There was silence whilst everyone gathered their thoughts.
“Ok, we have to act fast or we risk loosing everyone,” I said finally.
“If we haven’t already.” Trina said more to her self than to us.
“We have to assume that they are just being held captive. For our own sanity at least. But we need to find out if anyone else avoided capture before we do anything. Michael can I ask you and Olie to survey Tisandor and bring anyone you find here.” I asked.
Olie bowed and swept of into the canopy, a finch once again. Michael spun on the spot, his black travelling cape appearing around him. He crouched down than sprung into the air spreading his arms which where now wings and soaring after her. The sight took my breath away, I didn’t think that I would ever tire of watching them shift.
“What can I do?” Asked Margie.
“You can summon as many weapons that you can think of whilst Trina and I scry for Cassandras army.” Margie nodded and with a fierce look on her face started summoning.
Trina set a bowl of water in front of her and sat gazing into its depths. I couldn’t see anything, but Trina seemed to be following shadowy forms with her eyes so I left her to it. I had never scried before but remembered a map on the wall in the Queens throne room that may be useful and had Margie summon it for me. The map came on her third attempt, it was apparently hard to summon something that you have never seen. I was glad to see that the map allowed me to see to the edges of Tisandors borders, with people and animals glowing as they moved around. I sat and watched the glowing figures move around and tryed to focus on only people and not the hundreds of animals that kept leaping out from bushes and trees and throwing me off. I found three people in the first five minutes, one was Undine in the river, and the other two where patrolling the cities borders. I could only see brief flashes of these guards. They seemed to be outside the barrier, or in the barrier. When I tried to focus on them they seemed to jump from one spot to another in the blink of an eye and judging from their behaviour each time this happened, they where as surprised by it as I was.
I swept my gaze to the palace to try and see what Olie had seen. I saw two glowing blotches but both where to faint to be people and where moving at such a speed that they where just smudges of light on the map. Two animal forms where advancing towards the temple, which I assumed to be Michael and Olie. I blinked a few times to clear my mind after staring at the map and stood to stretch my legs that had cramped from sitting for so long.
A crash from the other side of the room made me start. It seemed that Margie had just summoned half of a wall.
“Bum, I almost had it that time.”
Trina laughed at the strange assortment of objects now lying at Margie’s feet.
There where maybe four or five long bladed swards, about twenty bows and two quivers of arrows, one pitchfork and a hoe. But as well as this there was a metal tub, assorted bracelets and necklaces, some copper pots, the half a wall and a pile of wood that may have once been the wall of a shed.
Over head Michael and Olie circled the canopy before coming down to land on the stone floor.
“Did you find anyone?” I asked as they changed into their human forms.
“Yes, they should be here any minute,” I breathed a sigh of relief. We had little hope of defeating Cassandra by our selves but if we had even a small army of elves it may be possible to save the others.
A small voice at the other side of the room signalled their arrival. I almost screamed at what came walking through the door though. One hairy, hoofed leg and the top of someone’s head collided with our wards than stood patiently whilst Michael and I cleared a small opening in the magic for it.
Once it was in, it stood for a moment before, with a small pop, became visible. It was a faun, carrying the little elvan girl that I had seen by the river my first night here.
“Good girl Isabella,” the faun said before placing her on the ground and going to get her some food from the pile in the corner.
“Greetings Queen Amaris,” The faun said bowing to me as he handed Isabella an apple. “And to you Goddess, General” he said turning to Trina and Michael. “I am Friad, son of Rictus.”
“It is a pleasure to meet you Friad. But tell us how is it that you escaped the attack?” I asked.
“There was no attack Your Highness. They came swiftly and silently through the trees. I was returning Isabella to her family when they came. If it wasn’t for Isabella’s quick reflexes we to would be gone too.”
“Grandma told me to,” said Isabella through a mouthful of apple.“ She said that there where bad people in the forest and to go and hide in the palace until she came to get me. So I disappeared Fri and me and he ran me home.”
“You mean that Queen Isaldia is your grandmother?” I asked astounded that this young girl could not only turn herself invisible, but most of a faun as well. I knew from my lessons that it was very advanced magic to wipe out your image; most elves never master the skill. And to cast it on someone else was unheard of.
“Did she tell you who the bad people where?” Trina asked.
“No, I don’t think she had time. She was only there for a moment.”
“Only where?” I asked.
“In my head. She’s never dun it before, she said that I was only aloud to go in her mind if it was really, really important. I did it once before but this time it was scary.”
“You mean her mind was scary? What was wrong with it?” Michael asked.
“Last time her head was pretty and it was easy to talk but when I was in the palace her head was like sticky mud and I couldn’t get in properly. Is there any honey?”
Michael and I looked at each other, the worry plain on his face. We where interrupted when the wards where activated again. Michael got up to let the latecomers in.
