Pregnant to an Alien King Box Set

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Pregnant to an Alien King Box Set Page 159

by Gloria Martin

“I don’t know if I like this,” Jessica said, narrowing her eyes at Mark.

  “Me neither,” Curtis said flatly.

  “I’m saying that it’s all out in the open and I’m all for Jess making her call when she’s ready, but it the meantime, we’re trapped inside. We’re all consenting adults here. Would it really be so bad if we—you know,” Mark said, leaning on his knees and eyeing Jessica up and down.

  “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” Jessica asked.

  “I’m saying no one has to make a choice today. Like, honestly, Jess if you choose Curt, I’d support you guys, but for today, I say we explore other options,” Mark said, flashing a crooked smile at Jessica.

  “Curt?” Jessica asked, reaching for his hands.

  She was considering it. In some weird way so was he. He had never done it before. Mark had a threesome or foursome at least once a month and Curtis did wonder.

  “Fine, let’s do it then.” Curtis said.



  Curtis stood back and let Mark lead. He was not sure he was one hundred percent on board, but the swelling between his legs had other ideas as he watched Mark peel Jessica out of her shorts and t-shirt. He could not believe seeing Mark’s hands on Jessica’s body was actually turning him on.

  “Suck it, baby,” Mark said, pulling out of a deep kiss with Jessica.

  Jessica looked over at Curtis and he nodded slowly. He wanted to see. He could not explain why, but his dick was rock hard and getting harder as Jessica’s tongue dragged up his best friend’s cock.

  “Take your clothes off, Curt,” Jessica said, as she stroked Mark.

  Curtis obeyed as Jessica started sucking Mark deeper and slower. Curtis found his hand gliding up and down the length of his own swollen member as Jessica worked.

  “Come here Curt,” Jessica said, turning to face him.

  Without hesitation, Jessica started sucking Curtis’s dick, deep and slow. He held her head as she sent shockwaves through his groin.

  “Oh God, that’s so good, Jess,” Curtis said, feeling her kiss between his legs.

  “What about me, guys?” Jessica asked sheepishly.

  “Sit down, Curt,” Mark said, jutting his chin to the sofa.

  Curtis obeyed since this was clearly Mark’s forte.

  “Now you can ride him, Jess,” Mark said with ease like he was giving directions to a physical address.

  Curtis watched Jessica’s beautiful body glide toward him and his mouth formed the perfect O as she sank down onto his cock.

  “You like that, baby?” Curtis asked, teasing her, nipping with his hands and then with his tongue.

  “Yes,” Jessica said as she grinded into him.

  As she built a rhythm, Curtis clenched his abs to stop himself from coming. A thin sheen of sweat was covering Jessica’s body giving her a sexy, ethereal glow as she climaxed on Curtis’s dick.

  “Oh that’s good, Jess,” Curtis said, guiding her hips.

  Mark came up from behind her and started kissing her shoulders.

  “Don’t mind me,” Mark said, rubbing some lube on his hard cock.

  “Jess, lean forward for me, okay?” Mark said, kissing her shoulders.

  Curtis watched with amazement as Mark eased his dick into Jessica’s ass. Curtis saw Jessica’s eyes widen and then her mouth fell open. Curtis felt the tightness increase inside of Jessica and it took all of his strength not to come. He could barely move. Jessica was soaking and holding Curtis’s shoulders tight.

  “You okay, baby?” Curtis asked, starting to grind slow into her.

  “Yes, baby,” Jessica moaned.

  “I’m good too, guys. Thanks for asking,” Mark said through gritted teeth. “Or not. I’m gonna come.”

  Curtis, Jessica and Mark moved in sync, and Mark held Jessica’s shoulders tight as Curtis could tell he came inside of her. The tightness was overwhelming and Curtis came hard, burying himself in Jessica.

  Mark collapsed on the floor and Jessica collapsed on Curtis’s chest. He held her waist, drawing circles on her back with his fingers.

