Pleasure Cove: Where love is hot on the beach!

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Pleasure Cove: Where love is hot on the beach! Page 9

by Nash, M. G.

  “When are you coming home?” Carrie asked quietly.

  “I’m catching the first flight out Monday. Sweet dreams.”

  It was a hot Sunday afternoon as Bob arrived at the taco stand where he’d arranged to meet Juanita Lopez. A cab pulled up a few moments after he arrived. She stepped out and introduced herself. “Hello, Senor Roberto. I’m Juanita Lopez.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Juanita. Can I take your bag? We’ll put it in the back seat. I’d like to head back to the motel. We can talk along the way. Do you need anything before we leave – a drink or food?”

  “No, I’m ready to go,” she assured him, climbing into the passenger seat of Bob’s loaner from the motel.

  Driving back to Pescadero, Bob briefed Juanita on the boat sabotage and the top priority to check out Pedro. By the time they reached the motel, her tape recorder was full.

  “I’ve got enough work for my first week,” declared Juanita as she took her bag from the trunk. Bob led her to Alfredo’s cottage where he waited to show her the cottage and discuss the security camera he would install.

  Chapter 13

  Bob was pleased with his decision to bring Juanita to Pleasure Cove. She did not threaten Jose and Alfredo was satisfied when he reviewed her credentials. “Now, we can get to the bottom of this,” he said to himself as he packed his bag for an early departure. As much as I love this place, I’m ready to go home. I come down here to relax not to get caught up in problems, he realized.

  Walking through the Orange County airport terminal, Bob was surprised to see a limo driver holding a sign with his name on it, Bob Stevens. The driver acknowledged him and stepped up to take his bag. “I’m afraid you’ve made a mistake, I didn’t order a limo,” Bob stated.

  “I understand, sir, it is a gift from an admirer,” the driver explained, “Come this way, I have it waiting outside. Do you have a shuttle reservation that I can cancel for you?”

  Bob handed over the reservation while he tried to figure out this puzzle. Who would pay for a limo he wondered. When they arrived at the black shiny car, the driver opened the back door and Carrie’s hand reached out to pull Bob inside.

  “Oh, what a surprise,” he laughed as she kissed him hello. “I should have guessed it was you.” Taking her into his arms, they embraced and kissed again.

  “Welcome home,” said Carrie touching his face. “I was so happy you called that I thought I’d treat you to some TLC.” She handed him a cup of coffee and nestled in beside him. “Tell me about the trip.”

  “Well it was fun and hard work all at the same time,” Bob confessed as he sipped the hot drink. “I learned a lot about how Jose handles problems. We did get a private investigator on board to find the employee who is working for the timeshare company.” Tilting his head to hers, he kissed her hair, “Remember recommending a PI the last time we were at the cove? We decided it was a great idea.”

  Carrie smiled and nodded, “It sounds like you made some progress. I thought you’d be happier about that.” She studied his eyes and could see a trace of disappointment there. “Anything else on your mind?”

  “I realized last night that I invested in this place to save my little hide-away, and it may take more effort and money than I’m willing to give. The next week is critical to see what Juanita discovers. I trust her feedback more than Jose’s at the moment.”

  “Then we are really going to enjoy Santa Barbara next weekend. I hope you like the plans I’ve made,” she winked and twined her fingers with his.

  “If they are as good as this limo, I’ll be impressed,” said Bob wrapping his arm around her and tucking her by his side. He sniffed her hair. “Um-m you’re wearing that fresh scent that drives me crazy.”

  “Un-huh, and the limo is not the only surprise,” Carrie hinted seductively as she loosened the tie at her waist. Bob looked down to see that she was nude beneath the clingy wraparound dress except for black silk stockings that reached the top of her thighs. He looked from her to the dark panel separating them from the driver.

  “He won’t hear a thing,” Carrie promised as she reached up to bring his head down to hers. It was a long and passionate kiss. Bob took over and deepened the kiss when he heard Carrie’s moans. She leaned back to lie down on the black leather seat pulling Bob with her.

