Mahabharata Vol. 2 (Penguin Translated Texts)

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Mahabharata Vol. 2 (Penguin Translated Texts) Page 52

by Debroy, Bibek

  8 Indra. Shachi is Indra’s wife.

  9 Both Narayana and Hari are Vishnu’s names.

  10 The moon.

  11 The creator. This is also a name used for Brahma and Vishnu.

  12 The fire.

  13 The wind.

  14 Vaishravana is the son of Vishrava. Here, Kubera is meant.

  15 Destiny, or time.

  16 A sacrifice designed to ensure non-attachment.

  17 Since the word used is nandana, this can also be translated as descendant of the Yadavas.

  18 The twelve Adityas are sons of Aditi and in this list, Vishnu is younger than Indra.

  19 This is a reference to Vishnu’s vamana or dwarf incarnation, explaining why the word child is used. Bali was a generous demon and granted the dwarf incarnation a boon. Using the three steps, the dwarf covered the three worlds and Bali had no option but to go to the underworld.

  20 It is now impossible to know who the Mauravas and the Pashas were.

  21 Not the Pandava Bhimasena.

  22 Rukmini was the daughter of King Bhishmaka of Vidarbha, Bhoja being another name for Vidarbha. Rukmini was to be married to Shishupala. But she loved Krishna and wrote him a letter. Krishna arrived with Balarama and defeated Rukmini’s brother Rukmi. Krishna then carried Rukmini away and married her.

  23 The city of Dvaraka is on the ocean and the Yadavas moved from Mathura to Dvaraka.

  24 The Dasharhas are the Yadavas.

  25 The one without decay, Krishna’s name.

  26 The rishis approach Krishna in their own hearts.

  27 When there is destruction.

  28 The word vairaja is used for anything belonging to the brahman.

  29 Droupadi.

  30 These words are being spoken by Droupadi.

  31 Parashurama.

  32 Because these rajarshis have overcome the desire to fight.

  33 She was in her menses.

  34 Jaya is a synonym for wife and is derived from the root of being born.

  35 The youngest is Sahadeva.

  36 Duryodhana.

  37 Duryodhana.

  38 Bhimasena.

  39 Duryodhana’s.

  40 Kunti.

  41 Duryodhana.

  42 Yudhishthira.

  43 The rakshasa woman is Hidimbaa, though we have written it as Hidimba. Her brother is Hidimba. But despite the names being written in the same way, there should be no confusion, since the context makes it clear whether brother or sister is meant.

  44 Vasava is Indra and Vritra is a demon killed by Indra.

  45 The lady Hidimbaa.

  46 Kunti.

  47 Droupadi. Krishna is really Krishnaa, while Vasudeva is Krishna. But there is no danger of confusion, since the context will make it clear whether it is Vasudeva or Droupadi.

  48 Balarama.

  49 Indra is the slayer of Vritra.

  50 Krishna is speaking to Yudhishthira.

  51 Dhritarashtra.

  52 Dhritarashtra.

  53 Virasena’s son is Nala, the story is recounted in Section 32.

  54 Whatever remains of riches.

  55 Kouravya refers to Yudhisthira here.

  56 The word used is nandana. So, beloved of the Kuru lineage is also possible.

  57 The word used is pathya, which can also be translated as diet or regimen.

  58 The region of Sourashtra or Surat.

  59 Satyaki’s name.

  60 The word used is nandana. So, beloved of the Vrishni lineage is also possible.

  61 Soubha was a city that flew in the sky.

  62 Krishna is actually Vaasudeva and the son of Vasudeva, though we have written both as Vasudeva. The context will make clear who is meant and there is no danger of confusion between father and son.

  63 Those who live in the Anarta region.

  64 Shishupala wasn’t Shalva’s brother. The use of the word brother therefore signifies no more than that Shishupala was close to Shalva.

