The Boyfriend Diaries: A Romance Box Set Collection

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The Boyfriend Diaries: A Romance Box Set Collection Page 62

by S. E. Law

  I groan, thinking I had escaped my humiliating past.

  “Probably not exaggerated at all. It was so embarrassing.”

  “Come on,” Brandon says. “It could have been worse!”

  “I got trashed on two drinks, left the party, and ended up hitting on my English professor in a parking lot,” I say dryly. “It’s pretty bad.” Both Brandon and Kade laugh again.

  “Yeah, but you didn’t know he was your professor,” Brandon teases.

  “Not until I walked into my first class Monday morning and saw the guy I propositioned standing at the front of the room.” They laugh again. “Glad you find me so funny,” I say with a giggle of my own. “That was a long semester, to say the least. It was sooo awkward.”

  “Must have been a hell of an English teacher,” Kade says. “He must have been attractive, and he taught a best-selling novelist to boot! Who would have guessed?”

  “Yeah, yeah,” I say, taking a big gulp of my wine. Brandon laughs at my reddening cheeks. “Remind me never to leave either of you alone with Mattie ever again.” Kade and Brandon chuckle in low tones.

  When the laughter dies down and my face returns to its natural color, Brandon raises his glass.

  “A toast,” he begins. “To us. To the romance convention that brought us together. The laughter that we share. And the future we have in front of us.”

  “Cheers!” Kade joins in from across the island, raising his glass with a tilt.

  “Cheers,” I clink my glass against Brandon’s, the dark red liquid sloshing about inside. My smile nearly overtakes my face and my whole being feels warm with joy.

  This is what pure bliss feels like. My happily ever after is within my grasp for the first time ever, and I have no plans to let it go. I sip from my glass and lean a head onto Brandon’s shoulder, smiling gently at Kade as he flips the salmon. It’s perfect contentment, and I’m so lucky to be with these two men.

  After all, true love finally happened for me, the nerdy romance novelist. I used to feel like I was living a lie. I wrote steamy scenes, but had no personal experience with them myself. Now, I’ll never have to lie again when a fan asks me about my inspiration. My handsome alpha males, Kade and Brandon, are all the inspiration I’ll ever need.



  Two years ago, my life changed forever. A romance convention unlike any other led me to meeting my two favorite men, Kade and Brandon. In those two years, I’ve learned more about myself than I ever thought possible. I fell in love with both men equally. Plus, my career completely took off. It’s a level of success I only dreamed about, and I can attribute a lot of it to the support of my guys.

  Kade and Brandon have been amazing. I moved from Poughkeepsie and into the loft so that we could be together full time. Going to sleep at night and waking up surrounded by warm, muscled bodies is something I will never tire of. Last year, we decided to go public with our unconventional relationship. It was a little scary, putting ourselves on display, but we were surprised at the level of support we received.

  To Kade and Brandon’s shock, the membership at Muscle Nation didn’t care that the owners were bisexual. In fact, the LGBT movement is in full swing and our lifestyle seems to be of no concern to most people. We spent a year hiding in the shadows and all I can say is: never again. We have no intentions of ever burying our feelings in public. It’s liberating to be out in the open with our love, even if occasionally, it gets some odd looks.

  As I finish writing a sentence on my laptop in my latest novel, I hear the front door open.

  “Jane?” calls a low male voice. It’s Brandon. I save my work and leave my office, greeting him in the kitchen.

  “Hey, handsome,” I say, running hands over hard biceps and leaning up on my toes to land a kiss to full lips.

  “How was your day?” he asks, pressing his lips to mine once more before pulling back for eye contact.

  “Productive. I got a few chapters done.”

  “Does that mean you can take a break with us tonight?” he adds with a wink so that I know what a break really means. I laugh softly at the question.

  “For my men? Absolutely.” I give him a big smile, kissing him once more. The door opens again, and Kade strides through with a grin on his perfect lips.

