Absolute Magic

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Absolute Magic Page 2

by Stephany Wallace

  She slowly shook her head. Her hand lifted and when she placed it on my heart, I actually felt her. I gasped as she smiled.

  “I can feel your heart, Priestess. You weep because you have felt the pain of loss, and learned the ways of repentance, because those lives lost have become as important as your own, and you have experienced the powerlessness of revenge. You witnessed the wrongs of the world, and your soul has forever been scarred for it. Yet, as you stand here before me, your heart also rejoices. For the powerful love you have known, received and given. The new choices you shall have the tenacity to make, and the courage that was born inside you, to guide your people and follow a path, that no one but yourself must carve.”

  Her other hand lifted and cupped my cheek, while her eyes looked straight into mine.

  “Purity of heart is not born from sheltering ourselves from life, and boasting that we have no wrongdoings to repent for. It is born from experiencing the pain, the loss, the shame and the guilt born with cruel actions, rising above it and choosing to never take the same path again. Being in the midst of temptation, power, anger, envy and refusing to allow it to control you ever again, is the biggest feat. True purity of heart comes from wielding the power to destroy a being, and deciding to save him instead.”

  The tears fell freely from my eyes, while the image of Leigh standing in the middle of the battle returned to me. Suddenly, I was there once again. I fell to my knees screaming, as the light that was meant to destroy him shocked my body over and over, making me convulse on the ground until it consumed me. The truth in Aine’s words filled every cell in my body as the image disappeared and I was once again in the cave, standing in front of her. My heart thundered in my chest, receiving the truth in her words.

  “You have always been the Priestess your Grandfather expected, Briana. The one Cynwrig believes in, the question remains, are you finally ready to fulfill your destiny?”

  I placed my hand on my chest, feeling the softness and warmth of her skin on mine and closed my eyes. A sense of purpose burst through my heart and rushed through me.

  “I am.”

  “Then one we shall become.”

  Her lips stretched into a mesmerizing smile just as the light shot from her wings. The rainbow rays scattered through the cave filling every nook, and completely surrounding us. My eyes took in every color and it suddenly dawned on me, it was the same radiance that projected from my Minastra GalIsacura Arthulis, which sat at the top of my Spear of Light. It was in that moment that I realized what I must do.

  The words came to me as though I had recited them many times before, and as I spoke, Aine’s wings slowly closed around us, encasing us in her multicolored light.

  * * *

  “Winged spirit of sweetness, I call on you.

  Teach me the ways of transformation and fertilization,

  Teach me to taste the essence of each place I alight,

  carrying that essence with me to continue the creation's cycle.

  Teach me the ways of hope.

  Reminding me that what seems impossible may yet be achieved.

  Flitting tears of the Goddess,

  draw me ever closer to the wisdom hidden within beauty.

  Give me flight and sunlight, passion and courage support of those around me.

  Give me a sharpened strength to defend my home.

  May I ever spiral out from my heart, searching for what I need,

  allow me to return there once again, and turn those lessons into nourishment.

  Bee spirit, I become you.”

  * * *

  Aine’s light amplified, until it became blinding, but I could perfectly see every detail inside it. Taking a step closer, she stepped into me, disappearing, and her light became mine. My body glowed. Rainbow lights ran over my skin, creating the delicate patterns her majestic wings had displayed a moment ago. They rushed over me until the light reached my eyes and everything became white.

  My gaze shifted to the skylight as the sun shone through the aperture, perfectly illuminating the cave inside. The white haze still overwhelmed my vision, and I was certain my eyes were glowing. The emotions inside me were vibrant and clear. There was love, pride, humility, courage, vigor, respect, calm, conviction, purpose like I have never felt before, happiness and sadness all at once. Still, inside my heart was the strongest of them all. The one thing I was absolutely certain of.

  My bare feet stamped the sandy ground as I walked towards the entrance of the cave. I stopped just outside it. Cyn, Art and Eisha stood, and gazed at me speechless. My body lifted from the ground as though carried by Aine’s majestic wings.

