Christmas from the Heart

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Christmas from the Heart Page 22

by Sheila Roberts

  As soon as the music started, they all got up to dance, and Livi was the first one on the dance floor. She was having fun. Yes, she was!

  Until the band slowed the music down and started singing the Great Lake Swimmers song, “Gonna Make it Through This Year.” What a downer song. Whose idea had it been to play this?

  Morris was perfectly happy slow dancing to it. Livi pretended to be, but after the song she headed for their table and her drink. Confetti cocktails. Party on.

  It was the night for songs about the new year. The band dug one out she’d never heard before, assuring her that “this will be our year.”

  “I want it to be,” Morris said as he moved her around the floor.

  New year, new beginning. She was ready now. Morris had waited long enough for her. And she’d waited long enough for love.

  “Morris, you’re the best,” she said. And she meant it. She’d never find a man who was a better fit for her than him.

  Once she thought she had. But she’d been wrong.

  They danced on and laughed and drank and ate bar munchies. And then the countdown to the new year began.

  “Ten, nine, eight...” everyone chanted.

  Almost there. A new year, a new beginning.

  “Seven, six, five...!” Out with the old, in with the new.

  “Four, three, two...” Livi chanted along with everyone else. “One. Happy New Year!” Morris pulled her into his arms and they kissed. She was enjoying those kisses more and more. They’d make this work and they’d be happy. Very happy.

  As for Guy Hightower, well, Livi pitied whoever he was with.

  Happy New Year


  A snowy January hurried by, full of cross-country skiing and cozy nights watching movies with Morris along with Sunday dinners either at home with her dad or out with his mom. It was a quiet life, the kind of life everyone settled into sooner or later.

  Livi kept busy. And she stopped watching episodes of House Hunters International online. Really, she had better things to do with her time.

  Like sending out thank-you notes to their Christmas from the Heart donors. She labored long and hard over the one to Guy Hightower. Ugh. What to say? Thanks for lying to me? For making a fool of me? Thanks for breaking my heart?

  Except that had been a two-person project. She’d put her stupid heart out there to get broken.

  She settled for pretending he was simply another donor and kept her handwritten note on a professional yet properly grateful level.

  Dear Mr. Hightower, on behalf of Christmas from the Heart I’d like to thank you for your donation this past year. Please know that it made a difference in many lives.

  She signed it with sincerely. There. Done.

  Come February it was time to think about Valentines and love. She baked Morris’s favorite sugar cookies for the big day, cut out in the shape of hearts and frosted with pink frosting and he made reservations for them at Family Tree. She was surprised to learn that he’d invited Kate and Bettina and their men along.

  “Thought you might want to make it a party,” he said.

  A party. On Valentine’s Day? At the same restaurant they’d been to a million times. Actually, if he’d asked her she’d have said she would have loved to have gone someplace special, maybe over to Schwangau, the fancy restaurant in the nearby Bavarian town of Icicle Falls. But oh well.

  The restaurant was running a surf and turf special. That explained it, thought Livi.

  “No offense or anything,” Kate said to her, “but I hadn’t planned on spending Valentine’s Day with you. I thought it would just be Tom and me and he’d be taking me into Seattle or at least as far as Everett. Someplace special.”

  “You should insist,” Livi said.

  “I did. He told me he’s got something special planned for the next night. So what do you think the guys are up to?”

  “Who knows? At least they’re up to something.”

  And so what if she wasn’t going to be at a fancy restaurant? Who cared if Morris hadn’t planned anything glamorous and exotic? She hadn’t exactly made big plans for him, either. All she’d done was bake him cookies.

  At least he was doing something and that was what counted. It wasn’t about where you went but about who you were with.

  Livi decided to make the night special with her red dress and red heels. And red lipstick—Red Razzle, brand-new from the drugstore’s cosmetics section. And perfume.

  “Wow, you look great,” Morris said when she opened the door.

  So did he. Morris, who only dressed up for funerals and weddings, was in his suit. And he had a bouquet of red carnations for her.

  “You look pretty special yourself,” she said, taking the flowers. “Let me put them in a vase before we go. Your present’s in the living room.”

  “Awesome,” he said with a grin. “I hope it’s what I think it is.”

  “Try to act surprised.”

  She came back out into the living room to find he’d already opened the box of cookies and was sampling one. “I love your cookies, Liv. These are the best. You made these just for me?”

  “I did.”

  “Thanks,” he said, and beamed as if she’d given him a new truck.

  And there, she thought, was the difference between men and women. Women liked candlelight dinners and flowers, bling and trips to romantic locales. Men were happy with cookies.

  Okay, not all men. Some men drove fancy cars and took ski trips to Vail.

  Never mind some men, she told herself firmly. They’re shallow and selfish and they don’t matter.

  The men who stuck with you through thick and thin, who really, truly gave of themselves, and who were honest, those were the men who mattered.

  Out the door they went and off to the restaurant. It had been hung with shiny red and pink valentines and silver tinsel and, like Livi, their hostess was wearing a red dress.

  “Happy Valentine’s Day,” she greeted them.

