The Boyfriend Diaries: A Romance Box Set Collection

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The Boyfriend Diaries: A Romance Box Set Collection Page 58

by S. E. Law

  There’s a pinch of pain, but it only lasts for a second. Brandon pulls out slowly before gently pushing back in. He grips under my thighs and lifts my ass to rest more on his knees before retreating and driving back in, just a bit harder. I groan loudly, briefly wondering what the neighboring room is hearing. When he thrusts even harder and I moan even louder, I decide I don’t care.

  Kade walks on his knees closer to my face, my hand still pumping him in a broken rhythm. His hand closes over mine again as he taps the tip to my lips.

  “Open up,” he demands. God, it’s hot. I do as he says and prepare to take him into my salivating mouth.

  He works his length into my gaping throat and I feel the head hit the back of my palate. I focus on not gagging, but when I do he doesn’t flinch. I swallow around him and feel my throat adjusting. Kade draws back, then works slowly back in. When I have gotten used to the feeling, he begins fucking my mouth as Brandon slides in and out of my hole.

  My hands go around firm hips to grip at Kade’s toned backside, pulling his cheeks apart on every down thrust. I feel one of Brandon’s hands come to cover mine before I feel a chiseled jaw against the tips of my fingers. Brandon spits, and though I cannot see it, I can hear as he lubricates Kade’s asshole. His face is then pressed more firmly against my fingers and Kade’s cheek as I imagine him opening the hole with a prodding tongue. I moan at the imagery as Kade groans at the sensation.

  I feel the walls of my core begin to tremble and a tightness sitting behind my hips like a rubber band pulled taut. Brandon continues a steady thrusting motion into my center and seems to notice I’m close, as he brings a hand back to my clit. With the palm of his hand he rubs hard. With three swipes I’m screaming, the rubber band broken and my walls pulsing around his thickness.

  Oh god it feels so good, and I dissolve into waves of pleasure, moaning with ecstasy. Kade continues to pound into my mouth and the noise coming from my throat becomes warbled. I’m still coming – longer than I ever have on my own – and I feel the extra lubrication with every movement of Brandon’s hips. Both Brandon and Kade seem to sense when I’m getting sensitive, so they pull off. I’m left panting yet sated, my entire curvy form trembling with satisfaction.

  Kade climbs off of me and the bed, moving to stand next to Brandon.

  “Watch,” he says. I nod, anticipating about what is to come.

  Brandon kisses Kade heatedly before spinning him around, Kade’s back to Brandon’s front. A hand reaches around as Brandon strokes the other man.

  “You’re so hard,” Brandon breathes into Kade’s ear. “You’re so hot.” I’m not even a participant in this and I can feel myself getting aroused all over again.

  Kade climbs back on the bed and Brandon follows, never losing his grip on the length in his hand. They perch on their knees, stroking and touching, before Brandon pushes lightly at Kade’s shoulder and he moves to all fours.

  I watch as Brandon places sloppy kisses down Kade’s spine and licks down the crack of his ass. I’m fascinated – plus I don’t want to miss anything – so I sit up and move for a better view. I watch as Brandon plunges his tongue into Kade over and over again, both moaning and feeling the pleasure.

  Brandon straightens up and aligns his shaft with Kade’s ass. He beckons me closer with one hand as he focuses on stretching Kade open.

  “Touch him,” Brandon tells me.

  Sitting, I move one leg beneath Kade’s hovering torso and sneak a hand to his leaking shaft. I watch as Brandon buries himself inch by inch into Kade and can’t help but to release a groan of my own. Kade turns his face to me and smiles as Brandon begins thrusting and I keep pumping.

  “Get under me,” Kade says with that same authority that makes me drip.

  I maneuver on my back to lay beneath him, my legs on the outside of his thighs. With a skill I should have known he would possess, Kade lines up his dripping head with my entrance. With eyes locked, he slides into me with no resistance.

  I’m still soaked from my previous climax and the wet noise echoes around the room along with the slapping noise of Brandon’s thighs on Kade’s ass. Kade drops his head and reaches my lips for a dirty kiss.

