The Boyfriend Diaries: A Romance Box Set Collection

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The Boyfriend Diaries: A Romance Box Set Collection Page 69

by S. E. Law

  “No,” I say. “I just… I wasn’t sure if… I mean, I…” Damn it. My nerves are getting the better of me again. He still has me tongue-tied every time I see him.

  Hunter chuckles.

  “You’re adorable, sweetheart.”

  I shake my head, rubbing my forehead.

  “I’m glad you think so.”

  “So what do you say?” he asks, reaching across the table to take my hand. “Do you want to try this? You and me, as a real couple?” A thoughtful expression crosses his face. “I never thought I’d hear myself ask a girl that.”

  “I never thought I’d get asked that,” I respond. I squeeze his hand, meeting his gaze, and whatever nervousness I felt before melts away as I look at him. “But the answer is yes, Hunter. I’d like that.”

  He grins and leans across the table, capturing my lips with his. I close my eyes and lean into the kiss, not caring about the fact that we’re in a restaurant, not caring about the fact that we were almost step-siblings, not caring about any of it.

  It’s time to move forward together, and I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. Our lips meet, and my heart sings. Who would have guessed? I’m now dating the handsome man I met at a naughty party, and together, Hunter and I will explore the future.



  “How are you feeling?” I ask Frankie, glancing over at her. We’re sprawled out on the couch in my Manhattan apartment, the late morning sunlight streaming in through the window. It’s a Saturday, and I’m done with work for the weekend. Having an assistant has made my life so much easier, and it’s given me more time to spend with Frankie.

  My wife.

  It still doesn’t sound real when I think about it, and we’ve been married for almost six months. I guess that’s how most newlyweds probably feel, but most newlyweds didn’t have the rollercoaster of a relationship that we did.

  “I feel pretty good, actually,” Frankie smiles, looking up at me. “No morning sickness today.”

  “I’m glad to hear it,” I say, reaching out to put a hand to her stomach. The only thing crazier about being married is expecting a baby. Once, not long ago, the idea of settling down with a woman seemed like a foreign concept, the kind of thing other, more normal people do. People who don’t go to taboo parties.

  Then again, that’s all in the past. Neither Frankie nor I ever went to another illicit party after we became an official couple. Her friend Jenny did, and still does, as far as I know – she’s a wild one, but the scene suits her. But the two of us are past that stage of our lives.

  “What are you thinking about?” Frankie asks, closing her book and setting it on the coffee table. “It’s not more work stuff, is it?”

  I chuckle.

  “No, thankfully. Actually, I was just thinking about how we met.”

  She smiles with pleasure.

  “It’s hard to believe that was two years ago. I was still in college then.” Shaking her head, she lets out a sigh. “Weird, how time flies.”

  “Our parents would say the same,” I say, grinning.

  “Oh, god,” she says, making a show of putting her head in her hands. “Don’t remind me.”

  “Hey, at least they waited for us to get married before getting engaged again,” I remark. “It feels a little less odd now.”

  “I think it helps that we tied the knot before them,” she says, nodding. “Either way, I’m happy for Gertrude and George. They seem like the real deal this time. They’ve made it this far, after all.”

  “I hope so,” I say, sweeping her with my eyes. She’s glowing, with the baby and with love. “I know that we’ve made it, and we’re the real thing.”

  “Gee, you think?” she asks teasingly.

  I cock an eyebrow at her.

  “Why? Do you want me to prove it to you?”

  “Hmm.” She bites her lip coyly, and I feel that inevitable stirring of desire in the pit of my stomach. “I wouldn’t say no,” she says, giving me a mischievous smile.

  “Your wish is my command,” I reply, smirking, and lean in to kiss her. The curvy girl sighs happily, melting into my touch, responding to my movements the same way that she did two years ago, that first time at the party. Except this time there’s no nervousness on her part, no self-consciousness about her body, and nothing but love as she begins to tug at my t-shirt. I let my hands wander to her breasts, pausing just long enough to pull her shirt off and toss it onto the floor.

