The Boyfriend Diaries: A Romance Box Set Collection

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The Boyfriend Diaries: A Romance Box Set Collection Page 54

by S. E. Law

  “It’s my dream come true too,” I say in a soft voice. “And sorry for the grilling, but yes, I’d love to. When do we start trying to get pregnant? Actually, I should probably walk to the drugstore for a home pregnancy test because I’m probably already pregnant.”

  The two men’s eyes flare, and they sit forward in the booth, their huge forms on alert.

  “Do you really think so?”

  I smile, a little shakily.

  “I do. It’s not for sure, but there’s only one way to find out, right? After all, both of you are virile, I’m fertile, and it’s just a matter of time. Do you want to go and pick up a test with me?”

  Immediately, Raider and Ryan are on their feet, their blue eyes blazing with urgency as their heads nearly brush the ceiling of the diner.

  “Let’s go,” rasps Ryan. “If you’re already pregnant, then it’ll be the happiest day of my life.”

  “Come on, sweet girl,” growls Raider, helping me to my feet. “I can’t wait to find out.”

  With that, we leave the diner and duck into the nearest drugstore for a pregnancy test. After all, we’ve settled the matter: my two lovers want me to be their baby mama and I couldn’t be more excited.



  I sit on the toilet with a smile on my face. The two men are outside, waiting impatiently. I can hear Raider and Ryan stalking about their bedroom while I wait for the indicator to change.

  Initially, they wanted to come into the restroom with me, but I shooed them out.

  “I need a little privacy,” I said with a smile. “I’m going pee. It’s not something you have to witness.”

  The two men fix me with intense blue eyes.

  “Don’t be embarrassed. You should never feel embarrassed about sharing anything about your body with us. Your curvy form belongs to us, sweetheart, and we adore it.”

  I nod happily because my two men always make me feel so attractive and desirable. But still. I don’t want them to watch me pee because it’s just not cute.

  “I will tell you as soon as I get the results,” I say. “Please, a little privacy. I promise I’m not going anywhere.”

  With that, the co-CEOs back off and I’m left alone in their lavish en suite bathroom. It’s gorgeous inside with a huge, pristine white tub with claw feet, a gray marble floor, and fixtures tinted a pale rose color. There’s also a separate shower stall, and a separate whirlpool bath, just in case you’d like the spa effect. The en suite itself is bigger than my apartment, and I can’t believe I’m so lucky to be dating such wealthy, generous men.

  But right now, I have a bit of me-time as I wait on the toilet, with the indicator at hand. What are the rules? I re-read the box. Oh right. A plus sign indicates that I’m pregnant, while a negative sign indicates that I’m not. It should be easy enough.

  Another rap sounds on the door.

  “Honey, is everything okay in there?”

  I smile. My men are so interested that it’s kind of cute.

  “Everything’s fine,” I call out. “I’ll let you know in a minute.”

  But the indicator isn’t showing anything yet, so I put it down on the counter and get up to wash my hands. While the cool liquid runs over my fists, I stare at myself in the bathroom mirror. Is that girl really me? It is, but somehow she’s different too.

  This Amy looks lush and confident, with a secret smile that comes of being adored by two men. This Amy has long blonde hair and a sparkle to her eye, knowing that she’s taken care of by two billionaire CEOs. This Amy has a spring to her step, and a glowing complexion that potentially indicates that she’s already pregnant.

  I smile at myself again, loving the changes in my personality. Then I dry my hands and peer down at the counter to stare at the indicator again. My eyes go wide and my mouth drops open. Oh my gosh, I’m pregnant.

  Immediately, I open the door and brandish the plastic indicator around like it’s a trophy.

  “I’m pregnant!” I squeal. “The two of you are going to be daddies!”

  Raider lifts me into his arms and spins me around, my blonde hair flying in an arc. Then he puts me down and holds me tight.

  “Sorry, sweetheart. With you being pregnant, I shouldn’t subject you to any sudden movements. Only cuddles from here on out.”

  I lift my lips to his for a kiss.

