Cultivating Chaos 2

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Cultivating Chaos 2 Page 29

by William D. Arand

  Reaching into his robe, Li-Yong felt around for something and then pulled it out.

  Holding his hand out to Ash, he opened it, displaying a silver medallion.

  It only took a fraction of a second for Ash to feel Gen’s Qi inside of it. The whisper of killing intent that could explode into hurricane force at a moment’s notice.

  “He’s mimicking what the Deng did. No sense wasting good ideas,” Locke said, then laughed.

  “Thank you, Master Li-Yong,” Ash said and then bowed his head again to the older man. “Your insight has saved me from asking a rude thing of you.”

  Chortling softly, almost like a frog croaking, Li-Yong shrugged his shoulders and tucked the medallion away.

  “We survived the Deng and then crushed them. We’ve all learned from their treachery,” said Li-Yong. “Gen more so than all of us. Let’s go.”

  Turning, the older man left the tent quickly, causing Ash to jog a few steps to catch up to him.

  Passing through the camp that was clearly in the early stages of packing up, Ash followed along behind Li-Yong.

  Feeling more clear-headed than he had in a number of days, Ash was wondering what exactly Rou had done to him.

  “It was Rou and Chunhua together, actually. Chunhua used a great deal of Qi to cleanse your Meridians, followed by Rou healing and repairing things. You overworked your body, Chosen One,” Locke informed him. “They repaired enough damage to your body that the injuries would have taken months to heal on their own. They passed out shortly after they finished, about an hour ago.

  “You owe them quite deeply. If I were you, I’d make them the first and second wives in the morning, bed both, and make sure they can never escape you. They will be essential to us later.”

  You tell me to bed everyone. Even those not in my ‘inner harem’ as you call it.

  “I do. I think you should bed everyone who allows it. Spread yourself far and wide. Bind them all to you,” Locke agreed. “Work your way through them, several beds at a time. I know for a fact that there’s a number of pills one can take that’ll give you the… stamina… required. A lot like the little blue pill, but with no side effects. We’re already taking half of what’s required just with the lightning vine.”

  Are you serious? You’re seriously telling me to just become a man-whore?

  “Yes? Yes. Yes, I am, Chosen Whore. Whore yourself out to all those lovely cultivators who would welcome you to their bed with open legs,” Locke said. “And open arms. But the legs are the important part.”

  You’re awful.

  “No, I’m realistic. No one would bat an eye at you playing musical beds and, actually, they are far more concerned that you’re not,” Locke said. “In fact, it’s a little weird to them.”

  It’s not that I don’t want to, I’m just afraid that it’d hurt Moira and Mei.

  “It won’t. Ask them. Then when you get your answer, dive dick first into the harem,” Locke commanded.

  Ash rolled his eyes and nearly ran into Master Li-Yong as he came to a stop thirty feet beyond the perimeter of the camp and its watch.

  “They will arrive shortly. I will be here, but hidden. See if they will boast at all. Fools love to boast,” Li-Yong said before he vanished from sight.

  “He’s still there. Simply covering himself in his Qi and diverting everything around himself. I can sense him only because I know to look now,” Locke offered before Ash could ask. “And yes, I’ll begin watching for this in the future as well, now that we know of it.”

  Standing there, Ash felt somewhat like a fool.

  A fool waiting for the butcher’s knife to fall on his neck.

  Unable to help himself, he began tapping his fingers against his legs, wondering if he should probably be doing something else.

  If maybe he should go fetch Moira and Tala just in case.

  “They’re straight ahead of you and coming quickly.”

  Oh, right. Thanks.

  “What?” asked a voice in the dark out ahead of Ash a minute later.

  “I decided to wait for you,” Ash proclaimed, jumping straight to the part where he’d taunt them. With any luck, they’d taunt him back or do as Li-Yong said.


  “I mean, with how inept the Inner Sect is, I think we knew you were coming before you did,” Ash said, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “Three of them,” Locke announced. “Two in front of you, one to your left. They’re highlighted. All three are peak Mortal Refiners with high talent abilities.”