  “I am, Brina. Rightful Granddaughter of Mòr Sagart, Nels Anwell, and High Priestess of The Order of The Druids…”

  “I Am Peace.”


  * * *


  * * *

  The warmth of his gaze swept over me once again, and I tried my best not to open my eyes, although the smile that curved my lips couldn't be helped.

  “It’s a bit creepy to stare at your fiancé while she sleeps, you know?" My eyes remained closed, but I could feel Cyn's chest moving against me as he silently chuckled.

  “So is pretending to be asleep, when it is evident that your fiancé is anxiously waiting for you to open your eyes.”

  I sighed as my lips stretched wide, and stared at him. "You've been looking at me like you expect me to self-combust since I got out of the cave. It's been three days, Cyn. I am fine. I promise.”

  Cyn’s brow furrowed, his smile instantly disappearing. “Are you certain?”

  I rolled my eyes, and he chuckled again. Siting up, I rested my back against the headboard as he moved closer to me. The heat of his naked chest engulfed me. I took his hand as I held his gaze. "Why are you so worried about me?"

  The light in his eyes changed. “Because I have experienced the darkness. I know the things one must face while in The Sacred Womb of Rebirth. The decisions, and mistakes we must relive in order to leave the pain behind, and let the light inside us take over. I know what you have been through and I…” His words caught as his eyes filled with hurt. “I would have been there for you if I could have.”

  My hand lifted cupping his cheek. Cyn’s eyes instantly closed, giving in to my touch. “You were with me, Cyn. You always are."

  His gaze focused on me once again and his lips slightly curved. The hope in his eyes begged me to keep going.

  "You are in my heart, and I felt you with me." My gaze shifted to his dimple as I absentmindedly caressed it with my thumb. "Being there and going through the transition, was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life, but I'm glad I did it. I'd like to think I'm a better person for it. I can only pray to our Goddess that she will light the way for me, clear the doubts that clouded my mind in the past, and help me realize what I must do next. I pray that our Mother Goddess is always by my side, so that I’ll never lose sight of my true purpose."

  A brilliant smile curved his lips, and his right dimple winked at me, almost robbing me of breath.

  "What happened?"

  “Our mother Goddess… You have just accepted her as yours, my Goddess.”

  I smiled too. “I guess I did.”

  Cyn leaned closer, eyes shining, and the love that burst out of them almost knocked me on my butt. It was a good thing I was already sitting down. "Sweet mother of all things powerful," I whispered breathlessly. His gaze went to my lips, and a full shudder rocked my body.

  He captured my lips with a storm of a kiss, pouring all the love he felt for me into it, and stealing all will from me. My back rested on the mattress once again, while Cyn's kisses traveled down my body, confirming the one thing I could never deny.

  I was his.

  Mind, body, and soul.

  His lips moved down the side of my throat tenderly but purposefully. I moaned as his tongue gently licked the tender skin under my ear, and his fingers slowly trailed down to my breasts. Torturing me. W
hen my eyes opened again, I realized something I hadn't in the past three days. The object of his interest was delicately wrapped around his finger. The long white strand of hair snuck from between my red waves and rested on my shoulder. I silently followed its path along my chest, as it curved and curled over my left breast, covering my otherwise naked skin.

  Being bare with Cyn in my bed had become as natural as breathing. His finger twirled around the strand once again, lifting it and exposing my nipple to his heated gaze. Cyn's lips closed around it and kissed it gently. A half gasp, half moan left my lips as my eyes inevitably closed.

  “Cyn…” I whispered, forcing my eyes to open.

  His gaze was once again fixated on the white strands of my hair. Cyn's eyes suddenly found mine, and the burning behind them was unmistakable. He wanted me. This wasn't his usual sexy stare, this was an “I want you so bad, I will devour you whole, and there's nothing you can do about it." kind of look. I whimpered in response, pushing my body against his. I needed him.

  “You have no notion of what your hair does to me.”

  Cyn’s voice was strangled, as though he was in pain. His gaze lowered to his finger and followed the path of the white strand back to my head. My lips curved into a sensual smile.

