The Red Scot (A Curvy Girls Club Novel Book 1)

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The Red Scot (A Curvy Girls Club Novel Book 1) Page 14

by Twyla Turner

  Payton nodded.

  “I need to hear it. Consent is important to me.”

  “Y-Yes, I trust you.”

  Bradyn lowered his mouth to hers, but instead of the deep kiss she was expecting, he kissed her softly and then moved to her cheek. He laid tender kisses on each cheek, her nose, her eyelids, forehead, and chin. The only word Payton could come up with to describe the way he made her feel was cherished.

  He continued on, kissing down her jawline to her ear. Bradyn kissed and nipped at the shell of her ear and Payton’s breath became slightly labored. His nose stroked the sensitive skin behind her ear and his breath caressed her neck. Payton’s hands clenched and unclenched as she fought the need to touch him, to pull him towards her.

  Bradyn used lips, teeth, and tongue to drive her nearly insane. His lips began the path down her neck. His teeth scraped her skin. And his tongue soothed the bites seconds later. He continued the torture down to her one bare shoulder. Payton squirmed under his loving ministrations, her body seeking something. Some kind of release.

  “Are ye alright?” Bradyn asked raising up to look at her.

  “Uh huh,” Payton nodded.

  Bradyn looked around to see if anyone was nearby and with a sly grin, he grabbed the large blanket and pulled it over the two of them, sheltering them from prying eyes.

  “Now, I have ye all te myself.”

  Payton thought that she would’ve panicked. Wrapped in his arms and cocooned within the dark blanket. But the more time she spent with him, the more she trusted that he wouldn’t do anything to hurt her.

  His mouth found hers again as his hand slid down her neck to her bare shoulder. Then she felt him pull her shirt down further and his fingers sought out the edge of her strapless bra as he pulled it down to expose her nipple. His calloused fingers caressed the peak and Payton gasped into his mouth as her nipple puckered in response. Bradyn quickly kissed down her neck, over her collarbone, down her chest, and over the rise of her large breast to the dark tip. His tongue circled her areola and her hips bucked. He pressed his lips together and blew cool air against her hot wet skin and her nipple became even harder as she pressed her hips down into the hard earth.

  Bradyn reached down and began to gather her skirt together, pulling it slowly up her legs. Payton held her breath in anticipation. For once her brain wasn’t doing the thinking for her. The incessant heartbeat throbbing in her vagina had her desperate for relief. He had just pulled the material of her skirt up around her hips and was sliding his hand towards her mound when a series of loud squawks made them jump apart. Payton inwardly groaned at the interruption as Bradyn popped their heads out from under the blanket.

  They looked towards the direction of the animal screeches and saw what looked like two swans struggling. Bradyn pushed down Payton’s skirt before throwing the blanket off of them. He quickly stood and walked towards the water. Payton followed behind him. As they drew closer, she could see that it was two swans that had gotten a little too affectionate and somehow tangled themselves up in a knot with their long necks and flapping wings. Payton had no idea how they hadn’t broken their poor necks considering the awkward angles they were in.

  She watched as they swam closer to the edge of the pond towards them as if asking for help. Her mouth popped in surprise as Bradyn stepped into the water without hesitation and gently began to figure out the puzzle that was their entangled bodies.

  “Och, you two have gotten yerselves into a fine mess, now haven’t ye?” He said soothingly.

  As she watched him handle the animals with such tenderness and care, her heart warmed.

  I love him.

  Payton blinked rapidly a couple times and felt the punch in her gut at the three words that had come unbidden to her mind. She had no idea how he did it but the champion fighter who knew how to break bones and draw blood, the massive redheaded giant, her Gentle Giant had squeezed his way into her heart with his kindness, patience, and gentle nature. He was a complete contradiction.

  Bradyn finally unwound the swans’ necks and stepped back onto the grass, his jeans soaked from the knees down. He turned with a smile for her as he wiped his hands on the thighs of his jeans. His smile fell as he took in her expression.