  “I want you to come again,” he tells me. With Brandon slamming into Kade from behind, and Kade’s prick in me, the feeling is different from before. They work together with practiced ease to make it pleasurable. The look of unbridled ecstasy on Kade’s face is something that I could watch forever. I see a similar look on Brandon’s face over Kade’s shoulder and although I don’t know him, I find myself enjoying his enjoyment, too.

  It’s only minutes later when Brandon lets out a grunt, his hips stuttering as he spills into Kade. Seconds later, Kade follows, his seed filling me as he continues to thrust.

  “Come now, Jane,” Kade demands. “Now.” He tweaks a nipple between thumb and forefinger and slams his hips into me harder than before and I am screaming again, the waves of this climax deeper and longer than the previous. Stars burst before my eyes and my walls grip Kade’s shaft again and again, milking him dry as he spurts hot seed into my feminine depths.

  Finally, we level off a bit and I open my eyes to see Kade’s handsome face.

  “Holy shit,” I whisper, hoarse. “That just happened.”

  Kade and Brandon laugh, both of them dark, dangerous male animals.

  “Yeah, it did, sweetheart. Are you ready for more?”



  I look at the sweetly heaving girl beneath me, and then at my male partner. He’s huge, panting and still hard, even though he just spewed into my back end. I clench around him teasingly, and Brandon groans.

  “I knew that would be amazing,” I say in a low rumble.

  “I can’t even be mad at you for surprising me with it,” Jane confesses. Brandon and I share a look and a smile.

  “Kade told me about you and I knew it would be worth the shock,” Brandon tells her.

  “And what did he tell you about me?” she asks, brow raised in question.

  Brandon holds up a hand to tick items off his fingers as he says, “Gorgeous. Curvy. Great tits. Fantastic ass. Should I go on?”

  I see Jane’s eyes widen, as though she were not expecting such comments.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone say those things about me,” she says quietly.

  “You aren’t listening to the right people,” I interject, smiling at her. She gives me a stunning smile in return. I have to kiss it, so I do. That kiss starts the next round, which is just as satisfying as the first.

  When we’ve come down from the high and our breaths have returned to normal, Jane starts to get up.

  “I’ve got an early morning with Mattie, so I should head back to my room. She’ll be pounding on my door first thing,” she explains.

  Brandon and I nod, both rising from the mess of the bed to gather the clothes flung across the room. When Jane is back in her dress and Brandon and I have boxers on, we walk her to the door.

  “That was fun,” Jane says teasingly.

  “It was. Thanks for coming over,” I tell her. Brandon growls his agreement. We both step into her at the same time, each kissing a cheek. One of her hands finds my waist as the other wraps low on Brandon’s back.

  Brandon tilts Jane’s head to him so that he can kiss her sensually. I place light kisses along her neck as their lips meet. She then turns her head to kiss me just as thoroughly. Brandon takes the opportunity to kiss my still bare shoulder. I desperately want to drag the both of them back to bed.

  “If I don’t leave now, I never will,” Jane breathes out as we separate. I nod and move to get the door for her. Her thanks is near silent, but her smile no longer has the shy aspect that it once did. Plump lips pout prettily and I crave one more kiss – so I take it.

  “Bye,” Brandon says as she steps through the threshold. When the door has latched behind her, he turns to me with bright eyes and a wide smile. “That was a good night.” His voice is excited, despi
te his exhaustion.

  I can’t help but to match his smile, thoroughly agreeing as I press my mouth to his. The kiss doesn’t go deeper – it’s hard to with such big grins taking control of our lips. His hands grasp my shoulder blades in a hug as he brings his chin to my shoulder. My own hands rest on his lower back.

  “I really like her,” he tells me.

  “Me, too,” I agree.

  “You were right. She’s all of the things you said.”

  “Did you think I was lying?” I question with a chuckle. We separate and move to the bathroom together to wash off the night’s activities.