  “Now, I feel like a voyeur,” Bob smiled admiring Carrie’s body laid out below him. He stroked her leg and hummed his approval at the silky length she raised up for him. “Ah-h, you sprayed perfume behind your knees. Naughty girl,” he grinned.

  “I bought these sheer blacks so you could take them off slowly and hide one in your pocket all day. Every time you touch it I want you to think of me.”

  He dipped his head to her lips and sucked on the bottom one before he moved to her jaw and neck. Kissing down her body, he murmured, “This is the best surprise I’ve had in a long time.” When he suckled her belly button she giggled and pulled him back but he stopped at her breast to kiss around her nipple.

  “I love how it puckers for me,” he said lapping at it in quick strokes. She lifted her leg and stroked across his ass dipping between his cheeks.

  He turned his attention from her breast to the raised leg and slowly began rolling down the stocking. He kissed behind her knee, bit lightly on her calf and peeled it off of her foot. Bringing the stocking up to his nose he smelled her scent then took it to rub across her labia very slowly.

  “I want your sweetness with me, too,” he explained while he stretched the stocking so it strained parting her wet lips and wedging into her butt cheeks. He pulled back to slide down and kissed her mound. Rubbing the stocking back and forth in short strokes, Bob created tension as he nipped at her labia teasing her along with the motion of the limo.

  “When I don’t see you for a few days, my body longs for you,” Carrie raised her hips to give him more access and thrust as he delved his tongue inside her. In a few moments, Carrie was panting and begging Bob to enter her.

  “I’ve missed you. I want to feel you inside me now,” she cried but he was determined to drive her to a climax and the quick flexing of his tongue on her clitoris drove her over the edge. She surrendered to the waves of release and cried out in surprise.

  Bob lifted his head and returned to kiss her hard then repeated his kisses so she could taste herself on his lips. He slowly withdrew the stocking from her mound and put it into his jacket pocket.

  “It seems like I’m always undressing you last,” Carrie chastised as she unbuttoned his shirt and dove her hands inside to move her hands across his chest. “I’m still throbbing for you,” she whispered and unzipped his pants to free his rigid cock. He did not resist as she guided his penis into her wet core.

  “Ah, I have missed this,” Bob sighed looking into her eyes before sinking deeper into her center. He paused long enough to give Carrie a lingering kiss so he could build her passion back to a fever pitch. She dueled with his tongue while rubbing her breast against his chest. He moved slowly at first bringing his shaft just far enough back to thrust again and hold himself tight against her. She moved her legs close together so she enveloped his shaft in her feminine cocoon. His strokes begin to drive harder inside her and she encouraged him with her breathy grunts reaching for her second orgasm.

  “Come for me, baby,” Carrie whispered, “I want this, I want you to explode inside me now.” She grabbed his buttocks and lifted her hips so he filled her completely. He spilled his seed and groaned at the power of his climax.

  Carrie wrapped her arms around him and sighed softly, “That’s probably the quietest sex we’ve ever had.” Bob chuckled as he brought his forehead to rest on hers. “You can make up for it this weekend with noisy sex,” he promised turning them side to side so they remained joined.

  The rumble of the car was soothing while they enjoyed their intimacy. “Hey, I still have a stocking on, we have to do this again,” Carrie challenged. She raised her leg toward the ceiling of the car and began rolling the stocking down with h
er free hand.

  “I’m going to tickle you till you stop,” threatened Bob as he reached for her ribs and began wiggling his fingers. She buried her head in his shoulder and cried, “Uncle, I give up.” She brought her leg down and draped her arm over Bob’s so they lay face to face on the back seat. He kissed her nose and pulled her head to his chest so he could put his arms around her. “I will never forget this moment, Carrie. I love your TLC.”

  Chapter 14

  The next few days passed quickly as Bob and Carrie both worked long hours to complete projects before leaving for Santa Barbara on Friday. It was a bright California day as they put their bags in the trunk and hit the road.

  “I planned a lunch for us in Malibu,” Carrie said as they traveled up the freeway. “I thought it would be nice to take a short break at a B&B that opens their restaurant to the public. Our check-in is not until three in Santa Barbara so we can take our time.”

