CJ (Aces MC Series Book 6)

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CJ (Aces MC Series Book 6) Page 5

by Aimee-Louise Foster

  "No...I don't know." Recon shrugged, "I'm gonna start calling you Spike."

  "What do you mean by that?" I asked confused.

  "You're not a fixer. You can't start wanting to save everyone and everything CJ."

  "That's just doing the right thing though mate, they're going to sell her fucking virginity. That is just fucking wrong they're animals."

  "Yeah and we're going to rectify that situation mate don't worry about that."

  "What by killing Hustler and Onyx you think this will be sorted?" I opened my arms wide indicating that the situation was a lot bigger than two members.

  "Well it will help the situation at least."

  I let out a loud sigh, "It will just make room for another arsehole to come along and pick up where they left off."

  "But it's not our problem. Our job is to get revenge for Locke's murder, an eye for an eye and all that."

  "But it's bigger than that now Recon."


  "I can't sit back and watch these pricks do what they're doing."

  "So what are you going to do? Bring the whole club down?"


  Chapter 5


  "So why do you think she wants to meet you?" Recon asked getting out of the car.

  I shook my head, "I haven't got a fucking clue mate to be honest. She did say a few things regarding Locke that made me think but I'm sure there's something bigger than that and I'm just bracing myself."

  "Well you'll find out soon enough," Recon nodded his head towards a black Nissan parked under the trees. The window was down and Keira gave a slight wave looking a little uncomfortable as she sat waiting for me.

  I turned to Recon, "Are you happy to give us a couple of minutes alone?"

  "Yeah man, take as long as you need. I noticed a burger van back there," he stated pointing in the direction we'd come. "I'll go and grab a coffee and something to eat."

  "Thank you, I shouldn't be long."

  "That's fine mate, take as long as you like I'll amuse myself." Recon patted me on the shoulder and made his way up the hill in search of some food.

  I smiled before turning to make my way towards Keira. I still didn't understand why Recon had insisted on coming here today. I knew he got bored easily, maybe he didn't want to stay in the hotel room by himself. As I approached the car, I noticed at how well Keira was looking. She'd grown her hair out and although the short haircut had suited her, she was looking hot, really hot with her new style. I shook my head dismissing the thought completely, what was wrong with me?

  "Morning," I nodded giving her my clipped greeting. Despite the two recent phone conversations, I still wasn't happy with how she'd dealt with the situation over Locke's death. I wasn't stupid enough to think that people didn't deal with grief and certain events in different ways, I only had to reference back to how Lauren had dealt with the rape to know that everyone was different. I just wish that she would've spoken to me, if anything I loved him too and knew what she was going through.

  Keira smiled, "Thank you for meeting with me CJ, I really appreciate your time."

  "Did I have much choice?" Keira drew her brows confused by my comment, "I've gotta feeling that you would've kept calling until I agreed to see you somehow."

  She smirked, "You're certainly right there."

  "You're looking well," I nodded in her direction and noticed that her checks flushed from my comment.

  "Thank you and you don't look too shabby yourself. Have you been hitting the gym hard?"

  I nodded, "I not long ago had a fight."

  "And did you win?"

  "Pfft, of course I did." I gave her a cheeky wink and noticed her cheeks flush even more. Oh my god my words were actually making her blush, I knew that I had to stop it but found it comical in light of the situation. I placed my hand on top of the car and leaned closer, "Well I'm sure you haven't come here today to just ask me about my fitness regime, have you?"

  "No," she looked away and I could see her analysing something as she let out a deep breath.

  "Why are you following me, you really don't need to help me." I heard a commotion behind me and turned to see Recon being man handled by Declan. The look of horror on Recon's face was a sight to behold, I turned and leaned on the car as I folded my arms across my chest to watch the interaction.

  "Let me hold your drink for you, you don't want to spill it on those...mmmm big muscles of yours do you." Declan winked cheekily and grabbed Recons arm.