  “Lovers,” he greets. “Can I get in on this?” Brandon and I open an arm to him, pulling him into us as soon as he is within reach. Kade lowers his head to kiss me first, then turns to do the same to Brandon. I run hands over muscled backs as they kiss, watching from my low vantage point.

  When they pull away, Kade’s lips return to mine as Brandon kisses a line down the cord of his neck. Almost as though they belong to one person, I feel one hand, then two, gripping my ass, squeezing and kneading. The gasp I release into Kade’s mouth is the opening he needs to slide his tongue in. It’s a tangled dance that he quickly dominates.

  As I continue to kiss Kade, my hands work to the front of Brandon’s shirt, removing each button from its hole efficiently. When I reach his undershirt, I ruck it up slightly to get my hands on hot skin, dragging nails over the dips and lines of hard muscle. When Brandon leans back to tug his shirt from his shoulders, my hands go immediately to Kade’s to accomplish the same job.

  When both men are completely shirtless, I tuck a few fingers in the front of their pants and tug as I walk backwards to our shared bedroom. They both grin mischievously, clearly happy with the slight change in roles for the time being. The tides turn once we reach the bedroom – something to be expected with my two alpha males. Brandon immediately reaches for the hem of my shirt to yank it over my head while Kade goes for the button of my jeans, rucking them down my legs.

  When we are all free of our clothing, Brandon sits on the edge of the bed, Kade leaning down to kiss a chiseled jaw. From my position to the side, I reach between the bodies to grasp Kade’s length in my hand, tugging and pulling to get his shaft to stand at its full thickness. I do the same for Brandon, leaving one hand to cup and play with Kade’s balls. Both men groan at the work of my hands.

  “Your turn,” Brandon says, looking to me as Kade travels down his body with sloppy kisses. When Kade’s mouth envelops Brandon’s length, he sighs out. The visual is incredible. I love being with two hard, hung men, and love it even more when they enjoy each other’s bodies.

  But right now, they want me to be in on the action.

  “Come here, Jane,” beckons Brandon in a rasp. I climb up on the bed and his hands grasp for me, tapping one knee to indicate that he wants my center over his face. I smile, excited for what’s to come.

  With both knees on either side of Brandon’s head, he licks into me. The moan I release is filthy, but I know the guys like it, so I don’t shy away from the noises coming from my throat. Hands grasping the headboard in front of me, I shamelessly grind on Brandon’s mouth. His hands help to guide me where they hold on to my ass, his tongue plunging deep into my depths. Suddenly, I feel a prodding at my back and feel hands around my hips.

  Kade has left his position sucking Brandon off and rests on his knees behind me. One hand remains on my hip while the other cups my sex, his middle finger dipping into the wetness between my lips. With the tongue pushing into my hole and the pressure of Kade’s finger on my clit, I come with a near silent scream, the climax like waves crashing over me. My legs feel like jelly, but I try to keep from collapsing on Brandon’s face. Kade holds me up by my hips, guiding me to lie down next to them.

  “Switch?” Kade asks Brandon, who gives up his spot so that Kade can get on his back. I roll to my side so that I can kiss Kade while Brandon works his mouth over his dripping dick. Kade suddenly sits up, pulling on my hand until I’m seated in his lap, my back to his front. Brandon has taken a step back to appreciate the view as Kade arranges us so that he can enter me swiftly. I rise up on my knees slowly and quickly slam my hips back down, the slap of our skin echoing in the bedroom.

  Kade groans as I moan, his deep bass harmonizing with m
y own alto. Brandon kneels before us jerking on his length, lips parted and panting.

  “God, you two are so fucking hot,” he grunts. I continue sliding up and down Kade’s shaft, smiling wickedly at Brandon.

  “Watch,” I husk out, another small role reversal making its appearance. His eyes zero in on my wet heat, my own fingers parting soaked lips for his viewing pleasure. I circle my clit slowly as Brandon comes closer, his hand furiously pumping over his leaking dick. He leans forward to place a single kiss on my clit causing a shiver to run through me, edging me closer to my second orgasm.