  “Do you forgive me?” Jessica whispered in Curtis’s ear.

  “What? Of course. I mean it’s crazy, but it’s no one’s fault,” Curtis said in a low voice.

  Mark rose from the wood floor and Curtis soon heard the shower come on in the neighboring bedroom.

  “What happens to us now?” Jessica asked, tracing Curtis’s jaw with her fingers.

  “That’s up to you. I mean this was fun, but I do want you, Jess. I wanted you as soon as you dropped those capers in the grocery store parking lot.”

  Jessica smiled broadly and Curtis felt his heart leap.

  “Is that why you came by today?”

  “Yes. I wanted to tell you everything. I wanted to tell you I choose you. I swear I had no idea you and Mark knew each other until I saw the photos. I damn near had a heart attack.”

  “I believe you. I just want you to know I’m serious and I don’t plan on living with him forever.”

  “I believe you. Hey, maybe I can set Mark up with my roommate.”

  “Um, no offense, but he is nowhere near ready to settle down with anyone.”

  “Ha! Neither is my roommate.”

  “They would be a match made in heaven then.”

  “Is that what we are then?” Jessica asked, kissing his lips.

  “I’d say so. You mean a lot to me, Jess. I just want you happy.”

  “We should go to your room, Curt.”

  “Oh yeah? Why is that?”

  “Isn’t it obvious? I’m tired of sharing you. I want you all to myself now.”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  Curtis jumped off the sofa with Jessica’s legs wrapped around him and her squealing with excitement as he carried her into his room. It was not how he envisioned everything playing out, but he was used to thinking on his feet, and he was used to following his instincts. And right now his instincts were telling him to never ever put out Jessica’s fire, no matter what happened earlier. This was truly the best spark he had ever faced in his entire life and as long as he had her, it was never going out.


  Bonus Story 41 of 50

  The Date


  “No dad,” I answered firmly, determined to stick to my guns with this one. My father might be the powerful sort of man that can boss the rest of the world around, but I’m not having it. I flatly refuse to. “I won’t do it.”

  “Son, don’t be so ridiculous. It’s just one date – a few hours. If you do this right, it will secure things between me and Mr. Bellingham.” Then he landed the final shot. “This is your future we’re talking about here, your inheritance. Don’t you want to work towards that now, to make it great before you even get it?”

  This was what it always came down to – the business that my father ran, the one that he wanted to pass onto me. The one that I wasn’t even sure that I wanted.

  I knew that my father’s company was a well-established front for something more – he was pretty open about that with me, but I’d made it clear for a very long time that I wasn’t even slightly interested in anything he did that involved breaking the law.

  He kept telling me that I needed to grow up, that I couldn’t escape it forever, but I wasn’t certain that I actually wanted to follow in his footsteps. I was secretly harboring a secret desire to make a better life for myself. One as an artist, but of course I couldn’t tell him that.

  If only my mother hadn’t died in childbirth. I often found myself wondering how different my life would have been had she been around.

  “But dad I don’t even know Bella…” I protested a little further.

  “Don’t give me that.” He gave me a wry smile. “You’ve been on plenty of dates in your life young man, you know how to treat a lady.”

  He was right of course. Girls seemed to go wild for my dark skin, my hazelnut eyes and my tall muscular figure. It was safe to say that I was a bit
of a stud in high school – but that was just something else that I’d been changing as I’d grown older, and of course dad hadn’t noticed. He only saw what he wanted to see.


  “There are no buts,” he finally commanded, ending the conversation. “I need you to take her out, and I need you to show her the time of her life. I don’t know what is holding her father back from this merger, but I need you to either find out, or give such a damn good impression that she goes home talking you up to him.”

  “Do you really think that this will work?” I asked doubtfully.

  “Of course it will,” he replied, waving his hand dismissively at me. “I trust you.”

