The Boyfriend Diaries: A Romance Box Set Collection

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The Boyfriend Diaries: A Romance Box Set Collection Page 52

by S. E. Law

  With my heart pitter-pattering at a hundred miles an hour, I take a deep breath and meet Ryan and Raider’s eyes.

  “Okay,” I say in a soft voice. “Let’s try it.”

  Immediately, the bulges in their pants grow even more pronounced. Are my eyes deceiving me, or did the tip of Raider’s shaft just poke over his belt? But I don’t have time to wonder because immediately, both men are working their shirts over their heads, revealing wide, bronzed chests.

  My mouth goes dry and my body moist in its most intimate place. Oh my god, Raider and Ryan are absolutely heavenly. Their shoulders are broad, and they have developed pecs as well as hard washboard abs. Raider has a line of hair that leads below his jeans, and now, I definitely catch a glimpse of his tip peeping above his belt.

  “That’s right,” he grins, seeing my wide eyes. “This is all for you, Amy.”

  Then, the two men stand and begin to unbutton their pants. Their belts fall to the floor with metallic clinks, and then two pairs of jeans drop in crumpled heaps before being kicked away. If I thought I’d been breathless before, then I had no idea what was going to come because now, there’s absolutely no oxygen in my lungs. The two men are huge, hung, and absolutely enormous.

  Raider’s pole looks to be about ten inches, and it juts forward from his hips, the tip gleaming with a purple helmet. As I watch, the hole at the front begins to seep, and a small drip of flavor oozes out, dangling towards the floor.

  “You don’t mind if I get your carpet dirty, do you?” he asks in a low rumble. I shake my head, unable to find any words.

  Meanwhile, Ryan begins stroking himself, and the steady rhythm of his hands reveals a gleaming pole, with a giant vein on the top, and another giant vein pulsing along the bottom. His balls are tight and high already, like he’s primed to go.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he rasps. “Can you take it off for us, Amy? We want you so bad.”

  I gasp because I have two God-like men standing before me in my tiny living room. They’re ready for pure, heart-pounding pleasure, and the truth is that I’m ready for it too. I want to be with them, and with a sinuous movement, I stand at my chair and whip my sweater off over my head. My breasts come bouncing out, heavy and full, practically breaking the small lace cups.

  “We like it,” rasps Raider, his eyes never leaving my bosom.

  “Your nips are dark,” growls Ryan, staring at the same thing. I gasp because the bra that I have on is nothing but demi-cups, and they’re no match for my huge Double Ds. Not only that but the lace is very sheer and you can literally see the outline of my nips beneath the fabric.

  Normally, I’d be really shy and awkward, but tonight, something’s taken a hold of me. I may never see these men after this evening, and so a devilish smile creeps over my lips as my hands trail upwards to cup my assets.

  “You like?” I coo. “These are just for you.”

  With that, I unsnap the fastener in the back, and the tiny bit of lingerie drops to the floor. Then I cup my breasts in my hands again, as if they’re huge mounds of cream for my daddies. But I can do better than that. Copying what I saw in a video once, I lift one of my nips to my lips for a sweet suckle, before lifting the other one and lapping at the tip like a cat in heat.

  “Mmm, this tastes so good,” I moan, licking at the tip over and over again. “Feels amazing.”

  Both men’s hard poles jerk then, and Ryan’s literally spurts a bit onto the carpet.

  “Shit, sweetheart, you’re so dirty,” he moans throatily, his eyes fixed on the dirty sight.

  “We had no idea you’d be like this,” adds Raider in a growl, a harsh flush descending on his cheekbones.

  But we’re not even at the main course yet. Twirling around, I wiggle my behind at them, the curves round and enormous. Pretending I’m a go-go dancer, I slowly slip the zipper of my skirt down while looking at them teasingly over one shoulder. The woolen fabric slides down my hips revealing a tiny pink thong bisecting my enormous cheeks. In fact, I wouldn’t even say “bisect” is right because the silken fabric literally disappears between those two huge mountains. The aroma of female need is heavy in the air, and both men sniff appreciatively.

  “Fuck, baby girl,” growls Raider. “You’re so dirty.”

  “But gorgeous,” breathes Ryan, his blue eyes fixed to the crotch of my panties. “Let us see, sweet girl.”

