Unexpected Guest: A Riverton Crossing Novel - Book Three

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Unexpected Guest: A Riverton Crossing Novel - Book Three Page 4

by Savannah Maris

  “That’s right, Mitchell. Doctors have proven that a pregnant woman needs to exercise and do things. She can’t stay strapped to a bed for nine months,” Evan jokingly said.

  “I can’t believe you just threw my words back at me. You play dirty, Evan Riverton,” Kayla said with a smile. “I was just looking out for Ginger because you’re worse than Mitch.”

  “I am, but it’s because I love her and don’t want anything to happen to her or the baby. Mitchell has felt that way about you for years, and now a baby will send him over the top.” Evan looked at Mitchell then back to Kayla. “It’s the waiting until you know part that’ll drive him crazy. Just like it did me. The difference is,” he pointed back and forth between them, “that y’all’ve known each other your whole lives and have a history. He’s gonna want it so bad he can taste it. Ginger and I are new. At first, it was a shock, but the more I thought about it, the more I knew it was what I wanted. He’s wanted that ring on your finger for a long time. Add a bun in the oven, and we may never get him firmly planted on the ground again.”

  Ginger giggled with a hand over her mouth. “Oh, Kayla.”

  “Don’t ‘oh, Kayla’ me. Your ass will be sitting right beside mine. These two together will be impossible.” Kayla was giggling too.

  Mitchell stood there with a scowl on his face. “What do you mean you don’t know?” he asked Kayla. “I told you how I felt this morning, and you were in agreement.”

  Kayla cleared her throat to regain her composure. “Mitch, I’m not going back on our agreement. If it happens, it happens, babe. I’m okay with whatever. I was laughing just thinking about how Evan has been, knowing you’re just like him.” She wrapped her arms around his waist. “Come on, you have to admit, you two take protectiveness to a whole other level. I love it and wouldn’t trade it for the world.”

  After a few minutes, Mitchell’s smile appeared. “Yeah, I guess we do. That’s because it’s what we know. That’s how our dad treated our mom. If it was good enough for them, then it’s good enough for us.”

  “Hear, hear,” Evan said raising his glass.

  “You never said what you have to choose,” Mitchell reminded him.

  “Hopefully nothing, but we’ll find out in a bit. Do y’all remember Detective Harold Williams? The guy who investigated the fire at your parents’ house?” Evan looked at Kayla.

  “Yes,” Mitchell and Kayla said in unison.

  “Well, apparently Charleston has an opening on their investigative team, and he’s applied for the job. I received a call on my way home that he’s got it if he still wants it. Then, with Frank Smith no longer at the Sheriff’s department, Sheriff Cahill has a position to fill.” Evan shrugged.

  “You’re saying something to Nathan and Sam, aren’t you?” Mitchell asked.

  “They’ve both made comments about staying here, so I’m putting it on the table.”

  “Are you sure you won’t kill Nathan?” Mitchell asked.

  “Pretty sure.” Evan chuckled. “He’s had my back for the last five years. Other than you,” Evan said, nodding toward Mitchell, “I don’t know who else I’d rather have.”

  “Thanks a lot,” Ginger said.

  “You know what I mean, darlin’. I know you’ve got me all the time, but this is different, and you know it.”

  She squeezed him. “I do, but don’t forget I can shoot, too.”

  “You won’t ever have to worry about it. Understand?”

  “I know, but I would if I needed to ‘cause you’re not going anywhere, remember?”

  “I remember.” He kissed the top of her head. “I need to call Sheriff Cahill back. Do you need anything before I go?”

  Ginger shook her head. “No, we’re good.”

  Evan glanced at Mitchell and Kayla. “Go,” Mitchell said before Evan walked toward the office.


  Mitchell had just finished seasoning the steaks when the doorbell rang, so he brought the image of the front door up on his phone to see Nathan and Sam standing there.

  “Do you want to get that?” Mitchell asked Ginger.

  With a smile on her face, Ginger walked to the door just as Evan came up the hall. She swung the door open and came face to face with two gorgeous men—Nathan with his blond hair and blue eyes and Sam with brown hair and whisky eyes. She didn’t have time to greet them before Nathan wrapped her in a tight hug.