  And there it was. Those words sending daggers through my heart once more. How could he trust me, when he didn’t even damn well know me?

  “Here’s her number, text her now.”

  As he handed me the slip of paper, I noticed a little something in his eyes. Something that showed that maybe, just maybe he didn’t quite trust me after all.

  “Okay, okay.” I muttered, feeling more and more like a petulant teenager the more I spoke.

  I quickly wrote, feeling stupid the entire time, and hit send before I could talk myself out of it.

  Hi Bella,

  It’s Enrico Abattelli. We briefly met around Christmas time when our fathers were meeting, I’m not sure if you remember?

  Anyway I just wanted to know if you’d like to go out for a drink sometime?


  I felt like an idiot as I re-read my words, but then I forced myself not to care. I wasn’t actually trying to impress this chick – in fact, it would get me out of it if she said no! It would save us both a big hassle.

  I mean, it wasn’t like she wasn’t very good looking with her long auburn hair, her violet colored eyes and her rocking body – but I wasn’t interested. I wanted my next date to be serious, to be with someone I actually wanted to be with. I felt like I was done fooling around with everyone that walks. I felt like I’d moved on from that version of me – and that this dumb date would push me backwards.

  Plus, Bella was a prissy bitch.

  When I met her, she seemed to stick her nose up at me, almost as if she knew that I was beneath her. Sure, she came from old money, whereas my dad earned his money recently… in his own unique way, but that was no reason for her to pass judgment on me!

  I would just have to hope that she refused, because the more that I thought about it, the more a night in her presence seemed like a bad idea.

  One that would not end well.



  “Urgh, daddy no,” I whined, praying for him to look at me. “He’s dreadful. I don’t want to go on a date with him. I only told you because I thought you’d instantly see how inappropriate it is, and that you’d finally realize that the Abattelli family is not one that you should be going into business with.”

  I wasn’t even sure why my father was giving these vulgar people the time of day. They were crass, rude, and had a terrible reputation in the community. Sure, we’d been losing money recently, and I knew that he was worried about what the future held for us, but there had to be another solution, surely?

  “Bella, I just want you to spend an hour with the guy, find out more about him and his family. I’m not asking for the world. You’re very perceptive, and I know you think that they are bad news – if you can prove that to me, then I’ll halt what we’re doing.”

  Even as he said that he was hesitant, like he really didn’t want to give up this merger – it was the only thing that would keep his business afloat in his eyes.

  “Why can’t Pru go?” I whined. “She loves going on dates,” I finished cruelly. My sister was famous for her… open behavior, but of course daddy didn’t want to see that side of her. He wanted to believe that she was sweet and innocent, his little princess.

  “Your sister is engaged,” he snapped back, causing me to roll my eyes. Engaged for the third time in as many years wasn’t something to celebrate as far as I was concerned. “Enrico obviously wants to go out with you. Come on Bella,” he pleaded. “Just do this for me?”

  And then he killed me by giving me the puppy dog eyes – the ones that showed me that if I didn’t do this then I was never going to hear the end of it.

  “Fine,” I finally replied. “Whatever.”

  Thanks Enrico,

  That sounds lovely. Friday at 8pm?


  There. At least if I did it early on a Friday, I’d be able to go out afterwards. This shitty ‘date’ wouldn’t have to ruin my entire evening.

  “Done. Happy?”

  But of course daddy didn’t answer. He was involved in his paperwork once more, so I stormed out of his office and stomped up into my bedroom.

  Of course, I wasn’t going to get the privacy that I so badly needed, because I could hear mum and Prudence arguing in her room, just across the hallway from mine, and I had to find out what was going on.

  “…I just can’t understand why…”

  “What’s going on?” I went around the door with a gleeful look on my face. Me and my sister had been raised by an army of nanny’s – which it seemed that mother had finally started to feel bad about (nineteen years too late in my opinion), and because of this she kept trying to instill discipline. Pru was twenty-three, she was an adult now, she’d already been everywhere and done everything. There was no way my mum was going to win this never ending battle with her.