  Turning his head, Ash looked at the red outlined figure to his left.

  “You should probably just join the other two. It’ll be easier later,” Ash suggested.

  Slowly, the red highlight stood up from the deep crouch they were in. They had been mostly concealed by tall grass and the lack of moonlight.

  “You’ll die screaming,” said one of the three.

  “And your mother, sisters, and cousins will beg for more as I’m drilling them,” Ash said casually, waving a hand in the air. “Could we move to the killing you violently part? You’re boring me. Are you really the best the Inner Sect could send? Surely they could have sent an actual master.”

  Growling, one of the two shadows in front of him took a step forward.

  “I’ll tear your head off and take it back to Master Peng himself as proof,” said the second.

  “Ah. So you’re just puppies and the masters couldn’t come for themselves. How sad. I thought I was worth more in their estimation,” Ash said and then sighed dramatically, holding his arms out to his sides. “That or the masters are terrified I might actually beat them.”

  “They fear nothing! Nothing! They’re too busy killing your own master and his useless cronies,” said one of the shadows.

  “Right,” Ash said nodding his head. “Uh-huh. You just keep believing that. Because the Deng family did so well at that and they were clearly stronger than the Inner Sect. It’s why they hid in their area and didn’t stick their heads out. Terrified they might get slapped by the Deng.”

  “The Deng were no better than you are, just flies and puppies!” shrieked the shadow on Ash’s left. “They didn’t listen and paid the price for it. Just as you will.”

  “Got it. To clarify, you were sent by the Inner Sect, Master Peng knows of this mission, they’re actively trying to hunt Gen and his security forces, and the Inner Sect was behind the Deng defection,” Ash said, ticking the points off on his fingers. “I’d say that’s more than enough to go to the sect leader with. Wouldn’t you?”

  “This and that are of no matter,” said one of the shadows in front of Ash. “He’ll be dead soon enough, too.”

  “Great. I guess that ties it all up,” Ash said, then put his hands on his hips, waiting for Li-Yong. “Okay, go ahead then.”

  “We will and—”

  The two shadows in front of Ash lost their heads.


  Their bodies locked up and fell backward. The black hoods that had covered and still held their heads rolled off their shoulders and tumbled to the grass.

  The third shadow had a moment to twitch before its head also dropped away from its shoulders.

  “I’ll return to Gen and let him know what we’ve discovered,” Li-Yong said, not having revealed himself again. “You must travel back to the sect as quickly as you’re able.”

  There was no sound of Li-Yong leaving, but Ash had the feeling the man was already practically flying back to Gen.

  “Yes, he’s very fast. Let’s loot the bodies and go back to the tent. Wake Rou up and give her an a’Rou’sing experience,” Locke said.

  You’re incredibly stupid.

  “No, I just know what we need to do.”

  Doing as instructed, Ash looted the corpses, left them where they were, and headed back to Rou’s tent.

  Upon entering, he saw that Rou and Chunhua were sharing a bedroll between the two of them. They’d put Ash in the other bedroll they owned so that he could b
e comfortable.

  They both looked pale, with dark circles under their eyes.

  Did they hurt themselves?

  “Almost. I did tell you that they did quite a bit for you. I wasn’t exaggerating,” Locke said. “I do think everyone else in your inner harem would have done the same, if given the option. But they can’t, and Chunhua and Rou could. And so they did.”

  Chewing at his lower lip, Ash watched the pair sleep, unsure of how to handle the whole situation. He was starting to wonder if maybe Locke was right.

  That maybe he was the only one holding back the sexual floodgates.

  I’ll talk to Moira and Mei in the morning. Will that do for now?

  “That’ll do. Now put that poor Qi Healer into her bedroll. She gave you hers. Chunhua nearly forced her to share hers. We have one of our own. We’ll just sleep between the two of them,” Locke said.

  Ash agreed with that direction and then went to Rou.

  Carefully, he pulled her out of the bedroll.