  Instinctively, I know what they want and with a giggle, I lean over while spreading my legs in a vee. My hands slip sensuously down my thighs until I’m bent over with my bottom facing their way. My breasts dangle to the floor, and with a shimmy, I make them swing ponderously.

  “You like, Daddies?” I coo again. “This is all yours.”

  Both men let out choked sounds even as their hands slip and slide up their rods with wet sucking noises.

  “We love it,” they intone. “Now show us the good stuff.”

  I giggle again and then with slow fingers, reach in back of myself to pluck that pink thong out of my bottom. I pull the material to the side and hook it over one cheek so that my sweetest spot is revealed. The slit is swollen and pink, practically wafting moisture and need.

  “Is this what you want?” I sing in a musical voice. “Because it’s all yours.”

  But the men merely stare at me for a moment, their eyes fixed to this naughty sight. Then they astound me.

  “Pull yourself open,” Ryan commands in a harsh rasp. “We want to see what you have to offer.”

  “Show us those insides,” adds Raider in a choked voice. “Fuck, baby, you’re so beautiful.”

  I gasp because holy cow, this is so naughty. They want to see the insides of me? The parts that are going to hug their huge, pulsing poles? Evidently, it’s true, and with both hands, I reach back and place a palm on each cheek. Then I pull the white mounds up and away, baring my slit to them in a dirty tableaux.

  “Is this what you want?” I mewl. “Like this?”

  The men nod, their blue eyes flaring, but then Raider turns to Ryan.

  “Help her,” he commands.

  Immediately, Ryan comes over to me and strokes slowly through my folds. Hot jolts of energy pulse through my sweetest spot and I let out a cry of pleasure, my lids dropping closed.

  “Oh!” I squeal. “Unnnh, that feels good.”

  But that’s not all Raider and Ryan want. With trembling fingers, Ryan reaches over and gently holds my folds open for both of them to see. I know what I must look like: dripping, hot pink, and gleaming with need for them.

  My inner channel pulses and my clit twitches.

  “She wants it,” growls Ryan, his fingers still holding me open. “I’m going in for a taste.”

  Sure enough, he kneels in back of me and buries his tongue in my tight channel. I scream then, my breasts swinging back and forth as I’m licked to the ends of the Earth.

  “Oh!” is my delighted cry. “Yes, yes, yes!”

  But Raider’s not one to be left out. He too, comes to kneel beside Ryan, but he ducks his head down and seizes my nub between his lips, giving it a good suck. Jolts of ecstasy pulse through my sweetest spot as my knees go weak. This is so dirty. I have two men working on my sweetness like it’s the tastiest candy. I brace my hands on the floor, shrieking and squealing as the two men give me their best.

  “Mmm, she’s tight,” hums Ryan as he burrows his tongue deep into my folds.

  “And responsive,” adds Raider as he suckles my nub again. “But way too loud. Soon, the police are going to be knocking on the door. We better do something.”

  Before I realize it, Raider’s grabbed my skimpy panties and he’s stuffing them into my mouth. My eyes go wide as my cheeks puff out. Oh my god, is this really happening? I can smell my female musk on the crotch even as the two men grin with pleasure.

  “That’s right,” growls Raider. “This is the best way to enjoy a good time, sweetheart. Sometimes, if you can’t scream out loud, it actually amplifies the sensation. And we want you to have a good time
because you’re going to be our receptacle tonight. We’re giving it to you every which way, and you won’t waste a drop, will you?”

  Oh my god. Are they talking about their come? Of course they are, and my senses go on overdrive. I want to be with these men. I want them to spray me endlessly with their virility, and with an obedient nod, I bend over again, giving them full access to my most private parts.

  Both men chuckle again, and then go back to work. But this time, Ryan leans forward and kneads my tits as he works my nub, lapping it and then giving it a ticklish bite.

  “Mmmph!” I scream into the ball of cloth in my mouth. “Unnph!”

  It feels so good and I’m just about to pass out when both men get up behind me. Strong hands encircle my waist, holding me steady, and then a massive, dripping tip bumps against my hole.

  “Oh yeah, she’s wet,” groans one of them. “She’s so ready for it.”

  “Go for it then,” orders the other. Slowly, that enormous pole breaches my sensitive folds and I let out another muffled squeal as my kitty stretches uncomfortably. Raider is so huge that I’m literally lifted to my toes as he spears me, that enormous rod giving it to me good.