  “Happy Valentine’s Day,” Livi murmured in return. She was so lucky to have someone special to go out with.

  The rest of the gang was already at the table and had started on a bottle of champagne.

  “Thanks, Morris,” Danny said, raising his glass to Morris.

  “Champagne. You went all out,” Livi said to him.

  “Of course. It’s Valentine’s Day,” he said.

  They settled in at the table, good friends, solid, happy couples, all celebrating love. The perfect way to keep Livi’s new and improved new year going. Surf and turf for one and all.

  “Who’s for dessert?” asked Coral, their waitress, after she’d cleared their plates.

  “I’m stuffed,” Livi said. Steak and lobster, a baked potato and salad—Livi was going to explode.

  “Live it up,” Morris encouraged her. “Order the cheesecake. You know you want to.”

  Livi loved cheesecake. Still, she didn’t want to overindulge. And this meal was costing Morris a fortune.

  “I’ll help you eat it,” he said.

  That decided it. “Okay. Why not?”

  “Yes, why not?” agreed Kate. “I’ll take the brownie sundae. And no, you can’t help me eat it,” she said to Tom.

  Bettina and Danny opted for pie and that rounded out the order.

  “I think this would be a good time to do the group trip to the bathroom,” said Kate.

  “Good idea,” said Bettina. “Pregnancy killed my bladder.”

  “I’ll join you,” Livi said, and they left the men to enjoy their coffee and talk sports.

  “You and Morris look pretty happy,” Kate said a few minutes later as the three women stood in front of the mirror, freshening up.

  “We are,” Livi said.

  Kate’s easy expression was replaced by one of concern. “Are you really
, Livi?”

  “Of course I am,” Livi insisted. “I’ve finally realized what a treasure he is.”

  “Yes, but is he your treasure?” Kate persisted. She frowned at their reflections. So did Bettina.

  “What?” Livi said defensively.

  “We want you to be really happy,” Bettina said.

  “I am. I’m getting on with my life and that feels good.” She was aware of the look her two friends exchanged. “I love Morris,” she insisted.

  “I know,” Kate said. “But there’s love and then there’s love.”

  “And there’s smart and there’s stupid. I’m done being stupid,” Livi said.

  “It’s not stupid to refuse to settle,” Kate told her.

  “I’m not settling. I’m being practical. I’m tired of waiting.” Tired of waiting for a certain two-faced man to contact her. He wasn’t going to. And she didn’t want him to.

  But maybe he was afraid to. Maybe he was just waiting for her to email him and ask for a donation in the new year. She could write a simple business email. She needed donations for Christmas from the Heart. She’d only be doing her job.

  The idea of contacting Guy Hightower made her feel almost ill. After everything she’d said to him... No, she couldn’t do it. She’d have to find new donors somewhere.

  The women returned to the table to find their waitress had delivered everyone’s desserts but Livi’s.

  “That’s weird,” Bettina said. “Coral never messes up an order.”

  “She didn’t this time, either,” Morris said.

  Sure enough, there she came, bearing Livi’s dessert. Cheesecake with raspberry sauce swirled over it.

  And something glinting from on top of it. “Looks like we’re gonna have another scene here in the restaurant,” she joked as she set it down in front of Livi.

  Livi stared at it, her stomach doing somersaults. If she took that ring, she swung the gate open and walked into the next phase of her life. With a very good man.

  “What do you say, Livi?” Morris asked. He was looking at her with such hope in his eyes. If he hadn’t spoken she’d have sworn he was holding his breath.

  It seemed like everyone at the table was holding their breath. Even Livi. This was it. Now or never. Choose to get on with your life or hang in limbo. The diamond in the ring winked at her.

  “I know it’s kind of soon after...uh, that is...”

  An image of Guy Hightower floated into her mind like one of Scrooge’s Christmas ghosts. The Ghost of Christmas Past.

  “But I’m here for you.”

  And Guy Hightower wasn’t.

  “I love you,” Morris finished.

  That decided it. The ghost from Christmas Past hadn’t said he loved her, hadn’t made an appearance since their fight on her front porch. She could hang in limbo forever like Miss Havisham in Dickens’s famous novel, surrounded by cobweb-shrouded mistletoe, or she could get on with her life. She chose to get on with her life.

  “I say yes,” she said, and slipped her arms around Morris’s neck and kissed him.

  “She said yes!” Coral announced, and everyone at the neighboring tables applauded.

  Yep, she’d made the right decision. No doubt about it.

  * * *

  By Valentine’s Day Guy had seen all the heart-shaped candy boxes he could stand. He’d worked ten hours and was craving steak, but a restaurant was definitely out of the question. He never liked to eat in a restaurant alone anyway. So he was picking up something at the grocery store. He knew if he went in there to snag a top sirloin that those stupid candy boxes would be everywhere, mocking him.

  Just like that check his mom had given him. He should pop the thing in the mail and be done with it, maybe even include a handwritten note saying how sorry he was for everything he’d said and done. For being himself.

  She’d written him. A stilted thank you that had been anything but from the heart. That had been the final nail in the coffin.