  When he pulls back, his hand grips my hair and brings my head down to his shaft. Kade continues to guide me over his own length as I take Brandon’s into my mouth. With hands planted firmly on the mattress, I bob my head and hum, the vibrations causing Brandon to let out a deep groan. His hugeness hits the back of my throat and I swallow around him, taking him deep. One more hum has him exploding in my mouth, his salty release filling my mouth and running down my throat.

  “Take it all,” he says, continuing to thrust with his hand still firmly gripping my hair. I love the demand and swallow every drop he offers. Kade seems to appreciate the vocalization as well, as the rhythm of his hands on my hips stutters. It’s just a few more pumps before I feel the heat of his come filling my center and running down my legs, a grunt following.

  Brandon leans down to my heat once more to suck a hard kiss into my clit and I follow them into oblivion. I collapse off to the side and feel Brandon slide between my legs to take over clean up duty, his gentle tongue licking the combination of me and Kade from my lower lips. It takes several minutes, but I feel my arousal return.

  “Mmmm,” I moan with sleepy pleasure. “You’re sugar and spice. Both of you make things so nice.”

  The two men chuckle.

  “Aren’t you getting us mixed up sometimes?” asks Kade contentedly. “I swear, sometimes I’m Sugar, but sometimes I’m Spice too.”

  I lick my lips lasciviously, as if tasting them all over again.

  “I guess I’ll have to sample you once more to tell,” is my coy smile. “Is that okay?”

  Both men are already hard again, their enormous poles jutting in the air.

  “Of course, sweetheart,” growls Brandon, gesturing at his leaking pole.

  “Have at it,” adds Kade in a guttural groan as my mouth surrounds his shaft. This time, I suck them both with a fervor I’ve never felt before. My kitty is pulsing and hot, and the two men stroke and rub it as I lick their stiff shafts. The pressure builds, and then with a deep scream in my throat, all three of us climax at once. The two men fill my mouth with their exquisite tastes, and I gulp it all down even as my kitty quivers with glee.

  Finally, I pull off them, wiping at my chin.

  “Sweetheart, you have a smear on your cheek,” says Brandon in a low voice. “Here, I got it,” he says, gently stroking my jaw.

  I smile at both men.

  “I have it all figured out now. You’re Sugar, Brandon, and you’re Spice, Kade. But really, you taste best when you’re mixed in my mouth,” I say wickedly. “Look.”

  I part my lips, and sure enough there’s a mess of hot, thick soup there. I giggle again as the men groan.

  “You’re going to be the death of us Jane,” growls Kade.

  I giggle again.

  “Actually,” I start. “I don’t think I will be. But I think someone else will.”

  Brandon and Kade grow still, looking at me.

  “What is it, sweetheart?” asks Brandon.

  “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” questions Kade, his blue eyes flashing.

  I nod.

  “Yes. I’m pregnant with your baby, Kade and Brandon. We’re going to be parents!” Huge smiles cross their faces as they hear my confession.

  “We’re going to be daddies?” Kade asks in a hush, tears filling his eyes.

  “We’re going to be daddies!” Brandon exclaims, excitement causing him to practically shake.

  “You’re going to be daddies,” I confirm, my eyes filling with tears at their happiness.

  They laugh out loud, moving closer to me to rest their heads on each breast, arms wrapped fully around one another.

  “We’re a family,” Kade comments.

  “Yes. A family,” I say with contentment, the word sounding perfect to my ears. I’ve never felt more whole. These men and the baby growing in my womb – they’re my family. I never thought I’d be so in love with my life, but it goes to show that being open to what fate throws your way is the best way to experience unimaginable happiness. At least, that’s what happened to me with the sweetest sugar and spice that I’ve ever tasted.

  More in the Sweet Treats Series

  The two cherry farmers are plucking Courtney’s cherry this season in Her Juicy Cherry, available here.

  It was a Prom Night gone wrong, but the handsome alpha male came to my rescue in Forbidden Fruit, available here.

  Italian stallions know just how to please Melissa in this tale where the meat meets the pasta. Her Italian Wedding is available here.

