Pregnant to an Alien King Box Set

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Pregnant to an Alien King Box Set Page 174

by Gloria Martin

  “Mum has Benji tonight,” I smiled brightly. “So this is the closest thing that we’re going to get to a honeymoon.” I wiggled my eyebrows suggestively at him, hoping that he would get the hint.

  “Oh yeah?” he asked innocently. “And what might you be suggesting?”

  “Well first I’d like to get the hell out of this dress…” He hummed appreciatively at my plan. “And secondly I’d like to get started.”

  “On what?” he gasped, pressing his thick erection against my leg, trying to distract me from my train of thought.

  “Baby number two of course!”

  We’d already decided that we wanted to expand our family now that we were officially together, and I couldn’t wait to get started on that. I couldn’t wait to give Benji a brother or sister – and maybe a couple of others after that!

  With that he pushed me backwards, pressing me up against the wall and he lifted my dress up over his arms, trailing his fingers gently up my legs.

  “Yes ma’am,” he laughed against my lips. “Anything you say.”

  Being back with him like that felt so damn right. Sure it had been a challenging journey, but I no longer cared what anyone else thought of us. I knew that we were perfect together, as did Jason, and that was all that mattered.

  “I love you, you know?” I asked him, turning serious for a moment. “No one has ever made me feel the way that you do.” And that was the truth. Yes, our path had been rocky, and yes both of us had allowed our past to get in the way, but as soon as Benji was born and we began to look forward, everything had changed. He’d really and truly become the perfect man. None of what happened before mattered anymore. “I’m so glad I met you.”

  “Me too,” he agreed, nodding enthusiastically. “I love you too.”

  “Just to think,” I teased, running my hands over his muscles, enjoying the feel of his abs. “All from a one night stand!”

  “All because you were crying,” he laughed back, making me think about Gary just for a second. Thank God he slept with his secretary, thank God I found them in bed together because all of that hurt gave me the life that I’d always wanted.

  Knowing what I know now about love and feeling, what I felt for him was nothing. Habit at best. We were never right together, and while he should have manned up and dumped me properly, I was still grateful that he’d found a way to finish us.

  And then he kissed me once more, filling me with an intense warmth that would keep me going forever. The passion radiating off of Jason’s lips was sparking a fire within me – one that felt like it could burn me up. I needed him, and I had to have him now or I might just die.

  I pulled his body closer to mine, wrapping his arms around me. My heart began pounding with desire, almost bursting from my chest as I felt myself so close to getting exactly what I’ve been wanting all day, right through the entire wedding. If I didn’t have him now, my body might just collapse from longing.

  I could feel a heat pooling in the bottom of my stomach, slowly zipping through my veins as we made out like horny teenagers. It began setting each one of my limbs on fire, leaving me dizzy with desire. I loved this man, I loved him so fiercely, so damn much, and I wanted to physically express that to him. I wanted him to understand.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he moaned loudly, before unhooking my bra and running his hands over my naked breasts, tugging and playing with my nipples as he went, knowing exactly what I liked.

  I threw my head back in ecstasy, closing my eyes, fully losing myself in the moment. Jason took full advantage of this, raining kisses down over my neck and collarbone, sending me increasingly wild.

  “Oh God…” I started to groan under his touch, acutely aware of the hot, wet desire between my legs.

  I gasped out, unable to contain my passion any longer, as his fingers travelled down my body and worked their way towards my panties. He was finally going to find out just how turned on I was, and I was extremely excited for that. I needed him to know just what he did to me. What he always did to me.

  As he traced the outline of my underwear, teasingly, until I almost couldn’t take it anymore, I almost yelled out in frustration. I certainly tugged and pulled on his hair, unable to vocalize just what he was doing to me. I needed him, I had to have him, but I couldn’t catch my breath for long enough to explain this to him.

  Then, he stood me back up and guided me back towards the wall. There we kissed deeply and I threw one of my legs around him, feeling his cock teasing my entrance through my underwear.

  “Stop teasing,” I begged. “I can’t take it anymore. Take my panties off. I need you.”

  Obeying me right away, he tugged the lacy material from my body with one hand, whilst yanking down his boxers with the other until we were both ready for one another. I may have been in my wedding dress, but the gaze he gave me at that moment, made me feel more naked than I ever had before, and I loved that.

  He continued to stare at me, giving me the most desire filled look I’d ever seen, whilst plunging deep inside me, giving me an experience like no other.

  It only took a few thrusts before the waves started to crash through me. By this point, Jason seemed to know my body better than I knew it myself, and his expert way of riding me, had me teetering on the edge very quickly.

  “Oh shit,” I cried, as the orgasm shuddered through me. “Oh God, Jason.”

  “Mrs. Evans!” he yelled, as he came too. “I love you my wife.”

  As we collapsed, panting, exhausted from our encounter, I couldn’t help but smile at his use of the word ‘wife’. We were married now. Together forever, and nothing was going to get in our way…


  Bonus Story 46 of 50



  As I stared out of the train window, watching the world pass me by, I couldn’t help but wish that I was anywhere else in the world. The last thing I wanted to do was head home for the summer, but it seemed like I didn’t have any choice. After two years of avoiding my home town, of spending the school holidays anywhere but at home, I was having to go back there.