  Groaning, Rou pushed ineffectually at his hands, but didn’t fight him much.

  By the time he’d gotten her free, her eyes had opened partially.

  They were bloodshot and the veins were quite visible in the whites of her eyes.

  “You’re not supposed to be up,” Rou grumbled, her eyes slowly focusing on him even as he carried her over to her own bedroll.

  “I’m not. I’m just putting you back to bed,” Ash said softly. He felt rather bad after seeing her condition.

  “You should just listen to me,” Rou complained, her body limp and weak in his arms. “You keep fighting me. I’m your Qi Healer. Listen to me.”

  “Okay, I will. Let me just tuck you in, then I’ll do as you instruct,” Ash murmured. Sliding her into the bedroll, he pulled it up to her chin and lightly tucked her in.

  “Good,” Rou said, her eyes closing and her breath evening out again.

  Reaching into the Hall, Ash removed one of the spare bedrolls and laid it down between Rou and Chunhua.

  “Put your bedroll next to mine,” Rou demanded in a sleepy voice. “Don’t argue. My cultivator. Your Qi Healer.”

  Smirking, Ash drug the bedroll over until it was directly next to Rou’s. Then he got in, and went back to sleep.


  When they finally made it back into the Sect, there was a strange air that seemed to be permeating everything. From the city and its citizens, to the sect and its disciples, something was decidedly different.

  It wasn’t anything that Locke could detect, however. As far as he was concerned, things were exactly as they should be.

  “A change in power,” Mei murmured from Ash’s left.

  “Yes,” Rou grumbled from his right. “This is when someone like me would hide. Hide and let everything blow over as those in power fought.”

  “No need for you to hide anymore, Qi Healer Rou,” Ash murmured, his eyes sweeping back and forth.

  “How true,” Rou replied after a moment of clear reflection. “How very true. We should be on guard.”

  Glancing over to his right, Ash found that beyond Rou was Chunhua, Moira, and Tala. Looking to his left, he saw Mei, Jia, Yue, and Na.

  A quick glance over his shoulder revealed that the rest of his alliance were all spread out behind him. Horses had been stabled en masse and paid for by Ash. Everyone was now on foot.

  His people looked almost more like wolves on the prowl. There was a cold and ugly darkness around their eyes that hadn’t been there before.

  Each and every one of his people had fought, bled, and despaired on the walls and plains with him.

  Despite that, every one of them gave him a bright smile whenever they caught his eyes with their own. The darkness bleeding away like clouds torn apart by the sun.

  Smiling awkwardly in return, Ash looked ahead again. They were rapidly closing on the entry to Sheng Street.

  No one had been left behind to defend their property. In the end, everyone had wanted to come along for the experience and possibility of gains.

  The fact that no small number of artifacts and powerful items had been found was testimony to that.

  “We’ll need to hand those out, of course. We could use this opportunity to hand out some of the Deng treasures, as well,” Locke suggested. “We need to make sure we also reward some of those over-performers we noted. That or take them to bed. But I doubt you’re willing to do that, Chosen One, so it’s more likely to be the former. Even despite Moira and Mei telling you that they didn’t mind you bedding others.”


  Gifts. Gifts it is then.

  The audible sigh from Locke was like a gust of wind rushing through an empty building.

  “They want you to sleep with them. Just… just do it? Yes. Just do it. Do them. This is their culture, not yours. You’re being stupid,” Locke complained bitterly. “There’s no way we can complete our goal unless you start bringing more people into the belief that you’re the Chosen One.”

  And what is our goal? Hm? You still haven’t exactly told me. I’m guessing here at the edges but I don’t actually know.

  Locke fell silent at that.

  Trooping onto the newly made Sheng Street, Ash continued on. Unfortunately, he had the longest walk to get to his own home.

  Though that also meant anyone trying to get to him had to go through a lot of others first. Which was precisely why it’d been arranged that way without ever asking him.

  “Ashley, is my brother well?” Jia asked from Mei’s side.

  She’d been considerably warmer to him since his return, but she still deferred to Mei.

