The Way of the Clan 3 (World of Valdira)

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The Way of the Clan 3 (World of Valdira) Page 15

by Dem Mikhaylov

  -- Rostislav! – Elena’s voice had notes of irritation, mixed with a serious dose of surprise.

  Before, I never talked. At all. Ever since I came back from the trip to the Far North, I had behaved as is expected from regular office workers. Very quiet, polite, and laid back with a slight retardation in words and actions. That’s just the way it was before, but now perhaps something in me was actively thawing after being in deep freeze. Was this simply a long time coming? After the Far North?

  -- Good luck!— I nodded at Elena and, not forgetting to wave to her companion, abruptly turned around and walked fifteen paces, and sat quietly on the next available park bench. I sat down and stared into the glistening surface of the pond, at the same time feeling the sunlight on my skin. Feels good… especially if I close my eyes.

  -- Rostislav!

  -- Elena?! – this time, it was my voice which held some irritation— What do you want?

  My former wife had approached me alone. Her companion had been left sitting on the bench, but he did not forget to cast sidelong glances in my direction.

  -- Don’t you “what” me please! Why’d you run to the other bench so fast? What a children’s comedy!

  -- Listen, Ellen— I sighed wearily— What comedy? I left, so as not to interfere with your walk. I acted like a true gentleman. What more do you want? I could buy you some ice cream— want some? It’s sweet, cold.

  -- And a huge harm to one’s teeth— Elena snorted and fell silent, seeing how my face twisted into a grimace— What…

  -- Ellen, tell me, we already broke up right? – said I, rubbing my aching temples.

  -- I do not understand what you’re getting at…

  -- Did we break up or not?! – I snapped loudly. Elena staggered back from my roar, and Andrei got up from his bench.

  -- Sit down, Andrew! – I growled, and the man slumped back onto his bench. And then I looked at my stunned ex— Lena, we’re broke up, right? Because I feel like I’m getting a rotten sense of Déjà vu.

  -- Y-yes. Separated— Elena faltered.

  -- Phew…. – I gasped happily— And I was worried… Elena, I have for you a very large and sincere request— do not load me up with this nonsense about calorie content, usefulness, cholesterol, healthy and unhealthy foods, damage to tooth enamel and so on and so forth. Okay? I tolerated it when we were married, but now… Damn! Sorry, Ellen. I didn’t want to be rude, my word. Hey, you look great today! The front page image of a fashion magazine!

  From such a sharp change of theme, Elena was even more taken aback and, straightening a strand of blond hair, suddenly asked:

  -- R-really?

  -- Uhuh! Very beautiful! Just a lovely sight! – I nodded vigorously— Look at your boyfriend, he’s just drooling… with the sincere burning desire to establish a true friendship! So, do not waste your time on me and continue your walk, okay?

  -- Ros! – a sonorous voice came from behind me, and in another second a small palm slapped my back and the voice said triumphantly— Gotcha!

  -- Kira— I lifted my head— Hello.

  -- Is it true you kissed Lizanna the Ravishing? – asked the girl at my back ominously, moving her hand from my shoulder to the nape of my neck and gently squeezing it.

  -- I did not— she kissed me – I corrected Kira, barely holding in the smile which was creeping up to my lips.

  Damn, I was really glad to see trouble. Happens, I guess…

  -- When I saw that video, I nearly… ahem…

  -- How are you? – I asked.

  -- Okay— answered Kira timidly, and then loudly said— Let’s roll!

  -- Where? – I was taken aback by such a sharp transition into action.

  What kind of day is this? At first, I amaze Elena, and then Kira amazes me…

  -- After me! – Kira clutched my arm and pulled me after her— Get up. I have a car, it’s at a hydrant.

  -- Wow! – said I, rising to my feet— truly we’re in trouble.

  -- Uuhm… I’m sorry! – said a voice which had grown sharply colder, and a strong grip closed on my second sleeve.

  -- Lena? What are you doing? – I asked in surprise.

  -- Maybe you’ll introduce us – the same cold voice asked the former.