  “You like the white in my hair?” I asked, a little surprised, although pleased by that development.

  Cyn grunted, much like he did when I made out with his dimple. "It drives me mad," his voice was rough, and his eyes glazed over with desire as he leaned closer and smelled me.

  “That explains the past three days,” I said amused and licked his dimple.

  Cyn leaned back abruptly and stared right into my eyes. He looked almost wild, and a rush of anticipation invaded my being. Yes! Whatever he was going to do, I wanted to feel it… now! I’d never been with any other man but him. Cyn had been my first kiss, my first touch, my first love, but even knowing as little as I knew about intimacy, I was absolutely sure of one thing. No man could ever be as passionate as he was with me. Still, at this moment, I knew I was about to feel things he'd never shown me before.

  Cyn claimed my lips, and pulled me down against the mattress as his body descended on mine, with a hunger I'd never experience from him. His hips began to rock into me causing havoc inside me. His movements had an almost animalistic rhythm, and I clung to him feeling weak. My fingers slipped through his hair, gripping it fiercely while I fell into the most powerful abyss he had ever pushed me over. My back arched, my breasts pressed against his chest as his lips once again reached my neck.

  “You are mine…” Cyn whispered in my ear while his body moved over mine, pushing deeper, and turning me into nothing.

  That was the beauty of being with him. When Cyn loved me, the rest of the world ceased to exist.

  * * *

  I stood from the bed and walked towards the partition. I was butt naked, and I could feel Cyn's heated gaze following my every move. I chuckled, and looked at him over my shoulder.

  "Stop it, or I'm going to have to tie you to the bed."

  "Now, that is a stimulating idea…" a devilish spark entered his gaze, and I rolled my eyes.

  "What in the world has gotten into you?" The sultry sound of his laugh floated around us, and I grinned. "Mind you, I'm not complaining, I'm simply wondering." I winked at him and turned to face the mirror.

  I cringed looking at the birds' nest my hair had become and reached for the brush attempting to tame it. My gaze followed Cyn as he stood from the bed and I blushed. I wasn't exactly embarrassed by being naked around him anymore. Yet, seeing him completely bare to my eyes—with that subtle sheen on his skin reminding me of what we had just done—always did things to me. Although by the looks of it, he was fully counting on it, and ready for more.

  I forced my gaze back up, stopping only for a second to admire his abs then continued to his face. I was right on time too as Cyn stood behind me, pressed his body against mine, and took the brush from my hand. I swallowed.

  “Stop it. You are not going to keep me captive any longer in your prison of love.”

  His laughter once again traveled through the hut, and his sexy dimple made an appearance just for me.

  "Is that so?" He asked, turning me to face him, and pushing the brush down my hair.

  Standing on the tip of my toes, I kissed his dimple and leaned back as his eyes briefly closed. I knew what that did to him. Yeah, so I wasn't exactly helping things, but whatever. I nodded just as he took a deep breath and continued to brush my hair gently.

  "We have important things to do."

  He slightly frowned. "We do? What do you have in mind?"

  “Well, for starters, we have a wedding to plan.”

  Cyn’s arms wrapped around me, bringing me closer to him. The sensation made me tremble. "That we do, my Goddess."

  Giving in, I lifted my lips to his and enjoyed the most breathtaking kiss we had ever shared. It was filled with genuine happiness. Not only for me but, also from Cyn. It was as though the weight of his past, of his pain, had begun to dissipate from his spirit. He seemed much lighter and elated. I loved feeling him like that. Our connection was the strangest thing I had ever experienced, but also the most powerful. It seemed to have strengthened after I went through my spiritual rebirth, and a part of me wondered if it would become even stronger once we were united in the Handfasting Ceremony.

  "But that's not all," I added, pulling out of his arms and taking the brush from him. I turned around, taking a deep breath as determination rushed through me. Receiving the influx of emotion from our connection, Cyn straightened behind me. He looked at me expectantly as I reached for the white strand that fell over my shoulder and down my chest. I was not the same woman that had entered that cave. My white strands were a reminder of who I was now, and what I must do.