  Maybe Locke really is right about the sex thing.

  But that doesn’t explain Moira, does it?

  “She’s property,” Locke interjected. “And Jia’s brother is fine. He and the Dokkalfar are learning each other’s language. Though I distinctly get the impression they’re growing interested in one another. Tai often complains that if she’s going to be dressed so scantily she should leave him be.

  “Though at the same time he says it, I can detect he doesn’t want her to leave at all.”

  Uh… what?

  He likes her?

  “Such a childish question. I wouldn’t call it liking her, so much as he’s alone with her. And to be fair, she’s a very attractive specimen of her kind. That and they only have one another right now. You yourself have countless memories of romantic comedies and stories that begin thusly,” said Locke. “And no story is ever told without a kernel of truth to its center. You might find the Dokkalfar attractive if that was all you had for company.”

  “Uh… he’s fine,” Ash said after a moment to consider his words.

  “That does not sound as if he is fine,” Jia countered immediately. “What is wrong with him?”

  “I… that is…” Feeling his tongue stick to the roof of his mouth, Ash had no way to finish what he wanted to say.

  “Ashley, do tell her. She’s my partner in this,” Mei chided, sliding an arm through his own and pulling his forearm up into her chest.

  “He and the Dokkalfar are getting along well,” Ash explained after several seconds.

  “The Dokkalfar,” Jia murmured. “I had forgotten about her. Well… I suppose… as long as they are getting along. Though… by getting along, do you mean they are…?”

  Her voice had trailed off with her question.

  “Not as of yet,” Ash muttered.

  “Though likely soon. The Dokkalfar woman has already asked him once in her own language if he wanted to have sex. She was bored and he misunderstood her words,” Locke said. Then said in a softer tone. “Being trapped alone with someone does… things to you.”

  “But uh… that might happen soon,” Ash amended.

  “I… well… alright. I see,” said Jia. Then she laughed and let out a breath. “Well! As soon as they do, please let me know. It will be all the easier to convince him of my own intentions when he is just as guilty as I am.”

p; “Oh. That’s a good point. I’ll start adding mood lighting, some fragrances, and some better food for them when they’re together and worse when they’re apart. This’ll be delightful,” Locke said, almost to himself.

  Wincing at the idea of Locke playing matchmaker, Ash really didn’t have much of an argument for him, however.

  Truth of the matter was that those two were adults and if they chose to lend themselves to passion, then that was up to them. It wasn’t as if Locke was forcing them.

  “—told you it would work out. Now you just need to take care of it,” Mei murmured, her head turned toward Jia. Then her head shifted fractionally as if she were looking further down the line. “Na, would you please ensure everyone settles back into the previous routines we had? I felt like everything was working rather well. No need to change anything.”

  “Of course, Mistress Sheng,” Na said. “I will tend to that and then take on my duties as Master Sheng’s personal bodyguard and servant.”

  “No need,” Tala said from the other side. “Moira and I will handle him.”

  “Agreed, there’s no need for any of you,” Chunhua argued.

  “And if you th—”

  “Enough,” Ash said, interrupting Tala with a firm tone. “That’s enough. Work together, or not at all. I don’t like the fighting and won’t encourage it. In fact, I’ll do everything I can to discourage it. I know what’s going on. I’m not blind. I’m not stupid. Just… just unsure of what I want.

  “But no more fighting.”

  Everyone was watching him now.

  He got the feeling they were all somewhat surprised at his sudden words.

  “That’s not a problem at all, my love,” Mei said, squeezing his arm with her own. Pushing it right up against her breast again. “We’ll still fight, of course, it’s just the cultivator’s way of life. And to be honest, I imagine we enjoy it. I know I do.

  “But we will keep the combat out of sight from you, however. We’ll not bicker in front of you or others any further. Because you’re right. It’s unbecoming of the ladies of Sheng to do such a thing. Especially for me as the Mistress of the Sheng. I should not lower myself in such a way. We’ll all obey that, will we not?”


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