  “Are ye alright, lass?” He moved quickly towards her.

  Payton nodded hastily and swiped at the tears that had fallen down her face. She had never been in love before and she had no idea how to process it. She was overjoyed, scared, relieved, anxious, horny…just everything. And her body felt like it would burst in every direction.

  “T-That was just really kind of you to help them. Y-You’re a good man, Bradyn.” Payton was able to get out without saying the three words that kept repeating themselves in her head.

  She may have realized that she loved him, but there was no way that she was telling him that today. So she swallowed down her word vomit for once in her life.

  Bradyn wrapped her up in his arms and gently rocked her back and forth.

  “Ye make me want to be an even better man.”

  Payton turned her face into his wide chest and burst into tears.

  I am an emotional wreck.


  “It’s okay, lass.” Bradyn soothed Payton as she wept in his arms.

  He pulled back slightly and clasped the sides of her head, gently lifting her tear-streaked face up for him to look in her eyes. His thumbs brushed away a few of the tears.

  “Talk te me. What has made ye get all weepy on me? Literally.” He teased her as he looked down at his tear-stained t-shirt.

  “It’s nothing. I’m just really happy.” Payton said between sniffles. “I’m normally never this emotional. I don’t know what’s come over me.”

  Bradyn’s thumb found her bottom lip and stroked it softly. Unable to stop himself, he lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her deeply. Payton shivered against him and he released her reluctantly.

  He was sure that if it wasn’t for the tangled birds, he would have brought her to an orgasm under the security of his plaid by now. Soon. He sighed to himself and then reached for her hand and led her back over to their picnic to pack up.

  “Thank you so much for bringing me here. I really enjoyed this a lot.” Payton said quietly.

  “Yer welcome. I had fun too.” He gave her a wink that had her turning away bashfully.

  “The plaid in this blanket looks like a pattern that would be on a kilt.” She said, settling on a safe topic.

  “That’s because it is. It’s the MacTavish tartan and it is also my kilt.” Bradyn explained as he shook it out and folded it.

  “Really?!” She looked at it skeptically. “It doesn’t look like a kilt, just a big blanket.”

  “That’s because many of the kilts ye see today are premade. Kind of like a skirt. A traditional kilt is used for more than just clothing. When worn properly, it can be a blanket, shelter from the elements, and was also easier to fight in during battles between clans or the English.” Bradyn explained.

  “Wow. That’s fascinating.” Payton looked at the tartan with newfound respect.

  “Maybe I’ll show ye someday. I do wear my kilt before every fight. Which is how I got the nickname The Red Scot. Among other things.” He grinned, rubbing a hand over his auburn beard.

  Bradyn picked up the basket and stuffed the plaid under the handle. He then reached out his free hand for Payton to hold. She slid her hand within his. No hesitation.

  He felt so happy he could burst. She’d accepted his proposal to be exclusive. She’d let him kiss her longer and even lay slightly on top of her. She’d let him touch and kiss her breasts. And had been about to let him touch her most intimate place.

  That’s progress, he thought as his body tightened just thinking about their heavy petting earlier.

  Bradyn walked her to his car and helped her inside after putting the picnic basket in the back. After he was in the car and headed towards her place, he reached over the center console and held her hand.

  “So when is your next fight?” Payton asked, her voice soft as usual.

  “In a month. Which speaking of, I need to get a little more serious with my training. I’ve been slacking because lately, all my attention has been on a beautiful lass.” He teased her as he brought her hand up to kiss her knuckles.

  Payton smiled bashfully, her long eyelashes fluttering gracefully on her round cheeks. Bradyn grinned at her but decided not to tease her further as he drove to her home.

  A few minutes later, they pulled up to Payton’s building. Bradyn turned to her and she smiled shyly. He reached over and wrapped his hand around the back of her neck and pulled her to him as he met her halfway.

  “One day ye willna be so shy around me, but until then, I’m gonna enjoy it while I can.” He informed her before taking her mouth in a deep kiss.

