Scent of a Woman

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Scent of a Woman Page 3

by Joanne Rock

  “So you believe you know how I think?” Danielle retreated behind her wineglass, needing to break the powerful connection. How could she let her guard down so easily with this man?

  Adam Burns was her competitor in a business that guarded its secrets jealously. She would do well to remember that, especially when he seemed to be reading her mind already.

  “No.” He tucked the fern back into the vase, slightly off center from where it belonged. “I couldn’t pretend to know how you think about most things, but from your tone of voice or your expression, I can sometimes make small predictions about how you’ll act or what you’ll say.”

  “Even having just met me? I think you are wrong, Adam Burns. Women are not so predictable. You cannot forecast their thoughts like the weather.”

  “I’ve offended you.”

  “Of course not,” she denied automatically, wondering how someone who seemed so brash could be that intuitive. Because despite her denial, his words had touched a small nerve. She’d been well played by another man in the past. “It is just that no woman wants to think a man can anticipate her reactions. A woman wants to be darkness and mystery to a man’s sunlight and heat. The sexes should be like yin and yang, no?”

  “But if a man can’t begin to understand a woman, how would he ever make her happy?” He appeared genuinely perplexed and she regretted that her past had insinuated itself into her thoughts.

  But then, how could she separate herself from all her life experiences? She couldn’t help that her past colored the lens through which she saw the world. No one could.

  She sighed.

  “I do not pretend to know the right answers,” she admitted. “I only know the ones I do not like. I have precious little experience with what makes a man and a woman happy together.”

  “Then let’s toast to something we share in common.” He raised his glass and placed hers in her hand. “Here’s to mutual ignorance when it comes to romance.”

  Clinking her drink to his, she echoed his toast and drank deeply. He charmed her in spite of her best intentions not to be swayed by a man in the same business as hers.

  “It occurs to me we might wish to draw some boundaries around our business relationship before we continue lifting our glasses in a more personal sense.” She wouldn’t make the same mistakes twice. “Perhaps we should discuss just enough business tonight to be sure we will not be stepping on each other’s toes this week.”

  “I’m game.” Adam’s gaze followed another couple who were leaving the Helios deck, arms wrapped around each other. “Did you want to stand by the rail for a better view?”

  Nodding, she stretched to her feet and brought her glass over to the side of the deck. They were all alone in the observation area, at least for the moment.

  “It is a beautiful ship.” Danielle turned back to see the proud smokestack behind them bearing a circle of silver with gold stars.

  The spa and fitness center were up here along with a driving range and tennis courts. The hot tubs at midship were a popular destination tonight, and she could see a couple kissing in the closest sunken tub. The sight made her wonder how long it had been since she’d been kissed that way. The memory was a bittersweet one since the man she would have shared her last kiss with had hurt her.

  “I met the captain today after you left the welcome reception. Apparently Alexandra’s Dream is newly refurbished.”

  She’d read that somewhere, along with the fact that the ship had been named after the owner’s late wife. The tearoom was supposed to have a portrait of Alexandra Stamos and Danielle planned to see it tomorrow when she met Monsieur Nordham. Elias Stamos must have loved his wife to name this big, beautiful vessel after her a decade after her death. The thought touched Danielle, perhaps because she still missed her mother so much.

  “We could not have asked for a more decadent setting for the fragrance conference.” Her cocktail-style dress flapped against her calves in the breeze off the water, the silk teasing her skin. “May I ask what business you hope to accomplish while on board?”

  She didn’t know how the companies might help each other, but it was worth investigating since Prestige had made an offer on Les Rêves in the past.

  “I’m here to secure a deal with the Dubai retailer,” Adam said. “Joe thinks we need a greater presence in the United Arab Emirates and a contract there would bring in substantial new revenues.”

  Danielle’s heart sank. They were no longer competitors in a general sense. With Adam’s declaration, she realized they would be vying for the same piece of lucrative business this week.

  “It seems we will be in direct competition then, because I am here for much the same reason.” And although she was not afraid of the competition, she had to admit to a twinge of disappointment that Prestige wasn’t looking at business possibilities with an elite French import like Les Rêves.

  “You’re pursuing the Dubai account, too?”

  “Oui. And I guess that should come as no surprise to either of us since the promise of business there is profitable to say the least. No doubt many of the other fragrance houses aboard will make a similar pitch.”

  “So you’re not upset that we’ll be competing?” He turned toward her, his body blocking her from the breeze for a moment.

  She caught a hint of his scent and was taken aback by the blend of hyssop and cedar and another note she couldn’t quite define. The desire to lean closer and inhale was strong. But damn it, why did they have to be vying for the same account?

  She needed to present a strong front.

  “Why would I be upset?” Her thoughts about Adam were taking a much too personal turn. “Do you think you have the account all sewn up? I have to admit I think I have the advantage over you when it comes to perfume, even if you did correctly guess the fern.”

  “That’s good news.” He looked down at his leg and she realized the fabric of her dress had blown around the back of her legs and the purple silk now clung to his trousers.