  “I sure don’t mind taking a break during the drive, Carrie. I’ve only driven through Malibu so this will be something new for me. How did you find the place?”

  “I was searching on the internet. Since you enjoyed the nude beach in Pleasure Cove, I thought I’d see if there were nude beaches in Santa Barbara and I found this instead - The Mountain and Sea B&B. It has a nude swimming pool and private hot tubs that are separate from the restaurant. People can rent a tub or swim for an hour and lay in the sun. It sounds like the perfect break.”

  Bob reached over to stroke her leg, “Are you sure you’ll be OK with other nude people there? We had the beach to ourselves in Pleasure Cove.”

  She massaged his neck as he drove, “I figure it can’t be too crowded at noon on Friday. We can check it out and be spontaneous if it feels right.”

  An hour later Bob turned off the Malibu exit and was soon climbing into the hills. They arrived at the top to a spacious mountain cabin with an open porch winding around the second story. It reminded Carrie of a ski lodge. After admiring the ocean views, they decided to eat outside and watch the hawks flying over the canyon. Bob looked around, checked the parking lot for cars and then ask the waiter if the private pool area was busy with guests.

  The waiter returned to tell them only two couples were currently in the private pool. Bob and Carrie smiled at each other and decided to give it a try. A cool swim would be refreshing.

  “This place makes our hide-away look like Motel 6,” Bob quipped as they finished their grilled salmon salad. He sipped the last of his Chardonnay.

  “Maybe it's best not to compare,” Carrie suggested patting his hand. “After all, I can’t traipse around barefoot here, either. We can enjoy them both for different reasons.”

  “Touché,” Bob replied, “Let’s go check out the pool.” He pushed back from the table and lifted Carrie’s hand to tuck into his arm as they strolled outside.

  A servant appeared with fresh thick towels and terrycloth robes for them before opening the security gate. They walked into a Japanese garden with a bamboo fountain trickling water and the smell of jasmine in the air. Ahead of them was the swimming pool sparkling in the sunlight. Chaise lounges and private cabanas were available for guests. They were sheltered with palm trees and flowers to guarantee privacy. Carrie could see individual gazebos ahead that housed the private hot tubs.

  “Maybe we don’t need to drive to Santa Barbara after all,” Bob whispered. “I could be happy right here.” He took in the elegance and intimacy of the grounds before asking Carrie, “What do you think?”

  “Let’s enjoy this hour and see what’s available at the front desk. What about the deposit on the Santa Barbara resort? I would hate for you to lose that money.”

  “Don’t worry. I can just move the dates ahead to another week. They won’t mind changing the date as long as we don’t cancel the reservation.”

  After donning their robes, they drifted out to the pool where a couple lay quietly sunbathing. Carrie dipped her toe into the pool and smiled at Bob. “The water is perfect,” she cooed dropping her bath robe on the lounge chair before stepping in.

  She floated through the pool as Bob joined her. The water on her skin felt luscious in contrast to the sunny day. Resting in the water, Carrie simply took in the magnificent setting. It’s like a pleasure palace, she thought. Everything is here for my happiness. Glancing at Bob she saw a look of contentment on his face as he rested against the side of the pool. She left him to his thoughts and swam a few laps before floating up beside him. “Penny for your thoughts,” said Carrie playing with his foot gently in the water.

  “Oh, I’m just noticing I feel the same contentment right here that I feel at the cove, and I didn’t have to jump on a plane and fly for two hours to find it. Maybe I’m clinging to some old memories and trying to re-create them when I should be making new ones.”

  Carrie kissed his cheek, “We call that an epiphany, feels good doesn’t it?” He pulled her in front of him so they floated in the water together with his arms around her waist. It felt like a moment of perfection as the sounds of nature blended with their breaths. The world fell away and it was only the two of them in the water.

  “I could get used to this,” Carrie sighed watching a hummingbird flutter in the garden. Bob squeezed her in agreement. He leaned his head down to her ear and whispered, “I’m getting a hard-on holding you like this. It’s just so right I want to make love. I think my cock has a mind of its own.”

