Pregnant to an Alien King Box Set

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Pregnant to an Alien King Box Set Page 11

by Gloria Martin


  Chelsea bounded toward the kitchen happily, still wearing her pajamas. “Mmmm… I can smell something yummy!” she exclaimed.

  Gem smiled from behind the open kitchen counter where she was preparing plates of bacon and eggs together with French toast.

  “So that’s why you’re up early,” Cliff quipped, having just come through the back door.

  Chelsea laughed. “Haven’t you noticed? Since Gem has become our cook, I’ve also become a morning person!”

  “Just goes to show that your appetite reigns over sleep,” Gem said cheerfully. She was in a very good mood, despite the past week’s adjustments. After all, she’d had to deal with the shock of the truth- that she’d really been magically moved from her planet to this one, and from the year 2036 to the year 2016.

  Chelsea took one plate and sat herself on the counter. “So, have you met our new guest?” she asked Gem as she began eating. She sounded excited. “He’s really, really gorgeous!”

  “Ssshhh… he might hear you, you know,” Gem warned with a grin. Her shiny brown-orange tresses were piled up in a low, messy bun and as usual, she had almost no makeup on and was simply dressed in a shirt and leggings underneath her apron.

  “Speaking of the devil…” Cliff whispered to the ladies in a meaningful tone.

  Chelsea almost choked on the bacon she was munching on. She quickly smoothed her hair and turned around with a flirtatious smile.

  “Hi, good morning, everyone!” the tall, handsome gentleman greeted with an Italian accent.

  “Hello, sir,” Cliff said casually, taking a plate of Gem’s bountiful breakfast and placing it on the dining table that he’d just finished wiping. “Here’s your breakfast- on the house, of course.”

  “Looks good,” he said. “Thanks.” Before taking a seat, though, his eyes seemed to linger on Gem first.

  “So how was your sleep?” Cliff asked in a friendly manner. “Any plans for today?”

  “Sleep was good,” the young Italian replied. “The bed was comfortable enough. And as for today, nah… no plans… maybe just hang out at the beach and explore…”

  “Chelsea here is our resident tour guide,” Gem injected. “She can show you around.”

  Chelsea gave her a horrified look, turning a little red.

  The attractive man smiled at Chelsea, but then turned to Gem and said, “I was actually hoping you could show me around.”

  “Uh, me?” Gem said in surprise. “No, I’m not from around here, sorry. I’ve been here for just about a week now.”

  Chelsea was still speechless. But this time, she was frowning at the latest apple of her eye who seemed to be more interested in Gemini.

  “What time do you get off?” the man asked. “I’d love to get to get to know you better…”

  Gem did not know what to say. But Cliff quickly came to her rescue, saying, “Sorry, sir, but we have a small village festival that we need to prepare for tonight. You might want to drop by and see for yourself how we celebrate things around here…”

  “That would be awesome!” he said. “Sure, I will.”

  Their guest was quite talkative during breakfast, telling them all about his backpacking adventure around America. He disappeared after finishing the meal, but Gem was kept busy because more guests were coming in, ready to eat the breakfast that came with their stay. And as always, they too were happy with the delicious food.

  When Gem finally had the chance to rest, she went out to check Cliff at his art shop. “Hey, how are things here?” she asked.

  Cliff looked up from the big block of wood that he was carving. “Hey, there,” he greeted. “Things are great, thanks. The paintings and other stuff have been selling like hotcakes.”

  Gem laughed, now feeling very much at ease with him. During her short stay, she had gotten to know him better and they seemed to really “click” a lot.

  “What’s that you’re making?” she asked in fascination. She loved to watch him work on his art pieces, with his eyes intense with concentration and his muscles tensing up and showing through his shirt. She loved the way his dark locks would slide down his forehead while beads of sweat formed on the surface. And most of all, she enjoyed conversing with him on just about anything.