  She tugged the material away, flustered even though she had no real reason to be.

  “Danielle.” Adam touched her arm and she looked up from her wayward dress to his face.

  The expression in his eyes didn’t surprise her. She had sensed the attraction there earlier, yet she hadn’t been prepared for the heat of it. Never had a woman’s elbow felt like such an erogenous zone.

  “This could be complicated.” She didn’t need him to spell out what he wanted because she saw it too clearly in his eyes.

  “What if we keep business separate from pleasure? We don’t talk about our work, we just—”

  “My work is who I am. If I tried to talk to you without talking about my business, I would be giving you a woman who wasn’t Danielle Chevalier. Don’t you see?”

  “I’ll tell you what I see.” He stepped closer, claiming a corner of her personal space as his own. “I see a ten-day cruise stretching out in front of me and the opportunity to enjoy it with a woman who’s smart, entertaining and sexy. That’s ten days, not a lifetime commitment. So I ask myself, why not make the most of that time until the real world calls again? Why does it have to be more complicated when we know it’s going to end on the pier in Barcelona?”

  She tried to form an objection but it was difficult now that he stood so close. His very presence had her swaying toward his point of view.

  The spicy scent of him seduced her as surely as his strong, masculine build. Hadn’t he charmed her with his bold-talking American ways? His willingness to admit he knew nothing about perfume had caught her off guard and made him different from other men, who, in her experience, liked to bluff their way through any situation.

  Heaven help her, she couldn’t say no.

  “How could we possibly hurt each other in a mere ten days?” she said. The answer was they couldn’t, right?

  But Adam approached the question from a different direction.

  “I think it might be more to the point to see how much pleasure we could bring to e
ach other in ten days.” He reached to capture a stray strand of hair blowing across her cheek. The warm strength of his hand along her face churned a tenderness deep inside her.

  This was dangerous ground to tread with Adam. It was one thing to find shared pleasure. It was another to discover tenderness and mutual regard. Memories of Gunther assured her the latter was far more dangerous.

  “Shall we toast to pleasure seeking?” she said finally, powerless to halt whatever magic lurked between her and this man. At least she could control her response to it.

  “No.” He shook his head, his hand cradling her cheek as he tipped her face to his. “I think this is the kind of agreement one seals with a kiss.”


  ADAM DIDN’T WANT to scare Danielle away by being too intense so he couldn’t kiss her the way he wanted. He knew he’d never craved a woman this deeply before, and he sure as hell wouldn’t lose the ground he’d gained with her by pinning her to the rail and kissing her senseless.

  He tried to remember what she’d told him about perfume—that you had to appreciate the individual components to fully appreciate the harmony of the whole composition. With that in mind, he savored the silken feel of her cheek beneath his hand, the delicate throb of her pulse as he trailed his finger down her slender neck.

  Surely he could slow himself down enough to enjoy those individual facets.

  “Your intentions are noble, monsieur,” she whispered through the darkness as she wrapped her hands around his neck. “But I think we should not waste time, lest I change my mind.”

  His heart slugged harder at her words as realization dawned. She didn’t want to savor individual notes. She was ready to explore the whole range of sensations working together.

  Arching up on her toes, she rose to meet his kiss. She kissed like an angel, light and graceful in his arms, making him want to squeeze her tighter so she didn’t get away.

  “Danielle.” He spoke her name between kisses, breathing the word over her mouth like an invocation.

  Everything about her seemed dark and exotic, from her violet eyes to the seductive French accent that he would hear in his sleep tonight. He hadn’t planned on involving himself with another woman for a while after the debacle back in the States with the actress who had misconstrued his motives when he’d squired her around New York a few times. He’d tried to set her straight gently, but she’d threatened to withdraw her endorsement of Prestige’s newest perfume. Although the company could find another “face,” the publicity would be negative.

  But his decision to back off dating for a while had been made before he met Danielle. She had the kind of allure that made it easy to break rules.

  “I must say good-night.” She pulled away, speaking softly. “Perhaps we can spend some time together tomorrow after you finish your meetings.”

  When she glanced behind him, he realized another couple had come up to the raised observation deck. Still, he couldn’t make himself release her.

  “Come ashore with me tomorrow.” He would set up something with the Dubai retailer later in the week. Right now, his top priority was to make the most of this time with Danielle. “I’ve never been to Corfu.”

  Gently he combed her hair off her shoulders and felt it ripple down her back.

  “You are not alone. I hear it is a gorgeous port.”

  “How about we meet at eight o’clock?” He thought the ship docked around 7:00 a.m.

  “Unlike you, I have to work on this cruise in addition to play. How about we meet at noon instead? That will give me time to make my apologies to Monsieur Nordham since I won’t be able to meet him for tea now. And I do have a meeting with the Dubai company rep tomorrow.”