  No bra. I can’t resist leaning down to let my lips close around a perky nipple, and she sighs with pleasure as I slide my other hand between her legs. She’s already wet for me, and her panties come off easily, allowing me ample time to tease her clit with my finger.

  “Fuck,” she moans, throwing her head back as pleasure begins to sweep through her.

  “I’m sorry,” I say, letting a finger dip into her as I continue my ministrations, “I didn’t catch that.”

  She laughs.

  “You’re such a tease.”

  “I know,” I say, pressing my lips to hers for a moment, savoring the feeling of her tight kitty around my finger. I could keep doing this forever, basking in the sensation of having her close to me, moving my mouth to her neck to suck a hickey there. But I can tell as she begins to buck her hips that this isn’t enough for her, and I’m happy to oblige.

  Pulling my hand away, marveling again at how wet she is, I wriggle out of my boxers, already rock-hard underneath. She lies back on the couch, and I urge her legs apart with my hand as I line up between them. My eyes flash up to meet hers for a moment before I push inside her, eliciting a delicious moan as she feels me stretch her open around me. I groan at the sensation, savoring it for another moment before beginning to move.

  Frankie locks her legs around me as I pick up the pace, not having to worry about being too rough, since she’s only a few weeks pregnant. Continuing to thrust into her, I lock my eyes on her face, tracing over her cheek with my hand, down to her perfect red lips.

  “Hunter,” she moans, bringing a hand up to tangle in my hair.

  I let out another groan in response, waves of pleasure already coursing through me. It’s not long before her breaths have turned into gasps as she desperately pulls me against her, tightening around me more with every moment that passes. Soon she’s coming, moaning my name all the while, and the sound of my name on her lips is enough to make me come undone, too.

  “Fuck!” I roar. “Oh shit!”

  I come inside her in a rush, my hands everywhere on her body, my movements stuttering and ragged as the climax hits me all at once. Hot seed shoots into her, and like a good girl, she drains me of every drop. We remain motionless for a while, catching our breaths before I pull out of her. Slowly she sits up, running a hand through her dark brown hair.

  “I guess you meant it, after all,” she says teasingly.

  “Damn right, I did,” I agree, pulling her body against mine. Our skin is flushed and sweaty, but it couldn’t matter less. “And I’ll say it as many times as I have to. Meeting you changed my life, Frankie Fordham.”

  “It changed mine, too,” she says quietly, looking at me. There’s a pause before she speaks again, sounding thoughtful. “Not your typical love story.”

  “No,” I agree. “But it’s ours.”

  With that, our lips meet again because this woman and this baby are mine. We began as stepsiblings, but that ran its course, and now I’m proud to call Frankie Fordham my wife, my love, and my everything.


  More from S.E. Law

  I fell hard for my fiancé’s gorgeous father. Taboo? Absolutely. But our chemistry is off the charts in My Fiancé’s Dad, available here.

  Who falls in love with her friend’s dad and stepdad? Read Marni’s story in Her Honey Pot, available here.

  Even worse, I decided to fall in love with both of my mom’s ex-husbands. It’s filthy, but I still like calling them “Daddy.” About My Daddies is available here.

let him enjoy me the first time we were together, and now the billionaire wants more. Trailer Park Daddy is available here.

  My prom night was a disaster when I caught my boyfriend cheating on me with my best friend. But the older man made it all better in Forbidden Fruit, available here.

  Getting pregnant? A big deal. Getting pregnant by your handsome, hands-on personal physician? An even bigger deal. And don’t forget, he has a business partner who loves being in on the action as well. Playing with Her Doctors is available here.

  After I blackmailed my dad’s best friend, the alpha male swore revenge. But what we didn’t expect was the attraction between us … and now we’re having a baby. Pick up Blackmailing My Dad’s Best Friend here.