  “No, not lying,” he says thoughtfully. “It’s just hard to believe we found the perfect woman that easily.”

  I hum my assent.

  “Jane is pretty perfect,” I claim. “The fact that she practically just fell into our laps has to make it fate. Maybe just luck. Either way, I won’t complain.”

  I reach into the shower to turn on the water. We wait for the water to warm as we press gentle kisses to bare skin. Fingertips dust along muscled shoulders and down arms to grasp hands.

  When the shower is ready, we take our time getting clean. It remains innocent as we wash each other’s backs, too tired and sated for anything more. When we finish up and pull on fresh boxers for sleeping, Brandon and I strip the bed together and put on clean sheets before falling into the bed.

  “It was hot the way she just went with it,” Brandon picks up the conversation as we lie comfortably in the darkness. I grin.

  “Yeah. Can’t stop thinking about it?” I ask him with a small smile.

  “I don’t know if I ever will,” he confesses with a laugh. “It was that good.”

  “It was,” I say. “I especially liked the second round. Feeling those huge tits bounce as I thrust between them was otherworldly.” The second round involved a bit more exploration – something Jane was incredibly open to. The fact that she was a neophyte before our encounter has me biting my tongue. When I had suggested lubing up her Double Ds to slide my dick through her cleavage, the bright look in her eyes and smirk got me even more excited.

  “That was hot,” Brandon says, voice dropping low. “I’ll have to try it sometime.” There is silence for a moment before he breaks it. “Think we’ll get to do it again?” He’s biting his lip and I can sense the tension in his voice. We have never found someone that we clicked with so much before.

  I think on the question for a minute. I can’t imagine Jane not wanting to go again after tonight. It truly was good for all of us, which is something that can be difficult to attain when you aren’t familiar with one another. The answer seems obvious.

  “Yes. I’m sure we will.”

  Brandon smiles at me once more, before settling himself lower in the sheets. He turns to me for a brief peck before inhaling deeply.

  “Night, Kade.”

  “Goodnight.” As he falls asleep I stay awake, replaying the events of the night in my mind. It’s like a delicious movie in my head – one that starts to stiffen my shaft. Knowing I’m too exhausted for anything, I make an attempt to keep my thoughts reined in. It’s a challenge.

  My thoughts turn to the possibilities for the future. What will happen tomorrow? Will Jane come to our room again for a good time? Will it just be fun and games or could this be more? That is definitely something that we will have to talk to the curvy girl about. With my eyes drifting shut, the last vision in my head is of both Brandon and Jane as we embrace in the entryway. It’s something I could get used to.

  When the sun beats through the crack in the curtains the following morning, I stretch my legs out and lace my fingers with Brandon’s as they rest on my six pack. His even breathing tells me he is still asleep, so I turn to him to wake him. He’s always been a deep sleeper, so I start with a gentle caress. A press of lips to his chin, then cheeks has him stirring. When the kiss lands on his lips, he responds with returned pressure.

  “Morning,” he says, voice rough with sleep.

  “Morning,” I growl.

  I let him wake up a bit more before anymore words are spoken. When his eyes open, he’s the first to break the silence.

  “How long have you been up?” he asks.

  “Just a bit,” is my vague reply. “I wanted to talk to you.” A dark eyebrow raises in question.


  “Jane.” I say simply. “Now that we’ve slept on it, what do you think about her on long term basis?”

  The look on his face is all I need to know. We want her desperately, and hope she wants us back.



  I wake up feeling an ache that I’ve never felt before. I’ve read about this ache – I’ve written about this ache, in fact – but actually feeling it myself is new. It’s a satisfying throb that brings a smile to my face. Stretching out my legs beneath the sheets pulls at muscles I’ve never used before. I release an undignified groan as I flip the rumpled sheets from my body and sit up on the edge of the bed.

  I can’t help but smile as I think back on the events of last night. I feel like a new woman. Not only did I have sex with possibly one of the hottest men on this planet, but I had sex with one of the other hottest men on the planet at the same time. Holy shit.