  -- Uh… why? – I asked— I guess, no problem. This is…

  -- I am Kira— interrupted the Trouble— and you are…

  -- I’m his wife! – blurted Elena, and this murderous phrase caused me to go into a fit of coughing, through which I barely squeezed out:

  -- Former!

  -- Huh… a former… And now we’ve met! Goodbye! – Kira growled and pulled me with her— Come on, Ros.

  -- That’s it! – I growled, coming to my senses and freeing both hands— Stop dragging me and enough pulling! Lena, glad to see you. Sorry, I’ve got to run. Have a good time, take a walk. There is a restaurant in the park that isn’t bad, it’s comfortable and has good food. Well, you’ll figure it out. Bye.

  -- You’re leaving just like that? – said Elena, as though not having heard me. What is up with her?!

  -- Yeah— I answered sweetly, and repeated— Bye!

  Kira yanked me forward almost to a sprinting speed. Hardly having time, I raced forward several tracks, and only then realized what I was actually doing. And when the realization stopped abruptly. Running like an obedient sheep!

  -- Kira! What the heck?!

  -- What? – the girl slowed down and stopped.

  -- What the hell are we rushing off somewhere for? I personally don’t want to hurry! Just wanted a nice walk in the park. We can sit in the café, if you are hungry—I voiced a proposal— I would eat anything. Help yourself.

  -- I will feed you— promised Kira— And the café and park— next time. If you’re asking me out on a date…

  -- Well… not actually a date… although.. damn it all! So where are you taking me?

  -- First, to the car. We’ll take a ride through the city. Don’t worry, I have a license— smiled the girl.

  -- Hm… if you feed me, then fine— I nodded, moving from my place— But you’ve already turned me off from your strange conspiracy.

  -- It’s not about me— answered Kira, taking the car keys from her pocket— The thing is… well I don’t understand it myself. I think everything is about you. And in Vlas.

  -- The thing is about me? Vlas? – I was wary— Wait a minute…

  -- Listen… -- stopping short, Kira turned and, looking me in the eye, said in surprise— Maybe this is love?

  -- Huh?!

  -- No… I do not mean Vlas— I’m talking about myself…

  -- Wha?!!

  -- I’ve been thinking of you a lot lately… -- mused Kira, and again raced down the path with a rapid step— But, more about that later.

  -- Wh-whatever you say— I managed, following after her— What were you saying about Vlas and me?

  -- Vlas— a snitch— Kira threw over her shoulder— Anyway, I think so. A snitch for the Sleepless.

  -- What?! Wait wait, Kira!

  A few more steps and we had left the city park, and were on the street. Carelessly parked there was a huge black jeep.

  -- I know he’s your friend. We’re here. Sit down.

  -- Nice car— I blurted at random, sitting in the spacious leather chair next to the driver’s seat.

  -- My dad gave it to me— she shrugged, turning the ignition key— Buckle up.

  Hell of a gift… and not a girly one, at that.

  -- Alright— fine— buckled.

  Kira was a good driver— the engine rumbled, and the car very gently moved forwards and soon joined the others in the urban traffic.

  -- What was it about Vlas and snitching?— I demanded information— And where are we going?

  -- About Vlas later. I don’t want to be distracted while driving, and it’s a serious conversation. We’re going to the apartment of one of my friends— informed Trouble— She works together with my father. She’s on a well-deserved vacation now, restin
g on hot tropical beaches, and left me the keys. That’s where I’ll feed you— if you can cook something. For two— I’m hungry also.

  -- Huh! – I muttered with a laugh— That’s what you call “I will feed you”?

  -- Uh-huh. Ros…

  -- Huh?

  -- I missed you.

  -- Hmm…

  -- Yeah…

  Chapter Seven.

  Selenium. Letters, difficult choices, temporary immortality and much more…

  Looking at the little Tyrant, who had already grown to the sixth level, murder two bumble bees at once— the brat had outgrown his phobia— I indulged in reflections. And memories.