  My dad’s boss caught me in a naughty position, and now he says that I have to let him enjoy my curves. Sound delightful? Then you’ll love Blackmailed By My Dad’s Boss, available here.


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  Sneak Peek: Blackmailed By My Dad’s Boss


  Tammy breaks into her dad’s workplace, only to be discovered by her dad’s handsome boss in a compromising position.

  I’ve been lying in bed for hours, too wired to fall asleep. My parents asked so many questions tonight. It’s like they knew I was about to do something insanely stupid once they were both asleep. Then again, they seem to have a sixth sense for nonsense that I think comes with parenthood. Who knows? Either way, it made me extremely nervous. I just hope they didn’t pick up on that.

  But I need to stop thinking and get moving. It’s late enough that I know Mom and Dad are long since asleep. I left an already packed bag in my car, so I won’t have to lug a bunch of heavy equipment with me. After all, the goal is to make as little noise as possible as I leave the house. Stepping out of my room, I tiptoe downstairs, feeling like a thief.

  It’s time to do something reckless.

  Okay, so my idea is something that many people would consider totally stupid and idiotic. But my reasons for this fool’s errand are justifiable. It’s not like I’m doing this purely out of morbid curiosity or because I’m trying to steal stuff. But what I’m about to do is still technically a crime. And if I’m caught, I just might go to jail. Because of this thing called “trespassing,” which is part of my plan.

  So it would be best if I don’t get caught…

  Oh golly, I can’t believe I’m about to break into Brick Productions. My dad has worked at Brick as a video editor for years. He’s been with them almost since the very beginning, when CEO Brick Barrister founded the place. Lucky for me, Dad’s seniority means I’m familiar with the company, so I know its approximate layout. I used to tag along with my dad on days when I didn’t have school or when he wanted to show me something new and cool.

  I guess what I’m doing is technically called “breaking in,” but then again, who’s keeping track? It isn’t going to be hard, but that doesn’t make the activity any less criminal. I just have to make sure not to get my dad, or myself, into any trouble. Legal or otherwise. My family would be devastated if I went to jail.

  Focus. I need to stop thinking about how illegal what I’m doing is and just get on with it. It’s important to turn these thoughts into actions because if I can get this audition tape made, I might be able to finally achieve my lifelong dream. Besides, I’m not really breaking in because I’m using my dad’s key. I’ll just consider my actions as coming in during off-hours without informing anyone and using property that isn’t mine without permission – but only briefly and while being careful not to destroy anything. Sounds reasonable, right?

  I pull into the parking lot, and turn off my headlights. Then, I tiptoe towards the building, avoiding the main entrance. Instead, I head over to the side door. I take out my dad’s key and quietly, let myself into the building. Not wanting to make any excess noise, I take the stairs and tiptoe to one of Brick Production’s many sound stages. I try not to breathe. There probably isn’t any night staff around these parts, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.

  The studio has top-notch equipment, which is key. They have video cameras that literally cost as much as a house, as well as fancy sound equipment and lighting of various sizes and strengths. I’m making an audition tape for Fantastic Florists, a new reality show, and this equipment will help me produce something professional-quality.

  After all, I used to watch an educational TV series about plants called Flower Power when I was a kid, and the show fueled my interests in everything floral. My childhood dream was to be one of the assistants on the show, but it was canceled right after I got started in my career.

  So when a new show, Fantastic Florists, was announced recently, it felt like a sign. I have massive stage fright, but I’m putting all of that behind me because the prize is $50,000. Imagine what I could do with fifty big ones! I could open my own floral shop, which I’ve dreamed of doing for ages. It would be so great to beautify the community while interacting with customers every day.

  I’ve scrutinized the numbers. Having my own outfit is definitely possible if I use the 50K prize wisely.

  Plus, I’ve gotten so much experience while working at Greener Thumb, a local shop in downtown Merryton. I’m practically running the place, to be honest, and it makes me feel proud yet resentful because I hate my current boss, Abigail.

