Amazon Challenge

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Amazon Challenge Page 22

by Robin Roseau

  Beria laughed, and it was the sweetest sound I could have heard. She was going to be okay.

  Final Preparation

  For training that afternoon, I quietly admitted to Nori I was too exhausted to drive anyone.

  "Omie and Vorine will handle the run," she said. "But I understand there's to be a wrestling tournament for the companions."

  "Yes." And I knew my friends would want me to wrestle. They liked beating me. "We won't need help for that."

  "You need to wrestle, too, Maya."

  "I know. I will."

  She narrowed her eyes. "I need you to wrestle as hard as you can. I know you're tired. What incentive do you need?"

  "Why does it matter?"

  "The swimming today was good, but it was play. I think it was play we needed, but now we need to get serious, and you need to lead the way."

  I sighed. "Our only goal for the next two weeks is preparing Malora for her challenge. Now is not the right time to pressure more out of me than I can give. Come talk to me in three weeks."

  "When the companion's tournament is over, Maya, you will tell Malora and me you gave it your best. If you cannot do so, then the day after the challenge match, we are dying you purple and keeping you that way for the next three months."

  By waiting until after the challenge, she was avoiding my sullen behavior leading up to the challenge. I sighed.

  "No, if I can't tell you I did my best, I'll take whatever punishment you and Malora devise, and you'll do it tonight, but it better be something that amuses everyone else."

  "You won't pout and get angry?"


  "You won't like what we do."

  "I know."

  She studied my face.

  "I'm going to lose. I have no strength in my arms. If I last thirty seconds against Bea, I'll be surprised. And we both know it."

  "You will do your best. That's all I need from you."

  "Nori, do I still make a habit of performing below my ability?"

  "No," she replied, "but I worried today you would make a token showing, and I need more from you than that."

  Omie and Vorine made us run, Vorine running alongside me, and I could tell she was watching me carefully. Omie ran with Beria, who looked good. Vorine quietly urged me to run faster, and I thought Omie was setting the pace based on my speed, not pulling more than a half dozen paces in front of me. I gave it all I had, and it wasn't much, but everyone was breathing hard when Omie pulled us to a walk, then a rest.

  "Winner gets a bout with the warrior of her choice," Omie said. "I wish I could wrestle with all of you."

  I asked Serra to run the match, but she declined. "Let Bea and Jasmine do it," she suggested.

  "Do we want to watch all the other matches?" Bea asked. "If we do, then we probably don't have time for everyone to wrestle everyone. If we each judge ourselves, then we can do a lot more wrestling."

  "We can do two at a time," Aura suggested.

  "All right," agreed Bea. "Aura, your first match over here," she said, pointing to one side. "Jasmine to judge. Pick an opponent."

  "Careen," she said immediately.

  "Beria, who is your first opponent?"

  "My sister, of course," Beria said with a grin.

  It was a very one-sided match. I was normally stronger than Beria, but not that afternoon. She had a difficult time pinning me, and I struggled as hard as I could, but it wasn't long before Bea was spanking the ground; Beria pinned me.

  "Wow," said Beria. "You really are tired."

  I won my match with Gweneth but lost the rest, some of them faster than others. My last match was with Bea, and I could barely lift my arms. She pinned me easily.

  I lay there numbly after that, wondering what Nori had planned. Bea finally helped me to sit up then sat next to me. "Guess we tired you out earlier."

  "Yeah. I tried, Bea. I don't have anything left."

  "I know."

  But I didn't know what I was going to tell Nori when she asked.

  In the end, Beria and Aura did well, but Bea was the overall winner. That wasn't surprising. Serra wasn't a good wrestler in spite of greater years of experience, and Bea was good.

  We all owed her one day of lunch duty. We congratulated Bea then climbed to our feet and turned to the warriors.

  I'd been sneaking peeks from time to time. Malora was fighting with two swords against a staff, trading sparring partners every few minutes. She was doing better than she had in the morning, but I wasn't satisfied. I didn't think she was, either.