  Payton shuddered before Bradyn released his hold on her decadent mouth. He got out of the car, helped her out, and walked her into the building to her door.

  “See ye tomorrow evening?” He asked.

  “Yes, I’ll be there.”

  Bradyn stole one last kiss from her before he left. If he kissed her for a second longer, he’d convince her to let him in.

  In her home, in her bed, and in the warm wet place he craved.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “Are you really dating Bradyn MacTavish?!” Ayumi asked, her voice loud and bubbling over with excitement as she plopped down next to Payton.

  It was the Monday meeting and before everyone could even get seated the projector was already giving their boss major problems. Which was why Ayumi took advantage of the brief intermission to grill Payton.

  The room suddenly grew quiet, except for Tim and an IT guy working on the projector at the front of the room. All eyes were on Payton as they awaited what she’d say. Zach and Ben, the two guys she’d snapped on all those weeks ago, leaned forward in their chairs across from her.

  “Um…yes,” Payton said softly.

  “OMGeeee!!!” Ayumi squealed. “It’s the talk of the whole gym. And it’s funny because I normally go in the mornings before work and you go in the evenings, but it got around to everyone.”

  Payton inwardly cringed. Other than the drama of testifying against Brett, in which she remained anonymous, she’d never been involved with gossip and definitely not the center of it.

  “I heard that he pursued you hardcore. That he even banned some mean girls for being…well…mean. Did that seriously happen?” Ayumi continued with her interrogation.

  “F-For the most part.” Payton fiddled with her pen, refusing to make eye contact with anyone.

  Unable to help herself, she snuck a peek at her coworkers. The looks on everyone’s faces varied. From skeptical to full on disbelief to awe.

  “You?” Ben blurted out. “You’re dating Bradyn MacTavish? As in The Red Scot? As in kickass, MMA champion that could kill you with the flick of his wrist, Bradyn MacTavish?”

  “Yes. And your point?” Payton gave him the squirrely eye.

  His blatant skepticism was insulting. He raised his hands in surrender and leaned back in his chair.

  “That’s so awesome!” Ayumi ignored the tense exchange and got back on topic. “He’s way gorgeous! In that kind of scary, rugged ‘I’ll pick you up and toss you around’ kind of way. He always looks so mean and brooding when I see him. What’s he like?”

  “Uh…the sweetest person I’ve probably ever met, actually,” Payton confessed. Funny enough, she wasn’t sure if she was admitting it to them or finally admitting it to herself.


  “Yes,” Payton said, ready for the conversation to be over.

  “Huh. Never judge a book by its cover, I guess.” Ayumi said almost to herself.

  Luckily, the projector started to work and drew everyone’s attention back to Tim. Though Payton felt eyes surreptitiously slid her way throughout the meeting. At one point, she just so happened to glance up and saw Zach, the guy she’d initially considered, staring at her with newfound attraction. She would’ve never recognized the look a few months ago. But after cataloging all of the looks Bradyn gave her, she saw the look for what it was. Interest.

  Hmm… The girls always did say that men were fickle.

  A half hour passed of Tim droning on about company numbers and the fast approaching Comic-fest. Everyone sighed with relief when he finally dismissed them.

  Payton headed towards her cubicle when someone touched her arm to stop her. She looked back to see Zach standing there.

  “Uh… Hey, Payton.” He said nervously.

  “Hey, Zach.” She looked at him expectantly.

  “So…uh…I was just wondering if maybe you’d like to go out for some drinks sometime?” He barely made eye contact.

  “Are you for real?” Payton asked incredulously.

  “Uh, yeah.” Zach looked around to make sure no one was nearby to witness his possible strike out.

  The diarrhea of the mouth was fast approaching.