  65 The word used is nandana. So, it can also be translated as beloved of the Kuru lineage.

  66 Krishna’s conch shell.

  67 One of Shishupala’s names.

  68 The word used is nandana.

  69 Soubha was airborne.

  70 The word used is kachagrahani, meaning catchers or graspers (grahani) of hair (kacha) and it is difficult to make sense of this, though it is possible to visualize war instruments that grasped enemy soldiers by the hair. The word might very well be chakragrahani, in which case one means instruments that grasp enemy soldiers. That would make better sense.

  71 The word used is ushtrika, which means she-camel, as well as a vessel for storing wine or water and made in the shape of a she-camel. Given the context, water vessel seems more appropriate. Since elephants and horses are not being mentioned here, why should she-camels be specifically mentioned?

  72 It is impossible to precisely determine what this weapon was, except that it could kill a hundred people at one time.

  73 Measure of distance equal to one-fourth of a yojana.

  74 To make it difficult for the invading army.

  75 That is, permission.

  76 Ugrasena’s name.

  77 Chariots, elephants, cavalry and infantry.

  78 Anthills have snakes in them. The word chaitya has several meanings—sacrificial shed, temple, altar, sanctuary and a tree that grows along the road.

  79 The number nine can’t be explained, unless there were nine mountains around Dvaraka.

  80 The word used is nandana.

  81 Indra has one thousand eyes.

  82 Samba was Jambavati’s son. Jambavati was one of Krishna’s wives.

  83 Kshemavriddhi’s.

  84 Indra.

  85 Charudeshna.

  86 Soubha flew in the sky.

  87 The word used is nandana.

  88 Pradyumna. Both Pradyumna and Charudeshna were Rukmini’s sons. They were brothers.

  89 Makara can be translated as crocodile, but that isn’t quite accurate. A makara is a mythical sea animal, bearing some resemblance to both a crocodile and a shark.

  90 The makara.

  91 Indra. This was the Bali who was humbled by Vishnu in his vamana incarnation.

  92 Shalva.

  93 That is, beneath their running feet.

  94 The word used is nandana.

  95 Daruka is Krishna’s charioteer. Daruki is Daruka’s son and is Pradyumna’s charioteer.

  96 Souti is a suta’s son. A suta is a charioteer and also a bard or raconteur.

  97 The word used is nandana.

  98 Pradyumna.

  99 Satyaki.

  100 Kritavarma.

  101 Krishna.

  102 The word used is nandana.

  103 The word used is nandana.

  104 The word used is nandana.

  105 Pradyumna.

  106 Repulsing Shalva’s weapons.

  107 Shalva.

  108 Kubera.

  109 The word used is nandana.

  110 Kritavarma.

  111 Ugrasena.

  112 Vasudeva’s name, Krishna’s father.

  113 More literally, the navel of the ocean.

  114 Krishna’s bow, made of horn.

  115 The word used is nataparva. Parva is the feathered shaft of the arrow and nata means bent or curved down.

  116 The word prajna means intelligence or wisdom.

  117 The word used is nandana.

  118 Shura’s son is Vasudeva, Krishna’s father.

  119 The word used is nandana.

  120 Indra.

  121 Krishna’s father Vasudeva.

  122 This story has been recounted in Section 1, Volume 1.

  123 The word used is shakuna, alternatively shakuni. Specifically, this is a vulture, kite or eagle. But the word can also be used for any bird in general.

  124 There was no need to see the object, which was invisible.

  125 Pragjyotisha is far to the east and Shalva has no association with Pragjyotisha. However, Pragj
yotisha was associated with asuras. Or perhaps the idea is that Soubha travelled to the east, not necessarily all the way to Pragjyotisha.

  126 There is a sudden jump and lack in consistency and continuity over whether Krishna used the agneya weapon or the chakra. The agneya weapon is left abruptly.

  127 Sudarshana is the name of Krishna’s chakra.

  128 Maheshvara is Shiva. Shiva destroyed Tripura, which was inhabited by demons.

  129 Hastinapura, the city of the elephant.

  130 Yudhishthira.

  131 Yudhishthira was his senior in age.

  132 The king is Yudhishthira. This is a sign of affection shown towards someone younger. Both Yudhishthira and Bhima were senior to Krishna in age.