  “It’s a surprise,” he said without looking up. “I was feeling inspired today, so let’s see how it turns out in a few days.”

  “Okay,” Gem said as she walked around the shop to admire more of his work.

  “Want to try it?” he suddenly offered, startling her.

  She turned to him with an eager grin, like a little girl who was about to get her very first doll.

  “I guess that’s a yes,” he said, laughing at the expression on her face.

  To her astonishment, he took her hand and guided her toward the stool where he’d been sitting. His sudden touch made her feel warm all over. She tried to ignore the feeling, but every movement he made seemed to affect her entire body. She was highly aware of his closeness, which was making her both nervous and excited.

  He leaned over her and put her hand on the chisel, his fingers guiding her on how to hold it properly. His every touch was unnerving and electrifying. She tried hard to focus on what he was teaching her.

  Relax, Gem, she told herself repeatedly. She breathed in and out heavily while Cliff explained what she had to do. Hopefully, he didn’t notice how he was affecting her.

  She tried to follow his instructions… and succeeded.

  “Good! That’s it. You’re doing great, Gem,” he praised.

  She turned around and beamed at him. Their faces were only inches apart. For a few seconds, both of them were quiet, merely gazing into each other’s eyes. It was as if everything around them had melted into the ground and faded away.

  The sound of running footsteps, accompanied by a loud squeal, broke their momentary spell. It was a little girl who was also staying at their bed and breakfast.

  “Essie, no running,” her mom said firmly, going after her and taking her hand. “You might break something in here.”

  “But I just wanted to see the pretty cook…” she whined. Then she broke free from her mom and ran toward Gem.

  To Gem’s surprise, the little girl literally ran into her arms and gave her a bear hug. It seemed to melt her heart. She was definitely experiencing a lot of new emotions while on Earth.

  “Hi!” the girl said. “You’re so pretty! I want to have hair and eyes like yours!”

  Gem laughed. “Thank you, but you are much prettier than me.”

  “I am?” the girl said in obvious surprise and wonder.

  “Yes, I really think so,” Gem told her sincerely.

  “Wow! Did you hear that, Mommy?”

  Her mom smiled from behind her. “I told you that many times, dear.”

  “But it’s different when it comes from you. I thought you were just saying it ‘coz you’re my mom!”

  The mother laughed and together they thanked Cliff and Gem before walking back to the direction of the beach. Gem looked after them, suddenly pining away for her own loving mother who never got tired of praising her and making her feel special too.

  “You okay?” Cliff asked. “Are you sure there’s nobody at home looking for you?”

  Gem snapped out of her thoughts. “Only my mom,” she admitted. “But she will understand. I’ll go back when I figure out something.”

  “Alright,” Cliff responded. He never probed any further, probably careful not to step on her privacy.

  At times, Gem had the urge to just spill the beans to him- about her true identity and why she couldn’t manage to get back home even if she wanted to. But she wasn’t sure if he’d understand or accept the truth. It was still too soon.


  The sun was hiding behind the clouds, probably getting ready to go down in the west. A cool breeze blew Gem’s long, soft locks in the air, making them dance in various directions. She stood barefoot on top of one of the biggest sand dunes at the oth
er end of the beach. Her beautiful eyes sparkled in awe as she quietly delighted in the late afternoon view of Moonrock Beach.

  “I come here when I want to just… drink in Mother Nature…” Cliff revealed, joining her on top of the mound. “Sometimes I come here to think, reflect, relax, or when I want to be inspired.”

  “I know what you mean,” Gem whispered, looking out into the sea. “Everything is so beautiful and peaceful. I think I’m falling in love with this whole new world.”

  “That’s good to know,” Cliff said, moving even closer behind her. She could almost feel his chest on her back. “You can stay here as long as you need to, as long as you want.”

  “Thank you.”

  “What’s your world like, Gem? I’m curious.”

  Gem’s heart raced. She laughed nervously. “What do you mean? You’ve been to the city many times.”