  “I hope you don’t mean that,” is my delighted coo. “I wouldn’t want to only cuddle with you guys. I’m hoping to do a lot more.”

  The two men laugh, and then Ryan looks down at the indicator again, marveling at the pink plus sign.

  “Holy shit,” he whispers. “It’s really happening. Should we put this in our bank vault as a keepsake? Or get it framed somehow?”

  I turn and give him a kiss as well.

  “You know what? You guys are just two big softies at heart. I thought only women liked to do things like preserve the pregnancy indicator, but the two of you have definitely picked up on that trend.”

  Raider’s and Ryan’s expressions go serious, as they hold me between those two large forms. I’m smashed between two walls of heavy, hard chest muscle, and two packages jostle me in my tummy and the small of my back as well.

  “You don’t understand, Amy. We’ve wanted a baby for a long time, and for it to finally be happening is out of this world,” growls Raider, his hands gripping my waist.

  “We’ve searched high and low for a woman, and to finally find you after almost two decades is a godsend,” adds Ryan emotionally. “Sweetheart, I don’t know how we can ever repay you. You’re going to be a mommy, and we’re so excited that this is finally going to happen.”

  I sling my arms around both of their strong, bronzed necks, bestowing kisses on those perfectly-sculpted masculine lips.

  “I know you’ve wanted this for a long time, and I’m happy to deliver,” is my passionate whisper. “But I’ll tell you how you can make it up to me. You can make me feel good, right now, right here.”

  Immediately, the men take me over to the bed and dump me on the mattress. My curves bounce and I look up at them with a teasing smile. But to my surprise, Raider and Ryan have already whipped off their clothes and are standing before me like two bronzed Greek gods. Their chests and abs are defined and look carved from a dark wood. Their hips are slim yet strong, with thickly muscled, powerful thighs. But it’s the tools that spring from their hips that make my mouth water. Holy cow. Ten inches each and dripping with need, I know a good thing when I see it.

  “I want to do Double V,” I pant. “I need both of you in me at once.”

  “Of course,” growls Raider, his blue eyes flashing. “Come on Ryan, Let’s get down on the bed.”

  His friend springs to life immediately, and the men both lay down so that their heads are in opposite directions. Their legs cross over one another in wide open Vs, and the two poles jut up into the air, pointing straight at the ceiling.

  “Closer,” I coo. “I want to do a double barrel too.”

  The men inch closer to one another on the bed until their ball sacks are touching. The lengths of their tools are flush against one another too, and my mouth salivates as I take in the sight. How did I get two gorgeous, hung men to agree to do this with me? I’m the lucky one here, even as I deliver pleasure to both of them.

  With a giggle, I strip off my clothes and in a matter of seconds, I’m nude before them, dressed in nothing but my long blonde hair.

  “Hey boys,” I purr. “Care to give me a good licking?”

  Both of them beckon to me.

  “Of course baby. There’s nothing we like to do more than to eat you out. Sit on my face,” commands Ryan, his voice harsh.

  Immediately, I get on the bed beside them, my curves glowing and lush. Swinging one thigh over his head, I lower my wet vee over Ryan’s mouth and then cry out as his talented tongue slicks itself over my slit.

  “Unnnh,” is my breathless moan. “Oh god, yes.”

  I bounce a bit, loving the hot slide of his
tongue tunneling into me, but then Raider gets impatient. My eyes open to see the two shafts literally leaking from their tips, and Raider beckons with a swift jerk of his hand.

  “My turn,” he grunts.

  Giggling, I move off Ryan’s mouth and scooch over to Raider so that I’m sitting on Raider’s face this time. My kitty’s already dripping, and Raider goes for the good stuff right away. His mouth fastens on my pulsing nub and I literally scream with ecstasy, jolts of pleasure running through my sensitive spot.

  “YES!” is my cry. “So GOOD!”

  Soon, I’m gushing in waves as Raider slurps it all up, but right before I let go, he pushes me off his mouth.

  “You’re lubed now,” he rasps. “Upsy-daisy, baby. It’s time for the Double V.”