  He realized the account must mean a great deal to her and he hoped she wouldn’t be too disappointed when he firmed up an agreement for Prestige by the end of the cruise. He’d already set up an appointment with Ahmed for later in the week, and from his brief phone call to the rep, Adam felt confident he understood what the retailer wanted to see in a presentation. Besides, there was no way he’d let himself fail. Joe had charged him with only one business goal at a time when all of Burns Inc. was in an uproar over their father’s inevitable retirement.

  For years Joe and Adam had let their father take credit for getting business done that they’d accomplished for him. Neither of them looked forward to dismantling the myth of Jack Burns, and despite all the good they’d done for their family’s foundation, neither son wanted the top spot that would soon be vacant or all the stress that came with it. Adam and Joe had already sacrificed too much to become embroiled in company politics and the inevitable infighting that would follow their father’s departure. A behind-the-scenes role suited Adam just fine.

  “Noon it is. I’ll wait for you down by the disembarkation deck.”

  She backed out of his grip, taking her warmth and effervescent spirit with her.

  “Very well.” She plucked her wineglass off the floor as if to return it to the bar. “But I hear the temperatures can sizzle this time of year. I hope you can take the heat.”

  She winked at him before turning on her heel and walking away, leaving him staring at her swaying hips. As much as he admired the view, he hoped it wouldn’t become a common one, since he much preferred the sight of her walking toward him.

  He’d be ready for a hot day tomorrow. In fact, he was counting on it.

  “HAVE YOU TOUCHED base with our contact at International Markets? Ahmed?”

  Danielle rolled her eyes, knowing her brother Marcel could not see her on the other end of the phone as she lay on the bed in her suite.

  “Marcel, how rude would I be to demand attention from a business associate who already agreed to meet with me tomorrow? I set this meeting a week ago and there’s not a chance I’d break it or do anything to jeopardize the most important piece of business I’m here to conduct.” She might be enticed by the chance to spend time with Adam, but she wouldn’t botch this deal that Marcel insisted was crucial to their continued success.

  Les Rêves meant everything to her, and she trusted her brother’s instincts when it came to the company’s finances.

  “Right. Will you give me a call tomorrow to let me know how it goes?” There had been a tense edge in Marcel’s voice for the last few months and it came across now despite the hundreds of miles between them.

  “Actually…” she hedged, unsure how Marcel would feel about her having a personal life. Then again, why should she apologize when she hadn’t dated for almost two years? “I’m going ashore at Corfu with a new friend tomorrow, so I won’t be able to call until quite late.”

  She rolled to her back on the white coverlet, waiting for the worst of his lecture to subside. He trotted out stock phrases about her love of partying and her need to take life more seriously, then he moved to his central theme lately of needing to bring in more business. But what hurt the most was his closing statement.

  “You’ll need to provide the name of this new ‘friend’ so I can run a routine background check on the guy, Dani. I’m not going to have a repeat of your last boyfriend now that we’ve just started recovering from the damage he did to earnings.”

  Anger roared through her, hot and quick.

  “How dare you?” Sitting up on the bed, she tossed aside the decorative pillow she’d been holding and paced the floor. “After all I’ve done to bring Les Rêves back in line—all of the accounts I have hand sold to make up for that loss—how can you have the nerve to suggest I would ever let someone like that into my life again?” Memories of Gunther’s betrayal still stung even two years later, but not because he’d broken her heart. No, she’d gotten over that hurt long ago. But she hadn’t been able to repair all the damage he’d done when he stole a valuable perfume recipe and marketed it more cheaply by using inferior ingredients.

  “Just give me the guy’s name, Dani.” Marcel sounded beyond weary, but she was still so angry she could hardly speak.

  “Because my judgment
is tainted for the rest of my life now? I have lost all ability to form opinions about people because I was wrong once?”

  “If you trust your judgment, why does it matter if I check him out? Are you afraid I’ll find something we should be concerned about?”

  Danielle sighed, not liking her brother very much at the moment. They’d always been very different people, but never more so than when it came to the future of Les Rêves.

  “His name is Adam Burns. He is a VP with Prestige Scents and, yes, he is competing with us for the Dubai retail account.”

  “You realize you’re not the only one with a livelihood at stake here, right?” Marcel had done the books for Les Rêves for as long as Danielle had been the company’s public face. They’d always disagreed about where to take the business, but never as often as in the last few years.

  “Yes, I realize. And you should know I would never do anything to jeopardize the future of our very loyal staff.” She fumed for another moment before sliding into an armchair, exhausted at treading old ground. “It is not fair to beat someone up for the same mistake forever, you know.”

  “It hasn’t been forever, Danielle. It’s been two years, and even though you want to forget it, I promise you the accounting ledgers remember all too clearly. Have fun in Corfu, but if there is anything remotely suspect about Adam Burns, I’m going to ask you to make a decision in the best interest of Les Rêves.”

  The thought darkened her mood, which had been flying high after the kiss she’d shared with Adam earlier. Would Marcel find any reason she should stop seeing a man who intrigued her so completely?

  “Fine.” She had told Adam that she and Les Rêves were inseparable and she meant it. The company her mother had started with a dream and a few plants in the backyard was Danielle’s first priority. “Good night, Marcel.”


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