  “Let me make sure my brain is computing this correctly. We have worked together for approximately seven or eight years. Not once in this time frame have you ever given any indication that you were ever interested in my person. In fact, just about a month or two ago I overheard you talking with Ben about how girls with unsavory bodies were way worse than those with nice bodies and ugly faces. My body, being the former, by the way.” Payton gestured down her plump figure before continuing with her verbal evisceration of her coworker. “But the minute you find out that I’m dating a famous MMA fighter, I suddenly go from Jabba the Hutt to Princess Leia in the golden bikini? And what exactly makes you think I would jeopardize my relationship with Batman in order to date, Robin? And I’m not just talking physical appearances either. I’m talking, all-around wonderful person that saw me just as I am and still wanted me. No questions asked. So, no. No, I will not have drinks with you.”

  The word diarrhea finally stopped and Payton turned on her heel and walked away.

  “A simple ‘no’ would’ve sufficed,” Zach grumbled.

  A broad smile spread across Payton’s face as she walked a little taller towards her cubicle. Of course, she tripped on an imaginary crack in the floor, nearly ruining her moment.

  Luckily, no one noticed.


  “Aaaaaah!!! I think that’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard!” Kennedy squealed. “He asked you to go steady! You two have to be the cutest things ever.” She finished as she dramatically fell back on the bench.

  They were in the locker room changing into their workout clothes. Payton was rethinking her decision to tell them about her new relationship status considering the way they were acting.

  Kennedy fell all over herself, Royal fist punched the air and shouted ‘Fuck yeah!’ and Mia busted out some Salsa moves in celebration.

  “You all have to be the most embarrassing people in this galaxy and the next.” Payton hid her face as she pretended to focus on tying her shoes.

  “And yet, you still love us.” Mia grinned and wrapped Payton up in a warm hug. “I’m happy for you, amiga.”


  Payton smiled and warmth bloomed in her tummy at the thought of seeing him in a few minutes. They walked out into the open gym and it didn’t take long for her to spot Bradyn. He was in the middle of the most intense workout routine she had ever seen.

  There were huge, heavy ropes, free weights, medicine balls, kettle bells and more. She even spied giant tires and sledgehammers. What in the world?!

  And in the middle of it all was Bradyn. As they walked towards the row of ellipticals, Payton could have sworn the whole world slowed down and then stood still. He was in a pair of basketball shorts and sneakers, and that was it. The smooth, fair skin of his back splattered with freckles moved over straining muscles as he smacked two big ropes up and down. Then his thick muscled calves knotted as he moved quickly into lunges as he held two large kettle bells. He did several of those before he turned and g
rabbed one of the sledgehammers. His chest and abs rippled as he struck the tire over and over again with the hammer. His entire body was drenched with sweat. Beads of it dripped down his chest and rolled over each ab before disappearing into the waistband of his shorts.

  Payton had never found muscles to be attractive after what had happened to her all those years ago. But getting to know Bradyn, realizing that he was the gentlest and sweetest man she’d ever met, flipped her views on big men on its ear. She found it hard to breathe all of a sudden and her heart pounded and she hadn’t even gotten on a machine yet.

  She just so happened to glance around and found that her three friends had stopped right along with her and were staring as well. In fact, Payton’s eyes scanned the whole gym and found that women and men alike were all staring at her man. My man!

  She had to admit that he was literally a piece of moving artwork.

  “Payton?” Kennedy called to her breathlessly.

  “Yeah?” Payton responded, equally breathless.

  “When you do finally have sex with him, I’m gonna need a detailed replay. Hell, while you’re at it, a video would be nice too.” She said this without looking away from the Scotsman for one second.

  “Uh huh.” Royal and Mia mumbled their agreement in unison as the both slowly nodded their heads.

  Payton just swallowed as Bradyn glanced up and hit her with the full force of his icy blue eyes. A grin spread across his face as he struck the tire five more times, finishing his set. He dropped the hammer and wiped his face with a towel before quickly striding over to her.

  “Show’s over. Keep it moving!” She hissed out the side of her mouth to her friends.

  They reluctantly walked away with a wave to Bradyn, so that the two could have some privacy. Though that didn’t stop them from watching. Or any other members of the gym, for that matter.


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