  My gaze focused on Cyn’s. “I need to talk to Felix.”

  My hand lifted but stopped a second before knocking on the wooden door. I was still trying to process everything that had happened without me knowing, in the months leading to the battle. I had no idea how to handle this, or even how to ask what I needed to ask, yet I was convinced there was no way around it. I needed to talk to him… to them. Cyn's warmth reached my other hand as his fingers intertwined with mine. He smiled at me reassuringly, and I nodded. We needed to do this. After two knocks I let my hand fall to my side, and smiled when the door opened.

  “Oh my God! You are here, linda!” I stumbled backwards as Lia rushed me, hugging me tightly.

  I chuckled just as Art’s deep laugh poured through the door, but my heart still constricted. “I’m so sorry I haven’t been here for you, Lia. I was so overwhelmed by what I was feeling, and everything I...”

  "Oh, shut up." She said, pulling out of the hug and dragging me inside the hut. Cyn chuckled behind us, closing the door. "There is no need to apologize." She added with a one-shoulder shrug, and looked at me with so much love my heart felt it. "The truth is, the past few months have been a roller coaster for all of us."

  I nodded, my lips stretching into a bright smile. "So, you and my older brother, huh?"

  "You told her?" Lia screeched, smacking Cyn on the arm. He chuckled walking towards Art. Her punch hadn't even fazed him. "That was not your news to tell. I don't care if you are the High Priest or not. It's my life, and I wanted to tell her."

  Cyn cringed. "My apologies. I am so thrilled about my little brother finally being happy, that I could not keep myself from, sharing it with my Goddess." He hooked his arm around Art's neck and brought him down playfully, as he disheveled his hair. He laughed when Art pushed him away.

  "Bro, do you mind?? I don't just wake up like this you know? The hair takes time." Art chuckled and winked at me, dimple flashing as he faced the mirror, and slid his fingers through the top, fixing it. Cyn shook his head amused, and sat on one of the chairs.

  "I'm so happy for you two. You are kind of perfect for each other, actually," I said, hugging Lia again and sitting next to Cyn.

  Right on cue, Art carried her by the waist and sat her on the table as though she were a child.

  “Neanderthal.” She huffed at him, crossing her arms.

  Art kissed her lips and rested his hip on the table beside her. "You love it." He crossed his arms over his chest confidently. Lia narrowed her eyes at him, but the spark in them said he was right. I grinned. They were adorable together.

  "You look freaking badass with that hair, by the way," Lia's gaze returned to me, roaming my peculiar white strands with wonder. "Like total hair envy over here. I'm green right now." We chuckled. "I'm assuming that had to do with the cave too.” She looked at Art and then back at me, embarrassed. “I guess we also gossiped about you guys a little. Art told me what happened to your hair in the battle. God, I’m so glad nothing else happened to you though. I’m so relieved that blast of light didn’t hurt you.”

  I nodded. "I am too. I still need to learn a few things about the Minastra GalIsacura Arthulis, but I know now that the power from my Spear of Light comes from me. It’s my force going through the sphere and becoming pure light. That is the reason it didn’t hurt me.”

  "Wow," she whispered. Holding Art's hand as it wrapped around her waist, he pulled her closer to him.

  My gaze shifted to the leather cuff on his wrist. “Art, you are The Soul Hunter? How on earth did that happen?”

  His lips curved into a grin and he looked down at his bracelet. His fingers caressed it, and a blue-purplish light burst from it. I gasped as the colors transferred to his skin as though responding to his touch. Yellow, green and deep red joined in, bouncing off him. It was mesmerizing to witness. It looked like a sunset was glowing from him, yet it lasted only a few seconds.

  The glow disappeared, and he looked back at me. "Apparently, I was always meant for this, but it wasn't time for me to embrace it yet. The Goddess came to me in what I thought was a dream. She told me I was finally ready and that she needed me. Afterwards, this bracelet appeared on me, and I can't take it off. Now I can travel to the Blessed Isles.”


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