  He glanced in our direction, "I found this at the burger van." He pointed his thumb in the direction of Declan, "Does he belong to you?"

  "I'm afraid so!" Keira sniggered.

  "Erm...I'm not a dog," Declan said humorously.

  "Well can you get it off me?" Recon asked completely ignoring Declan's comments.

  "Stop being silly," Declan lightly slapped Recons arm and I couldn't help but laugh. "You're just playing hard to get, why don't we go and find somewhere quiet to sit and have a chat." Declan smiled and snuggled up to Recon's side.

  "Keira sort him out before I do something I may regret." Recon was now losing his cool and didn't appreciate the way I was enjoying the scene playing out in front of me.

  "Declan behave yourself!" She scolded him like he was a child.

  "I'm not doing anything wrong!"

  "Keira!" Recons words were now more forceful as he asked for help.

  Keira opened the door and stepped from the vehicle, "You must be fucking kidding me!" I screamed stepping away from the car to run my fingers through my hair. Everything fell silent around me as I paced the car park not knowing what to say and do.

  "Erm, I think we should go and have that chat Declan."

  "I knew you'd come round to my way of thinking," I turned to see Declan try to link arms with Recon as he fiercely tried to brush him off. The scene would've been amusing if it wasn't for the fact that Keira had just dropped this bombshell.

  "I've been meaning to tell you CJ," she placed her hands on her tummy emphasising its size.

  "Meaning to tell me what Keira? That you're a fucking slag and couldn't wait to jump into another man's bed?"

  She shook her head, "It's not like that."

  "Not like that," I screamed pointing to her protruding belly. "What is it like then Keira because from where I'm standing I'd say you're heavily pregnant!" I was annoyed, I could feel the rage building inside me and was about to burst. "You fucking slag, his body weren't even cold and you were screwing another man or is it men you slut?"

  "Stop it, just stop it CJ."

  "No I fucking wont, you pretend to love Locke and then go and get knocked up."

  "You've got this all wrong, CJ I need to talk to you when you're not so annoyed." Keira's watery eyes sparkled but I wasn't finished with her. She'd betrayed him and I wasn't gonna let her off lightly.

  "It's Locke's baby," she screamed as the dam broke and her tears streamed from her eyes.

  "What? It can't be?" I was a wash of emotions as I tried to come to terms with what she'd just told me.

  Keira nodded, "It is CJ, Locke's the father." She was more composed with her words although she was crying.

  I briskly walked over to Keira and brought her into my embrace, wrapping my arms around her tightly as I listened to her sob. I'd been an absolute shit to her, I'd hated her for taking off so soon after his death but now I understood why. She had enough going on with losing Locke and then to discover that she was carrying his child, I couldn't even start to imagine what she was going through.

  I slowly rubbed the back of her head and held her close, I could feel my polo shirt stick to my chest because of her tears but I didn't care, she obviously needed comfort and I was happy for her to stay here if it made her feel better. We'd all missed Locke but I had found it particularly difficult to grieve because of the hatred I had inside for his murderers, I was only hoping that when I had completed my mission that I would be free to move on but I doubted it because it hurt so much not
seeing him.

  "Shhhh...come on babe it's going to be okay." I lay light kisses on the top of her head as I continued to comfort her. My emotions were now all over the place but I had the desire to protect her and Locke's unborn child. I'd gone from despising the woman thinking that she didn't care to wanting to protect her from any more heartache. "I promise to take care of you babe, I'll make sure that you and the baby want for nothing."

  She wriggled in my arms freeing herself from my embrace and looked up at me, "That's not why I wanted to see you."

  "I didn't think it would be but I'm just letting you know that everything's going to be okay."

  Keira drew her brows looking confused, "Everything's is okay CJ. I just wanted, no needed to tell you about the baby face to face rather than over the phone. I thought it was only right that you knew."