  “Hey, sugar. Is he treating you right?” Nathan said as he nodded toward Evan.

  “Yes, you know he is,” she said with a giggle.

  Nathan released Ginger and shook Evan’s hand as Sam hugged her.

  “I think you handed me a line of bullshit,” Nathan said to Evan.

  “About what? Mitchell’s getting the steaks ready now.”

  “She’s really not pregnant, is she? You just told me that so I wouldn’t steal her from you. You really don’t have any limits, do you?” Nathan shook his head. “I can’t believe you.”

  “Sorry, dude, she really is. Mornings are still bad, but she has a routine that’s been working, so we don’t mess with it,” Evan said as Ginger walked into his arms.

  “I’ll believe it when there’s something to see. How long before that happens?”

  “Let’s hope not until after the wedding,” Ginger said with a smile.

  “And when will that be?” Sam asked.

  Evan looked at Ginger expectantly. “Soon. Kayla is calling the preacher on Monday. That’ll help narrow down the date.”

  “Y’all want a drink? Bourbon is in the living room, or there’s beer in the refrigerator,” Evan said.

  “Beer,” Nathan responded.

  “Water is good for me,” Sam mumbled.

  “Dude can’t handle his alcohol anymore. He’s turning into a pussy.” Nathan chuckled.

  “Nathan…” Evan said through gritted teeth.

  “Oh shit. Sorry, Ginger,” Nathan said.

  “You boys have some fun. I’m going in the kitchen with Kayla. Mitchell’s out by the grill. I’ll bring your drinks out to you.”

  Evan watched as Ginger walked off with a smile on his face. “You’re one lucky son of a bitch,” Nathan whispered as they walked outside.

  “I know,” Evan said. “Sam, you gonna make it? Dude, you don’t look so good.”

  “Yeah, it’s been a while since I’ve had a girl who could match me drink for drink. Hell, she was still up for more when Nathan banged on my door this morning.” Sam ran his hand down his face. “We’ve kept some crazy hours during the case, but damn, I haven’t stayed up drinking for forty-eight hours straight since college. My liver needs a break.” Sam shook his head.

  “Are you sure she was a girl? ‘Cause you can put away some alcohol.”

  “Oh yeah, I’m sure.” Sam grinned.

  The guys were standing around the grill when Ginger brought a tray of drinks. Once she walked back inside, they guys settled in the chairs and relaxed.

  “You said you had some information about the pictures. What did you find out?” Nathan asked.

  “Do y’all wanna wait and do that after dinner?” Evan asked.

  “You’re going to have to because it’s ready. Ginger needs to stay on her eating schedule, or you’re going to have a hungry pregnant woman to contend with,” Mitchell interjected.

  “Did you cook her chicken or steak?” Evan asked.

  “Both since we don’t know which one she can eat today.” Mitchell laughed.

  “Thanks, bro. I was thinking the same thing.”

  “Are you kidding me? She gets chicken and steak? Damn, women have it made,” Nathan said. “And let me guess, you get to eat what she can’t?”

  Evan and Mitchell burst out laughing. “I wouldn’t say that in front of her. Sometimes steak sits well, sometimes it doesn’t. Same with chicken. Don’t be surprised if all she eats is a salad and grapes. And yes, dickhead, I do get to eat what she doesn’t,” Evan said as he flexed his biceps. They all walked inside laughing at Evan’s demonstration. />
  Nathan placed his arm around Ginger’s shoulder. “Sugar, I’m bigger than Evan so if he can’t handle your appetite, you let me know. I’ll pick up his slack.”

  Ginger’s face turned bright red.

  Evan narrowed his eyes at Nathan because of his choice of words but knew Nathan was just trying to give him shit. “Darlin’, he was talking about the food because Mitchell grilled you a steak and chicken breast. Nathan’s jealous because I get what you don’t want.”

  She was getting used to Evan making comments with double meanings, but she didn’t think she could handle another man doing it. Did she just play along? Evan said he wouldn’t let another man talk to her like that, but she didn’t want it to cause an issue between Evan and Nathan.