  When my mom died after a long battle with cancer, I escaped. I couldn’t face anyone at home anymore, so I headed off to boarding school where I wouldn’t have to see anyone that knew me. Or mom. Ever since then, my dad had been begging me to come back, but up until now I’d managed to refuse. But now he was getting remarried, and I was going back to meet the woman that would go on to become my stepmom.


  I knew nothing about this woman, only that she’d moved to town a year or so after I left, and that she had a teenage son who was some kind of motorcycle rebel – another idiot to add to the cast of characters that was my new family. I’d have kept well away if I could have, but my dad had literally begged me to meet them, and I felt too guilty not to. I was growing a little disillusioned with my extremely rich, snobby boarding school friends anyway, so the only thing I was looking forward to was the chance to reconnect with some of my old friends. Hopefully they would still want me after I’d left in such a hurry. I hadn’t spoken to any of them in a very long time, but I hoped they would understand. We’d been friends since kindergarten. I prayed everything would be fine.

  I sighed deeply as I stepped off the train, drinking in the familiar, but also strange, surroundings. It was weird being back in my home town, knowing that my whole life was about to change. I wasn’t quite ready for it, and I had no idea how I was going to handle what was to come. I could have used a much needed moment to catch my breath, but my father was already waving excitedly at me, with tears shining in his eyes.

  “I know you told me to stay away,” he said, pulling me into a deep hug, “but I wanted to be here to pick you up.”

  “Thanks dad,” I replied lamely, desperately wishing that he had listened to me.

  “Come on,” he said. He took my bags from me, smiling a little too brightly for my liking. “Marie is in the car waiting to meet you.”

tried to grin back, but my sinking heart was plastered all over my face.

  The car drive home was painful. Marie was trying her best, but I had absolutely no intention of making it easy for her. Dad might need me to get along with this woman, but that didn’t matter to me. I hadn’t asked for this new family, I didn’t want it, and from what I’d observed there was no way it was going to last anyway. Marie was far too young for my dad, and my first impression was that they had nothing in common. I figured there was little point in me making an effort with someone who wasn’t going to be around for much longer anyway.



  “For fuck’s sake,” I growled, looking down at my phone. “Assholes.”

  “What’s going on, bro?” my friend Slick called out, as I angrily stubbed my cigarette out on the ground. “You look pissed.”

  “Just my mom and her bullshit boyfriend,” I said, shaking my head sharply as a reply. “I have to go eat with them. His kid is coming home from boarding school or some shit.” I knew Norm’s child was a teenager – only a year younger than me – but I didn’t want the guys to know that. I had a reputation to uphold – playboy, bad boy, and general badass. If they knew I was spending so much time with some chick, they’d want to know why I wasn’t fucking her already.

  Of course, I wouldn’t do that. I wanted to pry my mom away from that boring dick, not create a deeper bond with that family.

  “So don’t go,” he replied as if it was obvious. “Ignore them.”

  I’d love to have done what he said, but I wouldn’t. The truth was that despite everything I loved my mom and I would do anything for her.

  “What and hang out with you sad sacks all evening?” I laughed, passing it off as a joke. “No thanks.”

  “But we’re all going to the track later. Don’t you want to race?” This tugged at my heartstrings a little. I loved motorbike racing, especially at the local track. That was where I’d managed to build up my reputation – which was important since I’d moved here so late in my schooling career. It was where I’d become cool, and eventually something of a local celebrity. I was good on my bike – it was the one thing I did well, and I loved it.

  “Maybe,” I shrugged, wanting to seem like I didn’t care one way or the other. “Might see you bastards later then.” And I swung around on my bike, heading towards home, my mind solely on how I was going to play my next move.

  I’d been trying to split mom and Norm up for a while now, and was slowly chipping away at them. If I could get this girl to hate me too, then that would surely be a step in the right direction.

  By the time I screeched my bike up into the driveway, I was all ready for her. I put on my worst attitude and stepped through the door.

  However, what I was faced with wasn’t what I was expecting at all. Instead, the girl that spun around to face me as I stomped into the kitchen was the most beautiful girl that I’d ever laid my eyes on. She actually caused my heart to skip a beat – a sensation that I’d never had before. Not even with Cassie – the one girl I’d been with for any length of time. The only one I’d really consider an ex.

  The first thing I noticed about her was her sparkling green eyes. Then I started to see her cute face, her dimples, her smile, and her full lips. As my eyes slowly scanned her, with my heart in disbelief, I drank in her long wavy red hair, her pale skin, her curves… she had the most rocking body I’d ever laid my eyes upon. I was turned on at the mere sight of her.

  But then I forced myself to shake all of that away. I needed this girl to be a part of my game. I needed her to hate me. I couldn’t start liking her; that would only spell trouble.

  No, I needed to remember my plan. I had to be horrible, that was the only way I was going to get what I wanted…



  Oh. My. God.