About ten men walked in with one woman emerging from between them. I recognised one of the men as Marshika the smithy. His chest was bare but for a thick leather vest that protected him from flying embers in his shop. In his hand he held a heavy iron hammer and had two daggers strapped to his sides. Some of the other men I recognised as guards from the palace, others where dressed in fine clothing and looked like they had been in the palace at the time of the attack. The woman was wearing and white tunic and gold leggings. I had seen her around the city but had never spoken to her.
“My lady,” Marshika bowed to me, “It is good to see you well, I have brought as many as I could locate. Some were preparing for the Queens return within the protections of the palace and the others I had in my shop for the night, making repairs to their weapons. This young lady here is my niece Orasla. She is a messenger for the Queen and was outside the city tonight returning just minutes ago.”
Michael had moved over and was talking hurriedly to the guards. Most had swords and at Michaels request showed me the dozen or so blades hidden on each elves body.
“Marshika forgive me for asking, but how did you escape the attack?” I asked.
“My shop was blessed by Pala. You mother young goddess,” he said, nodding to Trina. “It is as well protected as the palace.”
“Hi Orasla,” called Margie, waving from behind Trina.
“Hey Margie, hey can I grab something from your pile over there?” She asked gesturing to the pile of assorted weapons in the corner.
“How’d she know that Margie got them?” I asked Marshika as Margie helped Orasla to sort through the pile.
“They have been friends since they where little and Orasla has the gift of witch sight. She cannot work strong magic herself but can see it from a mile off.”
“But how did she know that, say Trina for example, didn’t get them?”
“Nobody’s magic is exactly the same, like my uncles work." Orasla said swingling a sword around. "Black smiths can recognise different smiths work. Patterns, styles, no two are exactly alike,” she slung a bow over she shoulder and borrowed an additional 2 blades from one of the guards to add to her own, which was str
apped to her ankle. “I can recognise the magic of everyone in this city and most of those in our neighbouring cities.”
We settled everyone in and sat and discussed what we knew and what we could do to help. We managed to get a pretty good idea of what happened from everyone’s stories but we where still unsure of exactly where the rest of the cities population was. We had worked out from what Friad, Undine and Olie had said that the attack was not made by the Ladies army but by magic, which was why no one could see it or was able to fight it. Friad, Isabella and the palace servants where protected by the palaces wards, Olie was to high for it to affect her, Undine was underwater at the time and presumably the spell passed over the surface of the river not reaching its depths. Margie was inside the temples garden wards which where stronger than the rest of the temple because this was where the sacred fire was kept, and the rest were within Marshika’s shop.
Orasla assured us that the wards around the city looked to be intact and that she had felt as well as saw them when she passed through just under an hour ago. But we still had no idea as to how Michael, Trina and I escaped.
“Well there are only three reasons that I can think of,” Said Michael making his voice heard over the many discussions in the room. “Either we where not affected because we where sleeping and the spell was only on contuse minds, or one of us cast an incredibly strong shield spell in our sleep,” they all looked at me, but I assured them that if I couldn’t cast one when I was awake there was no chance that I cast one in my sleep.
“Well the last option is that she didn’t want Lilly to be captured and because we where in physical contact with her we where protected as well.”
“No, the Lady is not that good with magic, she has not had her powers for long. I would say that she expected everyone would be awake at the celebration and cast a simple spell to save time,” Oralsa added. I was going to ask how she knew about the Lady but restrained myself when no one else questioned it.
“But wouldn’t they have seen that you where all still there?” Margie asked.
“I don’t think that they have actually been inside Tisandor’s walls. I saw no one past the wall when I scried, how about you lill?” asked Trina.
“No, I only saw two guards on the map and they where both just outside the boarders.”
“Than we must assume that they have not yet broken the wards, this is good news indeed,” Friad concluded smiling. “And... Isabella are you ok?” He spun to face her. Everyone turned to look at her, she was sitting bolt up right and staring directly ahead with a blank look in her eyes her head tilted slightly to one side as though listening to something.
We sat and watched her, she didn’t blink or move in any way, and only her breathing showed that she was alive.
“Undine says that the walls are flashing.” We all jumped at the sound of her voice. She was still in the trance but was apparently able to speak to us at the same time.
“They must be trying to get through the wall. Isabella, ask her if she can see the wall when it flashes,” Michael asked.
There was no sign that she had heard, but a moment later she relayed Undines reply.
“She said that she couldn’t at first but she can now and it is getting clearer every time it happens.”
I could tell that this was not good news.
“If they keep going at this rate the wards will only last another hour, two at the most,” Michael said his face hardening.
“Than we need to act now,” I said, sounding more confident than I was.
“I agree.” Said Friad. “But what can we do, our numbers are smaller than the armies, and three of our number are just children.”
“I’m not a child,” said Isabella.
“Neither am I,” shot Margie. Friad laughed at the out bursts, making Margie blush.
“And if you’re referring to my niece as the third than I should tell you that she has been in combat more times than most of the men in the Queens guard.” The guards all nodded.
“She saved my life on several occasions,” added one of the older elves.
“My apologies miss, no harm intended,” Friad said, Orasla inclined her head to him showing that she had taken no offence.
