, and his jeans look expensive. It’s probably one of those cult Japanese denim brands. Of course, there’s nothing gaudy or overt about him. Even his watch is discreet, although it likely cost five figures.

  So what the hell am I doing here? I’m a penniless student without a plan in life whereas he’s a successful entrepreneur who likely has twenty projects going on at once. I live in this podunk town, barely scraping by, whereas he probably resides in a posh Fifth Avenue apartment with city views. How the hell did we end up on a date?

  The answer is obvious. It’s because Flora was desperate to meet up with Lonnie, so she asked me to show her uncle around. Still, I didn’t think Blake Reynolds would be mouth-wateringly handsome and unbelievably arresting.

  The alpha male’s still looking at the screen, mesmerized by the action, while his left hand reaches for the popcorn bucket again. It’s in my lap and trying to be helpful, I gently scooch it towards him a bit so that he doesn’t have to reach as far. But instead, calamity occurs. He doesn’t realize that I’ve shifted the bucket, and instead, his hand quests down between my legs – right at the junctu
re of my thighs in fact.

  Holy shit! I gasp a bit and Blake jerks for a moment, his eyes darting towards mine. But to my surprise, the businessman doesn’t pull his hand away immediately. He doesn’t act like he’s accidentally touched a hot potato. Instead, his hand goes completely still, merely resting against my warm mound. Oh god. Can he feel the heat and moisture emanating from it?

  Evidently so, because a slow smile overtakes his handsome face, and his hand moves a little. Or more accurately, his fingers wiggle a bit and I let out a gasp. That delicate touch niggled my clit and I let out a low, breathy moan of need as hot jolts of electricity pulse through my pussy. Mmm, it feels so good!

  Blake lets out a low rumble of laughter even as the action movie continues to blare onscreen. Then, his hand dips lower so that he’s lifting my skirt and he gently skates a broad fingertip up my thigh. I tremble a bit and part my legs willingly, begging him to touch me where I need it the most. Oh my god, is this really happening? Am I actually being fingered by a handsome male in public?

  But it’s true because obligingly, his finger skates up my thigh and straight to the crotch of my panties. To my shame, there’s a blot of wetness there, and he growls again, lightly testing it with his finger.

  “I like it when you’re wet,” he rumbles so that only I can hear. I gasp again, my breasts heaving as he taps his digit against that sopping patch.

  But Blake’s doesn’t stop there. Slowly, delicately, he hooks one digit into the crotch of my panties and slowly pulls the fabric to the left so that my steaming slit is bare for him.

  “So beautiful,” he rasps. “Wet and moist, just like a good girl.”

  It’s true because the scent of aroused pussy is overwhelming and as I watch, Blake’s nostrils flare as he inhales my aroma.

  “Do you like being stroked where it counts?” he asks.

  “Yes,” I mewl. “Please do it, Mr. Reynolds.”

  He chuckles again and slowly lets his finger drift to my clit. The clever man niggles it a bit, making me let out a sharp squeal of delight.

  “Oooh! Unh!”

  The man grins again.

  “So responsive,” he growls low in his throat. “But I know you’ll like what comes next even more. Slowly, he rubs that finger against the bottom of my clit, massaging it, and the top of my head almost bursts off. It feels amazing and my cunt gushes hotly, coating his palm in warm fluids.

  “That a girl,” he groans. “You’re so fucking wet.”

  I am, and now I’m gyrating my hips to try and get him into my little hole.

  “I need it,” I pant. “Please Daddy.”

  He growls low in his chest and obliges.

  “Anything for my baby.”

  With that, his finger trails down my pussy lips until it gets to my opening and slowly begins sliding inside. It feels amazing to be penetrated by that thickness and I tilt my head backwards, eyes closed, enjoying the slide.

  “Mmmm,” is my breathy cry. “Oh yes.”

  “You take it so well, don’t you, little girl?” he rasps again. “I can’t wait to be deep in you with my hardness.”

  My eyes fly open then.

  “Oh yes, Daddy,” is my mewl. “That’s what I need. This isn’t enough.”

  His expression is teasing.

  “Really? You don’t like this?” he asks, circling his finger in my hot tunnel, rubbing against my g-spot. It’s absolutely heavenly, but the truth is that I crave more. I shake my head even as my breasts heave.

  “It’s not enough, Daddy. I need YOU. All the way, right here, right now.”

  And I know from the flash of Blake’s eyes that I’m about to get it hard, fast, and unprotected in the best way possible.



  I can’t believe this is happening right out in the open for anyone to see. Okay, most people wouldn’t notice because 21 Bridges is actually a really good movie. The pace and plot are fantastic, and the actors have incredible presence.

  But right now, I have a finger buried in Cindy’s warm folds and she pulses wetly around me. She moans again, tilting her head back, and I see her delicate profile illuminated in the light from the screen. Damn, this woman is gorgeous and my cock throbs as I slowly pull my hand out of her sweet spot.

  “Daddy?” she mewls, her eyes flickering open. “Can I have more?”

