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The Exile

Page 81

by Adrian Levy

  escorting Amal to OBL’s location, here

  exhaustion of, here, here, here, here, here

  family recruited by Osama as couriers, here

  as Mokhtar’s media deputy, here, here

  as OBL’s companion, here, here, here, here

  as OBL’s courier, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  plan for bringing Hamzah to Abbottabad, here

  quitting his position with OBL, here, here

  recruits brother Abrar to serve OBL, here

  resignation from service to OBL, here

  search for Saad bin Laden, here

  transfers OBL to family home, here

  ultimatum to OBL and planning an exit strategy, here

  U.S. tapping cell phone of, here

  Ahmad, Maryam

  in Abbottabad, here

  and Abbottabad raid, here

  Amal as friend, here, here

  CIA listening to phone calls of, here

  escorting Amal to OBL’s location, here

  ISI interrogation post-Abbottabad raid, here

  in Kutkey, Shangla, Pakistan, here, here, here, here

  leaving Abbottabad for trip to Shangla, here, here

  OBL’s identity discovered by, here

  post-Abbottabad raid, here, here

  Qazi (Abbottabad Commission) denied access to, here

  return to Abbottabad, here

  Ahmad, Rehma, here, here, here

  Ahmed, Mahmud

  fired from ISI chief position, here

  as ISI chief, here

  post-9/11 in Pakistan, here

  post-9/11 negotiation with Taliban, here

  and Robert Grenier, here

  and United States, here

  and U.S. Predator drones, here

  in Washington, D.C., on 9/11, here, here

  Ahmed, Nadeem, here, here

  Ajmi, Hajjaj al-, here

  Akbari, Hajji Ali, here

  Akhtar, Qari Saifullah, here

  Ali, Liaqat, here, here

  Aliwi, Riyadh Katei, here

  Amir Hotel, Tehran, Iran, here

  Amman, Jordan

  Abu Ghaith’s arrest in 2012, here

  hotel bombings in 2005, here, here, here, here

  and Humam al-Balawi, here, here

  Maqdisi and Zarqawi imprisoned together, here

  Maqdisi’s fatwa from jail, here

  Zarqawi’s sentencing, here

  “anal-rehydration” torture technique, here, here, here

  Ansar ul-Islam, here

  anti-drone technology, here, here

  Armitage, Richard, here, here, here, here

  Asharq Al-Awsat, here, here

  Ashcroft, John, here

  Aslam, Mohammed, here, here

  Asma, al-Adel, here

  Asoray Village, Pakistan, here

  Assad, Bashar al-, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  As Sahab, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Asset Imtiaz. See Ghul, Hassan

  Asset X and Mokhtar, here, here

  Athar, Sohaib (@ReallyVirtual), here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Atiyah. See Rahman, Atiyah Abd al- (aka Sheikh Mahmud)

  Atta, Mohamed (9/11 hijacker), here, here

  Attarzadeh, Heshmatollah, here

  Aurakzai, Ali Jan, here, here, here, here

  Awlaki, Anwar al-, here

  Axis of Evil speech, effect of, here, here, here, here, here

  Azhar, Masood, here, here, here, here. See also Jaish-e-Mohammed

  Aziz, Amir, here

  Azzam, Abdullah

  as co-founder of Al Qaeda, here, here

  death, here

  fallout with OBL, here

  influence on OBL, here

  influence on al-Suri, here

  “Azzam the American” (Gadhn, Adam), here

  Badat, Saajid, here

  Baghdadi, Abu Bakr al- (Ibrahim Awwad Ibrahim al-Badri)