  She batted her eyes. “Nathan, you know Evan can handle my appetite no matter how many times a day I want to eat, but thanks for the offer.” A big smile stretched across her face.

  Coughing and laughter surrounded her. Evan smiled as he pulled her to him and whispered in her ear, “Damn straight.”

  She giggled and hugged him tightly.


  As dinner wound down, Evan said, “Sam, Nathan, would y’all join me in the office?” He kissed Ginger. “I’ll help clean up in a few. Do you need anything before I go?”

  “You handle what you need to. We’ll get this, then you can rub my feet later,” she said with a wink.

  “You got it, darlin’.” He squeezed her shoulders before he led Nathan and Sam down the hall to the office.

  Evan closed the door after the other two men entered. “First, I’ll tell you the information I learned today, and then discuss the real reason I asked y’all to come out.” Nathan and Sam sat in the leather wingback chairs in front of the desk, so Evan went to the opposite side.

  “Marcus called when Ben and I left the swamp. He said the person who took the picture from ATF was from Ft. Gordon. Do you know anyone stationed there?”

  “Not that I can recall. Should I?” Nathan responded.

  “I don’t either,” Evan added.

  “Do you think it’s someone we busted? Could they get clearance for that?”

  “If we busted them, it was felony, and I don’t think the military or NSA or Central Intelligence would give a felon that kind of clearance,” Evan said as he drummed his fingers on the desk. “All I know is if he was or is stationed there, then it explains how he was so good at getting in and out so easily.”

  “Are you sure it’s a he?” Sam asked.

  “If it’s the same guy Ginger saw in the mountains, then yeah. Besides, who else would warn me about keeping her safe? Who else would threaten to get to her anytime they wanted?” Evan scowled.

  “A jealous lover of yours?” Sam suggested.

  “I never had one long enough to be jealous.”

  “Can Marcus track down anything else?” Nathan asked.

  “He didn’t say, so I don’t know, but I have an idea.” Evan looked from Nathan to Sam and took a deep breath. Here goes nothing. “There’s an opening at the Riverton Crossing, and at the Cloverville County Police Departments. Both of you made mention that you liked it here and suggested if I were serious about cleaning this place up, to let you know.” He took a minute to let that sink in. “I’m letting you know.” Evan leaned back in his chair and folded his hands over his chest.

  “Who would work where?” Nathan asked.

  “I don’t want to pressure either of you, so I was gonna let y’all tell me what you’d like to do.” Evan leaned forward and placed his arms on the desk. “I’ve got a man leaving to go to Charleston. He got a taste of investigation from the MI fire at the Gregory’s place, and Charleston has an opening, so he wants to take it. I want someone whom I can trust to come in as my Assistant Police Chief and help train these officers. Plus, with Ginger pregnant and us getting married, I’ll need some time off and want to be able to leave the department with someone I trust.

  “Since Frank Smith was arrested this morning, Sheriff Cahill has an opening as well. He was training Frank to take his position when he retired. I don’t know when that’ll be, and it’s an elected office, not an appointed one, so you wouldn’t have to run if you didn’t want to.” Evan shrugged, knowing the county job would be a harder sell. “And, um, the salaries are good for this area, but way below what you’re probably making now. The cost of living is cheap here to make up for some of that, but we can get salary packages together for you to look at before you make a decision if you want. What do y’all think?”

  “I told you when you took your job that I’d stay and help you,” Nathan said, “so I’m glad something opened up to make it possible. I knew there’d be a salary adjustment before I offered. You let me worry about that. When do you want to do this?”

  “And I told you the same thing as Nathan, but I’m not good at training, and I never thought about working for the Sheriff. Are you sure he’d be okay with me?” Sam asked.

  “Believe it or not, Sam, he’d like to have you. He was more worried that you’d want to work with me and he’d get Nathan.” Evan grinned. “Where do you stand on being able to leave your current positions?”

  “Two weeks’ notice,” Sam said.

  “Me too. Then just the move out here,” Nathan agreed.