  Still pulsing with restrained energy, I slowly move myself to the center of the two men, where their poles meet. Then I grip both poles in one small hand and part my thighs over their huge, purple helmets, directing the two clubs right into my sweetest spot.

  “Unnnh,” I moan. “It’s going to be tight.”

  “It is,” rasps Ryan, his eyes watching avidly as those two poles disappear into my kitty. “We know you can do it.” I can barely hear them as my body stretches to accept their masculinity. It’s difficult, but I’m loosened and warmed up already, so the shafts are able to make headway inch by inch.

  “Oh sweetheart, you feel so good,” groans Raider. “Fuck, it’s like you get tighter each and every time.”

  I can’t even speak due to the pleasure flowing through my veins. How in the world is this happening? I’m literally taking two massive monsters into my small slit right now, and it’s so dirty and naughty, that I can hardly believe it’s happening. But it is, and slowly, I inch myself down until finally, their shafts are planted deep within me.

  “Oh my gosh,” is my throaty cry. “Unnh!”

  “Now slip and slide up and down,” commands Ryan. “You can do it.”

  Heaving a deep breath, I obey. I slide up the combined poles, and then back down again, stretched to the max. My bosom bobbles and bounces, and my head tilts back as my mouth opens in a half-cry of ecstasy.

  “Unnnh,” is my slight grunt as the two shafts make headway. “Oh god, oh god.”

  The two men are excited, but they want me every which way. Double V isn’t going to be enough tonight, not knowing that I’m going to have their baby.

  “Sweetheart,” gasps Ryan, on the brink already. “Can you make the Double V into a Double A? I know we’ve never done this before, but I think you can do it. Use some of our fluids as lube.”

  My eyes fly open and the breath exits my lungs.

  “What?” I ask. “Are you serious?”

  This time, it’s Raider who nods, his face dark with need even as his mighty body quivers below mine.

  “A Double A is dirty, but you’ve already surpassed our expectations in so many ways, Amy. Do you think you could try it? You’re probably the only woman in the world who can accomplish something like this.”

  I mewl, sliding up again and then sliding down. Oh my gosh, I’m stuffed so full already. But can I take them both the back way, simultaneously? Is that even physically possible?

  Slowly, as I pulse up and down their poles, I reach a finger in back and brush it over my dark pleats. They contract, but it feels really good.

  “That’s it,” Raider growls, watching as I slide my digit inside that dark channel. “Finger yourself open, and then let yourself be taken by two clubs of steel.”

  His dirty words do it. I want this. I want to be the woman who takes both men in my backside, getting it deep in her GI tract. Slowly, I elevate myself until their poles pop out, and then rearrange my limbs so that I’m squatting over those huge shafts.

  “I can give it a go,” is my breathy promise.

  “Thank you baby,” growls Ryan. “Trying is all we ask for.”

  Once more, I grip both enormous poles in my hands, but instead of aiming for my kitty, I aim for my back door instead. It’s so wrong. No woman should be forced to do this, but the truth is that I’m not being forced. I love being nasty and intimate with my men, and as I press them against my bottom canal, a moan escapes my throat.

  “That’s it,” encourages Raider in a rasp. “You’ll get there.”

  The sight must be filthy because both men are leaking like crazy now, and my hand is completely covered in male goop.

  “Oooh,” I moan again. “You’re so huge, and I’m not sure that my bottom can take it!”

  “You can,” urges Ryan. “You were built for us, baby. Your body is being claimed by two daddies, and we want every hole.”

  With that, the two heads pop into my channel and I let out another throaty wail.


  Stars float before my eyes because it feels amazing. There’s so much fluid, and with some more straining and stretching, finally I get them both into my bottom until they’re balls deep.

  “Fuuuck,” grunts Ryan.

  “Hell yeah,” rasps Raider. “We knew you could do it, Amy. Only our special pregnant woman can take both of her men into her sweet ass. Now jerk us off with your hole,” he commands. “Give it to us until we explode.”