  “Yes, but I want to hear how it is for you, living where you live, growing up wherever it is you grew up, being with the people you’re running away from now…”

  Gem faced him then, her heart beating fast and hard as she looked into his eyes. “My world… is nothing like this. Everything is happening in a rush there. We’re all preoccupied with jobs and technology, running here and there and never really making time for relationships and all that stuff. It’s so, so different.”

  “I’m guessing you’re starting to like it better here…” Cliff said, brushing away strands of her hair from her face with his fingers.

  “You could say that,” Gem whispered, enveloped with a growing need and desire to be in his arms and spend the rest of her life with him on that beach.

  “I’m starting to like it better now that you’re here too…” he told her gently as his arms slid around her waist. His words and the way he looked at her seemed to reach deep into her heart, cozying up to it like it had never been touched before.

  She closed her eyes on instinct, everything in her mind turning into a blur. Her body took over, warming up fast and then quickly going ablaze with craving. He could sense it and decided to go with his own instincts as well. She felt his soft, moist lips on hers as he leaned forward to finally kiss her. They lingered gently for a while, before pressing harder.

  She had never been kissed like that before and especially never with real feelings. Thus, going with her natural impulse, she moved her lips and began to kiss him back, meeting his every passionate urging, and eventually letting her tongue dance and entwine with his in fiery, erotic movements.

  He began to rub her arms, making the fire in her body burn even more. She felt hot in spite of the cool weather. The temperature around them was going down as the sun began to set. But this time, they hardly noticed the glowing, colorful beauty of the sunset. With their hands wrapped around one another, they kissed passionately as if they had the whole island to themselves.

  “Woof! Woof! Woof!” the loud and insistent barking came, forcing Gem to open her eyes and break apart from Cliff. She felt a little woozy.

  Cliff crouched down and scratched his dog’s ears. “What’s up, boy?”

  The dog jumped up and down, barking loudly. It was calling them to follow him.

  “He sounds urgent,” Gem said, quite alarmed.

  The two of them quickly followed the dog down the chain of sand dunes and back onto the shore. That was when they heard some screaming coming from the sea.

  “Help us! Help my daughter please!” a woman was screeching.

  They ran towards her, and Gem recognized her as the mother staying at the bed and breakfast. Cliff did not waste any more time. He hurried into the water and swam as fast as he could toward the little girl whose arms flailed wildly above the surface of the sea, trying to stay above the water.

  Huge waves were coming fast, slowing down Cliff. Despite being a fantastic swimmer, he was struggling against the harsh waters and time was running out as the girl had begun sinking.

  Without thinking, Gem dashed after Cliff and jumped into the water. She didn’t even know how to swim, but she knew her Martian survival instincts would kick in. Her unusual speed allowed her to catch up to him fast and surpass him amid the tumultuous sea. She took a deep breath and plunged below the surface, searching for a sign of the girl.

  The silver specks in her eyes were reacting to the salt water, moving in circles fast and then merging together. She felt dizzy, but she did not close her eyes as she looked for the girl underwater.

  Without any warning, a flash of light came out of her eyes! She shut them as she felt immense pain. Then in just a few seconds, the pain was gone. She rose up to the surface for a breath of air before dropping down again. This time, when she opened her eyes, it was like the entire undersea had been lit brightly like daytime.

  When she caught sight of the girl, she immediately swam toward her and lifted her out of the water. She seemed to have gotten stronger as she tried to swim back to the shore with the girl. It was certainly more difficult to go as fast when carrying someone. Luckily, Cliff arrived. Upon seeing them, he appeared to be shocked but did not say anything. With his strength and her speed, they had no problem getting back to the beach promptly.

  “Essie! Essie!” the woman cried, sobbing. She fell to her knees beside her motionless child.

  Cliff seemed to be well-versed with such situations. He leaned down and put his ear to the little girl’s mouth to check for breathing. There was none. The chest was not moving.