  Evan nodded. “I’ll talk with the Sheriff tonight and the Mayor on Monday. I’d like you back here as soon as possible. Nathan, since you’re coming with me, I want you to look into the security tapes at the Riverton Crossing Public Library as soon as you’re on board. This guy has to be on their tapes.”

  “I can make arrangements to fly out and call the Captain in the morning. What about when MI goes to court?”

  Evan nodded. “I’ve thought of that. We’ll make sure both of you have the time off you need.”

  “I’m on my bike. I’ll call my Captain in the morning and leave right away. Do I need to speak with the Sheriff?” Sam asked.

  “Call him when you can. Do you have his number?”

  “I’ve got it.”

  Evan took a deep breath and calmed down. They were staying. He smiled and shook their hands. “Thank you.”

  “I’m not promising once we get the assholes out that I’m staying. You know that, right?” Nathan said as he shook Evan’s hand.

  A devilish grin spread across Evan’s face. “Uh huh. I said that a few months ago myself.” As they walked back to the main area of the house, Evan added, “I’ll have all your documents ready when you get back.” He slapped Nathan on the back. “Sam, I’ll make sure the Sheriff has yours ready, too. I’ll call him tonight and tell him to look for your call in the morning.”

  Ginger walked up and hugged Nathan and Sam. “You’re both staying. I’m so happy.”

  “Sugar, you know I need to stick around to see how Evan handles a baby.” Nathan chuckled.

  Sam shook his head. “I’ve heard the rumors, now I get to see these two in action,” Sam said with a big smile on his face.

  “So, when will this all be official?” Mitchell asked.

  “As soon as they’re released from their jobs and can get back here,” Evan said.

  “Look forward to having y’all around more,” Mitchell said as he shook their hands.

  “Hmmm, I guess we’ll have to find y’all a couple nice ladies around here,” Kayla stated.

  “Give us some time to get used to the place,” Nathan replied on his way out the door.


  That night, as Mitchell and Kayla snuggled in bed, he said, “I heard that some women know immediately if they’re pregnant. Do you feel any different?” He didn’t want to smother her, but if she knew now, he’d take extra precautions—no rough sex, no horseback riding, no climbing in and out of his truck. He’d make her rest.

  “Mitch, no matter how I feel, I can’t take a test until after I miss a period. Please, let’s just go on with life as is until we have a reason to change.” She laid a palm on his cheek and gazed into his eyes. “I’m not going to fret ov
er this. It’ll happen when it’s supposed to happen, okay?”

  Mitchell nodded, but he wanted it to happen now. “Ginger started not feeling well before she found out. Do you think you will too?”

  “I don’t know, but you will not time me when I go to the bathroom like you did after the incident. That was ridiculous.”

  Mitchell shrugged. “Can’t promise. I will promise that I’m going to take care of you,” he said as a smile spread across his face.

  “You need to get it in your head now, babe. I’m not staying cooped up in the house for nine months.”

  “I know that, but you’re not going to take unnecessary risks either. Ginger has been good for Evan, for the most part, and I know you can do that, so I don’t have to worry either.”

  “Until there’s a reason for this conversation, let’s not finish it, okay? The only reason Ginger has been good is because there’s a damn stalker out there. Believe me, when that threat is gone, she won’t be sitting around this ranch. She may keep Evan abreast of where she is, but it’s probably not going to be here, and I’m going to be right there with her. Just sayin’.”

  “Baby, I know you won’t just sit around here, but promise me you won’t do too much of anything that’ll cause you physical issues, okay?”

  “I’ll promise that, but anything else is just plans for the future.”

  Mitchell took that as a small victory as he nuzzled Kayla’s neck, and she angled her head to give him better access. He smiled because she knew exactly where he wanted to be. He bit her neck to inflict just enough pain that his tongue would ease it and turn it into a slow throb. Once he got her blood pumping, she’d melt.

  As he pressed his lips against her neck his hand slipped over her thigh moving toward her pussy but stopped when it reached the top of her pubic bone. After a beat, his fingers moved around in search of something. He pulled his head back to look into her eyes. “Where’s my landing strip?”

  Kayla giggled. “Do you need it? You don’t know how to get there from here?”


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