Absolute Magic

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Absolute Magic Page 24

by Stephany Wallace

  "Did you eat him?"

  We laughed as he stared at her shocked. "No, I'm the mommy. I'm pregnant."

  His expression changed to wonder. “Did the Goddess put him in your belly?”

  Lia grinned. “Yes, she did.”

  He swallowed and pushed another spoonful into his mouth. “Is it a boy or a girl? I always wanted to be a big brother.” He mumbled, with his mouth full.

  We chuckled. "I'm not sure yet, but I was wondering if you want to help me take care of it. I have a huge bed in my hut, which my soon to be husband and I share, but we can kick him out and make him sleep on the sofa." Hayes smiled, his big brown eyes with green and yellow specs sparkled. "Do you want to come stay with me for a while? Then you can help make sure my baby remains healthy in my belly."

  Hayes looked at me, and I nodded. "You may go with her if you wish. She will protect you."

  He frowned. "No. I shall protect her, and the baby. The Goddess gave it to her."

  I smiled tenderly. "She is fortunate to have you."

  He cupped Lia's face, his small fingers splaying over her skin, while he looked at her. Soft blue light illuminated her eyes, as she opened her ability to him, and her lips curved into a lovely smile.

  My gaze remained on her even when the light disappeared, and she leaned closer kissing Hayes cheek. He chuckled as though it had tickled him, encouraging Lia to go in for an attack. I held Brina's hand in mine while warmth and ease rushed through us. Our eyes focused on Hayes while he squirmed in laughter. Lia's fingers and kisses moved over him, tickling him without mercy.

  That was the magic about kids. Their innocence was their most important gift. Even after experiencing things that would change an adult forever, they found ways to smile and hope again. Their spirit was unbreakable, and it was a true honor to witness.


  * * *

  “This is my hut, and you can stay with me for as long as you want,” I said, walking in with Hayes’ small hand in mine.

  I wasn't sure if it was my wild hormones from being prego, but having his little fingers wrapped around my hand this way, was doing something to my heart. Seima visited different families in the Village and found a few clothes for him, including the sleeping gown he wore, it looked like the ones I'd seen in old movies. He was too freaking adorable for words, and seeing him dirty with scars and blood on his face had done something to me. I wasn't sure what I was going to do next or what I was feeling, but something told me that this kid belonged here with me—at least for the time being.

  “This is the bed I told you about.”

  His eyes widened as he looked at the California king in front of us. He seemed a little scared by it, and I knew he'd never seen anything like this, so I carried him and sat with him on the bed. He started at the mattress as though he was trying to decipher how to kill it. Then he reached for it with his toes. I repressed a smile, but my heart squeezed at the same time. He was barefoot when we found him and still refused to wear shoes. It was as though his feet where his first instinct. He leaned closer and performed the second inspection with his hand, feeling the softness as it sunk in the material. Looking at me for a second, Hayes wiggled out of my lap and fell on the mattress face first.

  He turned his cheek on it as his chest rose and fell rapidly; he was shocked by the way it felt to lie on it. Smiling, I lay next to him and began to caress his head and back soothingly. His hair fell to his back in a deep auburn brown tone, and I wrapped it around my fingers calculating how much time I’d have to wait before he let me cut it.

  My eyes held his gaze as his breathing slowed, his body relaxing once again. Hayes' lips began to stretch in a smile, but before it could dazzle me, he was knocked out.

  I chuckled, leaning in and kissed his head, inhaling deeply as my eyes watered. He smelled of chamomile and lavender. Damn it. I was a sucker for this little guy. Getting up, I changed into my pj’s and carefully moved him to the center of the bed, lifting the covers I snuggled him, making sure he was warm. He moved closer, drawn to me, and lay his cheek on my chest. His hand rested on my breast.

  "Awe, Art is going to be so pissed," I whispered, wrapping my arms around him.

  “So it’s true?” I slightly turned at the sound of Art’s voice. “My brother said I would find you with another man in our bed.”