  The companions moved across the training grounds and sat down to watch the warriors. Nori saw us. "Anyone who has more in her is free to practice with us, but we won't have time to coach you today."

  Aura immediately got up. She tried to pester me to duel with her, but I told her she had to be kidding. Bea offered instead, and they ran to collect a sword and staff. Beria looked after them then turned to Neela. "Please?" Neela agreed as well.

  I lay down on my back and closed my eyes.

  * * * *

  I don't know how long I lay there before Malora woke me, Nori sitting on the other side. I blinked and looked around. Everyone else was gone.

  "You didn't wake me to run?"

  "We tried," Nori said. "We decided if you could sleep, you had put out enough today."

  I struggled to sit up, and Malora helped. I leaned against her for a moment then turned to Nori. "You're going to have to punish me," I told her. "I tried. I really did. I can barely lift my arms, Nori."

  "Could you have fought harder?"

  I shook my head.

  "That's all I wanted." She paused. "I think you should do something to earn a punishment though. I really want to see you purple again."

  I smiled. "Good luck with that plan."

  She grinned at me.

  "Everyone's bathing again," Malora said. I glanced at her, and her hair was matted to her head, and I could see she was tired. They were working her hard.

  "How are you doing?"

  "We're working it out," she said. "It might be unnecessary, but we're training all the combinations I can expect."

  I nodded and slowly climbed to my feet. My warrior needed to be bathed.

  * * * *

  I had some of my strength back by bedtime, although I knew I was going to be weak for a day or two. Malora pulled me to our hut then said, "There's something I wanted to talk about." As she was plucking at my clothes, I had a pretty good idea what that was.

  "Talk, huh?" I asked. "This doesn't feel like talking." I reached for her, intending to help her out of her clothing, too, but she pushed me away. "It does seem a little one-sided though."

  She had the laces of my tunic released, but I was still otherwise fully dressed.

  "It's about to get even more one-sided," Malora said, grinning. "I have plans for your body."

  I reached for her again, but she captured my hands.

  "I'll give you a choice," she said.

  "Oh." I tried to free my hands, but she held them firmly.

  "Yes. You can submit willingly, or you can struggle."

  "I was hoping for soft and sweet," I replied.

  "So you'll submit and then I can be soft and sweet." She grinned at me.

  I struggled to free my hands.

  "Or you can struggle," she said. "That will be fun, too." She began pushing me backwards towards the bed.

  "Wait," I said.


  "Take my tunic off first."

  I relaxed, and she released my hands, lifting my tunic over my head and setting it aside. I didn't struggle as she captured my hands again, wrapping them around behind my back and clasping them there. She kissed me like that then began pushing me backwards towards the bed. I offered token resistance until we reached the bed.

  "What are you going to do to me?" I asked her breathlessly.

  "You asked me last night whether I enjoyed dominating my companion."

  "Oh, is that what this is?"

"Uh huh."

  "Did you really want me to surrender?"

  "Did you want to ask me to stop?"

  "No, but can I hold you for a minute first?"

  She released my hands, and I wrapped them around her, pressing myself against her and laying my head against her shoulder. She rested her chin on the back of my neck, wrapping her arms around me to pull me more tightly against her.

  "I love you," she whispered. "Always remember that."

  "I will," I said. "Can we talk for a minute?"

  "Of course."

  I leaned away. "Nori threatened to punish me if I didn't wrestle hard today."

  "I know."

  "Is there something I need to know? Does everyone need the same laugh that the people in Two Bends needed?"

  "No, although I think they needed the games today. But we're going to step it up even more the next few days. I'm going to need you."

  "I know. Did you need a massage tonight?"

  "No. I need to play tonight. I know you're tired."

  "Never too tired," I replied. "And we can play all you want. I like playing with you."

  "You're going to lose this game."

  "You know I don't mind. I feel badly when I can't give you a challenge."