  Like any sensuous woman, I’d imagined how losing my V-card would go. Never, ever, did I imagine that it would have been like it was last night. That was amazing. I don’t know how any other future experiences could compare. Kade and Brandon know what they’re doing.

  Even though I showered last night when I returned to the room, I head to the bathroom to clean up again. I had very vivid dreams last night and the evidence is slicking my inner thighs. When I’ve washed again and wrap myself in a fluffy hotel towel, my phone vibrates with an incoming text on the nightstand.

  It’s Mattie telling me to meet her for breakfast downstairs. And of course, she tells me to leave the jeans in my room and choose another dress to wear. Today, I’m not dreading the idea of wearing something curve-hugging though. I feel sexy and more confident than ever before, so I slip on a black, knee length dress and head down to meet Mattie.

  The lobby is packed with various convention-goers, both writers and fans alike. I look through the crowd to spot my leggy blonde friend, finding her just as she lifts a hand to wave at me from her seat. After grabbing a plate of the hotel’s offerings, I take the seat opposite Mattie.

  “Hey girl!”

  My unusually chirpy morning greeting has her looking slightly surprised, but she returns the sentiment anyway.

  “You’re unusually happy for seven thirty a.m. on a weekend,” she remarks, brow raised in silent question.

  “It’s a good morning,” I say simply, knowing she is wanting more. I’ll tell her everything eventually, but I feel like dragging it out for a bit.

  “Something is different,” she claims, eyes scanning over me with lips quirked to the side in thought.

  “Yes,” I admit with a smile.

  “Are you going to tell me?” She’s basically begging and I can’t help but grin. “Come on! Tell me!” she demands. I openly smile and laugh at her enthusiasm.

  I can feel the blush rise in my cheeks as I look around to make sure no one is eavesdropping on our conversation. I clear my throat before leaning a bit over the table and whispering, “I had sex last night!”

  “What?!” Mattie all but shrieks, and I cringe down into my seat as I feel eyes on us.

  “Could you be any louder?” I complain in a hushed yell.

  “Sorry. I wasn’t expecting that,” she looks around and sees that all of the intruding eyes have turned back to their own business.

  “I wasn’t really either, to be honest,” I say with a chuckle.

  “Who was it?” she asks, thankfully in a hushed tone this time.

  “Um. Our male model, Kade,” I admit. Mattie’s eyes go wide. “And his boyfriend, Brandon,” Her jaw nearly unhinges at this. It’s at least a full minute of her gaping at me until I k
ick her under the table, my face bright red and heat crawling down my chest.

  Mattie opens and closes her mouth several times, as though she cannot find the words.

  “I’m – what?” Her dumbfounded look has me laughing.

  “Which part?” I ask, knowing she heard me. Her question had nothing to do with me needing to repeat myself.

  Finally finding her voice, Mattie whispers excitedly, “You got your cherry popped by not one – but two – men!” I feel the heat return to my cheeks, biting down on my lips as I realize the truth to the statement.

  “I mean…yes? Although Brandon technically popped the cherry, Kade came after him.” The huge grin that spreads across Mattie’s lips has me smiling bashfully in return. “God, it was so hot. I really, really liked it. And I have no idea why they chose me. They’re both model gorgeous. Like super, super sexy…and I’m just me. I’m not the prettiest girl around. It was kind of crazy.”

  “Yeah, you’re you,” Mattie says, patting my hand. “You’re the nicest girl around and you’re gorgeous in your own way. A lot of guys find your curves really sexy – apparently Kade and his partner agree!”

  I blush and thank her – she really is a good friend.

  “I have so many questions,” she admits.

  I laugh. “Ask away!” She knows I’ll tell her anything she wants to know.

  “So where did this guy Brandon come from?”

  I shake my head.

  “I don’t know. I guess he must have accompanied Kade to the convention, and we just didn’t notice. I think he’s sharing a hotel room with Kade.”

  Mattie’s jaw drops to the floor again.

  “Wait. So Kade is bisexual? And this new guy is too?”

  I nod.

  “It’s hot.”


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