  “Please help her…” the mother kept saying hysterically.

  Cliff checked for a pulse. When he found none, he immediately started performing CPR. In a short while, the girl began to sputter and water came out of her mouth. She opened her eyes and her chest began heaving.

  “Essie!” the woman bawled, embracing her child tightly.

  Some of the villagers had come by this time. One of them whom Gem recognized as a doctor came to check on Essie while her mom thanked Cliff and Gem profusely.

  “You’re welcome. We’re happy to help,” Gem told her with a smile. She was teary-eyed, feeling the intense love and gratitude coming from the woman’s heart. It was simply incredible.


  “Ta-da!” Gem said in a jolly mood as she presented the feast she’d prepared to Cliff and Chelsea.

  Chelsea’s mouth dropped open at the sight of all the food on their dining table. “How did you---?”

  “Wow,” was all Cliff could say, shaking his head in disbelief but nonetheless smiling.

  “Told you I could do it,” Gem said. “So go and invite the villagers over to have a taste.”

  “Let’s party!” Chelsea exclaimed, laughing.

  “Yeah, way to go,” Cliff said, nodding and clapping. “After everything that’s happened, you still had the energy to whip up this spread…”

  Gem took a bow, laughing. “If you guys will excuse me, I still have to get dressed for dinner.”

  Chelsea was shaking her head. “I’ve never met anyone else who can cook that fast. I bet you’re the only woman who showers, dresses up, and puts on makeup like The Flash!”

  “And swims like a fish too…” Cliff muttered under his breath.

  Gem heard him just before she went inside the bedroom she shared with Chelsea. Her heart was pounding madly because she was afraid he might be on to her secret.

  Don’t be silly, Gem told herself as she got ready. He wouldn’t possibly consider that I’m an alien from the future. That’s next to impossible… except that it is true…

  So as not to raise more suspicion, she did her best to take her time before going out again. It took all of her patience to do it, as she was very excited about the festival. This was a good time to just relax and enjoy, after all the drama that had taken place earlier.

  When Gem finally went out, she saw a lot of people who looked familiar. They had swarmed in the dining area, enjoying her feast. She smiled and stayed a bit to chat with some. Everybody was in a festive mood, and they were all complimenting her on the food.

  The M
oonrock Festival was a celebration of family and community, commemorating the day when the first few families got together to live on the island. It was a full moon then and they had all gathered on an enormous flat rock to sing and celebrate their new life together. That’s why they named the beach “Moonrock”.

  On the beach, several blankets had been laid out along with colorful throw pillows and bean bag chairs. All around them were lit candles in tiny glasses, illuminating the area in a romantic way while the stars above shimmered exquisitely.

  In the midst of the people gathered in the area was a group of singers with acoustic guitars, strumming away and entertaining the locals and the tourists.

  “You look wonderful,” someone whispered in Gem’s ear, almost making her jump.

  Her heart was once again racing, this time from the undeniable attraction between her and the man whom she had first met on the island.

  Knowing it was Cliff, she turned around quickly with a smile. “Thanks. You too.”

  She was wearing one of Chelsea’s beach dresses--- a strapless floral cotton dress that made her look dainty. She’d even curled the ends of her long hair and had put on a little makeup for the evening.

  Meanwhile, Cliff was looking mighty handsome in a plain white shirt and an island-inspired pair of drawstring pants. And he was gazing into her eyes as if he wanted to kiss her right then and there.

  Throughout the festivities, they stayed together and had fun participating in the singing and watching the reenactment of the first families’ settlement of the island. They went from house to house too, filling themselves with the various feasts that had been prepared for sharing.

  The night was deepening and most of the villagers had gone back home. Only the vacationers and foreigners were left partying on the beach.

  Gem had a few drinks with Cliff, before he invited her to take a walk with him.

  “You know, I saw Chelsea with that Italian guy,” he said with a twinkle in his eye.


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