  Who falls in love with her friend’s dad and stepdad? Read Marni’s story in Her Honey Pot, available here.

  If you like washing machines that go thump and MMF bisexual romance, then you’ll love Naomi’s story, Please and Tease, available here.


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  Next up: A Sneak Peek of Her Italian Wedding. Are Italian stallions really bigger and better than other men? There’s only one way to find out.

  The Naughty Party

  By S.E. Law

  Sign up for my mailing list and get a free book here!

  About This Book

  I met him at a naughty party where people do more than just *play.*

  My friend invited me to a party one summer.

  It was supposed to be just another shindig with drunk boys and lots of beer.

  But when I got there, my eyebrows went up because this wasn’t just any get together …

  This was a party where people were doing *that* in full view.

  My jaw dropped to the floor.

  My inhibitions flew out the door.

  And soon, I was doing *that* too. Hunter’s got wide shoulders, a broad chest and a Tall Boy that makes my mouth water.

  OMG, it was so wrong.

  How could I?

  But now, it turns out that Hunter’s my stepbrother.

  What do we do?

  Crank up the A/C because Frankie’s world is being blown away by a raunchy party in the small town of Granite Heights. She meets the gorgeous Hunter, but will things work out when they realize they’re soon to be related by marriage? Read and find out! No cheating, no cliffhangers, and always an HEA for my readers.



  “You’re joking, right?” I ask, half-wondering if I misheard her and half-wondering if all the non-stop partying has finally made Jenny lose her mind completely.

  “Come on, Frankie,” she says, a wicked grin already spreading on her pretty face. “Don’t tell me it doesn’t sound interesting.”

  “‘Interesting’ isn’t the word I would use, Jenny,” I reply, hoping my tone conveys my skepticism. Interesting is how I would describe a new exhibit at the art museum. Interesting is how I would describe last semester’s class on the ancient Roman legal system. It’s not, however, the word I would use to describe a massive house party being thrown on the other side of town, on a night I would normally spend catching up on my Netflix queue and drinking my weight in Diet Coke.

  “You’re seriously not even a little curious?” Jenny presses, staring at me with her big blue eyes. Jenny Pack has been my best friend since grade school, the vivacious counterpart to my more reserved personality
. As time has passed, that difference between us has only seemed to grow, but that hasn’t stopped us from remaining fast friends through the cliques, drama, and gossip of first middle, and then high school. And now she’s doing exactly what she always does: trying to rope me into her shenanigans.

  “Jenny,” I say, leaning back on the couch, “just because you don’t want to go by yourself, that doesn’t mean you’re dragging me along.”

  “Hey, I never said that,” Jenny protests, feigning offense as she sweeps a lock of platinum blonde hair out of her face. She’s curvy, like me, and carries her weight like a plus-size model. I, on the other hand… Well, let’s just say there’s a reason I haven’t ever gotten naked in front of a guy before.

  “No,” I reply, examining my nails, “but you were going to. You were gearing up for it. I can tell.”

  “Damn, Frankie,” she says, crossing her arms, “you really know how to take the air out of my sails, do you know that?”

  “Well, someone has to,” I shoot back, grinning at her, and she returns my smile.

  For all our differences, Jenny and I banter as well now as we did when we were kids. I think that’s part of the reason our friendship lasted after high school. We’re opposites, but in a way that complement each other. Jenny is outgoing and vivacious, whereas I’m nerdy and introverted, but it works out. We still have a lot of commonalities, even though I left for college while Jenny’s stayed here in our hometown.

  Plus, college has been a boon to me. I’ve always been fascinated by history for as long as I can remember. Back in school, when the other kids were doodling in textbooks and passing notes, I was always the one asking questions, writing things down, and engaging with the material. That’s not to say I’m a genius by any means, but it was what solidified my desire to go to college somewhere with a killer history program. I ended up leaving my childhood home to study at Berkeley, while she stayed here in Granite Heights to attend community college and party her ass off.


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