  background, here, here

  condemned by al-Maqdisi, here

  declaration of caliphate, here

  executions of Western civilians, here

  and formation of ISIL/IS, here

  as head of IS, here, here, here

  undermining Al Qaeda leadership, here

  war with Nusra Front/Al Qaeda, here, here

  Baghdadi, Abu Umar al-, here, here, here

  Baheer, Ghairat, here, here, here, here

  Bahri, Nasser al- (Abu Jandal), here, here, here, here

  Bahri, Tayez, here, here

  Bajwa, Asim, here

  Bakos, Nada, here, here, here, here

  Bakr, Hajji, here, here, here

  Balawi, Humam al- (Abu Dujana al-Khorasani), here, here, here

  Bali, Indonesia, backpack followed by car bomb, here

  Balochi, Ammar al-, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Barmal, Afghanistan

  as Zubaydah’s base, here, here, here, here

  Batarfi, Ayman, here, here

  Begg, Moazzam, here, here

  Begum, Zaitoon, here

  Bennett, Gina, here, here, here, here, here

  Beqaa Valley camp, Lebanon, here

  Bhutto, Benazir, and Musharraf, here

  Bin’ali, Turki al-, here, here, here, here

  bin Attash, Walid “Silver,” here, here, here, here, here

  bin Hammad, Naeem, here

  bin Laden, Aasia (daughter), here

  bin Laden, Abdullah (son), here, here, here

  bin Laden, Abdul Rahman (son), here, here, here, here, here, here

  bin Laden, Allia (mother), here, here

  bin Laden, Amal (wife)

  in Abbottabad, here

  background, here, here, here

  CIA dossier on, here

  comforting children during Abbottabad raid, here

  during Abbottabad raid, here, here, here, here

  father of, begging her to leave OBL, here

  ISI trial, here

  in Jeddah, here

  in Karachi, here

  leaving Karachi to be with OBL, here

  living in Kutkey, Shangla, Pakistan, here, here, here, here

  living with OBL in Shangla, Pakistan, here, here, here

  and Maryam as friends, here, here

  move from Kohat outskirts to Kohat, here

  OBL’s decision to marry, here, here

  post-Abbottabad raid, here, here

  snubbing by OBL’s other wives, here

  trip with OBL to meet Khairiah, here

  wedding, here

  bin Laden, Bakr (brother), here

  bin Laden, Carmen (sister-in-law), here

  bin Laden, Fatima (daughter)

  background, here, here, here, here

  in Iranian prison, here, here, here, here

  in ISI safe house, here

  marriage to Ghaith in Iranian prison, here

  post-Abbottabad raid, here

  bin Laden, Hamzah (son)

  and Abbottabad, here, here, here

  Atiyah’s description of, here

  background, here, here

  becoming politically active, here, here

  CIA dossier on, here

  emerging from five years of training, here, here

  goal of being a mujahideen, here, here, here, here

  in Iran, here, here

  in Iranian prison, here, here

  in Karachi, here

  letter to OBL from prison, here

  OBL’s instructions post-prison, here, here, here, here

  at Al Qaeda training camp, here

  in Qatar, here

  released from Iranian prison, here

  bin Laden, Hussein (son), here, here, here, here

  bin Laden, Ibrahim (son), here, here

  bin Laden, Iman (daughter), here, here

  background, here

  bin Ladens detained in Iran, here, here, here

  escape from Tourist Complex, here, here

  reunion with Najw
a, here, here

  in Saudi Embassy in Iran, here

  separated from mother, here, here

  bin Laden, Khadija (daughter)

  attempting to move to Abbottabad, here

  background, here, here, here, here

  and bride for Khalid, here, here

  death of, here

  possessions left by, here, here, here

  bin Laden, Khairiah (wife)

  in Abbottabad compound, here

  during Abbottabad raid, here

  accusation of complicity in Abbottabad raid, here

  background, here, here, here

  in Iran, here

  in Iranian prison, here, here

  ISI trial, here

  in Karachi with her children, here

  and Maryam, here

  OBL bidding goodbye to, here

  OBL’s concern about her release as an Iranian-CIA plot, here, here, here, here

  and OBL’s plans for 9/11 anniversary, here

  and OBL’s treatment of children, here

  post-Abbottabad raid, here

  reaction to Amal as fourth wife, here

  released from Iranian prison, here

  route for reaching Abbottabad, here, here, here, here, here, here

  bin Laden, Khalid (son)

  background, here

  during Abbottabad raid, here

  Daood’s letter about drone strikes, here

  and Hamzah, here

  and Karima, his long-term fiancée, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  letter about bin Laden family treatment in Iran, here