  The second I laid my eyes upon him I felt my entire body turn to jelly. He sparked a reaction inside of me that I’d never experienced before. He was literally the hottest guy that I’d ever seen and I didn’t know what to do about it.

  I stared like an idiot at him for far too long – drinking in his tall, muscular body, his deep brown eyes and his dark hair that was practically cut to his head. He was wearing leathers that screamed ‘bad boy’ and that I was also sure was hiding some pretty rocking abs.

  “Ricky,” Marie finally appeared behind me, with her arms stretched to embrace her son. As my eyes flicked between them both, I couldn’t quite work out how she had a child that old – she must have had him when she was only a teenager. “This is Talia,” she finally announced, stepping backwards to reveal me once more. She was acting like we were friends, like I hadn’t just ignored her for the last hour or so, which put me on edge even more.

  “H… Hi,” I stuttered, stretching out my hand to shake his, like the biggest dork ever. I cringed internally, but it was too late. The gesture was already made.

  “Hi Talia,” he practically drooled, taking my hand in his. As soon as he touched me, I felt electricity coursing through my body, so I snatched my hand away quickly. Unfortunately he seemed to know exactly what was happening with me, because he gave me a knowing, satisfied smirk. “Well, you don’t look much like your father,” he laughed, shooting me a wink.

  Marie tried to brush over the tension, as my heart thumped painfully against my chest. ““Come on. Dinner’s ready.”

  I attempted to keep my eyes fixed firmly on my plate as I ate, not wanting to look at anyone, but my dad kept trying to drag me into conversation. On top of that, everything that Ricky said seemed to have a sexual undertone that no one else could pick up on. It was driving me crazy.

  This guy might be seriously hot, but he was far too arrogant for my liking. My body might have been reacting to him, but my mind despised him already.

  I escaped the table at the very first opportunity that I could. I shut the door behind me and took a deep breath. Ricky had sent me on a rollercoaster that I really didn’t like. There were tears that threatened to come at the prospect of having to spend a lot of time with these awful people, but I refused to let them fall. I couldn’t.

  To distract myself, I grabbed hold of my phone and I dialed the number that I hadn’t called in a very long time. I needed to speak to a friendly voice, and I hoped that she would still have time for me. My best friend – Kira.

  “Hello?” she answered quickly, as if she didn’t recognize the number.

  “H… hi Kira,” I stammered. “It’s me, Talia.”

  “Oh my god,” she squealed excitedly, much to my relief. “Talia, how are you? Are you okay? It’s been so long!”

  “I know, I’m sorry.” I hung my head in shame as I realized just how much I’d neglected my friends. I’d been through a terrible time, but nevertheless my behavior was inexcusable. “I shouldn’t have gone off the radar like that.”

  “Oh that doesn’t matter,” she said. “You have missed out on a lot, though. What are you up to tonight?”

  “Oh, erm…” I hadn’t expected her to want to see me so soon. “I’m not sure…” In reality, I was exhausted, not necessarily in the mood for going out.

  “Well, we’re going to watch the race tonight. There’s this new guy – Ricky Nyle – he’s an awesome bike racer, and super cute.”

  Oh god, did she mean the same Ricky that was about to become my step brother? Why did I feel so weird about that?

  “Then there will probably be a party later. There usually is.”

  Motorbike racing and parties… when the hell had my friends gone from the quiet, studious people I once knew, to who they are now?

  “Maybe next time,” I said. I wasn’t really in the mood. “I’m so tired from my journey. I need to rest, but I really can’t wait to hang out again.” I was telling the truth, I wanted to see all my old friends, and I hoped that we could pick up where we left off. But if I no longer had anything in common with my friends here, then I had no one, no place in the world.

  It was going
to be a long old summer…!



  My plan to wind Talia up until she lost it and told her dad not to marry my mom was going well. I kept making wildly inappropriate comments at every opportunity, driving her mad, but I didn’t feel as good about it as I thought I would. In fact, every time her face twisted up in confusion, or fell in annoyance, my heart went a little fluttery and weird.

  Maybe it was because I’d heard some chick talking about her at the track, saying how she’d lost it when her mother had died, and how she didn’t seem back to her usual self even now. Maybe I felt bad about the impact I was already having on her life after everything she’d already been through, without adding me being an asshole to her on top of it.

  Or maybe it was because I was becoming more and more attracted to her each day. There was no denying that she did something to me, and that it wasn’t going away any time soon. The more I got to know about her, the more I liked her sweet, studious nature which was the complete opposite of me. The more time I spent with her – which to be fair, wasn’t much because she kept trying to avoid me – the deeper I found myself falling for her. It was driving me insane.

  I thought about her all the damn time – on the track, in bed, out and about. All I wanted to do was spend more time with her, be nice to her, and get to know her. But that totally contradicted with my original plan. I wasn’t sure which outcome I wanted more.

  If I continued to be awful, our parents would break up and it was unlikely that I would ever see her again. She would go back to boarding school, and that would be that. The solution to the problem I’d been facing for the last year.

  But, if I caved, if I started to be nice to Talia, to really give her a chance, and my feelings towards her increased, then it was likely that something would happen between us. We would end up hooking up and then what?


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