  133 Subhadra and Abhimanyu left with him. Subhadra was Krishna’s sister and Abhimanyu was the son of Arjuna and Subhadra.

  134 Name for the Yadavas in general. In this case, Krishna.

  135 Prishata is Drupada’s name.

  136 Shuktimati was the capital of Chedi. Dhrishtaketu’s sister Karenumati was married to Nakula.

  137 Krishna is the lord of the Dasharhas.

  138 Droupadi.

  139 Dhoumya.

  140 Literally, Bhutapati means the lord (pati) of beings (bhuta) and is one of Shiva’s names. The Pandavas looked like Shiva because they were dressed in skins and had matted hair.

  141 They were already in the forest. So they left for another forest.

  142 That is, the brahmanas.

  143 This is odd. The text says pitan, which means yellow. Arrows can be yellow if they are made of brass, but that seems unlikely. Perhaps the text should have said diptan, meaning blazing or radiant. That fits better.

  144 Yudhishthira’s charioteer.

  145 Droupadi.

  146 Yudhishthira.

  147 The citizens are saying this.

  148 This is a reference to Arjuna.

  149 Yudhishthira.

  150 Droupadi.

  151 Autumn as a synonym for year.

  152 Vedavyasa.

  153 Narada.

  154 The ashoka tree.

  155 Nipas and kadambas are the same trees, similar to the ashoka.

  156 Tree similar to the shala.

  157 Name of a tree.

  158 Name of a tree.

  159 Datyuhas and chakoras are similar birds, the former is the gallinule and the latter is the Greek partridge. Chakoras are believed to feed on moonbeams.

  160 The Sarasvati river. Bhogavati is also the name of the Ganga in the nether worlds.

  161 Yudhishthira.

  162 Shakra is Indra. Heaven is a loose translation. The text says trivishtapa, meaning Indra’s world.

  163 A charana is a singer or bard. But the word also means a pilgrim, more appropriate in this context.

  164 Entered the forest.

  165 Indra is the one with a thousand eyes. Indra defeated a demon named Maya and killed another demon named Namuchi.

  166 Dasharatha’s son, Rama.

  167 The word used is alarka, which means a mad or angry dog.

  168 The name of a rishi.

  169 Each name in the list is a lineage descended from a famous sage.

  170 Prahlada’s son was Virochana and Virochana’s son was Bali. Vishnu appeared before Bali in his vamana (dwarf) incarnation in the form of a brahmana. But that apart, we don’t get to know details of the story about how Bali allied with brahmanas and later oppressed them.

  171 That is, a kshatriya.

  172 The text says an elephant without an ankusha or goad.

  173 Yudhishthira.

  174 The sacker of cities, Indra’s name.

  175 Duryodhana.

  176 Meaning Yudhishthira.

  177 The word used is chira, which also means bark.

  178 The many-armed Arjuna is Kartaviryarjuna, king of the Haihayas. He had a thousand arms because of a boon obtained from Dattatreya. He was Ravana’s contemporary and was eventually killed by Parashurama.

  179 Bali is asking this. The word used is tata, which means father, but not only in the narrow sense. It can be used for any superior, including a grandfather.

  180 The word used is tata again. This means not only son in the narrow sense, but anyone younger in a broad sense.

  181 That is, punish.

  182 Duryodhana.

  183 Bhishma.

  184 Drona.

  185 Ashvatthama.

  186 Duryodhana.

  187 Dhata and Vidhata are often synonyms, standing for the creator. To the extent they are being listed separately, Vidhata is more the creator and Dhata is more the preserver.