  I grinned. “You snooze, you lose, pal.”

  He kissed my lips caressing Hayes' head, and went to take a bath. When he returned, he wore his cotton pants and got into bed. His arm curled around Hayes and I, he kissed my forehead.

  “How did it go?”

  "Aurelio was there, but he escaped."

  “He was?” I asked startled.

  Art nodded pensive looking at the baby. "The floor upstairs was open plan and large. It wasn't the best ground for the guys, but they held their own. Arriving at the dungeon directly alerted the Romans, which gave Aurelio a chance to escape with his closest soldiers. If we had gone to the office first, they probably would have called the others and stop the rescue, but we might have Aurelius. But we won today. They are probably pissed out of their minds right now because they lost the prisoners."

  “I’m glad we went to the dungeons first.”

  “Me too. How is Hayes doing?”

  "He was scared at first, but I think he's better now. He seems to trust me. He doesn't remember much of his life before, except Cyn and his Dad, although he can't remember when he last saw him. He couldn't even tell me his name." My voice broke, and I had to stop.

  Art’s jaw tensed. “Maybe there are more people to rescue in the next place. Maybe Llyr is among them.”

  “I hope so.” My gaze went to the boy in my arms. His hand slipped further into my shirt. "He said he was going to protect the baby because the Goddess gave it to me."

  Art smirked. “He is in my bed, he took my boobs, he’s taking my job, what else is he going to steal from me?" I silently chuckled, and Art raised his eyebrow questioningly. "Should I be concerned?"


  "Are you going to be my new Daddy?" Hayes sleepy voice interrupted us, and I looked at him, noticing his eyes half open and focused on Art.

  “Llyr is your Dad, and I’m going to do my best to find him. I promise.”

  Hayes nodded, his heavy lids falling closed again. Within a few seconds, he was deep asleep.

  Art's jaw strained as he looked at me with shiny eyes, and I knew he felt exactly how I felt with Hayes' words. He leaned in, kissing me and rested his forehead against mine. "I hope we find him."

  "And if we don't?"

  "I don't know. How is Amanda?"

  "She's well, Kevan healed her. Although when I checked on her, she was sleeping from exhaustion after the intense treatment he had to put her through, but she's healthy. After he healed her, he went on to visit the others to begin healing them. Eisha and Bri had to force him back to his hut because he could barely hold himself upright. He had no energy left, but he didn't want to stop trying." Art nodded. "He's a good man, Chewie. A new man. Please give him a chance.”

  Art took a deep breath evidently closed up to my words. "I spoke to Peter today." He said changing the subject. "The surveillance drone continues flying over the project. But he also spotted a black SUV taking pictures of the site and the people. They were far enough to be hidden, but since everyone there is already alert after discovering the drones, they were spotted anyway."

  “Oh my God, they went in person? Who do you think it is?”

  “I have no idea, but they are pissing me off.”

  I sighed sending a prayer to the Goddess. Now that we were so close to finishing this Roman madness once and for all, we couldn't possibly have a new enemy. Could we? "How is the project going?" I asked ripping the morbid thoughts from my mind.

  Art smiled. "Beautifully. With the two new crews, Jason hired it is moving along. Since all the plumbing and basic layout are done, they erected the first structure, and it's remarkable. I never thought this dream of mine would
come true. Yet every time I visit, I can see another fragment of my imagination there, staring back at me, and part of the real world. You have no idea how long I’ve been working on this. It will take time to build the full city though, it is a very ambitious project, but I know we can do it."

  "Thanks to everyone that helped you make that dream come true," I added returning to the previous subject and Art grunted. I smiled amused, and he narrowed his eyes at me.

  "Behind every great man, there is a woman nagging the hell out of him." He grinned, and I chuckled.

  “That’s right, Chewie. How else would men get anything done?”

  Art gently held Hayes hand on my chest, and his lips closed over mine again, just as the flames from the magical torches slowly died around us.