  OBL working with in media center, here

  ordering travel documents for OBL and himself, here, here

  traveling 300 miles back to OBL, here

  bin Laden, Ladin (son)

  background, here, here

  in Iranian prison, here, here

  OBL taken as soldier when nine years old, here

  in Qatar, here

  released from Iranian prison, here

  watching the sky for U.S. planes, here, here, here

  bin Laden, Miriam (daughter)

  in Abbottabad, here

  and Abbottabad raid, here, here, here

  background, here

  ISI trial, here

  and OBL, here

  OBL says she will marry Daood, here, here

  bin Laden, Mohammed (son)

  background, here

  escape from Tora Bora, here

  in Iranian prison, here, here

  post-Abbottabad raid, here

  in Qatar, here, here

  released from Iranian prison, here

  at Tora Bora for U.S. attack, here

  bin Laden, Najwa (wife)

  background, here, here, here

  development problems of children born to, here

  exhaustion after 11 children, here

  horror at seeing her son carrying weapons, here

  and Iman’s escape from Iran, here

  and Khairiah, here, here, here

  leaving OBL, here

  and OBL’s treatment of children, here

  Omar pleading with her to leave OBL, here

  and Omar’s wife Zaina, here

  in Qatar, here

  in Tehran to claim Iman from Saudi embassy, here

  bin Laden, Omar (son)

  background, here, here

  as businessman, unsuccessful, here

  call from Othman after eight years in prison, here

  disagreements with OBL, here

  and Iman’s escape from Iran, here

  post-Abbottabad raid, here

  in Qatar, here

  at Tora Bora with OBL, here

  warning about Islamists run amok after death of OBL, here

  and Zaina, here, here

  bin Laden, Osama (also the Sheikh; OBL)

  background, here, here, here

  on 9/11, here, here

  in Abbottabad, here

  during Abbottabad raid, here, here

  and Abu Ghaith, here

  al-Adel on recklessness of, here

  anger of followers for reign of terror in Iraq, here, here

  attraction to caves, here

  building Tora Bora, here

  CIA search for, here

  cowardly nature of, here

  death of, during Abbottabad raid, here

  escape from Tora Bora, here, here

  eulogy for Sheikh Saeed, here

  and family showing up in Iran, here

  Ghul sharing information about, here

  hiding out in Ghazni post-9/11, here

  illness keeping him housebound, here

  in Karachi, here

  and Kuwaiti brothers eviction of him and his family members, here

  letter to Hamzah, here

  living in Shangla, here, here, here, here

  and Mokhtar, here, here

  Najwa leaving him, here

  plans for tenth anniversary of 9/11, here, here

  post-9/11 messages to the United States, here, here, here

  prolific media output, here, here

  response to Planes Operation idea, here

  trips outside of Abbottabad compound, here

  on U.S. crises, here

  video diary implicating himself, here

  and Zarqawi, here, here, here

  bin Laden, Osama, family of

  as actors in the pageant of jihad, here

  deportation from Pakistan, here

  evacuation from Jalalabad to Pakistan, here, here, here

  instructions to blow themselves up, here

  in Iranian prison with shura members, here, here, here, here

  in Karachi with Mokhtar, here

  move to Kandahar on 9/10, here

  negotiations to free from prison in Iran, here, here

  and OBL, here, here, here

  OBL’s concern about their release as an Iranian-CIA plot, here, here, here

  post-Abbottabad raid interrogations by ISI, here

  as soldiers, here

  at Star Wars camp during bombing, here

  traveling to Iran, here

  wives’ reactions to Amal as fourth wife, here

  See also specific children; specific wives

  bin Laden, Abdallah (Daood’s and Khadija’s son), here, here, here

  bin Laden, Aisha (Daood’s and Khadija’s daughter), here, here, here, here, here

  bin laden, Fatima (Daood’s and Khadija’s daughter), here, here, here, here, here

  bin Laden, Osama (Daood’s and Khadija’s son), here

  bin Laden, Othman (son)