  The memories were very pleasant— a day with Kira had seamlessly evolved into evening, and then into night with all the associated tasks. I left in the morning, taking advantage of random cabs. Due to paranoia I did not order a taxi by phone, though Kira had not tried to know my new home address. In general, after a hearty dinner, not much attention was given to what was going on in Valdira— Kira paid more attention to her glass of wine and to me.

  The only time we spent on analyzing the present circumstances was during the short time in which I prepared food in the huge kitchen. I was unassumingly sipping wine straight out of a coffee mug and cheerfully slicing everything we need for a delicious dinner, straight out of the fridge, which had everything that the fastidious soul desired. Kira sat by my side, on a wide stool, her knees drawn up to her chest, watching my cooking. Ideal… unless of course you’d listen to our conversation, absolutely no difference from a romance or a family life.

  I remember this “kitchen” dialogue to the very smallest details…

  -- I still hear your cry when I remember that day— said Kira, not looking at me— Well… when I left you down there…

  -- That did happen— I shrugged, a little embarrassed— I screamed a little and stopped.

  -- You stopped, and I was worried for a long time. Until now, I’ve worried…

  -- And as I said— forget it. You’ve got the impression that I’m a little kid thrown by an evil mother into the street. And I’m a man! And you’re not my mother!

  -- Yeah? Is that right, a man? – the girl asked, with a genuine interest.

  What a pain…

  -- Exactly! And you are definitely not a mom! You better tell me about Vlas instead, love— I said, starting to cut the large tomatoes.

  -- Oh… -- said Kira, in a completely different voice— Vlas…

  -- Right-o. Vlas himself.

  -- I’m not sure of anything. I wouldn’t even have told you— it’s the internal affairs of the clan, but he is very interested in you lately. Isn’t it true that you’ve got a fabulous pet?

  -- True. But don’t stray from the subject— I muttered irritably— Or I’ll make dinner only for myself, and you can have sandwiches.

  -- No no no! I haven’t eaten anything since morning! Maybe, you can make me a sandwich first, and then we’ll also have dinner after.

  -- Ha! Alright, I’ll do it…

  Rummaging for a while in the refrigerator, I returned to the table with a stick of sausage and a substantial piece of cheese and found that a substantial amount of tomatoes had disappeared without a trace. I said nothing and hastily pushed away the rest of them, and quickly built a few thick sandwiches.

  -- Eat! And tell! Even if the crumbs fall from your mouth and the words are slurred. About Vlas.

  -- Then I’ll have to start from the beginning— Kira gave me the condition.

  -- Fine. Just start!

  -- You know, I remember when he came to Valdira. I remember how we met— began Kira— In fact, I brought him there, when we had just met in “real life.” And I introduced him to Gosha. First, in Valdira, and then here… First, the growth of his character with our clan’s help and without, the raiding of dungeons, how we accepted him into the clan… Do you follow?

  -- I understand— I shrugged— and what?

  -- Do you know what his nickname was? Among his own?

  -- Claw? Fang? – I made several guesses, but Kira only shook her head.

  -- Nope. Fire-starter.

  -- What what?

  -- Fire-starter— she repeated, and added with a laugh— But not out of malice, of course. More loving. It’s just… well… in a word, what was it during your first time in Valdira, that most impressed you?

  -- Well, what a question— I chucked, shaking the colander of washed mushrooms— Although… maybe… shi… Eh, I dunno! It was Valdira! The locations, the nature, adventure, magic… so many things! One cannot say, in a word!

  -- It’s you only who can’t say— Trouble shook her head— And I won’t say. And most gamers will not say. Most of all, only one word applies: “drug.” Because we are drawn there every day. It’s a dependence.

  -- And?

  -- And for Vlas it’s a different word. You know which? Things!

  -- Things? – I repeated, not understanding— What things?

  -- Any! Any things! Epic weapons or legendary class items, special items… all those which are difficult to find or even impossible. That not only sell incredibly expensive at auction, but are in general not there!

  -- Kira! But any player would have this dream! Everything depends very much on equipment. I would also very much like to have some miracle super-weapon! To just wave it once half-heartedly and kill everything in the whole location, including microbes! And Immortals!

  -- But it’s not like that! You should have seen how Vlas clung to each player if he had some cool armor or special sword!