  "And I appreciate that although you should've told me earlier Keira. I could've been there for you babe throughout the pregnancy."

  "I'm not your responsibility."

  "That may be the case but have you thought for one minute about how I've been doing. Maybe I need this Keira, maybe I need a focus to help me grieve and to give me the hope that a positive can come out of this shit situation."

  "I've done nothing but think these past couple of months and that's why I wanted to see you regarding the baby."

  "It can't be easy."

  She wiped a tear that trickled down her cheek, "It's not, I miss him every single minute of the day."

  "So do I babe."

  Keira rubbed her tummy again, "What am I going to tell this little one?"

  I smiled, "You tell the baby that its daddy was the most caring, considerate, thoughtful person you knew and most importantly he died saving others which shows the character of the man."

  "Boy...it's going to be a boy," Keira stated smiling.

  A wash of emotions poured over me and I smiled happily knowing that not long from now we'd have a little Locke running around causing mischief just like his father did. "Well then, you tell Jake junior that his daddy would have loved him not only to the moon but to Pluto and back four hundred times." Keira looked at me confused again, "Sorry that was a joke between my mum and I, when I was a kid."

  "No need to apologise," she replied quietly wiping her cheeks.

  She looked cute even with her blotchy skin and I couldn't help but take her hands in mine, "I know that you're a strong independent woman but sometimes even you need to stop being so stubborn and allow other people to help out."

  She smiled, "I'm not stubborn." I raised my brows making her giggle, "I just know what I want and what I need to do to achieve it."

  "Well you don't have to do that on your own." Her facial expression quickly changed as she looked at me uneasily.

  "Cooee," I glanced in the direction the noise came from to see Recon and Declan strolling towards us linking arms. Recon looked terrified which only made the situation more amusing.

  Keira and I chuckled at their interaction as they joined us, lightening the mood ever so slightly which I was pleased about.

  Declan looked down towards our entwined fingers and raised his brow with a little smirk, I glanced to where he was looking not realising that I was still holding her hands and quickly dropped them feeling a little uncomfortable because of the circumstances.

  "I'm sorry, I..." I trailed off and rubbed my forehead not knowing what to say or do.

  Keira smiled, "It's fine, it's what I needed."

  I heard the shuffling of feet and noticed Recon walk back to my car giving us some space as he probably saw the tension building between us.

  "I'm pleased that you told me," this was true but I knew this was going to add further complications to my life.

  "So am I," Keira stepped closer and brought her lips together ready to give me a kiss. I leaned down and turned so she could press her lips lightly onto my cheek. As I pulled away I couldn't help but place my hand on her tummy.

  "It's just truly amazing," I couldn't take my eyes from her bump knowing that a baby was growing inside her.

  "What is?" she asked quietly.

  "The miracle of life," I removed my hand and stepped back taking a deep breath as our eyes met once again. She was stirring all types of emotions inside me that I needed some space, I needed to get a grip and quickly. "As you can imagine, I have a lot going on at the moment but I still want to keep in touch."

  Keira smiled, "I'd like that."

  "I can't have you coming to visit me, if you want to see me at all just give me a call and we'll arrange to meet somewhere else far away from the Satan's." Keira nodded understanding what I'd said but I saw the sadness in her eyes. I was feeling her pain as I had to deal with seeing the cunts that were responsible for taking the man she loved every day but I was getting through it, knowing that there was a game plan to take the top dogs out but for Keira that may not be the closure she needed.

  "Can you just promise me one thing CJ?"

  "What's that babe?"

  I saw the pleading in her eyes, "That you'll be careful." I looked at her confused trying to throw her off the scent, "I'm not stupid CJ, I know what's going on and what you plan to do."

  I smiled, she'd only been with Locke a short time but she obviously knew what was involved. "I'll be fine babe you don't need to worry about me."

  "I thought Locke was going to be okay too and look what happened to him."