  I groan loudly, silently thanking the loud bangs and popping noises from the special effects that drown out our conversation.

  “There’s definitely more coming, sweet girl. I just need you to come sit in my lap, if you don’t mind.”

  Her eyes go wide and her breasts heave.

  “Are you serious?”

  “Oh, I’m very serious,” is my deep growl. “In fact, I have something that demonstrates just how serious I am.”

  Then, I pull out my shaft, and Cindy gasps when she seems my enormous size. I know what she’s thinking because most women are intimidated the first time they glimpse my hardness. I’m a full ten inches, and as wide around the base as a soda can. The tip of my rod gleams in the light with a pearl of seed, and a throbbing vein runs along the underside.

  “Oh my god,” she breathes. “I’m not sure if I can …”

  Her voice drifts off but I know the little girl can. After all, she’s so ripe and curvy. A body like that is built for a man’s deep penetration, and it’s my job to get her to the point where she takes me like a champ.

  “You’re going to be fine,” I say in a low voice. “Everything is going to fit just right, don’t worry.”

  She gasps again, her eyes still as round as saucers. But then Cindy nods and slowly begins to take off her sweater.

  “What are you doing?” I rasp. “Sweetheart, you don’t need to be nude. In fact, it’s probably better to be discreet and to just lift up your skirt as you get into my lap.”

  But it’s too late and the sweater’s already dropping to the floor. Then she unzips her skirt, letting that drop to the floor as well, and pulls off her panties, discarding the scrap of cotton beneath the seat. Soon, Cindy’s perfect curves are bare in the movie theater. She’s literally wearing nothing but those thigh high socks and her little girl Mary Janes, and the sight is fantastic.

  “I want to be nude before you, Daddy,” she murmurs. “It’s right for our first time together, and I don’t think anyone will notice.”

  I certainly hope not because I’m about to have a lush, beautiful young woman ride my stiffness in the middle of a darkened theater. Holy fuck. Who would have thought that this would happen?

  But sure enough, Cindy edges herself into my lap while leaning forward so that her hands grip the back of the chair in front of us. She lifts her swollen slit and bumps it gently against my seeping head, moaning a bit as her nether lips part around the enormous girth.

  “Oh my goodness,” she sighs while tilting her chin up, her lashes falling closed. “I can’t believe this is happening.”

  Neither can I, for that matter, but I’m not a man to question an opportunity when it presents itself. Gently gripping her waist, I nudge my shaft against those wet folds, slowly increasing the pressure.

  “You’re going to feel full, sweetheart, but I know you can take it. Just relax and let yourself enjoy.”

  She lets out another low hum of pleasure as her breasts quiver with anticipation. Then Cindy widens her thighs even more and begins to lower herself onto my massive pole.

  “Oooh!” she squeals. “Oh my god!”

  In the flickering light of the screen, I can see what’s happening. Cindy’s facing away from me, but she’s bent over just enough so that I can watch as my throbbing member disappears into her tiny pussy. Her lips grip me, stretched so thin that they look like rubber bands. And yet, the girl keeps going. She keeps sliding and sliding, her body swallowing my hugeness until finally, we come to a barrier inside.

  “Cindy, is that—?”

  But my words are too late because with a thrust of her hips, it happens. The beautiful bl
onde breaks her hymen on my shaft and I let out a small spurt of pleasure.

  “Holy fuck,” I curse under my breath. “Fuckin’ shit.”

  I can’t move because this girl was a virgin who just gave me her cherry right here, in public. She used my thick, pulsing male member to pop her cherry and didn’t even tell me beforehand. And yet, Cindy loves it. She lets out a strained mewl, holding still, and takes a deep breath.

  “Are you okay, baby girl? I had no idea this was happening.”

  She takes a deep breath, and then peeps coyly at me over one slim shoulder while wiggling her hips a bit. I groan.

  “I know it’s a surprise, Blake, but I didn’t want to tell you because I was afraid you would stop.”

  She’s damn right I would stop. A darkened movie theater is no place to initiate a sweet virgin like this beautiful girl. But now that I’m in all the way, suddenly a torrent of male need courses through my body. I crave her sweetness, and all of it, now.

  With trembling hands, I reach forward to cup her breasts, enjoying the heavy weight in my palms. But then I slide my hands down that slim waist until they’re positioned beneath each thigh so that they’re supporting her weight.

  “Lean back, honey,” I rasp into her ear. “And let me do the work.”

  The gorgeous blonde does as she’s told so that her back is balanced against my broad chest. It’s a naughty sight because Cindy’s completely nude in my lap with her legs spread and my thickness buried in her hole. Slowly, I begin to push up into her, and then back down, before easing my enormous girth again and again into that tiny little opening.

  “Ooooh!” she squeals. “Unnnh, I can’t move because you’re so big.”

  I spread her legs even more so that her wetness is fully accessible, but Cindy takes me by surprise. Instead of letting her knees hang loosely over my arms, she straightens them so that her toes are pointing at opposite walls. Basically, this lush, nude girl is doing the splits as my cock pummels her from below.


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