  “Fuck, she’s tight,” he breathes. “But it feels amazing.”

  With that, he pulls in and out a few times, making me moan and hum with pleasure. I never thought I’d be able to accommodate a man so huge, but here I am, doing it on my thirtieth birthday.

  But then he pulls out, and Ryan takes his place behind me. Just as before, a huge tip nudges my sensitive opening, and then slowly begins to make headway into my tiny tunnel. I squeal again, bracing my hands on the ground as my kitty is stretched so hard. But it feels amazing, and soon I’m moaning as Ryan pulls himself in and out, his balls slapping against my hard nub.

  “Fuck,” he groans. “Unnh, fuck.”

  I figure that we’ll keep doing this until both men explode. They’ll take turns using my hole, and then I’ll be flooded with their virility until it spills out of my body and drips down a thigh. But then Ryan stops for a moment, even as he’s still embedded deep within me. I turn to look a him over one shoulder, wondering what’s going on. His face is drawn with pleasure, his eyes closed as he focuses on something happening to him.

  Suddenly, realization hits. Raider’s behind him, and he must be giving it to Ryan in his back hole. We’re forming a chain of sorts, with Raider penetrating Ryan, and then Ryan penetrating me. It’s so dirty, and obviously Raider is having some trouble getting into Ryan because he’s tight and tiny.

  “I’m all lubed up,” he growls into Ryan’s ear. “Relax your ass. I’ve got lots of Amy’s fluids on me so it’ll go in just fine.”’

  Ryan pants behind me, his fingers reflexively gripping my waist.

  “Fuck, you’re big, my man. It’s been a while since we did this.”

  “It has,” grunts Raider. “But you’ve got the best boy pussy that I’ve ever sampled.”

  With that, Ryan lets out another huff, jolting forwards a bit, and I know it’s done. Raider’s buried entirely inside Ryan’s backside, and the three of us stay motionless for a moment.

  Holy shit, is this really happening? Am I engaged in a dirty threesome with two men who also enjoy one another? I brace my hands on the floor as Raider and Ryan moan melodiously in back of me.

  “Yes,” pants Ryan. “Oh shit.”

  “Hold on, lover boy,” growls Raider. “Here it comes.”

  With that, he pushes forward, and Ryan lets out another grunt. As Raider goes deeper into Ryan, it causes a chain reaction, and Ryan penetrates deeper into me. I squeal, his huge pole taking me to the depths of desire, and my breasts swing as a rhythm starts. Both Ryan and I are filled with hard stiffness, and we love it so much. Our rings contract and pulse, welcoming the deep pounds, and soon our cries fill the air with sounds of unbridled ecstasy.

  “Fuck!” shouts Ryan. “Oh shit!”

  I also scream into my gag.

  “Mmmph! Unnnh!”

  Meanwhile, Raider’s pounding away, his movements causing both Ryan and I to bounce back and forth with pleasure.

  “Shit fuck shit!” he rages. “FUUUCK!”

  Suddenly, all of us reach the peak and climax simultaneously. Fireworks go off before my eyes as the huge pole in my kitty explodes, painting my sweet channel with jets of virile white. I scream and squeal, clamping down on him while drawing that baby batter in deep to cover my ovaries. Meanwhile, Raider blasts into Ryan’s anus, pumping his come into his partner’s GI tract. Ryan, too, begins to contract his anal ring, unable to contain the tremors.

  “Unnnh,” he groans, his hands gripping my waist almost painfully. “Oh shit.”

  We pump and moan for what feels like hours. Both men dump huge loads, and by the end, there really is a stream of jism trailing down my thigh between our bodies. The goop is warm and sticky and I reach one finger back to test it. Oh god. I pop it in my mouth and it’s salty and sweet at once, and one hundred percent Ryan.

  Slowly, we disengage. My lover pulls out of me with a wet sucking sound, as Raider pulls out of him. Ryan moans as it happens, trying to steady himself even as his cheeks flex a bit. But Raider’s got his mind in the gutter because he turns to me with burning blue eyes then.

  “Sweetheart, have you ever heard of ATM?” he asks.