  Luckily, Pru was terrible, so much worse than me, which meant that she needed much more attention than I did, leaving me to live my life in relative peace.

  “Just fuck off Bella,” my sister snarled, shooting me an evil look, which just made me happier. Sure, she was my sister and I loved her because of that, but our disjointed childhood, plus my underlying jealousy because of how much prettier and smarter than me she’d always been, had led to an extremely competitive relationship between us.

  One that simply grew nastier as we got older.

  “Don’t speak to your sister like that,” mum snapped, starting to grow weary. “And Bella, keep your nose out.”

  “But mum, I need to talk to you,” I improvised. “Dad’s being really unreasonable again.”

  “What is it this time?” she asked, sounding like she wished that she’d never started any of this.

  “He’s making me go out with Enrico to find out information…”

  “Oh good lord!” Pru jumped in. “He’s making you go out on a date! Shock, horror. Although I suppose for someone as frigid as you…”

  She smirked, sending humiliation burning through my body. She was referring to my status as a virgin, which pissed me off more than anything else. I’d confided it to her one night when we’d actually been getting along, and we’d been drunk on peach schnapps, and she’d held it over me ever since.

  I just hadn’t found the right person, that was all.

  There were so many things that I wanted to yell back. But I wouldn’t. I might make snide comments about Pru’s slutty behavior, but there was no way that I’d just drop her in it in front of mother. Even if she did do it to me. I would remain classy, always.

  So instead, I turned and stalked from the room.



  I rolled into the bar at twenty past eight, knowing that turning up fashionably late was going to piss off this stuck up bitch, but to my surprise she wasn’t anywhere to be seen. I ended up searching the place high and low, before sitting at the bar and ordering myself a drink.

  At first, I was a little put out – I’d never been stood up before in my entire life – but then I quickly realized that this was actually good news. It wasn’t like I had any interest in my dad’s end game, so at least I could say that I’d turned up and that she hadn’t bothered.

  But just as I was getting to the end of my beer, just as I was about to leave at quarter to nine, she breezed in under a cloud of sweet, floral smelling perfume.
  Urgh, what a posh, annoying cow!

  “Oh,” she said, shocked as if she hadn’t expected me to wait this long for her. Clearly she didn’t want to do this either – I wondered if she’d been talked into it too. Both of our dads keeping an eye on one another, through us. I thought the game playing stopped when you grew up, but clearly not. Adults were still just as bad. “Hello.”

  “What can I get you to drink?” As I asked her this, I could see her eyeing the joint with distain. It wasn’t a rundown, shit hole, it was actually a really nice establishment, but she clearly didn’t want to see that. She just wanted to be a bitch as always.

  And that was the exact moment that I decided if everyone around me was going to play games, then I would too. I was going to tease and rile up this chick, make her mad and horny, see how far I could push her, then I would leave her all alone. Crazed and by herself.

  “Cider?” I teased. “A lager?”

  “I think I’ll have some champagne,” she replied snootily, looking me up and down. If she wanted to look at me with disgust too, then she failed miserably. I could see the familiar spark of desire behind her eyes – one that I was very used to seeing – and I realized that she didn’t want to admit it, but that she did actually like me.

  Hmmm, that was interesting.

  “So…” I handed her a drink, about to ask her something about herself before she jumped in, interrupting me.

  “Look, I’m not going to beat around the bush here, I don’t want to be here – and I’m pretty sure that you don’t either.” Okay, she was perceptive. That was good to know. “So maybe we should just finish this drink, and head home. Then we’ve both performed our obligations without ruining our entire evening.”

  “Performed our obligations?” I found myself exclaiming. “Wow, that’s real nice for me – the guy who just wanted to get to know you a little better.” I wasn’t sure why I was arguing – she was basically offering me exactly what I wanted – but the way she went about it just got my back up.


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