The Exile

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The Exile Page 85

by Adrian Levy

  and Abbottabad Commission, here

  blamed Musharraf for Bhutto’s death, here

  corruption charges, here, here

  elected president, here

  government at odds with ISI, here, here

  and Islamabad hotel bombing, here

  and Mumbai terror attack, here

  and Raymond Davis, here, here

  undermined by ISI-Taliban alliance, here

  Zarif, Mohammad Javad, here, here, here, here, here

  Zarqawi, Abu Musab al-

  background, here, here

  beheading Western hostages, here

  biography of, here

  building an Al Qaeda force on Iran/Iraq border, here

  complaints about within Al Qaeda, here, here

  death of, here

  in Evin Prison, Tehran, here, here

  father-in-law as suicide bomber, here

  as hero in his hometown after Powell’s speech, here

  and Iran, here

  and Maqdisi, here

  and Mahfouz, here

  plan to declare Islamic State in Iraq, here

  Powell uses to make Al Qaeda–Saddam connection, here

  proposal for merging Al Qaeda and Tawhid al-Jihad, here, here

  and Al Qaeda, here, here

  and Al Qaeda refugees in Iran, here

  terrorist attacks in Iraq, here

  and Tora Bora, here, here, here

  wives, here, here, here, here

  Zawahiri, Ayman al-

  and 9/11 plans, here

  angry video to Bush after attack on Damadola, here

  background, here

  and Bakr’s fight with Julani, here

  on battle of police and Taliban at Lal Masjid, here

  on hatred for U.S., here

  hiding out in Damadola, Pakistan, here

  on IS and Al Qaeda, here

  leaving Shakai for Bajaur, here

  letter to Zarqawi intercepted by U.S., here

  and Mahfouz, here, here

  and OBL’s post-9/11 message, here

  as OBL’s successor, here

  post-9/11 message to the U.S., here

  post-Tora Bora assignment in Pakistan, here

  ruling on homosexual gang rape, here

  at Tora Bora during U.S. attack, here, here

  training new recruits, here

  upgrading Al Qaeda communications system, here

  video address post-Abbottabad raid, here

  and Zarqawi, here

  Zawahiri, Azza, here

  Zero Dark Thirty (movie), here, here

  Zubaydah, Abu

  background, here, here, here

  and 9/11 terrorist attacks, here, here

  asking to be released from Guantánamo, here

  capture and recovery from bullet wound, here

  at CIA’s Rabat detention center, Morocco, here

  at CIA’s Strawberry Fields detention center, here

  CIA tracking via cell phone number, here

  and decision to hide OBL’s family in Iran, here, here

  diary contents, here

  evacuation from Kandahar to Pakistan, here, here

  evacuation of Al Qaeda women and children from Kandahar, here

  and evacuation of women and children from Kandahar, here

  on Guantánamo experience, here

  hatred for U.S., here, here

  in Lahore, Pakistan, here

  and James Mitchell, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  and Mokhtar, here, here

  moved from detention center in Thailand to Poland, here

  on OBL’s escape from Tora Bora, here

  and Riyadh capture by CIA, here

  Soufan’s interrogation, here, here

  tortured by CIA, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  transfer to Guantánamo, here

  Zubaydah, Hesham Abu, here, here

  Note on the Authors

  Cathy Scott-Clark and Adrian Levy are acclaimed investigative journalists and the authors of several books, most recently The Siege: 68 Hours inside the Taj Hotel. Their other books are The Meadow: Kashmir 1995—Where the Terror Began, Nuclear Deception: The Dangerous Relationship between the United States and Pakistan, The Amber Room: The Fate of the World’s Greatest Lost Treasure, and The Stone of Heaven: Unearthing the Secret History of Imperial Green Jade. For sixteen years they worked as foreign correspondents and investigative reporters for the Sunday Times and the Guardian. In 2009, the One World Trust named them British Journalists of the Year, and they won Foreign Correspondents of the Year in 2004. They have coproduced documentaries that won at the Amnesty International Media Awards and have been longlisted at the BAFTAs. They live in London.

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  First published 2017

  © Cathy Scott-Clark and Adrian Levy, 2017

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  ISBN: HB: 978-1-62040-984-8

  ePub: 978-1-62040-985-5


  Names: Levy, Adrian, 1965–, author. | Scott-Clark, Cathy, 1965– author.

  Title: The exile: the stunning inside story of Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda in flight / Cathy Scott-Clark and Adrian Levy.

  Description: New York: Bloomsbury USA, 2017.

  Identifiers: LCCN 2017008379 | ISBN 9781620409848 (hardback) | ISBN 9781620409855 (ePub)

  Subjects: LCSH: Bin Laden, Osama, 1957–2011. | Terrorists—Biography. | Terrorism. | Bin Laden, Osama, 1957–2011—Family. | BISAC: HISTORY / United States / 21st Century.

  Classification: LCC HV6430.B55 L48 2017 | DDC 958.104/6092 [B]—dc23 LC record available at

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