  188 Signifying honoured ones.

  189 Exclamations made when offering oblations to the gods.

  190 Exclamations made when offering oblations to the ancestors.

  191 The word used is louha and it can also be translated as copper.

  192 An offering made to the vishvadevas, or gods in general, before meals.

  193 Ishvara.

  194 Ishana is being used here for the supreme god. Both Shiva and Vishnu are referred to as Ishana.

  195 Duryodhana.

  196 That is, wise.

  197 Marichi was Brahma’s son and Kashyapa was Marichi’s son.

  198 The word used is nihara, which also means dew. But mist seems more appropriate.

  199 Those without life.

  200 The idea of ascent doesn’t become very clear. It probably refers to ascent to a higher form of life after rebirth.

  201 Vidhata.

  202 Dhata.

  203 Referring to that which one possesses.

  204 Chance and destiny.

  205 Implicitly, one who is an enemy.

  206 This reference to the brahmana is irrelevant and is required only because Droupadi is a woman and therefore, should not normally be so knowledgeable.

  207 The preceptor of the gods.

  208 Yudhishthira.

  209 Arjuna.

  210 Droupadi.

  211 This is probably a reference to Dhrishtadyumna.

  212 Dharma and kama.

  213 This means the time of the day, dharma in the morning, artha during the day and kama in the evening.

  214 Kama in the first part of one’s life, artha in the subsequent stage and dharma at the end.

  215 The word used is nandana. So it can also be translated as beloved of the Kuru lineage.

  216 Born as a kshatriya.

  217 Dhata.

  218 Shalyaka, one with a spear. A hunter with a spear offers bait and obtains his food.

  219 The asuras, specifically the daityas, are the offspring of Diti. The gods, specifically the adityas, are the offspring of Aditi. Both Diti and Aditi were married to Kashyapa.

  220 Duryodhana.

  221 The word used is nandana. So it can also be translated as beloved of the Kuru lineage.

  222 Hastinapura.

  223 Indra killed Vritra.

  224 The Panchalas.

  225 Shakuni was from Gandhara, a mountainous region.

  226 Ayuja is odd and yuja is even. These are numbers thrown up by the dice.

  227 The word tata means son, but can be used for anyone who is a junior.

  228 The word tata means father, but can also be used for anyone who is a senior. Duryodhana was younger to Yudhishthira.

  229 The land of the five rivers, the region of the Punjab.

  230 To express delight at the discomfiture of the Pandavas.

  231 The word used is kala. This means small fragment or fraction. But specifically, it also means a sixteenth part.

  232 The word used is patatrina, which etymologically, means the one with wings. Specifically, patatrina means a bird or an arrow, but the latter fits the text better.

  233 Collyrium is a black pigment applied to the eye with a stick or pencil. The word sucha is used. This means needle, but it also means a pointed shoot or blade of kusa grass. Since collyrium is applied to the eye, blade of grass seems to be a better translation than needle

  234 Time.

  235 A king.

  236 Kunti.

  237 Droupadi. Prativindhya is Droupadi’s son.

  238 A kind of herb.

  239 From violating the agreement.

  240 Ashvatthama.

  241 Vis-à-vis the Kouravas and the Pandavas.

  242 Because they are in the employment of the Kouravas.

  243 Karna.

  244 Vyasa is Parashara’s son.

  245 Kubera.

  246 Yama.

  247 The reference is to Nara, with whom Arjuna is often equated.

  248 Lokapala literally means lord or protector (pala) of the world (loka). There are eight Lokapalas in charge of the eight directions and they are Indra, Agni, Yama, Nairita, Varuna, Marut (or Vayu), Kubera and Isha.

  249 Pure arrows, probably means sharp arrows. But it could also mean non-poisonous arrows.

  250 Dhanu means bow and veda means knowledge. But dhanurveda means the science of war. There are two reasons why dhanurveda has four parts, the first being the fourfold division of the army into elephants, infantry, chariots and horses. The second concerns four types of weapons—mukta, amukta, muktamukta and yantramukta. Mukta weapons like a chakra were released from the hand. Amukta weapons like swords were never released from the hand. Muktamukta weapons like spears could either be released or held in the hand. And yantramukta weapons like arrows were released from an implement (yantra).

  251 Ashvatthama.

  252 The word used is tata, which can be used in the sense, among others, of any junior.


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