  -- Still don’t understand! Okay, let him be a Fire-starter. So what? Is that bad?

  -- That’s what he was— pushed Kira— Before. Just a few weeks ago, he couldn’t take his eyes off a shield that had been crafted in the clan headquarters. He blew the dust from it. With or without cause, he whines to the storekeeper about it until the storekeeper nearly loses it. And now there is a shield behind him which is twice as big! And this is not a shield from our clan, that I guarantee. I understand the signs better than anyone, believe me!

  -- Of course— I snorted— of course a paladin would be good at dealing with that. But I do not understand what you’re getting at, Kira. That he was awarded the shield for talking? That does not mean anything. He could have bought it through personal savings, picked it up from the corpse of another player. This is Valdira, everything is possible.

  -- He sold himself— stubbornly repeated Kira— It wasn’t only the shield, Ros. I briefly appraised his equipment— almost everything is new. And his behavior, changed completely. He went from being modest to a right king! A couple of days ago, he was sent on a clan mission— the head of the village which is in the clan lands asked for help. It was needed to destroy the nest of mountain trolls, because they were not satisfied with them raiding the village. You understand— our village, they pay us, reputation is important too…

  -- And?

  -- They sent Vlas. Alone. His level is two hundred, the trolls are barely one hundred. A task which is simple and stupid to the extreme. Fly to the place with the Griffin, dismount, wave the sword around a bit… For Vlas, and his level, as easy as you are now cutting into those mushrooms. In general, cheap and fast. A petty clan job… And it was successfully completed. But you should know how I was actually carried out!

  -- It seems that I know— I mused, recalling lazily the memory of Vlas and his mountain trolls, the bombs and steep turns— He showered them with bombs, right?

  -- Yup! A fighter pilot! The village elder was so impressed by the spectacle, that he said: “This man must be the most heroic hero of heroes.” The reputation with the village rose, and new quests opened up.

  -- You see— I chuckled— Vlas tried for the benefit of the clan. Why are you unhappy?

  -- And then the village elder said: “Now keep chasing these nasty reptiles away just like that, too!” The quest was tied to its quality of execution. Next time, if trolls and other monsters are not dispersed as bea
utifully, the mayor will be offended for the inattention and the reputation will fall! But that’s not the point. Ros, do you know how many ingredients go into creating explosive potions? Even if you can create them, it will cost you a lot of money. And of alchemy skills and other-worldly ones, Vlas is far from master, in this case.

  -- Kira— I sighed, almost forcibly taking her last sandwich— I’ll say it again: it doesn’t mean anything. If we consider a rat a person who has multiple rare objects, then…


  I almost blurted out, “then I am the rat of all rats.” I corrected myself in time, changing the end of the sentence:

  -- … then no one, at all, can be trusted. I hope that you didn’t mention any of this to the clan?

  -- Of course not! – glared Trouble— I do not want to believe this, but … but I do not know, in short! Individually, these are trifles. But if you add them all together, you automatically start to think.

  -- Then do not think— I suggested— let the members of the clan council do what is necessary. And what did Vlas ask about me, anyway?

  -- Well, everything. Where you are, what’s the matter, why’d you disappear and why your phone is switched off and how can he find you in Valdira and if you are busy. He asked both Gosha and myself. And today, anyway…

  -- What was today?

  -- He calls me and almost shouted— Ros’ mobile is on, call before it is turned off! Call him now! Faster, faster, faster!

  -- Taking care of you— I chuckled.

  -- Oh sure! Right! As soon as I talked to you and got into my car, he calls again. Well, he says, did you get a hold of him? Have you found where he is? Do you want me to take you?

  -- Even like that? – I raised an eyebrow, feeling something inside begin to stir in anxiety— Strange…

  A few years ago Vlas would do well without communicating with me at all, and suddenly a wild interest…

  -- Yes, how strange! Maybe he really is in love with you? – Kira snorted and, ignoring the grimace on my face, continued— I barely escaped him. And just put my phone on silent. And now, look here— she handed me a fancy touchscreen phone— You see?


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