  Even though the check was for no small amount, it didn’t seem like a big enough gesture. As for writing her, I’m sorry really wasn’t enough. He’d tried that and look where it had gotten him.

  Of course, apologies mixed with defensiveness and angry words weren’t really apologies. He’d blown it, pure and simple.

  He went straight home, called out for pizza delivery and grabbed a beer from the fridge. In a perfect world he’d have been up in Pine River, taking Livi to dinner. No, not dinner in Pine River. He’d have had her here in Seattle with him, and they’d have been eating at the Space Needle.

  He needed a plan. Come on, Cupid, you little shit. Help me think of something.

  * * *

  The diamond in the ring was a modest stone, nothing pretentious. And that was fine with Livi. She didn’t need wealth and pretension.

  She pulled the ring out of the cheesecake, wiped it off with her napkin and slipped it on her finger. A perfect fit. See?

  She held out her hand and admired her new acquisition. That was preferable to looking at her friends’ faces. Oh, she knew they were smiling, but she also knew they were concerned that she was making a misstep. She’d surely see it in their eyes.

  “It’s not much,” Morris said, obviously worried.

  “It’s beautiful and I love it,” she told him.

  “And I love you, Liv. We’re gonna have a good life together. You wait and see.”

  He’d said that so many times now that she simply had to believe him. “We’re already having a good life together,” she told him.

  “Bathroom break,” Kate said in commanding tones.

  “Yes,” said Bettina, scooting out of the booth.

  “You guys just went,” said Tom, perplexed.

  “So we’re going again,” Kate said. “Come on, Livi.”

  “You guys go. I’m fine,” Livi said, knowing full well what was coming.

  “Oh no. You need more lipstick,” Kate said, tugging on her arm.

  It would be childish to resist and make a scene. It hadn’t been that long since her party had made a scene in the restaurant and they didn’t need to provide the night’s entertainment for the other diners again so soon. She gave up and followed her friends to the women’s room.

  They were barely through the door before Kate demanded, “What are you thinking? I don’t care if Morris did put you on the spot by getting us all here for this. You don’t have to say yes just because he asked.”

  “She’s right,” said Bettina. “It’s only been a couple of months since... I mean you’re not really over...”

  Livi held up a hand to shut them up. “I certainly am, so don’t even mention his name. This is a new year and my new life and I’m getting married and that’s that.”

  “Liv, are you sure?” Bettina asked. “Morris is a good guy, but are you sure?”

  “Of course I’m sure. Otherwise I wouldn’t have said yes.”

  “You said yes because you’re not thinking clearly,” Kate insisted.

  “I am thinking clearly, and I want to get married,” Livi said with a scowl. “To Morris,” she quickly added.

  Kate gave up. “Okay. It’s your funeral.”

  “No, it’s my wedding,” Livi snapped. And she and Morris were going to be very happy together. Very happy!

  And to prove it, she danced until she was a sweaty mess, drank too much champagne and hung all over him like a girl with her first boyfriend. Ha! Funny, considering the fact that he had been her first boyfriend way back when she’d been a girl. So there you had it. She’d come full circle, back together with her high school sweetheart.

  The night flew by. Yes, time really did fly when you were having fun. And drinking too much.

  “You made my life,” Morris said as they stood on her front porch.

  Making someone’s life, that was a big responsibi
lity. For a moment Livi’s smile faltered.

  But then Morris wrapped his big, strong arms around her and kissed her again and bolstered that smile back up.

  “See you tomorrow,” he said. “I’m gonna come over and watch the basketball game with your dad.”

  The guys would watch the game on TV and Livi would make chili and cheese bread. While they watched the game, she’d hang out on the couch and finish her book or check out stuff on Pinterest. Either way, it would be a nice day. Her dad would be glad to see her happy. He’d always liked Morris.

  He was already in bed when she entered the house. She half wished he was awake so she could show off her ring and hear him say how happy he was for her, what a great guy Morris was and what a good decision she’d made in accepting him.

  She reminded herself that she didn’t need her father to tell her she’d made a smart decision. She already knew she had.

  He was at the kitchen table when she came down the next morning, reading the paper and drinking his morning coffee. “Did you have fun last night?” he greeted her.

  “I did.” She sat down opposite him and held out her hand to show off the ring.

  Her father’s brows knit as he stared at it. “Well, this doesn’t surprise me. But are you sure, Snowflake?”

  Of course she was sure. “Yes. Why shouldn’t I be?”

  “It seems a little soon after...” He cleared his throat. “I hate to see you rush into something.”

  “Dad, Morris and I have known each other for years.”

  “I know. Marriage is a big commitment and I want you to be sure. I don’t want to see you make a mistake.”

  The mistake would be to keep moping around over someone not worth moping over. “I’m not.”

  “Well, then, I’m happy for you. Morris is a decent man.”

  Yes, he was.

  Later that morning, while the men watched the ball game, she slipped into the kitchen and called her sister-in-law to share the news that she was engaged.

  “Wow! Did Guy come back?”

  “Guy? No. I’m engaged to Morris.”


  “Your enthusiasm is underwhelming,” Livi said.


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