  background, here

  beating Abdul Rahman, here

  escape from Tora Bora, here

  in Iran, here

  in Iranian prison, here, here

  in ISI safe house, here

  on jihad, here

  post-Abbottabad raid, here

  post-Tora Bora assignment in Pakistan, here

  in Qatar, here, here

  released from Iranian prison, here

  at Tora Bora for U.S. attack, here

  bin Laden, Saad (son)

  background, here

  death of, here, here

  developmental problems, here

  escape from Iranian prison, here

  in Iran, here

  in Iranian prison, here, here

  in Karachi, here, here

  letter to OBL, here, here, here

  letter to Wafa, here

  Mokhtar using for fundraising effort, here

  bin Laden, Safiya (daughter), here, here

  bin Laden, Seham (wife)

  in Abbottabad, here

  background, here, here

  CIA dossier on, here

  on Daood’s death, here

  and impending eviction from Abbottabad, here

  in Jeddah, here

  in Karachi with her children, here

  and Khadija’s death, here, here

  and Khairiah’s arriv
al post-prison, here

  and Khalid’s prospective bride, here, here

  and OBL’s treatment of children, here

  reaction to Amal as fourth wife, here

  reuniting with OBL, here

  bin Laden, Sofia (daughter-in-law), here

  bin Laden, Sumaiya (daughter), here, here, here

  in Abbottabad, here

  during Abbottabad raid, here, here, here

  ISI trial, here

  bin Laden, Wafa (daughter-in-law), here, here, here, here, here, here

  in Khartoum, here

  bin Laden, Zainab (daughter), here, here

  bin Laden, Zaina (daughter-in-law, Jane Felix Browne), here, here, here, here, here, here

  bin Zeid, Ali, here, here

  Bissonnette, Matthew, here, here, here, here. See also Abbottabad raid; Red Squadron, SEAL Team Six

  Black, Cofer, here

  Boal, Mark, here, here

  Book of Tribulations (bin Hammad), here, here, here

  Brennan, John, here, here

  Bush, G.H.W., here

  Bush, G.W.

  beginning war in Afghanistan, here

  on capture of Zubaydah, here

  closure of black sites, here

  on Crocker, here

  describing torture as safe and lawful, here

  FBI warning of impending attack, here

  Khalilzad appointment, here

  and Musharraf, here, here, here, here

  OBL and Mokhtar celebration when elected, here

  pressure to end torture program, here

  Saif al-Adel’s response to GW’s plans for Iraq, here

  State of the Union address (2002), here

  Bush, G.W., administration

  and information leading up to Iraq war, here

  and Musharraf, here

  terrorist surveillance program, here

  Call for Global Islamic Resistance, The (al-Suri), here, here, here

  Camp Chapman, Balawi’s suicide bomber mission at, here, here, here

  Cartwright, James, here

  Chamberlin, Wendy, here

  Cheema, Umar, here

  Cheney, Dick, here


  and Abbottabad compound, here, here, here, here

  and Abbottabad DNA samples, here

  accusation of Abbottabad raid as collaboration with Iran, here

  Asset Imtiaz (Hassan Ghul), here, here

  Asset X, here, here

  Bakos, Nada, here, here, here, here

  and Balawi as asset, here, here

  Bennett, Gina, here, here, here, here, here

  CIA/ISI joint raids and arrests, here, here, here, here, here

  detention of Mokhtar’s children, here

  on the ground in Afghanistan, here

  hunt for OBL, here

  interrogations report, here

  and Khan, here

  leaks about Abbottabad raid, here

  magic box, here

  monopoly on documents collected in Abbottabad, here

  Panetta, Leon

  background, here

  processing information from Al Qaeda, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here


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