  "You challenge me a great deal, Maya," she said. "Right now, for instance, I am wondering how I'm going to get you tied up if you struggle."

  "Oh no!" I said, immediately pushing away from her, but she caught me easily, throwing me onto the bed, and before I could scramble away, she was on top of me. She wrestled me onto the bed, face down into the pillows, and pulled my arms behind my back.

  I was giggling the whole time.

  I tried kicking at her, but she pinned me with her weight, and my struggles were ineffective. I turned my head so I could breathe and talk to her.

  "Brut!" I said. But I giggled.

  "I need you to tell me this is okay," she said.

  "The giggles weren't a clue? Don't ask again. You can do whatever you want to me. I trust you. But that doesn't mean I won't struggle."

  "I'd have it no other way," she said.

  She moved my hands to the small of my back. I renewed squirming, but I wasn't much challenge for her. She clasped both my wrists together with one hand. I didn't see where she got it, but she began wrapping rope around my wrists.

  "No!" I screeched, still giggling, and I renewed my struggles. I made it hard for her, but slowly she secured my wrists, tightening the knot carefully. She used a second rope above my elbows. It wasn't comfortable, but I could handle it for a while. Then she lay on top of me, both of us panting.

  At least I had made her work for it, even if the results were foregone.

  "You'll pay for this," I told her. "I'll get you. Remember, you're a lot older than I am, and you'll be an old lady some day, old, slow and weak, and then I'll get you."

  She laughed. "Is that the best threat you can come up with?"

  I laughed with her. "Pretty much."

  Still holding me pinned to the bed, she turned around, sitting on my ass, and captured my kicking feet. She peeled one boot off, then the other.

  "Are your feet ticklish, Maya?"

  "You know they are."

  "I'll give you a choice. You can cooperate while I remove your leggings, or I can tickle your feet."


  She began tickling, and in the three years we'd been together, she had learned very well how to tickle me. My squirms and shrieks only caused her to laugh, and she didn't let up. I grew weak with my struggles and eventually lay there limply. She tickled me for a little longer then slowly released my feet. When she shifted off of me, I didn't resist, and she removed my leggings.

  Then she began to stroke my body, and after a few minutes, I began to squirm again.

  * * * *

  She wore me out completely before she released me. I lay in her arms, spent, while she continued to stroke me.

  "Did you enjoy that?" she asked.


  "I did too."

  "What about you?" I asked.

  "This is what I need," she said. "I want to hold you and go to sleep with you in my arms."

  We lay quietly for a while before she said, "Maya, I really enjoyed that. Did you mind?"

  "I wouldn't want that every night," I said. "My arms were already sore."

  "Is that the only reason? Because your arms are sore?"

  "Well, I want to touch you, too."

  "If I find other ways to tie your arms, will you let me?"

  I craned my neck, reaching for her head to pull her lips to mine. We kissed briefly, and I said, "Whenever you want, Malora. I might not feel the same way if it's every night."

  She caressed my face. "Not every night, but often, at least for a while. I need this right now."

  "Of course, Malora," I said.

  "I love you."

  We slept.

  * * * *

  Things heated up for Malora.

  It took the next several days, but Malora, working with the other warriors, began trouncing them again. She was amazing to watch, her swords always in motion, a blur, and she never held still. She took blows from the staff, a lot of blows, but none of them were fatal, and nearly all of the blows were done as a sacrifice to get her within killing range, a sword slicing across a neck or perhaps simply sliding along fingers.

  Some nights, Malora accepted massages from me. Other nights, she put on a playful expression, and I found myself chased around the hut until she caught and subdued me, tying me until I was helpless, then spending hours making love to me.

  All the warriors trained hard, and I realized they were preparing themselves in the case that Malora didn't beat Parlomith. The thought made me very sad.

  Spirits remained high, although I know everyone was worried. We played more games, and the only reason we didn't have more bonfires is because everyone wanted to retire early every night.