  I’m panting, sitting on the floor in a wet mess as my slit leaks male fluids. With a trembling hand, I pull my panties out of my mouth and clear my throat dryly.

  “I’m sorry? No, I haven’t.”

  He grins, still stroking his shaft. Meanwhile, Ryan’s leaning forward now while bracing his hands against the sofa back. He must be so tired from being pounded hard like that.

  But Raider’s not done.

  “That’s okay, honey. But do you see how Ryan’s leaking right now? Could you be a good girl, and lick that all up? I promise I’ve been eating well, and I think you’ll like it.”

  I stare at him, my mouth hanging open. Is the alpha male serious? Does he actually want me to lick his jism from Ryan’s back hole? Evidently yes, and Raider’s blue eyes gleam again.

  “It’s very nutritious,” he adds. “I think you’ll enjoy it.”

  My heart’s going a million miles an hour, but my mind and body are titillated because this is a night of breaking down barriers. Hell, I’m not just breaking them down right now. I’m pounding them to smithereens and grinding them into dust. I’ll never be the same after this.

  Like a hungry cat, I prowl over to where Ryan’s leaning over and gently nuzzle the crack in his behind.

  “Oohhhh fuck,” he growls, shifting his stance to give me more room. “Go for it, sweetheart.”

  I stare at him for a bit, watching as that violated pucker pulses with a few more contractions, leaking white goopy fluid. It looks good, to be honest, and as Ryan leans forward even more, tentatively I stick my tongue out and lap at those trashed pleats.

  “Mmm,” he moans deliriously, holding himself open for me. “Eat it all up.”

  “Yes, eat,” rasps Raider, watching with gleaming blue eyes. “Because this is the start of a whole new you, Amy. You’ll never be the same after this.”

  I certainly hope so, as I lean in for the feast. The goop is warm, salty, and oh so tasty as it courses down my throat. In fact, I can’t get enough and begin tunneling into Ryan’s backdoor, squeezing my tongue into that tight cavern.

  “Shit,” he moans again. “Fuck.”

  But I’m not surprised anymore. Being with these men has brought out a new, different side of me. It’s a side that I want to explore even more, and with Raider and Ryan’s help, hopefully I can become a new woman with a dirty past and even dirtier future.



  We’re sitting at a diner near our apartment, and Amy’s smiling at us. She looks absolutely gorgeous with that long blonde hair and curvy figure, but I force myself to look away for a moment. After all, the place is done up for Valentine’s Day, and it’s inc
redibly cheesy. Red and pink streamers hang from the ceiling, while big puffy heart balloons festoon the corners of each booth. Even the napkins are red and pink, and a smiling cartoon cherub stares at me from the wall, his arrow drawn and ready to strike.

  But the truth is, I’ve already fallen for Amy because in the few months we’ve been together, things have been amazing. After that dirty encounter at her apartment, Ryan and I talked it over.

  “We have to keep her,” he said as soon as we were back in our penthouse.

  I nodded.

  “Absolutely. She’s lush, curvy and so nasty too. She’s a keeper.”

  That was the extent of the conversation because we were in full agreement. Amy was ours, and we were going to make every effort to see her again.

  After all, it’s not often you find a blonde so giving and playful, yet so open and willing in the sack. Most women say they want to be with two men, but when it really happens, they’re overwhelmed. Maybe they’re just intimidated by our huge size, but a lot of times they lay back and look really nervous. Sometimes, they even cry. It can be a bad experience, for her as well as us.

  Amy, by contrast, was completely open and willing. When we broached the subject of bisexuality, at first we weren’t sure how she’d take it. Maybe she’d want to call the whole thing off and pick out some different guys from the service. That’d be fine, actually, and no skin off our noses. But instead, when we mentioned man-on-man action, I could see the way Amy’s bosom heaved and her blue eyes flickered. She was into it. She wanted to see me and Ryan get down.

  Plus, after letting us plow her, she actually licked my jism from my friend’s hole. That, you don’t come upon very often at all. ATM, also known as ass to mouth, is absolutely taboo for some ladies, and they’ll run screaming into the woods if you even so much as suggest it. But Amy was a different story, and after cleaning Ryan up with her tongue, she sat back to smile at us, licking the last drops of seed off her lips.

  “Mmm, that was good,” she hummed playfully. “I won’t need to eat my vitamins today.”


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