  It wasn’t always like this. When I first interviewed for the position, Abigail was all smiles and really sweet. Even my first few weeks on the job were pretty great, but she revealed her true colors in time. She has this way of getting under my skin. She loves throwing around her authority and acting like just because she signs my paycheck every other week, she can do whatever she wants. I haven’t been able to quit because I really need the money, but this reality show just might be my ticket out. It’s time for me to strike out on my own in the floral industry.

  But first, the audition tape. Upon arriving at the sound stage door, I use my dad’s keycard to buzz me in. This causes about five seconds of anxiety when I realize that I don’t actually know if these things work at night. Thankfully, the door clicks open without protest. Once inside, I switch on the light. It illuminates the room, and I gasp at the sound stage before me. Everything here is so professional.

  Cameras, booms, mics, lights – literally everything is within reach. Brick Productions is a film production company, and they make all kinds of movies, including documentaries, thrillers, Hallmark-type holiday romances, and indie films. I haven’t seen all of their productions, but I have watched my fair share. They do good work.

  But now it’s my turn to make something stellar.

  I brought a huge tote bag full of my supplies. There’s already a table set up in front of the camera, so I don’t have to find one myself. Convenient.

  Reaching into the bag, I take out scissors, shears, ribbon, vases, and some flowers – all tools of the trade. It’s everything I’ll need to make the perfect audition tape. I quadruple-checked this bag before leaving the house; I wasn’t about to let tonight be ruined because I forgot to bring the right flowers or the perfect ribbon.

  I need to nail this audition, which I’m sure will happen. After all, I’ve practiced this an infinite number of times in front of the mirror. I’ve remade my audition arrangement so many times, I’ve started to dream about it every night.

  I just need to be confident.

  My dad showed me how to use all of this fancy camera stuff a while back. He’d thought it was a fun way for us to bond. I enjoyed our days together, toiling with tape decks and editing software, even if it was just a casual hobby for me. I’m not saying I could shoot an Academy Award-winning film, but I should be able to produce a decent tape tonight.

  I lay out all of the tools before me, making sure they look nice and neatly arr
anged. I don’t want the judges to have any reason to reject me. I’m going to do such a good job that they have to choose me.

  Then I do some last-minute adjustments to my hair and clothes. I didn’t bring my makeup with me because I knew if I had, I would get concerned and redo my makeup, which would put me back by an hour. Instead, I finished my makeup at home, opting for a soft, natural look. Enough to keep the lights from washing me out, but nothing too drastic.

  I feel ready to start recording, so I press the little button under the table. It’s connected to the camera pointing toward me, and I see the little red light blink a few times before going solid.

  I take a deep breath and whisper to myself, “Okay, Tammy, you can do this.” Then I look directly into the camera, putting on my biggest, brightest smile.


  “Hi! My name is Tammy Thompson, and I’m applying to be a contestant on Fantastic Florists!” I pause; I didn’t like that intro. I’d sounded too peppy. I want them to see me as enthusiastic, but not too eager. That’s ok, though. I can just redo the intro. It’s really not that hard. Editing out the parts I don’t like will be easy-peasy. Resetting myself both physically and mentally, I start again.

  Just keep it light and breezy.

  “Hi! I’m Tammy Thompson, a florist from Merryton, NY. Today, I’m going to do an original floral arrangement.” I’d thought a lot about what I wanted to do for my audition tape. The theme of the competition is Expressions of Love. I kept wondering what I should do and ended up landing on the promises of a brand-new love.

  “The prompt for this competition said love, but there are many different expressions of love. After sitting with my thoughts for a while, I thought it might be exciting to go with the theme of a novel romance. I’m going to start with variegated pittosporum as the foundation for the arrangement. It sounds fancy, but it’s really just a simple plant.” I place the shrub on the table, already in the appropriate receptacle for the arrangement. Pittosporum is one of my favorite foundations for an arrangement. It doesn’t take away from the main attraction, the fragrant and gorgeous flowers.


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