  Everyone was surprised when, a week before the challenge, at the beginning of a bonfire, Omie stood up and said in a firm voice, "Queen Malora, I challenge you for leadership of the Amazons. I wish my fight to begin immediately after your fight with Parlomith ends. I do not promise to kill her, but I'll hurt her."

  We all grew quiet, and then Beria said, "No! Omie, you can't!" Her voice broke. "I need you." She began pulling on Omie's arm. "Take it back. You have to take it back!"

  Malora stepped forward to face Omie. "Beria," she said quietly. "Go to your sister."

  "No! Queen Malora, you can't let her do this."

  "Beria," Omie said, "Go to Maya. Now."


  "Beria, come here," I ordered, and the third time did it. She came to me, reluctantly. I pulled her to the bench next to me and wrapped my arms around her.

  Malora put an arm around Omie, turning her back to the Amazons, and said, "Omie, there's something else I need you to do instead." Then we watched while Malora led Omie way from the fire, talking quietly to her."

  Beria turned to me, her face full of fear. "You can't let her, Maya. I need her."

  "I know," I said quietly. "Malora is going to turn her down. Beria, she's going to tell Omie to take you away before the fight."

  Beria turned to me. "No! I'm not going."

  "You will do what your queen and your warrior order you to do. If Parlomith wins, you are in grave danger. Malora is going to tell Omie to take you to safety, and after Malora wins, or someone else kills Parlomith, we'll send for you."

  Beria looked into my face. "If I'm in danger, so are you!"

  "I know," I said, "but Malora needs me. She needs her companion until she steps into the ring with Parlomith. I'm a much, much better companion than Spade is, and Malora will enter that fight with her soul calm, knowing how much I love her, and she will fight to live, knowing I'm the prize."


  "When Omie tells you to go, Beria, you will go. I don't want to worry about you. I need to worry only about my warrior that day."

  I saw
tears collect in her eyes. "Don't you dare send me home to mother and father to tell them you're dead!"

  "I'm going to be fine, honey," I said. "Malora will make sure."

  She thought about it. "Yes, you're right. Malora will make sure."

  A few minutes later, Malora and Omie returned, and the Amazons grew quiet. Omie stepped away from Malora and said solemnly, "Queen Malora, with your permission, I withdraw my challenge."

  "Of course, Omie." Malora hugged her. And then Beria sprang from her seat next to me and threw herself into Omie's arms. Omie pulled her away, talking quietly, and then the two of them took a bench, Beria curled into Omie's arms.

  "Well," Malora said. "Maya, do you think we could have some happy music?"

  "Always, Queen Malora."

  * * * *

  Two days before the challenge match, our allies began to arrive, setting up a tent city on the edges of the village. Chief Mar came with three warriors and their companions. Chief Loren and Chief Valen were both there, as were another half dozen chiefs, each with one or two warriors.

  We held a bonfire, and everyone took turns telling stories about Malora. Malora assured me most of them were even true.

  Loren and Meena approached me quietly during a lull and asked if they could speak to me. I hadn't forgiven them, but their prank seemed minor when compared to everything else that was going on. I let them draw me away.

  "I'm sorry," Loren said. "I know you were angry."

  "Was that supposed to be a prank on me, or healing for your village?"

  "I remembered your pink hair. You made such a joke of it," Loren said. "I was trying to top Malora's stunt. I planned it for months. I'm sorry. I was so focused on beating Malora I didn't even think about your feelings. I can't begin to tell you how sorry I am."

  "Maya," Meena said, "everyone talked about your hair for months. You completely owned that. I would have stopped her, but I thought you'd take ownership the same way. I thought you'd joke about it more than we would."

  "I wouldn't have whipped you, Maya," Loren said. "You had to know that. You had to know I was playing games."

  "I knew you were playing games, but I couldn't figure out what they were, I didn't have any choice in the matter, and I couldn't figure out how to get out of them. And it's hard to go along with them when I don't know the rules. I thought you were intentionally humiliating me, and I couldn't understand why. I couldn't figure out why you wanted to hurt me so much."


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