  Carrie turned to face him with her hands braced on each side of him. “It does feel like the right thing to do, doesn’t it?” she replied kissing him lightly. “Why don’t you take a quick swim and we can move to one of the gazebos. I suspect they are here for more than soaking in a hot tub.”

  Bob nodded and pushed off into the water as Carrie floated back to stand in the water taking in the surroundings one more time. The restaurant was behind them. The path from the pool meandered toward the gazebos and disappeared. I wonder where that goes. Carrie thought. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a view point with a gazebo? Maybe they should wander down the path. Her eyes lit up in a secret smile. She was thrilled that this was so much more than she expected.

  After a few laps, Bob was ready to leave the pool. They pulled on their robes and walked down the path searching for the perfect spot. The path grew shady and turned so they were walking downhill. When they walked around the corner, they found an arboretum with a domed gazebo facing out to the mountains. As Carrie walked inside, she noticed the wicker chairs and lounging couch.

  “Oh, it’s the perfect love nest,” Carrie said in a hushed voice. She turned to see the look of surprise and pleasure from Bob. “Someone is reading my mind,” he admitted opening his robe and spreading it on the couch. He sat down and tugged Carrie in front of him so she rested on his legs.

  “Lean back, baby, so I can run my hands all over your body.” Dropping her head back on Bob’s shoulder Carrie wrapped her legs outside of his. “If we hear anyone coming, I can simply cuddle you in my lap,” he promised.

  Carrie melted into the heat of his body and tucked her legs around his knees. “I love how you open up for me, Carrie,” encouraged Bob pressing his hands down from her waist to her thighs. “Can you feel my cock thickening under your ass? It’s on fire for you.” He kissed the back of her neck and teased her ear lobe with his tongue. Bob’s hands circled Carrie’s breasts and she arched her back to press into them.

  “Massage them for me, baby, they love it when you squeeze them.” Bob moved his arms forward under her breasts till they filled his hands.

  “Take your hands and touch your labia so I can feel your nipples harden,” Bob coaxed.

  Carrie obeyed moving one hand to press into her labia while the other joined Bob’s at her breast. She moved her fingers in circles around her labia before dipping them inside to find she was already getting wet. Moaning at her own heat she gyrated slowly to tempt herself and Bob. This hidden place freed her to enjoy her own sexuality and loving herself with Bob watching was a very in
timate game.

  “That’s beautiful, Carrie, I love to watch you,” Bob whispered bringing his face right next to hers. She could feel his afternoon shadow scrape across her cheek. He lightly nipped her collarbone. “I feel like a satyr rutting in the wild.”

  “I feel like Venus inside a Roman copse,” Carrie countered dropping her head back and giving herself up to the erotic senses that washed over her. “There is so much love flowing right now,” she cried rising to her first orgasm. Bob rubbed his hand up and down her front to comfort her while cupping her mound to feel her throbbing.

  “We are just getting started, my love.” He turned her quickly putting her arm around his neck and cradling her body on his legs so he could lower his head to capture her breast in his mouth. He suckled one then the other making them moist and pink.

  Moaning softly Carrie stirred, “That shoots right to my core. It’s such a special little orgasm.” She held his face with her hands while she took his mouth with her tongue, thrusting and twirling around his.

  Lifting Carrie slightly at the waist, Bob brought his legs together and slowly turned her while he filled her. He pushed down on her mound till his balls pressed into her butt. “That’s my goddess,” Bob chanted as he drew her back against his chest. Their heat and musky love smells filled him with such passion his hands were everywhere, roaming her body while he kissed her neck and rocked his penis moving in circular thrusts. “I can’t hold back,” he whispered.

  “Don’t,” urged Carrie, “I love making you shudder.”

  Carrie felt every pore of her skin she was so aroused and brought her hand on top of his to press down on her mound for more contact. “O-oh, I want you full inside me,” she gasped letting him take over and the nerve endings exploded up her back when his hot semen touched her core. Bob shook from the power of his emotion and gasped as the tremors took him. Panting and damp from their exertions, Bob and Carrie stretched out on the couch while they calmed down.


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