  Her words ripped through me as I remembered him lying cold on the mortuary slab. I knew what she was trying to do, "Don't!" I placed my finger over her lips trying to stop her from talking further but she stepped back.

  "No I won't. You've just told me that you want to be a part of this baby's life." She wrapped both arms around her tummy holding it tightly, "Now if you're dead how are you going to do that exactly?"

  Oh she was pulling out all the stops trying to get me to reconsider, "You know I can't pull out Keira."

  "What would Locke prefer you to do? Get revenge or look after me and his child."

  I didn't need to even consider her words as I knew the answer but I also knew that in this moment in time I just needed to calm the situation and reassure her.

  "Babe I'm not putting myself in any danger, it's all under control I promise you that." She looked at me wearily which made me snigger, "Trust me, please."

  Keira nodded her head slowly, "Okay I'm trusting you but don't let me down." She turned on her heels and walked towards her car, "I'll be in touch."

  I waved before walking in the direction of my vehicle. I could feel a headache coming on as she'd given me a lot to think about but her question kept buzzing around in my head. What would Locke prefer you to do? Get revenge or look after me and his child. I knew what Locke would've wanted but why couldn't I manage to do both?

  Chapter 6


  I glanced at my watch as I entered the house from the back garden. That was the last black bag, I'd filled eight in total from the aftermath of the party last night. Bottles, cans, fag boxes, wrappers, it was disgusting the way they left this place and I was expected to clear up after them. I had around an hour left before Poppy returned. She'd expect the place to be spotless but there was no way it was going to be cleaned and tied by then as I still had the kitchen to finish once the hoovering was done.

  I rubbed my forehead trying to process the order in which I should tackle the job when I heard the keys being put into the door. My heart leapt and I filled with dread knowing what was about to happen.

  I heard the familiar sound of her stilettos as she made her way through the hallway and into the living room.

  "And I suppose you think this is acceptable?" Poppy threw her bags onto the sofa and stood with her hands on her hips looking at me with a pinched expression. "Trish, Robin go upstairs and play. Mummy will be up in a little while." The children did as they were told and made their way from the living room but looked back to give me a wave. I loved those children, I'd spent a lot of time with them over the period I'd b
een here when their mother was either too high or intoxicated to look after them. They were cute kids, it was just a shame that they had a psycho for a father and an addict as a mother.

  "Well I've been at it now for about three hours," I trailed off knowing that it was no use trying to argue with her.

  "I don't want to hear your lame arse excuses Charity it's getting boring. Onyx brought you here for one reason only and that was to help me. Now if you're not fucking helping me then there's no point you being here."

  I watched as she unfastened her belt and started to slide it from the loops around the waist of her jeans. I held out my hands, "Poppy you don't need to do this. I'm getting it done, I'll make you a cup of tea just how you like it and you can take it into the garden while I finish up or even upstairs while you play with the kids. It won't take long I promise." I backed up slowly knowing that she'd probably lunge for me as I sized up my options.

  "Who the fuck do you think you are telling me what I can and can't do in my own home?" Poppy continued to walk towards me, she'd now removed the belt and was holding it with the buckle swinging low ready to be struck in my direction.

  "I see the way he looks at you, don't think I haven't noticed the dirty glances between the two of you when you think I'm not looking." Where the hell was this coming from? I didn't understand why she was implying that I was interested in Onyx. I couldn't stand him looking at me, breathing near me or even existing. He was a vile man, I'd seen things that people only dreamed about in their worst nightmares and I was now here for him to do with me what he pleased. I had no one to run to and I certainly couldn't go to the police as Hustler had said he'd kill me and I believed him. He'd shown me photographs of young girls battered and bruised and I couldn't tell in half of the photographs shown whether they were dead or alive.

  "Poppy I promise I don't look at him like that, I have no feelings for him whatsoever."

  "So are you telling me that I'm imagining it?" Poppy started to swing the belt like a lasso.

  I held out my hands, "No...Look Poppy please can we talk about this?"


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