  Chapter 13. Uncle


  * * *

  The constant beep of the monitors surrounded me as I looked at him. My uncle's chest barely moved with his shallow breathing, and once again I fought the tears that threatened to drown me. He had been in a coma for two weeks already. It was as though he had already given up… his soul had given up. Why did he ever give up immortality? If only he had stayed like the rest…

  How could there be so much magic in this place and no one could save him?

  No. That wasn’t true.

  I could save him.

  I would save him.

  Getting up, I carefully leaned in and placed a kiss on his forehead. The tears I was desperately holding, escaped out of me falling on his skin and a sob caught in my throat.


  I wiped my cheeks as Jennyver's voice reached me, and turned around. "I'm okay. It's fine. I just need one more trip, and then all of this can be over. I can save him."

  “I know you can.” Her voice was gentle as she walked towards me. “Just be careful not to change anything that can hurt you.”

  I offered her a small smile wiping my cheeks again. “Why are you always so supportive, even when you should be asking what the hell is wrong with me?”

  She chuckled. “Because I’m Awesome, and I already know what is wrong with you.”

  I grinned. “Obviously.”

  "And because I love the hell out of you. You are my best friend, if I can't support in your crazy dangerous adventures without regard for the consequences, then what hope is there for the world?" She winked at me and hugged me. It was a genuine, long, heartfelt hug. Like the ones that either made you break down and cry your eyes out, or inspired you to make things happen. Jennyver always inspired me, but this hug was packed with an extra dose of emotion, which wasn’t usual for her, yet it seemed to be just what I needed.

  “Please take care of him while I’m gone. I probably won’t be back until tonight, which will piss off Mom and I’ll be grounded until I have grandkids, but I’ll gladly risk everything for him.”

  Our gaze returned to my uncle, and I gave him another kiss. Suddenly, the beeping of his heart monitor jumped and then slowed becoming one low, continuous sound.

  “No! Uncle!”

  Jennyver's rushed to him and placed her hand over his heart. A ball of pure, blue healing light formed on her palm, and she launched it into his chest. His body jumped slightly at the energy shock, but nothing else happened. She did it again, and again—chest contracting—yet his heart wouldn't restart.

  "Let me," I said in a sob, and she moved, giving me space.

  “Together. I’ll guide your energy,” she added as my hands began to glow.

  The sky outside darkened, the wind shifting while lightning began to fall. The window flew open behind me, and wild tendrils of energy formed between my hands. Its strength increased as I brought them together, creating a sphere of power.

  Jennyver's hand glowed as she took mine and placed them on my uncle's chest. "Now!"

  We pressed our hands together sending the energy directly into his heart. His body jolted and fell on the bed. The beeping of his heart monitor resumed, and I cupped my mouth crying, as Jennyver hurried around him. Placing one hand on his chest and the other on his legs, she closed her eyes and let her healing magic flow uninterrupted from her. His body lit up with the bright blue energy as it ran through his veins, becoming part of each cell in his body and soon, the Air ais bhroinn—Restoring womb began to form around him.

  “This is the only way I can keep him stable. You need to go!” The restoring substance exuded from his body covering him in the glowing cocoon.

  “Asrhia… what is happening? Are you okay?!” My eyes widened when my Mother’s voice filtered in from the hallway just as another thunder boomed around us.

  "Go, now!" Jennyver urged.

  My eyes fell on the opening door just as I touched my Voyage Necklace, disappearing to the portal circles over the Ovate ceremony grounds.

  My next stop… the Astral Plane.

  * * *

  My fingers touched the tunnel of light as the tears streamed down my face. If I wanted to save my uncle, I had to do more.

  I didn’t care what happened to me.

  I didn't care if I never existed after this… he had to live.

  I closed my eyes not bothering to wipe the tears and placing both hands in the light tunnel I searched for Eisha. Her essence rushed towards me, and the feeling engulfed me as I found her at the grid. She was with the Druid Court. I couldn't let the others see me, but I needed to talk to her.