  Like a mare in heat, I nod and begin. I pull up, and then push down with my marble peach as both men begin to buck and groan. The motion continues and all three of us are being lifted to new heights. I wail with pleasure, my curves jiggling, as Ryan and Raider’s growls begin to grow louder and louder. I can literally feel them stiffening in my bottom and beginning to expand when it happens. With a groan, a spurt, and a sharp jerk, they both explode, spraying me with that heavenly baby batter.

  “Mmm!” I shriek, my own climax reaching a peak. I soar into the Heavens as my eyes roll back, showing the whites. Time seems to come to a standstill as I poise at the edge, before doing a swan dive into a sparkling sea of pleasure. “Unnnh, yes!”

  The two men continue jerking and spasming again and again while painting me with hot jets of man goop. They blast so much seed that it drips out from my canal, coating their balls before soiling the coverlet.

  “Unhh!” grunts Raider. “Shit!”

  “Oh yeah,” growls Ryan. “I had no idea it could be so good.”

  I literally can’t speak. Black descends before my eyes, and then it goes pure white and sparkles shoot from my core all the way to my fingers and toes. I feel like I’m floating before being struck again by a bolt of pleasure, mewling and panting with need.

  Finally though, we calm a bit and I pull off of them. As soon as they’re out of my hole, a gush of white spunk rolls out and spills onto the coverlet. I’m aching a bit, and wince, but Raider and Ryan jump up immediately. They disappear into the en suite before reappearing once more with damp washcloths in their hands. Raider presses his to my kitty, while Ryan tenderly ministers to my aching dark pucker.

  “Mmmm,” I moan. “I had no idea you guys were so affectionate.”

  Their blue eyes gleam and possession leaps into their eyes.

  “You’re our baby mama,” Raider growls. “You haven’t even seen possessive yet.”

  “Your body belongs to us,” agrees Ryan. “And now that you’re pregnant, you’re our most precious sweetheart, Amy. We’ll never let you go.”

  With that, I gather both men to me for a deep, passionate kiss even as they continue to minister to my curves. After all, I was built for them … and with a baby on the way, I can’t wait for more.



  Two years later.

  It wasn’t the easiest transition, but two years after getting Amy pregnant, I can say that the three of us have settled into a happy existence. After all, when Amy began to show, the questions at her day care started.

  “Who’s the father?”

  “Will you be getting married?”

  “Goodness, did you use a donor? Isn’t that expensive?”

  Some curiosity is understandable, and at first, Amy tried to
be very vague because she didn’t want to let on that she was seeing two men. She’d say something or other about how the pregnancy was planned, and how she was really excited to be a mother. But the inquisition just wouldn’t stop, and after discussing it with us, Amy decided to come out and state the truth.

  “I’m with two men,” she announced firmly to the shocked look of the other pre-school teachers. “Their names are Raider and Ryan, and they’re both the daddies.”

  But the questions didn’t stop even when she made this admission because in fact, Amy was carrying twins. If anything, the inquisition only became more intense.

  “Holy mother of god,” gasped a middle-aged teacher who’s never been married. “Is Raider the father of one baby, and Ryan the father of the other? How did you even manage that?”

  “Do you live with both of them?” squealed Hala, a new teacher who’d recently immigrated from Afghanistan. “In my country, only men have multiple wives, but with you, it’s the reverse.”

  “Are you even married?” demanded Nicole, the principal of the school. “Marriage is the ultimate validation, as you know. We encourage all of our teachers to get married before giving birth so that the child isn’t born out of wedlock.”

  I don’t know what rock Nicole crawled out from under because in this day and age, plenty of kids are born to unmarried parents. Plus, it was none of her business. What Amy, Ryan and I do is private, and we like to keep it that way. But to my girlfriend’s dismay, one day there was an envelope on her desk, and sure enough, she was being dismissed for “truculent behavior.”

  “What does that even mean?” she asked, later that night with tears in her eyes. “How was I truculent?”

  “You weren’t,” growled Ryan. “This is all a ploy so that they have some reason to fire you. They don’t love the fact that they have a teacher pregnant with twins, who’s currently in a polyamorous relationship. It’s “shocking” and “amoral” and “disgusting” to them, and that’s the real reason why you’re being fired.”


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