“Ok, I think that first we must find out what we are all capable of. We need to arm our selves and know each others strengths and weaknesses,” I stated.
“Isabella, I know that you can communicate with your mind and make yourself invisible which is a great skill, but can you perform any other magic?” I asked.
“No, Gran wont let me. I've been invisible since I was born, no one will play hide and seek with me any more.”
“Yes little imp, I still remember the first time I played with you, it took me 2 days to find you,” Said Friad. Isabella giggled.
“Alright,” I continued, “Put your hand up if you can perform magic.” Three of the guards raised their hands as did one of the servants. Michael, Trina, Friad, Orasla and Margie also raised their hands.
“But I must say Your Highness, that I can only work with what I have, our magic is not for conjuring,” said Friad.
“Ai, and mine is not strong,” added the servant who the others had called Kanad.
“That’s ok, we need different skills in order to win. Ok everyone name what skills you possess and your strengths.” Everyone looked hesitant to go first. Surprisingly it was Margie that spoke first.
“I’m the best in the temple at banishing, I am also pretty good at working with the wind,” she added shyly.
“I’m most powerful with the land, stone and metal working,” said Michael, “I am also the General of Queen Isaldia’s army.” I realised my mouth was open and quickly closed it. That explained why Isha’s guards where so frightened of him and why Isaldia’s guards went directly to him when they arrived.
“I have the power over fire from my mother," Trina said. "However I should worn you that my magic seems to backfire more often than not and make holes and pits everywhere. Sometimes things just disappear even when I’m not working magic and other times they appear.”
“Hee hee, I remember when that cow appeared in mother Meralda’s room,” laughed Margie.
“Yes, unfortunately she hasn’t forgotten it either.” Trina said, looking at her feet, but couldn’t help a small grin.
“Well just try not to vanish any of us ok,” I said jokingly, “Olie, can you fight in your human form?” I asked.
“I can defend myself if need be,” I nodded, acknowledging that the ability to morph was an incredible gift in itself.
The guards’ magic was mostly for shields and banishing also. Kanad the servant however seemed to have a very interesting assortment of skills.
“Get him to explain his magic to you,” jested Orasla nudging him with her elbow.
“Thanks Orasla, that’s the last time I let you sneak out through my room,” we waited for him to continue. “Ok, fine. I can silence and create the illusion of sound.” Orasla was grinning at him, but no one else seemed to understand.
Suddenly the crashing of hundreds of steel caped boots sounded just out side on the stone floor. Everyone jumped to arms, the guards fanned out across the room with Michael at their lead. Marshika took a stance in the centre of the room whilst the palace servants rushed to protect Isabella and Margie who where hurried to the corner of the room. Just as suddenly as it had started, the crashing stopped and was replaced with a haunting hollow sound of wind rushing through the many tunnels of the temple. The sound of laughter echoed through the room. Everyone turned to see Orasla laughing so much that her eyes streamed with tears.
“Orasla that was not funny, and you to young man, stop it at once you," Marshika’s mouth continued to move but not a sound came out. Everyone turned towards Kanad to find that he was sitting calmly with one finger pressed to his lips. He gave a lopsided smile than lowered his hand.
“-of yourself.” Marshika looked slightly bemused but impressed all the same.
“Well that was quite a show
,” One of the guards remarked sheathing his sword and resuming his place by the fire.
“Yes, quite a gift you have there,” added Friad.
“And with Undines ability over water we have a pretty good mix of skills,” I added.
Michael took over than, discussing strategy with everyone. How we where going to approach the wall where Cassandra was focussing her attack and how we where going to prevent them from swarming the city if they did make it through.
We where forced to stop when Isabella got another message from Undine saying that the attacks had increased and that the wall would not hold up for much longer if it continued.
We decided that we could waste no more time talking. Those who needed additional weapons went to the pile that Margie had summoned and outfitted them selves with as many weapons as they could hold. Olie selected a very small dagger that she could morph with, Michael still had his sword from my coronation the night before, but also strapped several smaller blades around his body . Trina and I each grabbed a bow and quiver set and a long sword each. We gave Isabella and Margie a decent sized dagger each, for protection more than to fight with. Fraid declined any weapon, saying that it was not in a Fauns nature to harm others and that it would interfere if he needed to move quickly.
We knew that we did not have much time, but used what we had to practice some spells that we may need. Trina took Margie aside and showed her how to shield herself and summon nearby objects so that they threw them selves at the enemy not her.
Michael taught me to summon and shield as well, but in a much more aggressive way. As Michael's powers and mine where the strongest I had to learn to shield those around me that couldn't as well as shielding myself.
I was trying to summon Isabella across the room when I found myself suddenly standing on the other side of the fire.
“Oh that was close,” said Trina. “ Sorry Lill I was trying to call Margie to me.”
“Yeh that’s alright,” I said feeling a little disoriented but thankful that I hadn’t disappeared.
Half an hour later, we left the temple feeling that we couldn’t waist any more time. Olie flew ahead to check for danger.
Bladed Wings Page 17