  Taking a deep breath, I tried something I learned from Eisha—mo meantóir—years ago, and allowed myself to drift into what she called the door of time. The Astral Plane slowly vanished before me, forming a door in the tunnel.

  I stepped into it.


  * * *

  “I understand that Kevan, but none of this helps us if we don’t know where they have Leigh,” I said pacing the room, my Spear of Light in hand. My Priestess cloak dragged behind me.

  “Getting upset doesn’t help anyone. What we need is to strategize, calculating our best chances between the two remaining locations and set a course of action.”

  Lia looked at Slate, clearly not amused. “No shit, Brainiac.”

  "Lia!" I gasped, and she made a face as the others chuckled.

  "Sorry. Hormones." She shrugged caressing her still way too small prego belly. I sighed.

  "What we need is to come to an agreement as to which place to visit. I'm sorry, I know you are trying to help, but I'm sick and tired of this fighting. We’ve been at it for over two months, and to be honest, every time I use my light to fight I feel like I'm pushing myself further away from the destiny we were born to fulfill." I stopped, turning to the others, and Cynwrig moved to my side. "I'm just tired of this."

  “I’m truly sorry, High Priestess.” Slates words were sincere.

  “There’s no need to apologize. You are right. I just need to put my feelings aside and look at this objectively.” My gaze went to Kevan. “I’m sorry, you are right. Maybe we should go to the Venice branch and hope for the best.”

  "I don't want us to hope for the best. There is too much at stake." He pointed towards one of the monitors as the others moved closer. "Based on the activity we’ve observed in the past four days, I can tell you that I see clear signs of…"

  Eisha’s low gasp from the corner behind me called my attention. I stepped back letting the others talk tactic, and approached her. She wasn’t a gasp when surprised kind of woman. She was more the throw her axe at your head because you startled her kind. I was about to ask what happened when the air became cooler the closer I got to her. Once I stepped beside Eisha my eyes widened. What seemed like a doorway into space was slowly forming in front of her.

  "What the…" I trailed off as an array of stars and constellations appeared, except it wasn't here in the room. It was as though we were looking at it through a thin layer of film or glass.

  “It is the Astral Plane,” Eisha whispered, reaching for it shocked. “Can you see it?” she asked without turning.

  "Yes." I looked at the other
s over my shoulder but found them too focused on their discussion to notice. "How can this be?" I kept my voice low, and as though in response Asrhia appeared in it. It was then we noticed the tears falling from her cheeks. "Are you okay?"

  She nodded. “There is no time. I know where he is. I know where they have him.”

  “Have who?” Eisha asked, as perplexed as I was.

  “Leigh. I know where you can find him.”

  * * *

  “Sicily!” I yelled rushing towards the others after Asrhia disappeared. “We need to go to Sicily.”

  They whirled around as Eisha, and I got to them. Kevan shook his head adamantly. "There are no branches in Sicily, there have never been."

  “What do you mean? There has to be one there. I know that’s where they have him.”

  “How could you possibly know that?” Cyn asked confused.

  “I had a vision,” Eisha blurted out, saving us both from telling them the truth, and compromising Asrhia’s secret.

  Cyn's gaze remained on mine, and my heart constricted. He knew I was hiding something from him, and I felt terrible lying, but Asrhia made me promise I would keep her secret, and I trusted her for some reason. Plus, this wasn't the time.

  “Please trust me, husband…” I whispered in his mind, and he nodded, not completely convinced. Leaning closer, I kissed him briefly while the others discussed the possibilities.

  “I don’t understand how you could have seen him there, Baby. There’s just no way…” Kevan trailed off as his eyes widened. “Slimy sons of bitches.”


  He sighed and looked at Eisha apologetically. “I know where he is.”

  His fingers flew across the keyboard, and the map zoomed in an island in the Mediterranean. Sicily. It continued to get closer until we were staring at a mansion, which looked like it was built in the 5th century. It was on the top of a mountain, a mix between a Greek castle and Mediterranean architecture and I wasn't too thrilled about that. The multiple levels visible to us, meant there were a million places where they could ambush us.


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